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Everything posted by Sorrow
My choice would be Adidas, I don't think that this brand is to old fashioned because this brand is on the market a lot longer then Nike or maybe I'm wrong? Somebody told here that Nike is more funky and crazy then Adidas and I agree with that statement, it's true... but honestly, I don't like that kind of shoes, I more prefer a nice, elegant style and that style is provide for me by Adidas...I also like Nike, but I would never take their shoes on the street, maybe to the gym or something...So, Adidas is my choice...
I don't know is this true, but I hear this for the first time in my life... I remember, that before some time ago was also a date for the birth of Satan and he didn't came to our world...Honestly, I don't believe in Satan like in something material. The people like to talk about the end of the world, everybody has his own version how will it happen... I think and I believe in that,that everybody have to live his own life, the best he/she can live... and when it will end, it will end...
Where In The World Are You From? vote and post
Sorrow replied to MaineFishing45's topic in General Discussion
I'm from Serbia and Montenegro... I think that lot of people heard about this country because it was always problematic, i mean it is problematic today to.However it is a nice country, that's my personal oppinion and I would never move from here to another country and I have a choice where to move.This is the country of "sljivovica" a specific kind of alcoholic drink and "burek" also a specific kind of pie with cheese and other stuffs. -
Do You Believe In Dreams! what is your opinion
Sorrow replied to master_bacarra's topic in General Discussion
I don't believe in dreams so much, because we dream something that happened to us that day, or we have some fears which we can't tell to somebody and we hide from others.Yes, there is something mistique about dreams but I don't think that we must to believe in them.If we believe that some of our dreams are true, believe me we will find something in our lives that will give us right... everything is in our head. -
I'm a girl but I realy love to eat... :(I adore "burek", it is a food which is typical for this area. It is something like chees pie, but much better and nicer. You cam also stuff your "burek" with pizza ingredients, with ham slices, with some vegetables... you can let your imagination take you to make a perfect "burek" only for you.
I'm a girl and I'm happy about that...I din't think a lot about changing my sex to opposite.I also don't agree that being a man is easier then being a woman. Guys have problems to, I know lot of guys having the similar problems like us, girls.They also care about themselves and about their looking, they are also trying some girl, who can make them happy... so I don't see where is the problem... maybe sometime I wish to be a man, because they are stronger in some aspect of life, or maybe that is only an acting... I don't know.
I'm realy sorry wassie...I can't tell you that i know how do you feel, because I didn't lost my friend but before few months I almost lost someone who was the most important person in my whole life...I couldn't talk to him, I couldn't visit him in the hospital...I only had a hope that he would be ok...But I know how does it hurts, when you think about somebody who is so near to that path from where, the returning is impossible.I know, how hard it is to sit down alone and think about the stuff you used to do together...all the memories, days, weeks, years you spend together.If I tellyou that it will go away I would lie to you, this kind of things never goes away, but you can tryto think about him and never let him die in your heart... Take care...
What Do You Thinks Is The Best? a fun poll
Sorrow replied to giggig's topic in Websites and Web Designing
How I see, the most of people voted for the google and I agree with them and their choice...without google it would be not easy on the internet.I had a pet on the neopets.com last year, I'm not a kid but it was funny to play around and having a little pet to play with, it was interesting for me then.I think my pet died untill now...because, I didn't feed him for a year almost,lol... -
I like your site, because it is very simple and easy to navigate.You have a very interesting articles on your blog to, just try to make something interesting on your home page like a nice logo, to give some identity to your site, maybe some color change...that will do the work.I've checked your links to, maybe you should put some topics on your forum if you made it visible, because no one will register to empty forum without any topics to discuss.And try to make your forum style to look simillar to your web site...That is my suggestion for now...
The "cyber" Thing Relationships on the Net
Sorrow replied to Becca's topic in Dating And Relationships
I don't know is it lame to find somebody on the internet, while you chat... not girlfriend, boyfriend just somebody you like. Somebody who is like you, who thinks like you and you are having a great time talking to this person.I've met that type of person online and I'm glad that I talk with him first time, because there is now a year past by and we are friends now to, we know each other so well that we don't have to say nothingand we know what the other thinks, feels...I think that there is no rules which are telling us where to find a friend or a date, no?I don't seeany problem in that if somebody finds a partner on the internet f they are happy, maybe it isn't natural but is anything natural today?!? -
I used COPPA registrations on my latest discussion board, I never get a mail from some parents about submitting a registration for their child but when you enable this kind of registration, maybe just maybe you will protect some kid. I think taht COPPA is a useful thingy and I will use this form on every my discussion board or website, where I don't think that children should register.I know, that kids under 15 are surfing on the internet like some 30 year old adult and we can't do about that a lot,but we can allways try.. can we?
A verry good friend of mine told me about this site, discussion community and ofcorse about Xisto web hosting.I was looking for the best solution to run my website on the internet. So when I told him, that I'm looking for the best free hosting, he gave me the idea to visit this virtual place... I was lost in the begining of my postingand registrations, because I thought I will never reach my 30 credits... But i made a mistake, here,I collected my necessary credits for my free hosting and i can slowly build my website, with the best technical and other support on Xisto...I'm more then satisfied with this hosting...like the most member here...
I try to write a blog, but I don't know I never had so much time to do that constatly, sometimes I really have a need to write down my own feelings, my thinking about some stuff but I never finish my virtual diary or blog.I wrote a diary from my high school and it is nice to read now those words, to see how I changed from year to year... I think blogging is very useful thing to do, if you are patient and if you have time to do it constantly...
I think the same, no one is perfect, not you, not me...no one.When I was younger I made a mistake... I idealize the person who was in relationship with me,I thought he was the perfect men and partner for me, without any bad "parts" and when I saw his bad part I was so dissapointed about him.So mu opinion is that the perfect partner, Mr.Perferct or Mrs. Perfect is a picture of our imagination, a picture of our idealisation.Nobody is perfect, all of us has a bad "part"...but if we care for someone, we can except somebody with good and bad parts to.
I never used any other search engines, except Google, it is my start page, when I open my IE...It is fast, very simple for using, and I like very much that they change graphic on the page, I think now it is related to Torino 2006, before it was related to Mozzart's day, it is very interesting and with that they are giving some useful information to us.
Definitelly, gmail.I adore, gmail more then hotmail or any other freemail.I find about gmail this year, I tried it out and it is fantastic. Honestly, I've opened a hotmail account because of MSN Messenger, but I never use it for sending or receiving mail or attacments, it has small capacity for my inbox, because I don't like to delete any of my mail and I don't have this kind of problem with gmail.And with gmail, you have more options like languages, spam blocking, archiving your messages, invite people to gmail like some kind of present to someone. :huh:I wouldn't change gmail for hotmail, never.
Fall is my favourite season, because it is not so cold, not so hot... and it is perfect season for starting a new romance.You can do so many things and feel so nice about it. Personally, I like going for a drive in the country and watching all that colors at fall and taking enjoyment from the moment. There is something magical about fall, the fall season brings about the cool crisp weather, and with it comes couples walking in the park, hand in hand as they enjoy the last few weeks of outside weather.Some of the greatest romances of all time were begun in the fall. Arms tightly wrapped around each other, soft lips pressing upon each other,mmmmmmmm isn't that nice? :huh:And if you don't like fall because of love, there is always Halloween!
Nice thinking, guys... I think that every girl like, when her boyfriend care for her, that thingy is mother nature. But to be honest, I think that you guys also like when a girl cares about you, everybody like that. I don't know about the marriage, but certainly most of the girls don't like adventures or to be someones sex buddy. The first of all for me personally, is trust. That is something without I can't imagine a relationship of any kind, when somebody believes in you, the things are a lot easier. About leaving a girl because of foodbal or friends... I don'tknow, but i think that isn't so true, in my case. I mean it is ok, to go out with your friends or watch foodbal with them without your girlfriend, you can't be with her a 24 hours a day. It will result to a breakup if you do that all the time, if everything is more important then your girlfriend. I think you don't have to be with her all the time, because is looks to me like a some kind of opsession and that isn't so "healthy". About the listening you have a totally right... If you are sad, you have problems, you had a bad and heavy day, to who will you tell about it?Relationship is based on trust, understanding and a lo of care.That is my personal opinion...
Think Of These Things Which Make Your Feel Alive..
Sorrow replied to OpaQue's topic in Dating And Relationships
Little things, like playing with your puppy, getting a mail or watching a sunrise can make your day nicer. I love the magic of little things in life.We have so many things around us, which we doesn't even see and recognize, because of our problems. We are so busy to be happy, or to make somebody around us happy. I can say for sure, if you try to make somebody happy, you will feel great after that...try sometime. -
My Greenhole Website My new web site about Car Insurances
Sorrow replied to joeysicily's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I was on your website, it looks nice,but..There is always a but :huh:I think, if you want to make your website look better and more appealing, try to use some colour, some nice background maybe, nothing heavy to eyes, sky blue, nice green or something like that...You can think about some logo maybe, that people could remember your website, so use some imagination and creativity to make a nice logo for your website.Your navigation bar is a little confusing, but also it is very simple...maybe you can ad some buttons, for 'Home', 'Donate me', etc.For a start it is not bad, but I think you can do it better, you just need some imagination, news from insurance, some pictures and you will see it will already look nicer... This are just my advices...I hope I helped you a little... -
I'm a girl but I have to laugh on this rules, they are so funny...we are not so dangerous like this rules describe all of us, girls."Fashion police", omg... :huh:I hate generalizations and this is a school example of generalizations and stereotypes.
I try to read all the posts before I write my own, because this is a place for healthy discussions and I'm curious what other members thinks, feels about some things, situations from life and other things.There are some members who's posts I really like to read and I allways read them, but generally I read posts before sharing my answer with everybody.
WDSnav don't be so cruel to yourself... I don't know how old are you, but believe me you don't wanna have a friend just to have friend or somebody who you can call a friend.For my lifetime I maybe had 3 real friend, I know many people, we drink coffee sometime together but I can't tell that they are my friends...so don't try to find anybody for a friend, just to have them. I don't think that everybody hates you, especially that they wanna kill you, maybe you want to fit into a circle of friends where you don't belong. Believe me, everybody find a soulmate (friend), sooner or later but don't be so sad if you can't do that right now...I can't give you any tips to find friends, except to be yourself and don't change your personality, for nobody... and head up, don't be so sad...
Well my favourite drinks are... beside water - Orange juice without sugar, I like to drink juice in the morning instead having a breakfast;- Coffee and all the combinations made from coffe, Irish, espresso, filter, turkish, machiato, etc.;- Pepsi Twist with a bit of lemon, it is very refreshing in some ocassions;- Coctails of all kind in the evening;- A glass of nice red vine with my meal;
Saint michael I don't know you very much, I saw your posts before my registration and I liked them a lot...The second thing I wanna say is that I understand you about the leaving, I needed a pause from the computer, from the virtual world where I spent whole my free time.When I realized that I've lost almost all the important things from my life, because the internet, chat, etc. I made a break from everything virtual...I think that everybody sometime make that break, pause...maybe that is not a solution, maybe the best thing is to find the balance between virtual and real life...I wish you to find that balance, that golden middle... and I also wish to you, to see all that tiny nice things which make life more supportable....