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Status Replies posted by anwiii

  1. want to know everything

  2. well my choice of mood is obivous... dead


  4. PS: Please fix the "View New Content" bug! Still can't read new posts unless I'm logged out (as a Guest??)

  5. yay, opaque added the mood mod... so which one should i choose, lonely, horny or goofy? Well, at least he didn't add more toys to the footer...

  6. 連邦政府軍のご協力により、君達の基地は、全てCATSがいただいた。(All Your Bases Are Belong To us.)

  7. People that love me & care about me always said I am HOPE & JOY to everyone around me. This is a responsibility I am honored to bear & for that I REALIZE that life has its downs sometimes. I ACKNOWLEDGE that life will be joyful too & bring its ups after its downs are over. I WILL NEVER LOSE Hope because I deserve the best :)

  8. i reached 800 posts.....beat you all who under 800....:)...

  9. Don't think I can't feel that there's something wrong... You've been the sweetest part of my life so long.... I look in your eyes, there's a distant light And you and I know there'll be a storm tonight .... This is getting serious... Are you thinking 'bout you or us... Don't say what you're about to say.... Look back before you leave my life ... Be sure before you close that door.... Before you roll those dice... Baby think twice...

  10. la laa laa la laa :) :)

  11. ok. that settles it. it's not my battery. it's my alternator. my brand new battery is completely dead and i need to go in to town again soon!

  12. I saw a snake today, cute little fella..

  13. Don't think I can't feel that there's something wrong... You've been the sweetest part of my life so long.... I look in your eyes, there's a distant light And you and I know there'll be a storm tonight .... This is getting serious... Are you thinking 'bout you or us... Don't say what you're about to say.... Look back before you leave my life ... Be sure before you close that door.... Before you roll those dice... Baby think twice...

  14. "Some think it's holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it's letting go."

  15. difficult to pass even a second today...i made myself alone

  16. Why fifty states when there can only be one? -- The Muse


  18. I feel like jumping from my floor, landing in chocolate syurp, running down the street yelling stuff and beating up over-sized funny chickens in a farm and I wanna be back home by 6' o Clock.

  19. Hi dear! My name is angela i saw your profile today here and became intrested in you,and i want you to send an email to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know me better. - Whoa! I found love in my inbox!

  20. Even when there is an eclipse, it doesn't last for long and the sun always comes up :) H4L says that's enough and starting today she will always remember that the sun will soon come up, the birds will chant again, the rosebuds will bloom and the beautiful rainbow will appear! :-)

  21. Even when there is an eclipse, it doesn't last for long and the sun always comes up :) H4L says that's enough and starting today she will always remember that the sun will soon come up, the birds will chant again, the rosebuds will bloom and the beautiful rainbow will appear! :-)

  22. if you live in a house, all his sides are overlooking to one direction. and you saw a bear, what his color then?

  23. Why aren't noses 12 inches long?

  24. A person whose mind is free of attachment ,who has subdued the mind and the senses,and who is free of desires,attains the supreme perfection of freedom from karma through renunciation

  25. chatting with myself is fun!

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