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Everything posted by Janissary

  1. Here is the verse where it talks about heaven & hell http://www.kuran.gen.tr/ It only says good people will live with beautiful, never aging, loving ladies who stay virgin.
  2. Greetings from Turkiye, My opinion is EU politicians acting unfair to Turkey. They are hypocrite in my eyes. That's why as a Turk, I dont want to part of EU. Because of EU's attitude toward us, I believe joing EU means losing independence. When I was younger, this whole EU progress makes me excited but now Im just feeling disappointment. It's just a happy dream, Europeans will accept us as brothers & sisters. ---Anyway, these are just my thoughts and feelings--- Sorry if it's off topic but... I cant resist About Kurds: 1st of all, I dont know what you see from there but there isnt a big problem among people. That's mostly politics. And about PKK... It's a terrorist organization that killed many civilians (Kurds-Turks-tourists-teachers-doctors-workers-kids etc). and about so called Armenian genocide: Turks accept many Armenians died, just like many Turks died. We can provide many documents (even foreign ones) that Ottoman goverment took measures to prevent deaths from both sides! Abstract source about Cyrups: Turks living in the island are gratefull that Turkish army joined the conflict. Becasue local Turks believe if it werent the army, there would be no Turks left on the island. ---- By the way, you see. Even in a simple thread "Turkey should join EU or not" I had to defence myself from exaggerated accusitaitons. Therefore, I dont want to join EU, unless EU is ready to accept me as brother rather than barbaric Turk. One last thing. Turkey is an European country. Why not? We compete in Eurovision, we compete in european league when it comes to WorldCup (football), our local teams compete in European cups. Whenever a classification made, Turkey put under the Europe collum. Becasue we are not Asian anymore! *** This part is for Erdemir, I couldnt send him a PM so pardon me Bence İngilizce'de Turkey denmesinin bir sakıncası yok. Sonu?ta eş anlamlı kelimeler olabilir. Tabii eğer bu durumu dalga malzemesi olarak kullanırlarsa ben de sert ?ıkarım ama ?oğu yabancı ?yle d?ş?nm?yor. Aynı bizim mısır ile Mısır'ın farkını bilmemiz gibi. Bu arada bu yazıyı okursan konuya daha rahat hakim olursun: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. My thoughts are similiar but different Humans are the only creature on Earth that has a understanding of history. With each generation, our knowledge expands. Animals mate, reproduce and leave their off-spring. But humans dont. The goal of human mating (marriage) is not to make a baby but raise a better human than ourself! We evoled, not biologicly but socialy. Creation of humanity isnt finished. We are born to this world so we can be better, so we can be ready for our real life (afterlife) Our goal in this life is to leave something good behind, for humanity.
  4. Greetings from Turkiye In English: It's almost Gone In English: From the Owner Above ones are 2nd hand item trade of all kind. Below is online retail market. These are the most popular ones becasue of TV commercials. In English: Everything is Here
  5. I gave up playing that game months ago. By the way, another problem occured :)I need to put some weight on DVD driver or games wont work. I think it doesnt close tightly, probably becasue of old age.Thx for replies.
  6. Someone finally did this design http://www.gearfuse.com/ About noise, you can make under of seat soft.
  7. I know you live an epic adventure in games such as Final Fantasy. But dont take word literaly, "adventure" here is a genre...In good old adventure games, you cant die. You dont need personal skills such as aiming, keyboard control etc. You mainly use your wits, and solves puzzles.Final Fantasy is a RPG game where your succes or failure in doing actins depends on in-game char. skills.In action games, your control skills is important...Tomb Raider is an 3rd Person Action game, some define it as Action/Adventure because of some block pushing-------------Well, my opinion
  8. Totally agree... You need to cripple terorism by destroying its source... how come? Terorism feeds on poor-uneducated-misguided-wounded people..! So spend the money you spent on bombs to help people... that way, when Al-Quadi needs a suicede-bomber, he will be refused... simple logic, noone want to hurt someone gives themself food..! ------------ by the way... Iraq is worse condition, there is a civil war going there... people arent save in streets..! USA killed the cat, and now it's mice all over..!
  9. Do you really believe this? What, are you talking about kindergarten that childeren being jealous..? "Let's use all our resource to buy weapon! Right, we couldnt find food becasue we spent the money on weapons but it's okey, Im so jealous." When cold war started, all those spying, little armed organitations, secret deals etc started. USA & USSR made that possible, they armed local people etc... but after cold war is over, all those freaks fell to emptiness. So the terorism born; for them to survive. I dont think terorist leaders dont have a real agenda other than keeping their power. USA became main target becasue it applied for the WorldPolice job, interfering everyone's work in sight. So it is showed like that USA is reason of unrest in regions. It is showed like that USA has a grudge against Muslims. Im not discusing true/wrong, Im telling the motives of terorists (at least, my opinion)
  10. I joined his team. Name was taKe.Ozhan... But now clan is disolved.
  11. I also hate the long opening time of AReader so I uninstalled AcrobatReader... Becasue I find a perfect replacement: FoxIt Reader. It's a tiny file (1mb), it doesnt require installation. Just click the .exe you downloaded. If only thing you do with AcrobatReader is reading .pdf and I say switch to this program. It opens as lighting fast. You can download FoxIt Pro if you want to edit .pdf
  12. How much I can download from rapidshare with one ip without waiting for hour reset?And Rapget aint bypasing this hour wait? And do auto-waiting for download ready after x seconds"?Anyway, I use this method:Open cp of my DSL modem, click disconnect and connect...
  13. I cant find a section about "ask questions about Xisto or Xisto forums"... Anyway, please excuse me... Im looking for a decent, free shoutbox to put on my SMF. I found one made for SMF but its auto-scroll thingy is irritating. I found one free service with google but it's so narrow and doesnt support special charters... Then I realised there is a perfect shoutbox in Xisto forums! Is that just a code? Can I use it? Can I, can I?! Notice from mayank: Edited topic title. Please note topic titles are really important and they need to be descriptive
  14. Im not fan of FightingGames, but I do like MK. Espically for its Fatalities... I remember, I couldnt able to those combos so I made my big bro. to do fatality :)I say Sub-Zero, well becasue he's icy, blue and cool. About his fighting combos? I dont know, I suck at fightnig games ;)Yeah, I agreed Scorpian being sun of a beach... He has also got cool pixels
  15. TO is CS of the UT :)I installed it a year ago or something. Wanted to play with bots but something gone wrong, I dont remember what happened exactly.Anyway, I uninstalled it very quickly. But hey, it's as good as CS... It's like CS with dark textures of UT.Give it a try either you are fan of CS or UT
  16. And TiberianSun also got in-built servers. I played once a couple of months ago.
  17. That was the funniest I watched a video on YouTube, guys made a flamethrower out of water pistol/rifle. Anyway, craziest goes to you ----My Turn---- Me & budies were going to downtown with public bus. Then, from window I saw my gal friends at the other side of the road. They were walking... Anyway, I stood up, open the window, pull out my head out of window and started to yell at them with my all effort. I was yelling, hmm something like "Hey swetie, nice body"... They didnt heard me or pretended not to hear me because I had to yell their names to make them look at me
  18. Janissary

    Cs Movie

    Here is a alternavie link from YouTube Counter Struck 07:16 minutes They really copied the game. So they dont even make face expressions But really when that guy sniped to death, he should wear a at least a black shoe or something. That was the only scene where shoes seen, and it's tennis shoes And wish they added CS menus- health bar when we see from 1st person. But anyway, a really great short-movie!
  19. Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken. Anyway, I can googled it now. Im a C&C fan but havent heard this game untill now. Shame on me Thx for the info...
  20. You guys seems like coming out of TV commercial (well, some of you). Like you were paid to advertise Picasa My life was dull and empty but thx to super-duper Picasa now Im rich and famous. Hehe, really read over post quickly you will see the effect. Anyway, I've never heard about Picasa before, now Im off to give it a try. (after all, I know you are not employes of google, right?)
  21. System Wars? I think this is over-rated word.I mean they are companies working on same product type.From this point of view, there are "Chocalete Wars", "Car Wars", "Vacum Cleaner Wars"...I meant of course there will be different companies producing same product type. This isnt war, this is economy.The real system war is between PCs and Game Consoles. Not between companies but between ideas, stlyes, habits etc...I ask you, will game conseles win the war, take over gaming habits? This should be the real question about "System Wars".There will be always different game consele manufactors. It's the way of ecomicy works
  22. There isnt much to say, So I'll quote LCD on cell phones... that's a nice step Source Notice from Avalon: While it's nice to know about new technology like this, it would be even nicer to know YOUR thoughts about it. Please add more content to your posts in the future.
  23. I wanted to visit Xisto forums, so i just typed the full adress to skip the main page but I entered a different page. Later I figured out, I typed: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but as you know it should be forums. Go and visit "forum" one. There are cries of a web server there, so sad... I read all the sliding text ----- You guys, elders of Xisto may already know this, but I just discovered What is this link?! Notice from electriic ink: Please quote stuff you copy from anywhere
  24. :)Rule #1 : You cant die in an adventure game unless story asks for it
  25. dudes, they arent adventure games... They are action games... Here some of adventeur games: Full Throttle Monkey Island Beneath a Steel Sky The Last Express The Longest Journey The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes Grim Fandango Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Gabriel Knight Broken Sword Day of the Tentacle I didnt play them all... My favorite is... no doubt
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