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Posts posted by Hamtaro

  1. I definitely think Gmail is better! I also like Gmail's layout better, and the search, and a lot more. I've heard that Hotmail's been upgrading accounts to 250 MB, but mine's still at 2MB, and I've had my account for...about 3 years now. Plus, I get too much spam (So much that I have to set it to receive email from people on my contact list) I don't really use my hotmail account anymore, anyway. I only still have it so that I don't have to change email addresses for MSN Messenger.I'd say Hotmail is probably my least favorite email provider out there. I've had quite a few before.

  2. I have a chat PHP script, that I need a little help with. I'm wanting to use PHP/MySQL so that it will show the most recent message first. What it's doing, is showing the oldest message first, and newest message last. Is there something I can do to reverse the order of the messages? Thanks.(I know...I've had to ask for PHP help often, but I can't quite get a PHP book right now...sorry)

  3. I never really thought about it, for some reason. It may be because most of the computers around where I live, and stay at, are 800*600. I think I may need to start considering them more...I also have noticed no one seems to come to my site on a version lower than IE 6 (I've never really thought about older versions of browsers either.). I may be able to make my site a little better by considering older browsers, and other screen resolutions...

  4. I've just made a PHP script that allows people to chat. It's similar to a tag-board (But not exactly). I'm getting the following warning with MySQL:
    Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=31) state=1 in /home/hamtaro/public_html/add_message.php on line 12

    I looked in the file, and didn't find anything...So I thought I'd ask for help (again).

    Here's the code:

    <?php$UserName = $_POST['UserName'];$EMail = $_POST['EMail'];$Message = $_POST['Message'];$IP = $REMOTE_ADDR;$Query = "INSERT INTO chatboard (UserName, IP, EMail, Message) values('$UserName', '$IP', '$EMail', '$Message')";include "db_chat.php"; //Database connection filemysql_query($Query);mysql_close();include "chat.php";?>

    The weird thing is...this works the way it should...it adds to the database, and also reads it (chat.php), yet I still get that warning. Does anyone know why it's showing that?

  5. Ok, here's just the PHP code for the file. The rest is the page that displays the Thank-You page:

    <?php$message = "User Name: ". $_POST['UserName'] . "\nE-Mail Address: " .$_POST['EMail'] . "\nIP Address: ". $REMOTE_ADDR . "\nComments: \n" . $_POST['Comments'] . ";mail("myemail@email.com", "Feedback",$message);?>

    The mail function is the part where I'm getting the error. If there's supposed to e a semicolon in there, where does it go?

  6. You can remove a scrollbar by adding scrolling="no" to the <frame> tag that you don't want to scroll. However, that frame has more content than the size of the frame, so the scrollbar is there. You can still scroll in a page that doesn't have a scrollbar, by pressing and holding the left mouse button, and dragging down, but that could get annoying.

  7. I just looked at that, and tried it. The way it encrypts is simple...However, you need to know the hexadecimal code to unencypt it. I wouldn't recommend using it, because some people know the hexadecimal values. I can remember space's code...that's all: %20. There's probably something better out there...I don't know. Also, that uses JavaScript to unencrypt the data. It won't work right on a browser that doesn't support JavaScript, or have it disabled.

  8. I've been tring to fix this problem since I've had hosting here at Xisto, but I can't do it, so I need your help.Two of my cgi scripts aren't working right. The SAME cgi script worked right on another host. All I did was change the location of my data files, and it messed up. I looked to see if the data files was right at least 10 times, but it would have given an error if it couldn't find the file. I'm getting an Error 500.The Error Log showed this message:Premature end of script headers: /home/hamtaro/public_html/cgi-bin/hamtaro_petition.cgiWhat does that mean? That same message came up on a text file once before...Could someone please help me with this problem?(If I have to post the CGI script code, I will.)

  9. That's not it. Here's what happens:When I send an e-mail to it, I get a mail delivery failure message from the e-mail I used to send it.I changed my e-mail address for now. Anyway, the other two accounts can send and receive e-mail, but the main one can't receive it.

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