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Status Replies posted by anwiii

  1. Web_designer you're ONE DEDICATED MEMBER! I joined 13 days before you, and have made almost 700 posts less.. You must be posting like crazy!

  2. WooHoo!!! new NAME - myKS.us

  3. Everyone saw me coming and left the chatroom seconds before I joined

  4. Everyone saw me coming and left the chatroom seconds before I joined

  5. I tried joining the chat and I can't do it. ERROR after ERROR. I'm giving up for now.

  6. So i made 50 posts..not bad...slow and steady ...im not a part of any race :)

  7. Web_designer you're ONE DEDICATED MEMBER! I joined 13 days before you, and have made almost 700 posts less.. You must be posting like crazy!

  8. WooHoo!!! new NAME - myKS.us

  9. man !! I am back !! How are things here .. Please Update me ....

  10. So you ask people what's with the attitude and rudeness and all they have to say is "Freedom of Speech" to shut you up. What a fake lame excuse...Freedom of speech never dictates that people should go around giving attitudes and being rude and disrespectful to each other. Seriouly some poeple need to be more considerate to others!!!!

  11. just returned from a short break and is shocked to see that the forum looks like its taking a break too :(

  12. So you ask people what's with the attitude and rudeness and all they have to say is "Freedom of Speech" to shut you up. What a fake lame excuse...Freedom of speech never dictates that people should go around giving attitudes and being rude and disrespectful to each other. Seriouly some poeple need to be more considerate to others!!!!

  13. So i made 50 posts..not bad...slow and steady ...im not a part of any race :)

  14. Web_designer you're ONE DEDICATED MEMBER! I joined 13 days before you, and have made almost 700 posts less.. You must be posting like crazy!

  15. hi forums...hi friends...hi mates...WB COME BACK AGAIN...missed you all...happy to be in here again...

  16. my site will be suspended due to no mycents.

  17. after standing up for the members of this forum about increasing the limit size of signatures, buffalohelp has now suspended my posting privlidges. when they return, i promise to post something he wrote a while back which will let everyone know how he talks to the members of this forum and how he himself abuses his admin powers for his own selfish reasons and show why he is a hypocrite. it will give a clear view of why his is so widely hated in this forum by his own admition in his own pm.

  18. Need a strong medicine for Guilt. nothing seems to help... *BLEEP*in Hell! why did I grow up?

  19. "chaos" is not the situation where you can see me

  20. :( still no updates, and hosting about ready for renewal
  21. U may not stay with me all my life, u may not always do all the crazy things people do in love...but i know it well that you love me truly..this is enough to keep me going..i can now live happily :) :)

  22. I tried joining the chat and I can't do it. ERROR after ERROR. I'm giving up for now.

  23. sooooo hooooot out

  24. OK... I JUST got back from a road trip for 2 days... and every topic is closed and everything is deserted... what the heck happened?

  25. I can't seem to get enough sleep ***Yawn***

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