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Posts posted by Hamtaro

  1. I have a Creative Nomad MuVo. It's only 64 MB, but that's almost all I need for now. It can also play mp3 and wma files. Since I can't get on the internet at my house, I use it so that I can use Firefox and some other programs anywhere. It was only $30, but it's still very useful. Much better and reliable than floppies, that's for sure.

  2. I wish my school had some better computers, AND have some teachers in a computer class where I can actually LEARN. In my keyboarding apps class this past year, I didn't learn anything, except for how fast I can type! We used Word, that's it! Oh, and I've also had to deal with them telling us how to save documents EVERY YEAR! Our computers (Windows XP Professional) are also a piece of crap. Slow, messing up all the time, and some won't even start up right! I envy all of you who have a school with decent computers!

  3. Well, as of right now, I only deal with server-side scripting languages for my website. I recommend PHP for that, but learning some Perl/CGI wouldn't hurt. I was programming in Perl before PHP. Anyway, like everyone's said: Learn many different languages. No one particular programming language can help you with everything that you may need to do.

  4. I'm beginning to dislike Microsoft more and more. That is just plain ridiculous of them! Most of the time, if it won't work in Firefox, I don't visit that site. I only use IE if it's the only browser on the computer. I highly doubt that they'd ever force a Firefox user to switch back to IE. Firefox is just plain better and has more features than IE will ever have.

  5. I'm not quite sure where to put this at, so I'll put it here.I was unable to post for a while, and when I logged in to my forum account, I had -4 days hosting credit. However, my site was still up.I used the forum search engine, and found nothing. I made a post and got my credits over 1 day. However, as soon as I had my credits over 1, my account was suspended. I know I have to have about 4 or 5 credits, so that's not the question. Why did this happen right after I was over 1 day?

  6. Wow! So you did that all by yourself? I'm working on my own message board, but it's not near as good as that! I would register there, but I don't really visit many forums, sorry. I would be unable to post much, anyway. It looks really good! It seems to have many great features as well. I give it a 9 out of 10. (Oh, and I got a warning saying that headers were already sent (Function: session_start()) I just thought I'd tell you.)

  7. I'm glad to see that they have at least found a cure that works at least on one person. It means that they are slightly closer to curing cancer! (I don't have the time to read the entire article, so I may have missed a few things) I don't believe I've had any family member die of cancer (one or two may have..at least that I know). Math can be used to accomplish so much now...it's amazing!

  8. I'm not a very big Star Wars fan, but that is not affecting this: For me, I don't think the game looks fun. It may be, but the ad for it made me think that. I, honestly, wouldn't call it stupid, though. It just doesn't look interesting to me.Oh, and Jackel, are you making fun of either of those? There's no way that would EVER happen (Even if I do like both). (I know, you're being sarcastic...)

  9. Sounds like you've had it pretty rough..I've never tried uni.cc (Last I checked, the no longer had DNS service for new accounts..so that's one reason. I don't like redirects). It does sound like it's at uni.cc's end, because I know uni.cc works here at Tra17. Many people have (or are currently) used it. A purchased domain would be better, because you would own that domain. It should be worth the wait with that one, though. Most paid domains (if not all) are more reliable than free domains.

  10. I don't really know very many computer brands...but there is one I don't care about: Netway (NOT Gateway). Netway did a HORRIBLE job on the computer I have right now. Most of the brands that I know are all right...like Dell and HP (I prefer HP). However, as long as the computer has decent hardware, not loaded down with preinstalled software, and doesn't use any kind of older hardware, I'll use it.

  11. I've heared some good things about it. I only don't have it because I no longer have internet access at home...Anyway, some people at my site's forums have mentioned it. Not that much, though. I've heard bad and good things about...I think it was the winks. It seems cool to me, but I won't be able to determine how much I actually like it for a while.

  12. My favorite would be the GameCube. It just has more games that I'm interested in for it. I do like Halo and Halo 2 for Xbox, but I don't own one. Plus, those are about the only two games I like for Xbox. Also, a GameCube is kinda cheap compared to those other consoles, and yet it has pretty good graphics. However, when it comes down to it, I mainly care about how fun a game is, not how nice the graphics in it are, so that's why I like the GameCube more.

  13. There's no way I'd trust Microsoft with that kind of information! They're a large company, with many employees, some whom would probably be the ones looking at that information. In XP, you don't have to send the crash information, but if you HAVE to in Longhorn, then there would be absolutely no way I'd ever use it! I think I may just switch over to Linux...when I can get it. I don't really care if that information could help them prevent crashes. That's too much info to send, especially for an error report.

  14. I've had an experience similar to that. I don't remember it very well, but it was kinda similar to what happened to your advisor. I've experienced Deja Vu so many times, that I don't remember ANY of them (usually). It's weird though...when you get that feeling. Basically, I feel like I've seen it in a dream (or actully experienced it...that's happened only once to me, though). It's just weird how the mind works, isnt it?Oh, and just because you are sitting in an office, you still don't usually experience the EXACT same thing, unless you get a deja vu feeling. There will (usually) be small things that may be different, or it may seem to be EXACTLY like you thought had already happened.

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