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Posts posted by Hamtaro

  1. GM-University, I never heard that JavaScript was off by default in IE. When I got my computer, JavaScript was on in IE.Also, nice forum, karlo! Yes, PHP is very hard. I bet that took a very long time to code! I would register, but it'd be a waste of an account. I just don't chat on many forums. Xisto and my own are the only two, but I will register if I decide to join any new forums. Keep up the good work!

  2. I hate my ISP, too, but it's cheap dial-up, so I can't complain. I'd like to get cable, but it's way too expensive. Also, I can only be online for 4 hours. If I'm on for that long, I get kicked offline. I hate it. Mine, and another ISP I know of do that. It gets even more annoying when I try to download a really large file (About 90 and up MB), because I never can. Cable would be so nice to have right now...

  3. I don't really type anything on AIM that would worry me about it being used somewhere. I just talk about things...nothing in particular. That's still interesting though...I may think about not using AIM anymore, but I have some people on it that don't like any other instant messenger. I may tell them about this, if they're ever on...Thanks for that!

  4. Sometimes, it messes up because there are too many connections to the MySQL server. or because people are abusing it. Most of the time, there's too many connections. Just be patient when this occurs, and it will all be restored (And Cpanel will display the correct number of databases when this happens, too). You won't lose a database when this happens, so don't worry.

  5. I'm really glad you mentioned this! It's never happened to me before in Firefox, but you never really know, so I exported all my bookmarks. Firefox hasn't given me any problems at all yet (I bet after I type this, it'll be my luck that I'll have a problem...). Anyway. I hope they can fix that so it won't happen. I have quite a few bookmarks...

  6. Just to let you know: I quit using Perl/CGI about 2 or 3 months ago and started learning PHP, but I still remember some of it, so I'll try my best to help you.


    I think you called the item in the array wrong.

    I usually did: $FORM[Name] instead of $FORM{Name}

    That could be the problem you're having. Have you checked your error logs for the problem? By the way it looks, the rest is fine.


    Here's what I think should be fixed:



    $FORM{$name} = $value; to $FORM[$name] = $value;

    $FORM{quote} to $FORM


    I hope that helps you.

  7. I use Windows Media Player (Version 10). I did use Winamp, but it shows the last played song even if it's from someone else's account. The new Windows Media Player doesn't do that (The old ones do something similar, I believe). One time, my brother went through my music on an old Windows Media Player that we had on this computer, and messed with my music (Renaming the music, and doing some other junk to them). So, that's why I like Windows Media Player better. (Although, there may be others that are better, but I've only used Winamp and WMP.)

  8. It works, I'm using it right now, but it takes a while to build up money using it. Still, it's not bad. At least I AM making money...I think if you get enough money from it, then you can upgrade your account. Hehe...I've only gotten about 3 cents so far, but I haven't done very much in it.

  9. I've never used a Mac before...and most people I know don't like Mac's.But anyway, back on topic:I've heard about Windows Long Horn, but know NOTHING about it, except what was already mention. From what it sounds, it will be really nice. I'd like to see it, but it would probably be a while, even after it's released, before I get to see it because of it, possibly, costing so much, and how much memory and CPU usage it would consume. I hope I DO get to see it, BEFORE I get one at home...

  10. I DO like Windows XP, but I think that it's a little too easy to use. For some reason (Don't know why), I like things that are a little harder/more complex to do, on a computer at least. I also liked the Folder Customizing in Windows 98, where you could use and HTML Template to cusomize, so that's something about 98 I like better. There's other things I like better about 98, but I like XP because of it's speed, and works better with hardware. There's also many other reasons why I like XP (I don't like all the security flaws it has, though...took a lot of time updating to get the second Service Pack).

  11. They ARE going to give us 2GB of space, HOWEVER, that counter on the main page, is an April Fool's Joke, just look at the VERY bottom of the page. I have more than 1 GB, but it's not quite 2 GB. I have about 1,682 MB of space.Oh, and if the Web Mail seems slow, why not change the view to standard HTML, then it may not load as slow.

  12. For most of my PHP scripts, it takes me, on average, about 1 hour for a lengthy script. For most moderate sized files, about 20 minutes. I'm not really good enough to make a good script in 6 minutes...I could make a simple one in that time. I'm currently working on a forum, and it's takes me about 2-3 hours each night to work on. However, most of that time is spent thinking about what functions to use. I don't care how long it takes to code a script, I just enjoy scripting in PHP.

  13. I've been using Outlook Express for a while to check my e-mail for my website here at Xisto. However, every time I try, I get:

    The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'hamtaro.trap17.com', Server: 'mail.hamtaro.trap17.com', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

    No matter what I do, that keeps coming up! I even ran the Outlook Express auto configuration in Cpanel, and still the same thing! I check it in my browser, and I can view it! It's been doing this to me all day! Anyone have any ideas? (Oh, and when it does work, I can't seem to send e-mail using that configuration either). Does anyone have any ideas about what's causing this problem? I've went over the configuration about 10 times, and it all looks right.
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