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Posts posted by Hamtaro

  1. My time spent on the computer varies. I spend 1 hour and 30 minutes each school day in my keyboarding class, about 10-20 minutes in the morning at school before classes start, and about 3-6 hours after school. During the summer it's usally either much higher, or about the same. I don't usually play games on the computer, either. I usually create PHP scripts, post on some forums (including Xisto) and chat online.

  2. I've only been to a few states: Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia. I live in Kentucky. I would say that my favorite out of those, is either Indiana, Virginia, or Kentucky. Kentucky isn't as popular as some states (At least at certain times..) so that's one reason it's my favorite: The less popular, the less crowded. Although, parts of it are VERY crowded. So, basically, I don't exactly know what my #1 favorite state is.

  3. Well, Cpanel has a shopping cart you can install. I don't know if it's exactly what you're looking for. I've never tried it. Also, I have no idea at all, but it may be written in PHP. I also don't know how secure it is, but, still, it may be worth a shot. I hope I helped you somewhat.

  4. My favorite pets are (in order): Hamsters, Dogs, Cats, and Fish. I don't know if I'd like any others, since I've never had any other types of pets. I do love animals, though, so I'd probably would like many other types of them. Those are just the ones I've had that I know I like for sure.

  5. Thanks for that link! I'm going to download the portable Firefox and Thunderbird (I have the full versions of them, too) so that I can use them even while I'm at school! (At least I HOPE it will work at school.) I'm going to continue to look at that site. Maybe I'll find something interesting there (Other than what you've already mentioned).

  6. I haven't been to Netbux in a while, and after seeing that they don't accept PayPal, I think I won't use them anymore. Also, they DO seem to be down quite a lot. That was the main reason I quit going there. I think I'll just delete my account there, if I can figure out how. Thanks for that info! I know now that maybe I shouldn't use a paid to search program anymore.

  7. I hate dial-up, too. I just wish I could get DSL. I doubt I'll be able to get DSL for a while. Problem is, with all the stuff I do when I'm online, dial-up is just too slow. I'm always on more than one site, chatting on instant messengers...and it slows down my connection a lot! If only there was a decent cheap DSL, or at least a cheap accelerated dial-up.

  8. Cool. I knew they had Java games for them, but I never knew that they had flash for them now. Who knows what types of games your phone could play next? Hopefully phones will have more memory soon. Mine doesn't even have 1 MB of space on it. I don't play games much on my phone, but I do occasionly, and it's not for very long when I do.Oh, and I had heard that some cell phone radiation could damage you, but I've never really had any problems, or even seen them in anyone else. It may take a while for it to affect you, though.

  9. I'm not entirely sure, but sometimes, if you copy something in Word (and some other programs) and you accidentally (or purposely) paste to the desktop (or other folders), it appears there. It's basically a file to store copied items like that (similar to Clipboard). Only it can be dragged and dropped into other applications. It can be for more than text. That's all I really understand about a scrap file.

  10. Most of what I know came from php.net. I also learned some PHP from the Xisto forums (at the start, I needed help about 3 times within a week or two). Also, if you're wanting to use MySQL, http://www.php-mysql-tutorial.com/error.htm?aspxerrorpath=/ is also a good site to learn to do certain things with MySQL. It helps you create a CMS (Content Mangement System) and I think a guestbook. There's more there, too, but I don't remember it all.

  11. I think it CAN be decreased, but they would have to do it, so I couldn't exactly answer that. I've seen the warning thing before (on my site's forums), and I wondered if Xisto used it for the forum, until I saw the warning meter about one or two days ago. I'm glad we can see our warnings, though. (I don't usually do anything to worry about it, but some people may need to see it).

  12. I do like Firefox the best, but there's really one thing I like better about Internet Explorer:When you are downloading in Firefox, and you get disconnected, you have to restart the download.When in Internet Explorer (At least in Windows XP Service Pack 2), when you get disconnected, you can resume the download right where you left off. I get disconnected a lot, so that's very useful for me.That's probably the only thing I like about Internet Explorer. Other than that, Firefox is my favorite.

  13. I've also seen this before...I was going to go to a Hamtaro fansite, and came across a porn site, accidentally. I forgot a small part of the URL, and it took me there. Who would have thought that I Hamtaro site could take you there? Still, it's no surprise to see someone doing it to Google now. I just don't see why they'd waste their time and money to do that stuff...I guess they're stupid.

  14. I was a little shocked when I looked at mine. I knew there were a FEW other countries, but I didn't know I had 17 different countries visiting my site! These results are better than what I expected.Here's my list:United StatesEuropean UnionCanadaUnknownGreat BritainArgentinaAustraliaSingaporeNicaraguaSwedenGermanyIndiaGuam (USA)JapanMalaysiaIndonesiaHong Kong

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