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Everything posted by Moolkye

  1. I have been askign myself this for a long time. And I still have no idea what the difference is. I get the gist of both of them, but they seem awfully similar.
  2. Well no one really knows. heck we've only been keeping records of it for what now? 30 years? maybe less. Heck the earth is a lot older than that. So I think instead of making assumptions and choosing fear mongering as a selling point for disaster, let's use long terms facts, and we have none of those yet.
  3. Drinking alcohol is not wrong, as long as it is done in moderation. Personally I think beer tastes like crap, but I was raised having a sweet tooth. I enjoy a glass of wine every now and then. But underage drinking just leads to lots of trouble, like fights, puking for hours, more fights, incestual friendship relationships (freinds dating friends and then other friends in the group). Not good situations at all.Plus it's a waste of money.
  4. Don't get me wrong. There are some really good videos on there. This one guy named Eric Michael Hopper is absolutly incredible. He has some videos on there that are amazing.
  5. Well i believe it because that is what the bible says. And in any religion you need to have faith. You believe in gravity though you can not see it. You see the results of it.... therefore you believe in it.Same thing
  6. I think Global warming has been around longer than we have. I do not think there is a problem, just a cycle. I believe that this will all come around full circle eventually.Yes the stuff we have today does effect it, but I do not believe that. If so, than our time here with the pollutants that we put into the air, are nothign compared to what has been put into it from the past such as volcanic ash and other celestial disruptions.
  7. WOW, that really is amazing. I can't believe the risks they take, but it is so cool.
  8. Oh cool. I want one. I like magnetics. they ought to more with magnetics. Like floating beds and whatnot.
  9. Man I remember my first one. An Apple IIe+. That thing was cool. I could make it moo like a cow. I t was cool for learning basic programming and what not. But ya know what? Aside from flat panels, home computers have not gotten that much smaller. I mean my Apple IIe+ is about the same size of my Dell Dimension.But I lvoed the thing. it's what got me into the computer field.
  10. I think that's an awesome ida. It's gets power that wat too?
  11. Hey check this out, and at a reasonable price too http://www.modernoutpost.com/
  12. I like the idea of YouTube. I think it's great that someone devised this idea. What I don't like are the pointless crap people put on there because they think it's funny. Yes I know, they have the right, and if I don't want to see than I don't have to watch, yada yada yada.Examples: Teenage girls talking about crap that no one understands in the bathroom. What is the poitn of video taping in the bathroom, and then suing some guy, because he puts a video camera in public restrooms. Seems like teenage girls like this sort of thing.Skateboarding video clips. DEAR APE! I have seen enough of this crap to last 5 lifetimes. Not that I beleieve in reincarnation, cuz I don't, it's just figure of speech. But c'mon, you guys need to get a life. It's the same tricks being done by 4000 people.Light Sabres: get a life. If you are goignt o put that kind of effort into something, make it original. And Get out once and a while. Go on a date or something.Last and certainly least, disgusting videos on a public site. Yes they eventualy get deleted but people have to watch them in order to be flagged for deletion. Such as, I saw a video of a chic who pooped in he drawers???WHAT IS THAT ALL ABOUT AND WHY WOULD YOU VIDEO IT? I wanted to throw up!I mean, peopel have always said that film was a media for art, emotions, and ideas. Now it's become a trend for posers, idiots and pervs.Dan
  13. Evolution is wrong for a few simple reasons:1) Evolution states that based on pure randomsness that single celled creatures were able to mutate into what lif eis today. Total randomness denotes chaos. And Chaos does not exist. Look at the simplest form in the universe, a sphere, which has order. Humans are equal (for the most part) on both sides of there body along with most ofther creatures. Chaos or randomness would not allow this to happen.2) The Big Bang Theory? Please! How can you create somethign from nothing? Only God can do that. And saying that because of the big bang that the universe is expanding? Wrong, expansion denotes boundries, so what is outside the boundry?3) Look at the human body. Are you telling me that the humans during evolution, changed only outwardly? Mutation of evoltuion is not just an outward change but an inward change as well to adapt to the environment around them. So the food that we need to survive, the water, the environment changed to suit us? I don't think so.Jusy my thoughts. there are more of them.
  14. Something is a footTearing at my skinMakes me wonderExactly where I've beenMy blood and my fleshMy heart and my brainMy liver and otherslying in the rainWashes away my sins?Cleans me of my dirt?Trampled on by strangerscrushed into the earthD.M. Bantner
  15. Someone make Solar packs for small electronics. They used to have these for PocketPCs, but I don't know whatever happened to the company. But seeings how alof of people are using more and more of their portable electronics outside and away from power sources, I think this would be a great idea. What do you guys/gals think?Dan
  16. Love is a single thing shared between two mutual people. Love is when 2 find love in the other. What you are talking about is lust, not love. True love is between you and someone else. not someones.
  17. What a great author.Some of his books are:Shodows FallDrinking Midnight WineSomething From The Nightsideand others.His works are often fantasy character based. Meaning his works include characters from fantasy, real life, and religions. It amazing to see such a compliation of unique characters in such gripping experiences. If you want to see what I mean read, "Shadows Fall" first, then move to his other works. Unbelievably detailed and incredibly written. You will be watching the book in your mind as you read it. I hope you enjoy themDan
  18. After I had seen my dadThe empty shell of a manHe looked at me and smiledHe doesn't know who I amThis man who had taught mebrought me to things of joyHe looked at me and smiledHe did not know his boyHe taught me to ride a bikeHe had once saved my life.Pulled me from the burning flameWithout even thinking twice.But now he hums and sits aloneLooks out the windows at the treesI sit and tell him I love himAnd he just looks and smiles at meD.M. Bantner
  19. I was never a man of hate or painI never wanted to see people cryI always had a way with wordsand could see the world through their eyesI want you all to remember meAs though I have never leftRemembering they way I made you feelOr the way I made you laughSo don't you dare shed a tearDon't you dare forget what I've doneBecause everyone here todayDeserves to have some funI have fond memories of everyoneAnd the things that I hold nearBut the things I will miss the mostAre my children I hold so dearD.M. Bantner
  20. Every heart feels the sameAn ever burning, dying flameLove, Happiness, Joy and PainDriving us mad, utterly insaneBut does your heart feel so hardClosed and torn, wounded and scarredBottled up emotions in a jarNever too close, ever too farD.M. Bantner
  21. I do not mind peopel being in America. My ancestors were from another country as well. But we did not impose our cultural beliefs onto the USA. We embraced it, and helped it grow. Having a Spanish version of the Star Spangled Banner is ok if you are goign to sing it somewhere else besides America. We live in a country that rose from oppression. Peopel seem to forget that. America was born because we had a belief in ourselves. Now, America is the melting pot of the world. The first Americans started it all. They had an idea.You don't see us goign into Poland and Americanising their anthem. That Anthem was written for a reason. To display our freedom, our strength and our courage. If you want to be part of this country than you want to be part of that freedom, that strength and that courage. therefore, embrace the American way. If not, leave, go home and display your strength there.
  22. "Cry for me...", she saidas I walked away from thereBeing alone and home againBegan to make me scaredI was with and with outNever wanted any moreWith riches from our loveI was deathly poorD.M. Bantner
  23. Check this out. I think this is a cool idea, if you have the money to lend that is https://www.prosper.com/ Just a neat idea. Dan
  24. Robots..... Wow what a great idea. But yet can they do us good or harm us? The 3 laws? Who needs them. A robot is a machine. It does what it is told to do. It has no soul, therefore having no way of thinkign to determine if what it is doing is right or wrong. It does what it itold to do, plain and simple. Killing machines? Sure they are a possibility, but once again, no machine can move faster than a human can think. Hollywood has always made thigns to be worse than they actually are. That's why it's called entertainment and not reality.
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