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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. you suond familiar. how old are you....and were your always from michigan? i don't normally go by this screen name so you wouldn't know me....
  2. i have a problem with 7 and 8. i do agree not to add fish right away but that is ONLY because you need to let the chemicals in the water disipate which takes 1 week. after that, it is safe to add fish. BUT! when you add fish, add the least expensive ones at first(i suggest 2-3 guppies NOT goldfish) because they create a natural toxin that kills fish and only the hardy ones will survive. after adding 2-3 fish, i wait about 1 month until the tank "cycles" all the deadly natural chemicals turn to nitrates(which wont kill your fish) AND your gravel is now a natural filter which should NOT be touched as much as the last post suggested since it is a natural filter and the nitrates eat up the deadly natural chemicals like nitrites. i suggest 25% water changes every week along with the surface of the gravel(don't dig deep in to it). clean the filter and check the chemical balance of your water once a month. no need to add water conditioner. the better way is to get a 5 gallog sparklets bottle full of water that sits a week before you add it to your tank for the water change. buy fish that seem to thrive in the same type of water condions i.e. hard/alkaline/soft/acidic etc... for the person who had the algae problem. your fish are healthy. sounds like your tank is by a window. buy a pleco and a couple cories. snails are fine but if have more than 5 on your glass, squish 'm with your finger. snails will pollute your tank as they are VERY prolific! if you are like me, you want to turn the light off all during the day and turn it on right before bed. for someone with a fresh water tank, i HIGHLY recomend buying 3 clown loaches(never just 1). they are facinating boogers with the most personality. i would also suggest kooli loaches(3 again that look like worms). the clown loaches like to come out at night and play. don't get frightened if you think one died or disapeared, it's probably hiding somewhere you didn't think to look. they hide VERY WELL but fun to watch when they are out playing and swimming around. another good fish is a betta. they are bubble nest builders and very interesting to watch when they are making their nest. watch out for the fin nipping by other fish though. dwarf african frogs(2-3) are a nice addition too. they have their own unique personality. for the beginner, i would suggest guppies/mollies/platties/swordtails which are ALL live bearing fish and ALL of them are easy to distiguish the sex. nothing more fun that to see baby fishies swimmin' around your tank but make sure you have lots of fake or live plants for them to hide or they will be fish food for the bigger fish a smaller tank will need more attention thank a bigger tank(10 gallon vs. 60 gallon) the feedings should be twice a day and feed them enough so they feed for a minute and a half. ALSO! if you want your fish to be REALLY happy, then feed them frozen or live foods. any food that gets uneaten and at the bottom of your tank, just leave there for your weekly top gravel cleaning(as long as your tank has cycled and running over a couple months already). if your tank hasn't been running at least a month, i would clean the excess food daily. they will cause toxins in your tank that will also kill your fish. fish waste will kill your fish in the first month and the secretions from their bodies create chemicals that will kill your fish within the first month.....ESPECIALLY if you have a small tank. NEVER start a tank with lots of fish. 5 at the most and wait a month.....if you have a 10 gallon tank, this refers to you the most! salt water is different and more expensive but fresh water is fun. when you get experienced, you can start trying to create the right environments to breed the egg laying fish like jack depsy's and gouramies(my favorites...and the bettas). don't ever keep two male bettas in the same tank though. ok. that's it. any questions, ask this is one of my hobbies and has been for years
  3. first of all, what was the name???? got me curious.... second of all, you have the option to block specific #'s third of all, have fun with it. talk jibberish. make up words. use a fake accent where they wont be able to understand you. tell 'm your a lezbian and play the role. tell 'm your a really a guy but born with this screwed up voice....then start hot chatting these guys AS a guy....see how long they stay on the phone. make it a game. i would. add a little spice to something that frustrates you. life isn't supposed to be so stressfull...heheheh or you could always ask for their # so you can call them right back, then *67 before you call back 100 times. see how THEY like it but if you are really getting tired of the calls. there's a national block list you can sign up for through your telephone company. you can also manually block individual #'s, or heck, if it's really bad, i woulda just changed my # if it was a new one.
  4. it's also free will to learn from our mistakes and be better human beings while we are on earth. we tend to see mistakes as a bad thing, but if we learn from them and make better choices in the future, mistakes are actually something good. everyone makes mistakes. it's what we do with them that matter. "god" allows free will. he/she would only hope you live your life the way it was meant....and that would be different for everyoneif there was no free will, and "god" controlled what happens here then obviously the world would be perfect, would it not? unless god loves to impliment all the violence and negativity....
  5. you can do that, or what i do usually is scroll down to the very bottom and view "latest activity" and it shows exactly the threads i might be interested posting in. now given, if you want more credits, you need quality posts, but i see this place as not just a place to post, but a community where i post 1-2 line posts sometimes that has no content because that as well is a form of communication. i know i wont get any credits for it, but it's just like the chat box if you have something really quick to say or point out. Xisto offers something that yahoo and hotmail offered a long time ago. instead of email, it's webhosting. hotmail and yahoo had restrictions that you had to abide by to keep your email account. BOTH still tell you to log on once a month or your account will be deleted. i would like to see more quality posts myself. even my fiance mentioned it. i feel to get more quality posts you need to lower the credit system. if you do this, the lazy users will disapear and there will be more quality posts BUT Xisto will lose a big chunk of users and lose their page views and click throughs and potential customers for paid hosting. if they increased posting credits, they would increase their user base, thus making more money in the areas i mentioned BUT the post quality would go down. any user who comes here has to see that there is a middle ground. a compromise where making money and quality posts balance out. and i feel this has been done here what i WOULD like to see is the people making the more quality posts be recognized and rewarded because it's THOSE people that that spend more of their time making Xisto a quality place to be. NOT just for the webhosting, but for the forums itself. i haven't been here all that long, but long enough to know who is here all the time, making quality posts and helping people. these people don't do it for the credits, they do it because they care. i see it when they start helping others through email or im's. it's those people that keep others coming back. so in the future, i would like to see something like that implimented. it will also encourage others to follow suit and be more productive, making this an even better place. so if i were to make ANY suggestion, THAT would be it but i'm also just happy with the way things are now and i have no complaints. whoever suggested being compensated more for being a quality member here, i agree with you 100% then why have you been posting here (about 25 times now) when you can be there? there must be something Xisto offers that the other place doesn't? HMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........
  6. my initials- if anyone cares.... the "iii" comes from the fact that my father and grandfather and i all have the same name
  7. well i will never tell anyone why they should believe or have faith unless i had all the facts myself to preach or teach. i believe there is something more out there, a higher power. i also believe there is ALOT more out there that we have just started to uncover. i can say this though. i don't believe any one religion has the path to the truth. i believe all relgions have something to offer as far as the truth and what should be believed so i don't believe in any 1 religion. i was raised pres. christian but over time came to mold my beliefs in to what they are today. now is there a "god" that is constantly referred to in the bible? well, i don't know, but if i were to guess, i would say no because heck...there could be more than 1 god or higher power. i don't like to use "higher power" because i am explaining something more great than you or i. i also don't like to use the term "god" because it a god is something you normally worship. my belief comes from something more spiritual were this higher power and i are connected and we are of the same energy and life force. why i also believe we all have a lot to offer this world. jesus sacrificed. we all sacrifice. someone already stated that the bad comes before the good. when the good has come out of the bad, it means you sacrificed a little part of who you were at the time to get to where you are. now it's true. we need the bad in this world to grow. we need those learning experiences to be stronger...and believe me they make you stronger if you hang in there with what is RIGHT because the right way is usually the harder path. i don't like to teach about god or higher power. these are just my beliefs. i do believe that good morals and values need to be taught and they can be taught without believing in the bible or a higher power. i believe if you just live your life with good morals and values, you are one step ahead of all those who don't.
  8. i tip my hat to ya. very respectfull...but your name says alot too heheheh. anyway, look at it as live and learn and practice when you finally have a site hosted(which i am sure you have by now since semi old topic) and you will have to have good content on your website to get listed higher in the engines. i will always take the same route you did if anyone ever had a problem with me here because anything i do will be unintentional and just happy enough to get another chance. why? because even though i've only been around a short period of time, i've learned a lot being here. one of the most important things i recognize is everyone has something in common here and this place is a community some people have a problem with posting or required posting but heck, there is so many topics here, it's hard not to put a littly quality in to posts. some people don't se the true benefits of a community environment and a place where people can come together because they would rather have something for free and although i tip your hat to you bud, this reply wasn't just for you but for anyone else who might run across this thread. that posting should never have to be forced, and that there is something good here besides the free hosting that is offered
  9. you have a lot to learn my friend. in fact, everyone creates their own reality. it has to do with not only perception but believing hard enough in something. to prove this you will need to take a friend somewhere like a store, walk in and walk around for 5 minutes TOGETHER but don't say a word to eachother and leave. both write down what you saw and compare. i gaurantee you that you both had a different experience and reality even though you were side by side the whole time. this chupacabra is no different wether it's real or not. it's not up to us that haven't seen it to say because just because we don't see something for ourselves doesn't mean it doesn't exist just as someone previously mentioned in a post. ever heard of a silkie? talk to someone who is irish and ask them what it is. better yet, you ever seen a fairy? i have not only heard people talk about seeing them on t.v. but also know someone who swears she has seen one. what is actually out there? who the heck knows. but we live a long enough life to find some of it out for ourselves if we put effort in to it and take on the mindset that a lot of things are possible that we never imagined
  10. i loved swimming and fairly good(didn't like the fact my high school didn't have a swim team so swam with the team at the local college) the one thing i hated though was being in the pool for hours because i loved it, but when it came time to get out, realizing it was colder ourtide the pool than inside so sometimes i would just say "screw it" and stay in there and shrivel up like a prune until i had the guts to get out heheh...wondering if anyone else felt this way or i was the only lunkhead and has anyone ever seen that episode from seinfeld about the pool? boy is that true. add THAT to my list too heheh
  11. sorry, that is such HOGWASH! what, first the blacks, and now the other immigrants? what the heck is the difference? why, because they are illegals? first of all, i don't like illegals, but i do have a love for human beings and i feel for all who attempt to come to the united states. i would probably dot he same for a better life and opportunity. we have the technology to pick our own fruits without the slave labor. americans are lazy though and would rather employ illegally and take advantage of others even if they don't belong here? also, you ever think about the homeless in this country? how many of those homeless or runaways would be willing to do a hard days night for food and lodging? illegals are taking away jobs because ins isn't doing their own job. the government want us to think they are doing their job, but in fact they aren't and it's because americans are lazy do they are more willing to allow slave labor in this country to illegals. what they don't know doesn't hurt them, right? wrong! it hurts us all and the medical we give illegals takes away from the medical that should be going to others that are americans that live on the streets and will never go out of arms length away from their cans. what do you think is going to happen if we set a presedece in this country to accept illegals in other ways that are accepted now? did the light bulb go on yet? you will create more motivation for others to enter this country illegally. then what smart guy because it will be a cycle and the cycle will become bigger and out of control. where we will have to create yet another amendment to our contitution to ensure yet a third type of citizenship.... in this country as there are already two different types which are distiguished by the spelling if you take a close look..... citizen and Citizen. and it's even distiguished by the spelling "united states" not capitolized. so now both those spelling are taken so how is this new form of citizenship supposed to be spelled.... in spanish no doubt? really urks me when people talk out of ignorance. but what i really love is people falling for what was just something to attract votes that will NEVER come in to existance....
  12. my take is this. our country gives illegals free health benefits while in our country that the ins can't seem to keep because of our responsibility on our soul. it's just like if your dumb enough to slip and fall and hurt yourself in a friends house, you can sue 'm because they are responsible for their land. so i say put 'm to work. i also say teach them how to drive, teach them how to speak english and teach that BASEBALL is our national pasttime and not soccer! if they are willing to do all this and learn our history and follow our laws, then i have no problem....but then...when the heck are they gonna learn all that crap. if i'm asking for a miracle, then i say stay the heck outta my country and next time i can't understand a word you say when i order my #2 combo supersize from mcdonalds, i say deport them too. or stay hidden in the orange groves at night because that's all you're good for. though, i sure love mexican food!
  13. yea, that is a monster and no way to teach a child as they will have a phobia when older. you should get over it though bud, because swimming can be very relaxing. it can also be the best form of excersize because not only is it cardio(which is excersize that builds a sweat and heavy breathing....ok just had an evil thought....) but also works pretty much every muscle in your body gotta love these topics that get resurrected
  14. read my reply to the topic "how search engines makes their bots"(or something like that...search for it) google doesn't take up to a year as one person mentioned but 3-4 months right now. as someone else mentioned, posting your link that you did will surely get you listed soon so no worries anymore. also, i went to your site. your site is a directory? is all this original content or you copying from someone who is already listed. if this is the case, it's a big no no and some engines will black list you where you will never listed with that domain. don't know if this may be the case here, if you resubmit your site, don't do it any sooner that once a month or some search engines will consider it spamming and black list ya as well. i don't know the whole story but if it's only been 3 months then your coming due even without posting your link here but if there is an untold story i don't know about that goes against the rules of search engines, then nobody will be able to help ya remember, with google to get a high ranking when you do get listed, they highly go on new content and quality links and NOT LINK POPULARITY anymore where if you had a thousand sites linking to you before, you ranked high, where now, you are ranked where nobody will ever see it....quality links my friend. anyway, post to us when ya get listed. should be soon if you broke no rules
  15. originally from the san fernando valley in california, i've seen many a star usually in hollywood, beveryhills or centry city driving right next to me. other than that, i was security for movie sets. i met people from tom cruiz and his wife(snobby sob) to suzan luchi and threw a footbal back and forth with danny aillo. maybe shouldn't have been doin' that while on the job, but i didn't care....heheh, shook hands with clinton and reagon, had dinner with some guy who was full of himself that actually trained the presidents kids in the martial arts. regon actually went to the same church i went to when i was a kid(bel air pres) and saw him many times with a crap load of security everytime meeting stars isn't all what it's cracked up to be. most of them aren't down to earth people and full of themselves. they don't have the time for us peons that get a kick out of meeting someone in person. most wont give you the time of day unless you are a recognized somebody in the media or have an in like i did living in l.a. and also working on the sets. they normally don't like to be approached so i usually just give them their space and i've never asked for an autograph, although if i had an autograph of everyone i met, they'd be worth a little today. a actually, once i got reagon somehow to sign something for me but i lost it ....oh well se la vi.... now i live cross country in a small town away from big city life where everyone was to busy to even aknowledge you and highly materialistic....not that i don't like money and the finer things but i don't let it control me. anyway, that' my little story....
  16. search engines normally use bots so you're out of luck there, but directories like yahoo, or dmoz, etc....don't they have live people looking over your website to make sure you found the right directory and your site is up and running with no under construction page. now although normally all search engines and directories take time to list because when you submit your site, you are last in the que for the bot to spider which takes up to 3 months now i hear since there are more than 3 billion webpages out there now(not sure on exact figure). 10 years ago, it was alot easier and faster to get listed. now you have two options if you don't want to wait. one is to pay for submission like yahoo(although yahoo isn't a search engine) OR you want to use some strategy in allowing the search engines to find you easily. google is great about listing sites that never was submitted since the bots like to float around alot and find websites they never saw before. how do you accoplish this second alternative? find someone who is already linked to google. and ask them to link to you. whether a big or small site, doesn't matter as long as that websites links are bot friendly. i recomend everyone to consider google site maps(even though i never used it before). i believe it's created as an .xml file extention? not sure of that so don't quote me. or creat your own site map that is mirrored in tree order according to how you set up your pages and make sure all your pages are linked together. what this will do is when the bots revisit the website that is now linked to you, it will see your link and follow it. if it follows it and your site hasn't already been submitted, then google will automatically submit your site for you. now some website put the revisit metatag in their head. i believe this is a useless tag as google will revisit when it guesses how often you update for new content. so make sure you link to a page already indexed in google that always has new content every week or two. i've heard of people getting listed this way the same day. but usually 1-2 weeks if the site linking to you has good content. ALSO....the even better news about this way of getting your site listed is that google loves new web pages it finds and some say(a rumor that i believe is true) will get you a higher listing than if you submitted your site directly to google either by hand or with an autosubmitter. now Xisto is indexed by google. if you post a link to your site and use your keywords and a good description within your post in the appropriate sub forum, then you wont have to submit your site at all. the search engines will find you just like they will find your other posts that you post on trap 17. i've already seen my posts from her in the search engines accidently.... anyway, this information was given to the best of my knowledge right now. i haven't updated myself in the last 1-2 months with search engine placement and seo, but i'm sure if you take to heart what i've said, you'll have no problem getting listed....BUT! with a bot....but quicker than you would think and faster than alot of other people get listed if you really want to get listed without a bot though, go to yahoo and submit your site.....dmoz or aol. i think inktomi powers aol....but again, i know i might be off in some of my facts here. wish ya luck with whatever you're trying to accomplish bud.
  17. anwiii

    Been Expelled

    funny thing is, is that if i did that in my high school 20 years ago, they woulda expelled me too, but then it would get around in what i did and microsoft woulda hired me and i would be a millionaire today. that's what the government did back then when the dumb hackers got caught and arrested and had their computers taken from them. it's not like that today though....you just get expelled and have to start all over again in a new school. funny too is it brings back memories and about a month ago, i finally told my parents what i was doing with my comptuer 20 years ago. they were just wide mouthed for 5 seconds....then we all had a good laugh. but i was never a dumb hacker and would have never brought my comptuer in to hook up to the schools network. that's so dumb, it's funny
  18. just find a bootable disk that lets you go directly in to dos first. i'm not talking about the windows disk that came with the computer. once you find one, then you will be set to have someone take you through some steps to backup your files and reformat, and then reinstall your os. it doesn't even have to be a cd. it can be a floppy. it also doesn't even have to be the os installed on your hd. any windows os will do. don't get frustrated. you learn by doing. keep in mind that if you do this once, you'll know what to do if you have problems in the future, but i don't suggest reformatting everytime you don't know what a problem is....but you get my point. i'm sorta curious what this program you were trying to install before you started having these problems....but i doubt that's the problem why your computer isn't booting. don't feed in to this virus crap either. it's over rated and over mediatized(if that's a word. if not, they should add it to websters ) so programers can make money
  19. ok. the topic blow inspired me to ask here if anyone knows....i'm looking for a script that a user can upload a photo and all photos are listed on 1 page and not seperately like with other site where you click on the arrow to go to the next photo to vote 1-10 or something. i need a script that allow it all to display on one page and vote for your favorite photo that month while every month all photos will be deleted. i'm not in to programming anymore so don't suggest anything to do with programming. my time needs to be placed elsewhereso anyone here of a script like this? i want to put it up on my site to attract visitors and keep them coming back sicne it will be a photo of the month and the top photo of their pet will be placed on the main page of the website that whole monthif someone has heard abotu something similar to this and responds, please send a quick not to my email as sometimes i lose my place here in trap 17, still trying to find myself around and may miss an important response
  20. haha man am i glad you clarified that after the previous post. i am a webmaster newbie myself and just uploaded everything to the www folder. i always wondered what the public_html folder was and why it was needed since everything i upoloaded to the www folder ended up in my public_html folder. then when some scripts would preinstall, they would install in the public_html folder and thought hmmmmm....am i screwed here in the future because i've been uploading in the wrong folder? so anyway, thanks for clarifying that...one of my biggest questions recently have been answered. still don't know why we have two folders to upload to though unless one is for backup....is that it? nope/. can't be now that i think about it....hmmmm
  21. comptuers are funny sometimes and hard to know what the deal is. first think i usually did what system restore and yes, sometimes i had to do it through dos when my computer wouldn't boot fully to get to system restore gui format. then if that didn't work, i did scan disk and defragmented the hard drive. but just defragment the hard drive because if your disk has errors, that program can't defragment and will tell you to use scan disk first, but i usually run scan disk first anyway. now if THAT doesn't work bud, you need a bootable disk that takes you in to dos directly. you want to check if it's your hardrive or something else like a bad power supply. don't assume to have a good power supply if your fan is working. i like doing things the easy way without getting too technical and trying to figure the source so if i can get in to dos at this point, i would back up any files you wanted and reformat and reinstall your operating system. don't just reinstall your operating system. if your going to do that, might as well go that extra step in ensuring everything runs properly. now if that didn't work, which if you go to those legths, you've usually fixed the problem, you need to have someone test your hd, power supply, motherbord. it's rarely the motherboard or hard drive though. i've had problems with power supplies before where they seemed to work and thought that wasn't the problem, then a week or two or a month later, the fan gives out....and replacing the power supply woulda fixed my problems. but anyway, doesn't sound like your hard drive to me but that's easily tested if when you reformat and reinstall the operating system since you can't boot your computer fully. sometimes scan disk can't fix all the errors a reformat can if sectors are bad so keep that in mind too. stick with it. and follow the steps you were told about and be patient. don't throw your comptuer out a closed window like i always felt like doing sometimes
  22. if you bought a lisence for the forum software, why don't you ask them and let them walk you through it. don't they have technical support? seems like easy basic questions. but if you are having trouble just getting past the sql database issues, how do you expect to mod it? Xisto is very good about giving help when it can, but if you are relying on help by posts, then it might take you forever to set this thing up. you will be better off hiring someone to do it for you to save time and frustration if you don't get the help you need quick enough. now where
  23. i don't trust anyone who doesn't drink, but at the same time, i do respoct people for being themselves. peer pressure doesn't just come from friends, but family and society in general. in fact you can't pleae anyone because whatever decision, you will recieve pressure. so it comes down with what is most comfortable for you and who you are. if your "friends" are complaining about you not drinking, then they aren't your friends. how can they be your friends if they don't act like it. same goes with family. if your family can't support you in who you are, then they aren't your family are they or they would act like it. you saw this big time 20 years ago when people just started coming out of the closet in admitting they were homosexual and their family not wanting to be associated with them or that word. sad sad sad. stand up for yourself man and stop being a pushover and being rolled over by pressure from others or expectations of others and you will do just fine. you will eventually find REAL friends in this world that will come in to your life when you need them the most. life is uncanny right now. if you are always worried about what other people think including friends and family when you are just being yourself(and others don't like it) then your going to find it very hard to live the life you want....even over small issues like not drinking.
  24. ppc for lower traffic, ppm for higher. do the math
  25. oh, i was going to run your site through my program ipb 8, didn't have any keywords to optimize for. it would have given you a starting point to start optimizing.also, a quick note to everyone, i found Xisto on google. trap 17 is indexed on google. it's important that when you get your free website up and running, to post in the new website section of the forum. what this will do is get google to recognize your site when it spiders Xisto for new content. you wont even have to submit to google and you can get listed QUICK this way rather than wait a month before the spiders get to your site. make sure you have all your sub pages linked together along with your main page and also, make sure you have a sitemap link on your main page and sub pages. this makes it EASY for the search engines like google to index each and every page!
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