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Everything posted by Moolkye

  1. When you are around here... fart! And make it a stinky one. I guaruntee she will not like you anymore!
  2. And that is a good point for a lot that science and religion have to offer. Funny how much they are similar more than they are different.Science does offer a lot of imperical evidence and religion offer spiritual evidence. Whether you believe in one or the other, thet truly are based on faith. yes even science.
  3. It's funny how much fear mongering will affect people. I guess they think it's like a regular air bourne virus. But I have to admit, fear does sell a product. I mean if they get a virus just one time they will be crying about it forever.
  4. Interesting. I didn't know all that. Where is your source of information from? I would like to read more.
  5. AVG is a great free virus scanner. I have been using that for 2 years now. Awesome app. Auto updates, great deep scans if'n you want em. Just an all around nice app
  6. * To laugh without a reason.When I do this people give me an odd look, but I love to do it!!!!!
  7. Moolkye

    Image Galleres

    Coppermine gets my vote as well too. I mean sure there are things I would add and remove, but that would require me writing my own app, and I do not know how. :)I wish I knew programming
  8. Well cookies can pose a threat if your computer is every stolen or lost. They store passwords and what not. So it can be a threat in that manner. I have heard rumors of malicious java scripting that can steal info from your cokkies, but I highly doubt it.
  9. I would tend to diagree on the last one. Space is infinite. Smallness and biggness are infinitie. Just my opinion
  10. Here Here!!Websites and their activeX plugins and such. Cookies, yada yada yada. Hate them. Always protect yourself from popups. Use Firefox! Out of 100 web pages Firefox will prevent popups from 90% of them automatically.Hackers.... ewwww hackers. Luckily most hackers will only attack website because they know the sites address, or company networks, becaus eof the same reason. Individual computers thought are rarely at risk. thouh it does happen, it is rare. Enable Windows Firewall or get one of the many firewalls on the market.
  11. The tiny particles that make up everything. Are they round? Or are they plyable enough to mesh with the other molecules around them?If they are round then what is in between those molecules (kind of like ping pong balls in a see through box.If they are plyable, then can they change their form constantly or is it a fixed form and we are just wading through the air like water. It molds around us.Just curious... I will explain why I think they are round after I get some feedback.
  12. I can't imagine being in a universe that has boundries. Expanding? In a sense I guess yes it is expanding, but then you have a boundry point out there somewhere. And that means there is something beyond the boundry. Unfortunately you can not have a limit. A limit says there is an emd to something. And if so there is something beyond that end. A balloon expands and only goes so far before it will bust and or contract again. But then there is more beyond the limits of that balloon. Ya know?
  13. I have always wanted to learn programming, but any tutorials or courses I find, that are free, teach you the same way. Write hellow world. here is the code. Now you have written your first program. That doesn't teach you crap. I am not good at reading and learning do to my ADD. I have to have hands on. I wish there was a way or someone who would be like, "Ok, this is how you do it" And show me step by step. But no one wants to take the time to show anyone else.I think I would make a good programmer and have some good ideas for programming on a lot of different realms. But I can not do it alone. DANG THIS ADD!!!!!!
  14. I like Xanga. At the time it had a lot of features. This was before MySpace though. But it still holds it's merritts. I do like the ease of customizing. And to tell you the truth, myspace, even though is very popular, is at times very hard to read with the whole transparent crap that they put on there.I choose not to use Xanga anymore though due to the fact that I have had 2 sites on there recently, that were both hacked, and shut down. And I got no help from the support team there. Downfall. So I refuse to use them now.
  15. Ok so I hear a lot of people who, when they buy their first computer, say, "What about viruses?"I have been in the tech feild for 15 years. And honestly I do not think that Viruses are that big of a threat. Honestly, I mean there are some they can do some damage, but they are not as widespread as the media makes them out to be. Yes, they HAVE, but it does not happen that often.Viruses are distributed in 1 of two ways. Email, which is very popular, and through installations of programs.To protect yourself from an email virus:1) Do not open any email if you do not know who it is from2) Even if it does have the name of someone you know, look at the title or subject of the message. If is says "Re:" on it, than it is a forwarded email. Do yourself a favor and delete them right away. Forwarded email are so dang annoying.3) Do not open any email that says you are a winner, you aren't. It's a scam.4) Don't open any emails offering you great deals on stuff, unless you signed up tp get emails for that stuff. Pharmacy emails are a huge spam these days, and Viagra really isn't worth it.5) Use common sense. Whether you are new to emailing or not, use your head. You can NOT get something for nothing. And you would never open your house door to a stranger and just let them in because they said they know someone you do or had a great deal for ya. treat them like Jehhovah Winesses.To protect yourself from Viruses through installation of Applications:1) If you download pirated software, beware you will get a virus every now and then. If not you are the lucky. These guys do this because they think it's funny.2) Download software either directly from the firm that makes it, or from a trusted downlaod site. like Downlaod.com, Tucows.com, Fileforum.com, etc. these guys have reputations to uphold, and they scan all incoming applications to their sites. Now granted they may have spyware in the application or adware, but that is from the manufacturer of the website, not the trusted site that is distributing it for them. 3) Don't install stupid game software just so you can get a free version of solitaire on your work computer when you aren't supposed to be playing anyway. Not only could is have spyware, but then you are just casuing havoc for your IT guys by sayin, "I don't know how that got there!" Duh I'm an idiot who made a mistake and don't want to admit it.4) Be resposible. Don't install stuff just to install it. If you don't need it, don't install it. this does 2 things. Keeps you from getting Viruses spyware and other crap, and it keeps your computer neat and clean and running properly.These are my safe guarding tips. If you have anymore, just add them on.
  16. I just got an IPod nano, and I love the thing. It's only a Gig, but it's very nice. It has a nice display and a good array of extras and setting. For sucha small product I believe that it is a lot for the buck. My opinion.
  17. See now this is not a bad idea. because it really doesn't cost mush to get a forum going, or to register a domain. Now Domsin name buyign and selling has been around for a while, but the forum thing is not a bad idea. Building the site and the traffic will take some work, but once you do, I think it's a great money maker. Interesting. Have you known anyone to actually do this? The selling of a forum?
  18. Exactly. If you have the time to do so, and you can make money at it, hey go for it. I am just skidish by nature. I question anythign that is "Too Good To Be True". And this does not just apply to the internet. there are plenty of these things in real life as well, like Amway, Mary Kay, etc.
  19. Be careful. Just don't waster hours for pennies. I hate seein gpeople getting taken advantage of, ya know. I mean there are a lot of dishonest peopel out there and they will do whatever they can to either get your identity or money. Ss just be careful!
  20. Kids and teenagers are more grown up today than they were in our days of growing up. I see teenage girls all the time who look to be 5 -8 years older than they actually are. That scares me. I mean I could be hitting on an underage girl at anytime. She could be lying to me, or it could be a trap set by the cops.It's funny, but it seems like Females are going through this much more than males are. I mean whether or not a boy looks older doesn't really matter much. But a female, ooooo look out. Trouble.Parents need to take better control to make sure there childre ARE children until the are olld enough not to be. We are forcing our children to grow up way to fast. Look at the way some of these young girls dress today. Mini skirts, cell phones, makeup. Not Good.
  21. Ok I see the logic in this one. But once again, as in anythign in life, it takes money to make money.I feel that anywhere where you have to put money in to a money making situation, you luck is better than where you get paid for doing nothing. But as always you do run the risk of losing any money invested.
  22. Very nicely put. I enjoy reading about them. I just wish I had the knowledge to build one. I mean really, It would so cool to have a robot. Not for meaningless tasks, but to talk to or to play pool with. That would just be cool. But then I have to think that I need to get out more and get some real freinds and maybe, dare I say it, a girlfreind
  23. Well I look at it like this. The bible has been the one true book that has been researched more than any other book or story in history. Christianity is a religion that has faced more opposition than any other religion in the world. Also, Christianity is the fastest growing religion in most countries where religion of any kind is repressed. So I tend to think that there has to be more here than just a book. And besides the fact that I would rather believe in God and die wrong than to not believe in him and burn in hell forever. I am not saying that I am scared of God, but the consequences are not somethign I would look forward to.The same thing applies to Laws. We do not break laws due to the consequences they will bring upon us. We are not afraid of the law, but we know that it is not good for us to break them.
  24. truefusion: Where does he mention that? I don't remember reading that in the bible anywhere. If he did, please tell me what book and passage I would like to reread that one.Multiple universes are a great idea, but 2 things. I do not know what purpose they would serve. And I thought that only 1 object can occupie that piece of space at one time due to spacial collision. I could be wrong though.Meaning that two bodys of like origin or same matter can not occupy the same space without causing a heck of a lot of trouble.
  25. Yeah I've heard of that. Actually the concept is pretty innovative. Silence has been revered as golden, a virtue, and peaceful. So yes I do believe that this can also be music in a way.
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