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Everything posted by Janissary

  1. I think you misunderstood me completly on that subject. This idea of mine wont change how orphans are treated. You are just giving special education to special people. You meant you cant train yourself to be a leader, you born leader kinda thing? People dont born good or bad. Their environment and experinces make them. A 10 years old child can only be bad if he/she experinced some bad, tramatic events. Thats why you're testing their mental health. By the way, Im repeating myself... Yes, humans are complex, yes we cant see right through them. But you are dividing power among hundreds of people who are raised in a controled environment. In my opinion... if this idea is wanted to set in motion, the biggest problem would be finding good teachers. The people who starts the revolution should be saints becasue their "good" will be taught on those children. This is difficult but not impossible. --- By the way, as I said in "democracy perfect?" topic. Democracy is not about freedom, it's about safety. Demoracracy hampers the decision progres thus making it slow and sometimes resulting in lousy decisions but in return it gives safety from ambition of humans becasue the power is been dividing among thousands.
  2. I strongly disagree, I'd love to clone myself Becasue I know how I would feel like if I were a clone. Having a clone would be the coolest thing for me and my clone becasue he's a copy of me, he would think same. By the way, to ensure equalty i wouldnt let doctors to tell which one of us is original :) Anyway, Im not qualify to talk about real cloning, the above talk was sci-fi
  3. Actully Mike, voting doesnt make you "Nobody rules me" @Mermaid: "...What are you going to do with the other millions of children that aren't selected to be taught the government ways?..." I dont understand, what about them? "...what would happen if they got a really corrupt person in there..." That's why you are raising only "good" ones from childhood and that's why there isnt only one person in rule but a closed parlement.
  4. @aethix Actully you are right. It will eventully fail but I assume it will take around 400 years or so. Hmm, then this isnt perfect!! Ah, humans... we scew everything. I guess we need an alien ruler. (Lets see, in example; the family rule 1st generation flawless, 2nd generation will think how good a marriage is, 3rd generation gonna wish he could get married, 4th generation gonna ask why we cant get married and finally 5th generation will say "f. this rule" ) By the way, they wont be trained to ask for more power. You're thinking current politicians. Most difficult part of this plan is the give its 1st momentum (we need money, we need good teachers but most importantly we need current power to taken down) but then again this is an utopia. ------------ @adriantc As part of their training, they are going to spend time with local authories and will help them. By the way, I noticed another problem. Everyone in parliment will be from same generation. That would narrow the thoughts and ideas. So I guess, after 1st 10 years, 100 of them will be voted to become teachers then new fresh 100 will replace them and after 1st 20 years repeat. This way parliment will stay sharp as youngs, wise as olds and wont be apart from people. (I hope so :~) after 1st 30 years, you can fix the retiremnt year. Thx for all the input by the way, it helps me think.
  5. Anyway, what gets online stays there forever!! So if you are going to use your real name, dont write things that you dont say in real life and always re-read your posts Remember, whole world is gonna see it... including your boss, your neighbours, your future work contacst :)
  6. Well, I dont want less quallity photos but by quality I dont mean 10 megapixel 30 megapixel etc :)If my cell phone could take photos fast, if they are in enough size to print, if I can take photos in not-normal situtions (normal= well lighted, well colour balanced etc) well its good enough for me.I like taking photos and I would prefer a good cameraphone so i can takes photos whenever whereever :)Isnt a pocket pc bullky?
  7. I liked what Ramwhad said We muslims believe in afterlife we will be qustioned by angels and if we try to reject our evil doings, they will show us proofs. Proofs that are so strong, you have admit. Then evil dudes will sufer for every suffering they casue in their life time. Hmm, I realized I dont know much about hell or heaven. I should re-read my book.
  8. When the XP came out, many people hated it, including me. I was thinking why to use this ram eating monster, mine Win98 is great. Now we all using XP and we are all happy (okey maybe not so :)What Im saying, I dont like vista but I dont hate him becasue I learnt from my mistakes After a few service packs, we'll get used to Vista
  9. Yes, you are right. This isnt a democracy. The parliament is there to prevent possible corruption, you see you train many best people so if one of them begin to act selfish others cant stop him.This system is kinda an elder's council
  10. salamangkero, couldnt you see that was a example to show people "it's all psychological" That your (not personly you) reasonings not to drink recyleced water is baseless as not drinking from potty.
  11. Yes, Eurovision became a show contest but it was always a political contest (I mean, after the people voting) I havent watched this year. And Mor ve ?tesi (Purple and Beyond) is a great band but their song (Deli - Crazy) in the contest is regular, nothing special By the way, I heard Turkey gave 10/12 points to Armenia, 8/12 to Greece and recieved zero from them.
  12. Hello,Im the other end of the debate :)Anyway, we were disscusing about janissaries.Sultan Murad I founded the units around 1365. Promising children (mostly Christian youths) were taken care under Sultan. They were raised with high morale values. When they reach some certain age, most clever ones were taken apart to became bureaucrats. Others become soldiers. They are not allowed work or form families. They receive some nice sallary all time. They spend their times in barracks. They have their own uniform and they march with their own marching band.Today there are many rumors how janissaries trained. Most famous one is about slaping same marble until it gets thin.They are the most loyal soldiers, serving and dying for their Sultan was the greatest honour.During war time, rules for janniseries becomes more strict. They were excepted to behave such in a discipline. They are also many rumors about Janissaries discipline. My favorite is once a foreign scholar wanted to investigate janissaries so he spent the night in their camp. But in the morning... when he woke up, to his surprise the whole battalion moved, left the area without waking him up.Of course later centuries janissaries corrupted because rules got lousy. They began to take part in comerce, people without proper training get to be janissary. Soon they became a political power, even threating the Sultan. So finally, Mahmud II succeeded in forcibly disbanding them in 1826.
  13. I know Shaolin monks arent soldiers. But their training is though as them. I said those examples to counter tricky77puzzle, I believe it's possible to remove those parts from humans and those are the examples. I'll post my thoughts about janissaries in your thread clearly you dont know them :) I would give up. By the way, saying my governor... i didnt mean i own it. It just defining it to prevent confusing. By the way, did you noticed my sub-topic is "My utopia". Anyway, I know its impossible so it will take some time to accomplish it. But hey, I said perfect system, the perfect! I really believe a human cannot rule, so for a perfect system we need something unhuman. Either my brainwashed rulers or aliens
  14. You can try Suikoden series. It's a successful copy of FF style. And take look at Kingdom Hearts. But if you want to play really good RPG games, go buy an old computer and try the classics such as BaldurGates, Fallout, Morrowind, Kinghts of the Old Republic, Vampire The Masquerade, Arcanum... By the way, Im agreed with Tricky Puzzle, dont use the word best so easily.
  15. Allright then, lets change it a bit: #1) Get insanely rich #2) Find rich people who think like you #3) Secretly do old 2-3-4 steps #4) Make a political party out of your children, make them win by any means necceseary (this could a few elections) #5) Then let the revolution begin. ---- Well, if there would be a time machine, we could get these (Spartan soldiers, Janissaries, Shaolin monks) in an arena to fight. Nevertheless these classes are trained in a way to achieve perfect machines. ---- My governor will not have a family. (noone gonna abuse his reputaion or powers) My governor's needs covered by state all the time. (dont need to work a "2nd job" or stack wealth) My governor thinks worldly things are vain. (cant be seduced by a hot person)
  16. You may want to visit the Is Democracy The Perfect System? debate topic. I'll skip my reasoning for now, right down to how to do it #1 Current powers should willing to give up #2 Do a scan to abondan little kids through country with test like IQ, pysocological state, abilty etc #3 Take best thousand of them. #4 Take care all of their needs. Educate them to become rulers, equip them with skills to run a country. Brainwash them with patriosim and citizen love etc. So they would think serving their country is the only thing worth in their live. Serving the country is their only purpose in life. (no need for worldly pleasures such as wealth, sex etc) #5 Put best 500 of them into parlamento. And put other 500 to local offices. #6 People will have no voice in parlamento. Let these 500 genius to form up their own votings and democray. It like creating perfect soldier class (spartans, janissaries, monks). But this time you're creating a governor class. By the way, the school wont stop raising governors. And old governors become teachers in the school. :~)
  17. There would be no perfect sytem as long as there is human interception in it. What I mean, power corrupts. The idea behind democry (for a decision to make, everyone should invole) isnt to find best answer. Democry is there to prevent corruption by dividing power among many people so to do illegal things or give selfish decisions you need to bribe more people. Of couse down side is slow and sometimes unaccurete decisions. Other systems can give better results but I believe it's gamble. I agree. Tyrany can give the best results but it's a Russian roulette. Please visit my newly posted Best Goverment System topic.
  18. I used to think that I never experinced a nightmare. Because in my mind a nightmare is something scares you, makes you sweaty and jumpy. You know, Im descriping movie scenes where hero sees a nightmare. So in my young times, I thought nightmares are like that. I guess those kind of nightmares only occur to mentaly-ill people or in movies. But now come to think of, I know Ive seen many nightmares; dreams that makes me stressed, unhappy or tired. Ive seen many dreams where I cant find the way back home. Or that Ive been chased by thugs. Espicially i hate these chasing dreams. I need run fastest as i can, they musnt capture me, i need to lost them, which street should i run into..... When I finally awakes, I really feel tired. But nowdays, Im in control. When a dream occured that i need to run. I stop and force my self to wake. (yes, I do that) So these are my nightmares. Getting lost or being chased What are yours?
  19. Well, I dont remember reading in my dreams but I had many dreams like above. That I need to read or write something but I cant do it becasue... well... dream somehow not complete... it lack details, looks blurry, someone shaking my view, dark etc I cant describe it. Anyhow, that gives me a lot stress. Then finally i realise "this is a dream, I dont need do this" BAM Im awake
  20. Hello,Since topic says "religion vs belief". I think i should write something about a non-Christian religion.Most of the orders of Quran are about person. How he/she can live a better life, be a better person. And a muslim doesnt need an imam or any kind of authrity to reach god.So, yes. You are right. I also think religion isnt a heavy set of rules you need to obey in order to get into the club.But its human nature, we like being told what to do rather than finding the answer ourself. So through history some men emerges to take advantege of it, stating he's the know-it-all guy.Hmm, I think my mind is scattered. I cant find right words.
  21. Have you ever heard "old lady tale" that people with bad-sight or eye problem tend to occur red in photos. Of course I know this is untrue but in my childhood it made me think "...could it be?"
  22. Well, the story is about: A regular human is forced to (becasue of some events) leave the Earth. The book tells the struggles of Arthur who tries to survive the universe, geting used to universe. In his adventures, Arthur meets many different cultures. All of his encounters are hillarious. In the book Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy is actully a electronic encyclopedia. It's given to Arthur by his alien friend. The guide is more or less like wikipedia Ive bought the all books but I couldnt finnish it. I got bored (after around 550 pages) when Arthur finds a girlfriend. One of these days, I'll finish it.
  23. I love Sci-Fi too. Recently I realised my libary is full of sci-fi, that I dont read anything else. So now, I gave a break... to search other genres. Take a look at these: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ In my opinion the best book on Earth is The City and the Stars :)
  24. I bought the book but before I had chance to read, the movie came along. So I watched. Now there is no reason for me to read the book, I know all the twists :)So only problem with the book is, when you know the end... all fun is gone!
  25. You know this, right? The thingy where babies and old people poops. Can you drink water from it? Put your food in it? It hasnt used yet. Technology is here. So if you trust your town council that they wont take bribes to look over facility's problems, go for it. But then again... Even dam water, which you may call clean, goes treament before pumpimg to system. They can too take bribes, OMG!!! By the way, Im studying environment engineering.
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