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Posts posted by Hamtaro

  1. No matter how hard I try, my pages are NEVER W3C compliant...I always get errors, and tons of other things. I even one time put in EXACTLY what it wanted, and still got an error. It's irratated me so much, I've given up on even TRYING to get my site W3C compliant. I'm sure most people don't have that problem though.

  2. There's another way to do that, but it's still the same thing:

    <a href="javascript:history.back(1);">Back</a><a href="javascript:history.go(-1);">Back</a>

    That one just doesn't use the # in the code. I think JavaScript is the only way to do that (Correct me if I'm wrong). If I made a mistake, please let me know, as I don't normally use this code.

  3. I have a TON of e-mail accounts (Now it includes abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk.com ). That's ONE LONG e-mail address! I bet it really is the longest in the world! I doubt I'd ever get e-mail there...too long. Even if I told my friends, they'd forget...still. It's kinda funny! I still like Gmail better, though.

  4. It's not a pop-up, and it's not caused by spyware. It's some sort of bug in IE (or Windows XP). It's happened on most XP's with IE 6 that I've been on. Usually, the only way to end it is through the task manager. Even then, it may still lock up your computer. That usually happens to me when I try to close IE. That's part of the reason I switched to Firefox. I don't know why it happens, though. It would probably help if you switch to a better browser.

  5. Hmmm...a TV Show forum. I'd post there for sure! That's a pretty good idea (So is the one about complaining about a cancelled show...I'd complain about Hamtaro getting cancelled...). Hopefully, they'll add that idea. Seems other people think it's a good idea, too!It does seem that the Simpsons is very popular...I don't watch it much, but I do watch it. I wouldn't consider it the most popular show in the world, though. There's probably a show more popular (I'm just guessing, though).

  6. It figures they'd have viruses for phones too! Good thing mine doesn't have that on it! It's weird how a cell phone can have a virus, when you think about it...I usually just associate viruses with humans and computers, not phones. At least they're going to have an antivirus program for the phones, because who knows how well the virus can spread (Seems to spread really well, if they're using that...blue tooth thing. Anyway, I don't know all that much about using that type of stuff with cell phones, but at least it can only come on that one type of file (At least I think it's just it...)

  7. Well, some people may just want to make money from having ads, instead of being forced to put them on. You see, you can put them where you want, if they give you code to put on your page (Unless they say otherwise). Some people just want to try to make as much money as possible from having ads. I do like how Xisto allows an ad-free site, but some people also may put ads on their site hosted by Xisto to help them make some money. The reason people put ads on their pages may vary from person to person.I'm going to look at that site, and, if I'm old enough (I can't use Google AdSense, too young), I may sign up. It sure sounds interesting!

  8. If ther was no internet...I'd probably be really bored, or something. Also, I couldn't be creative at ALL (I'm not that creative, but working on my website is a way for me to be creative, and it's the only thing I'm actually SOMEWHAT creative with.) Also, I wouldn't be able to chat with other Hamtaro fans (None around where I'm at...anyway, you don't wanna hear me talk about Hamtaro...) Just thinking of their being no internet is creepy, VERY creepy! It's hard to even think about!

  9. There will be bad times, if what you posted wasn't spam, then (as was already stated), it could have been an error with the script. Also, Xisto is a VERY GOOD host! I'm gonna stay here for as long as possible! I think it's a very great site, that's watched very carefully by the moderators (and OpaQue). Just remember this: Everything on this site was designed by a human, and humans make mistakes, so a program they make can also make a mistake.

  10. My invites haven't gone up...I still have 48 left. Probably a small bug in Gmail's invite system. I have no idea when (if theydo), Gmail goes public. I also hope not, then, it'd be impossible for new people to get a good name, possibly more spam, and other problems. Yeah, Gmail is pretty fast, I'm veryimpressed with Gmail.

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