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Everything posted by Janissary

  1. upload your game to http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=filelodge&e=com or http://www.4shared.com/ their download speed isnt great but still people can get it without bothering you.
  2. As i wrote before there is nothing wrong with my PS2, the disc/dvd-rom/game isnt working. And, if you buy a empty cd, you will notice warnings; keep away from heat/magnets etc... ------ You are right Ashy, a damaged disc can damage the machine. ------- I found it funny that game only works when you just opened the PS2. In 2nd try, I can only see loading screen. In 3rd try, no read. ------------- About game play, you should grab a 2nd controller and duel against your friends. Fight moves are great
  3. Free games are...."By gamers for gamers"Back in old times, all games were made in garage rooms. People put their hearts in their games.
  4. Im a starcraft player, or was? I havent played for a year. But one of these days I may re-install it. Starcraft will never get old (maybe except when SC3 comes out Count me out for the clan... (Im also not a good commander) But you know what I hate about battle.net... Everyone plays LostTemple or the custom map with unlimited resoruces.
  5. Quake 2 is a very good FPS...But I never liked Q3, it's all colorfull; maps/skins/weapons and rocket launcher there sucks as both sound and design...Unreal Tournament is more dark, more realistic. And its AI is far better but game itself is also better in online (my idea)New UT games are graphicly fantastic, espically maps. But I havent played new ones online, cant say anything.
  6. Is that the trailer where dinasour like robots cut by a sword That was funny...But graphics look fasinating... I started MG series with 1st CD version.You know, in this game Snake is kinda old, so they may not continue story for a next game. But because MG is a solid game, who knows maybe they re-make old atari version again
  7. I haven played new generation MMOrpg games but I think most famous, most abused, most played, maybe not best MMOrpg is Ultima Online.It ruled the web for a very long time...
  8. Janissary

    God Of War

    Yes, that's a great game but you know what IT HAS NO LOADING WAIT TIME... Sony really showed how to code a game... Man, no loading during entire game... It's only a few seconds when you 1st load your save...So probably everything is loading on the run, so player aint noticing..."Gods of Olympus has abonden me"
  9. I dont have a problem with my PS2... Anyway, I have this game; SW Revenge of Sith. I played it much and one day it simply stop working, no read! Surface of disk was clean, so I blamed the sound system (my box were standing near the buffer). Now Im keeping my games away from magnetic fields A few days ago, I put the game and it worked ! I played a little. I was so happy... Later I called my brother to show him, but when put the game again, no read! I figured out now. That game disc only works when the machine is cold/fresh/just opened. Weird, aint it? By the way, not all levels are working
  10. My weird problem is,Whenever I install ICQ... sometimes it freezes while using it but it freezes always when I want to close the computer. (even if I uninstall it)I tried it 3 timesFor once, It run smooth for a month.So now, I afraid to install it, 'cause I dont afford a format...
  11. For free... I dont know...But you can publish your banner on browser-based games. And I think you can make that free with a banner exchange program.If your site's subject is interesting, people will click the banner. I know I do ;)Best advertising is mouth-to-mouth... Maybe you can put a "share with a friend" or "send this to a friend" system to encourga people to tell your site their friends...
  12. Hello, Im new to this "creating a web site" thing... And I just got hosted by Xisto... My question is, is it possible to reset the ftp? I mean the ftp came with somethings in it; such as public_html. To return the way it came to me... I dont have a problem right now, but Im just curious. And by the way, the files that are existed at first place... What do they do? Rather then providing intro page... Or those files are codes of cPanel ? *edited* thank you BuffaloHELP
  13. I use google as homepage but not for search engine becasue thanks to FireFox, there's a google search function built in! My homapage is google becasue it's very light and I dont want a blank page...
  14. I never heard 5th dimension before... But I agree on 4th dimension, it's not something magnificent... It's just time... We are moving in time, we are changing postion in time... So there must me an axis for it too. Imagine you are giving out direction: 0 is my reference point (where I stand). Go 4 meter in +X, (out of my room) go 3 meter in -Y, (out of the corridor) and +2 meter in Z. (up stairs) There you will see my father. Ah but I forgot to say, he's just gone to work... So you need to go -10 minutes in T axis to see him in that position.
  15. Back in 6th grade my friend came up with those thoughts... What if this aint blue But the posts here are much more interesting Or think; When you record your voice, it feels different... and mostly in a bad way. We all take same inputs but progress it differently...
  16. But there is a device reads keyboard signals from a few meters away...
  17. I dont like the idea of giving up your freedom in hopes of protection... Here is an animation; telling "trusted comp. is bad, very bad" There is a web site working against it... (maybe there are many of them out there?)
  18. You probably know the "feedback" sytems that our bodies have.When something produced much, product makes an effect to sabotage its own source. And when source got damaged, less product begins to produced so effect will gone and circul begins...So as we humans populate more, produce more, spend more etc. Our actions sabotage nature's working circle or human's working society and a break-down occured.Anyway, I hope you get idea <_<Words aint coming.........
  19. I dont think pyrimads are supernatural or something.I think pyrimads are proof of what mankind can accomplish with enough motivation (too sad that this kind of motivation can only achived by fear of tortue & death)I also watched at discovery about false made pyrimad an a half-done pyramid. They werent granted knowlegde, they learned it step by step...But not every worker were slaves. Some were farmers. When the river Nil flood, farmers worked at pyrimads for food. (watched TV documantry)-----Anyway, about general topic... I dont have much to say. Yes, universe is big but I dont think that smart aliens have ever visited us.
  20. Racisim as in system, as in culture is mostly a western problem.That's probably because major forces in Europe made colonies in Africa and slaves carried to western world.And today, USA is the last standing empire, containing not a nation but formed up with many races. So people run into a different race everyday in USA, so probabilty of a racist act is more.And espically this black-white thing is something I really cant understand...But, remember racisim and prejudging is different.
  21. You know expensive swords in past and in modern movie swords, there are runes, names etc are written on sides of metal part. So I say, why not... put a meter on it. So you can tell how deep you stabbed your enemy. Maybe a new trend begins, "My record is 10 cm" , "Last night, I stabbed to goblin 11cm deep" A big
  22. Check the article that man gave in his 1st post In there you can see photos of that location. And there is nothing just plain grass. And now there is the 2nd car. About it's being fake, well it's on GoogleEarth. But it can be, maybe while the program being coded, they added this edited photo to their original satellite view. By the way, this thing hit one of newspaper here (in a small news collum)
  23. Thx for those pics... Cables doesnt look too big, you can hide it under your clothes easily. Perfect for recording everything you see. A Video-diary
  24. Like saving, and reloading in games...a good fantasy
  25. It doesnt need a motor, works with simple mechanizm.It will serve only men while urinating.Yes, falling seat will make nasty noise...hmm...Maybe, a hydraulic system solve this problem, slows it while falling, not sure...The pedal can be in sides for easy steping.Or, with one step seat goes up and a simple lock can hold it. And 2nd step will realese it. But, this will erase auto part...hmm...The best part of this idea is "not using your hands" and "seat stay closed all time"Women argue with men for "open seat" because, they sit on open toilet in the rush, which result in pain.Im not American.
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