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Posts posted by Hamtaro

  1. I like it. I'm not much of a poet, and I also don't know much about it, but it's nice. I can tell how you feel (Even if I don't know much about boyfriend/girlfriend relationships...never had a girlfriend before, that's why...). Normally, I'm no good at determining someone's mood in a poem, but I think you di a good job with it.

  2. Well, your hosting credits increase depending on the length of your post. Also, certain topics won't increase your hosting credits. Personally, I think it's really easy to increase my hosting credits. I have about 24. Anyway, your hosting credits could have gone down because of spam, hosting requests/ upgrades, or other reasons. Also, really short posts won't give you many credits, either.

  3. I'm trying to ban ALL IP's that begin with 205.204 (All the computers at my school). I tried to use * as a "wildcard" for it, but Cpanel removed it. If I just use 205.204 will it still block all those? If not, then will I have to enter all the combinations by myself? I'd like to know, because there's some really annoying people coming on my site from school, so I really need to ban all those IPs. Could someone please tell me if that will work?

  4. Oh, I will! I'll probably do it even if it means suspension from school. Since I KNOW a trouble maker on my site, I can actually DO something about it, other than banning.However, I'm a bit worried that it may not have been him...but still, it DID have HIS name on one of the pics on the drawingboard, which was IDENTICAL to that IP...so I guess it's him...unless he has a brother...I worry that I may be wrong too much.

  5. Wow! Glad to see some people on here who at leat USED to like it...Anyway, thanks, whyme, but I already banned them using cpanel...problem is, I may get banned because of it...I have ZetZero, which is dial-up. Their IP address is ALMOST like mine: Mine, at the time of finding this post, was 65.136.52. some other number, forgot what, and his was 65.136.52 also I forgot the last numbers...Anyway, I now know who he is! He's from my school! You wait until I see him! I'm not the kind of person that cusses, but if I find him, I'll probably cuss him out!

  6. I'm getting really sick of this:I keep getting messages on my site's groupboard (drawingboard), and one of them was kinda imitating me. They were even within my ISP's IP range!!!! I have a feeling they're from my school, and if I find out who they are, boy am I gonna tear the *beep* out of them!!!! It makes me so *beep* mad!!! Why do people wanna come to my site just to post all this crap about how much they hate Hamtaro?!?!?! I'm about fed up with it!!!!!!Hmm...that helped...a little. Still, that is highly annoying...This is my first topic to create in the Vent....

  7. Boy do I feel stupid! I DID notice this message in Cpanel, but I guess I misinterpreted it:

    When logging into the ftp server please use the username exactly as it appears below. If the username includes a "@", make sure to include it when logging in. Example: Use "john@doe.org" and not "john"

    I forgot to add username@hamtaro.trap17.com... I was just using the user name...Makes me fell really dumb! Anyway, thanks for the help.

  8. Hmm..I was close. I can understand why it was removed. It can be annoying, though. I hate it when a few people abuse a priviledge, then it gets taken away. That's life, though. I usually try to check what I type before I send it, but sometimes, but we all miss our mistakes, and send something that doesn't sound right...

  9. I'm not Dooga, but I think I can answer that for you:I think someone on one of the forums (Possibly NilsC or OpaQue, maybe someone else) said that some people abused the edit button byediting posts so they could increase their hosting credits. That's why it was removed.

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