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Everything posted by delivi

  1. the best way to get your site indexed by Google and a host of other search engines is to have unique content in your site, this way you'll attract many visitors and get listed in many blogs and other related sites thus increasing your visibility in the search engines.
  2. If you are looking out for cool effects using DHTML (Dynamic HTML : HTML + Javascript), head out tothe following sites, * http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ * http://www.dhtmlcentral.com/ * http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/ * http://www.tips-tricks.com/dy.asp/?gtnjs=1
  3. you need to use the units when specifying the height and width attributes for the images or any other element. use the following code and it should work and is 100% valid HTML Strict <td colspan="4" style="background: url(images/sg_12_02.jpg); width:241px; height:9px;"> I'd suggest that you should use a separate file as style sheet containing all the styles and never use inline styles. I'd also suggest that you'd use div's and css for positioning and layout of your webpage as per the Web Standards. This will greatly help you achieve lighter and neat page.
  4. No martial art weapon is meant to be handled by a person with no proper Martial Art training.Even if you try using one you'll endup hurting yourself. So please keep in mind all those guys in the movies and tv use these weapons only after several years of hardwork and rigrious training
  5. I a simple link with this code is enought to print the content of the page <a href="java script:print();">Print this Page</a> This will work in IE, FF & Opera but not in safari
  6. I've started my web designing business and have started getting domestic offers for designing websites.But I'vent got any international offers . How do get international exposure??
  7. Windows XP reservers 20 percent of the Internet bandwidth for QoS ( Quality of Service). This is unnecessary and can be disabled. By disabling this you get a boost in the Bandwith. Follow the following steps: * Select Start > Run and enter gpedit.msc to Open the Group Ploicy Editor. * In the left-hand column in the window, navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > QoS Packet Scheduler * In the right column double-click on Limit reservable bandwidth and select Enabled. * Change the Bandwidth Limit to 0 and click OK. Now you've disabled the QoS and enjoy the extra bandwidth.
  8. The internet tech circles have been expecting for 'GPhone' from Google since the news about Apple's iPhone was first announced. The Google guys went a different way and released a software stack or framework for mobile phones, called Android. Andriod is a combination of operating system, user interface, and Java-based applications like e-mail client, web browser, contacts, maps, etc. Built on the Linux Kernel version 2.6 the Android is an Opersource and platform independent development. Thus a software developed on this will run on a wide variety of handsets. The development of Andriod is supported by the Ipen Handset Alliance which comprises 34 companies - including handset manufacturers (Motorola, LG), carriers (T-Mobile, sprint), hardware companies (Intel, nVidia, Qualcomm), and software companies (eBay, Google). Google has released the Andriod SDK for developers, and has announced $10 million as prize money for innovative applications. Phones working on Andri=oid are expected to be shipped by the end of 2008. Learn more here https://developer.android.com/about/index.html
  9. delivi


    VoiceStick lets you make calls over VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) from any PC. i2Telecom's VoiceStick makes the VoIP calling simple with a whole bunch of extra features for power users who want to do even more than use their computer to make calls. The VoiceStick program comes in a standard USB thumb drive. All you gotta do is to plug the USB drive into your PC, and slip on the provided headset into your computer's standard audio ports. The VoiceStick software runs right off the USB drive. Connecting a telephone interface makes dialing and accepting incoming calls a breeze. You can use VoiceStick in two plans. You pay for unlimited calling at US$20 a month in U.S. and Canada or US$25 a month for global use. Or pay for only the calls you make, on a per-minute basis. The Global Plan includes several hundered international destinations but not the entire world. Find out more about VoiceStick at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. When will the Old Nameserver address become void ?? Please give me a date.
  11. The Registry has to be one of the least understood aspects of the Windows operating system family. A wrong entry in the Registry can potentially wreak havoc on the system.To understand the Registry is to get to the heart of controlling and modifying your Windows system. If you know what you are doing, you can turn your machine into a lean performance machine, customize and personalize its appearance, and get complete control over nearly every aspect of how Windows XP behaves.It is always recommended that you take a backup of the Registry before proceeding with an edit, because, an improperly executed hack could cause strange behavior or even worse, could even entirely corrupt your Windows installation, requiring you to reinstall Windows. Make an Edit in the registry only if you know what you're doing - and if you do it with care.There are two things you can do in terms of backing up the Registry: * either back up the entire Registry, or * export the specific key you are going to edit.To export a Registry key follow the following steps: 01. To open the Registry Editor click on "Start" and select "Run". In the Run dialog box enter 'regedit' and hit OK. 02. Find the key or sub-key you want to edit and select it by clicking on it. 03. Choose File > Export. In the dialog box, select the location where you want to save the key, select to save it as a .reg file, and select the ?Selected Branch? option. Give a name for the fileand click Save. It will be saved as a .reg file.At any later point, you can restore the individual key you exported using the method above by a simple double-click on the .reg file you saved.To back up the entire Registry, use the backup utility provided with XP. It is generally not recommended to exportthe entire Registry or a hive using the ?export? method, as any changes or accidental erasures while working with .reg file may have disastrous consequences. * Open the backup software from All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Backup. * Select the checkbox that says ?System State Data?.This will back up the registry, boot files, and the COM+ class registration database.To restore the system state follow the following steps: * Open the Backup utility from All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Backup * Click on 'Advanced Mode' and select the 'Restore and Manage Media' tab. * Select the backed up system state file you want to restore. Check the 'System State' box. * In the ?Restore Files to? box, select 'Original Location'. * In the Tools menu, select Options, and click on 'Always replace the file on my computer', then on OK. If you don?t select this option you'll be asked for a confirmation for each and every file during the restore process. * Click ?Start Restore?. You will get a warning that says: 'Restoring System State will always overwrite current System State unless restoring to an alternative location'. Click OK to overwrite. * Click OK in the Confirm Restore dialog box. The restore operation will start showing you the progress of therestore. * When it completes, click Close and accept the prompt to restart the computer.Now your Registry will be restored to its state before you made any cahnges in it.
  12. OH! what happened. Will someone announce the results and update the list of winners ?
  13. delivi


    MRAM is in the news in the past couple of years, with several chip makers pursuing the technology including the Big Blue - IBM.About 2 years back Freescale Semiconductor announced the commercial availability of an MRAM chip, this was the world's first.Magnetoresistive RAM or MRAM is a cross between a hard disk and Flash. It is fast like no other magnetic storage and is non-volatile like Flash. It is better than Flash because it's faster and doesn't degrade over time. MRAM uses magnetic materials combined with conventional silicon circuitry. In fact it is termed as "universal mem ory", and could be used in every elecronic device from PCs to Mobile Phones.Theoritically, MRAM is the Holy Grail of Memory. MRAM will be implemented in embedded devices. It will be used in automotive and industial sectors where durability is critical.When launched a 4 Mega bit MRAM chip costed $25, which translates to $50 per Megabyte. So it will not replace flash or harddisks anytime soon.
  14. IPN project funded by NASA in collaboration with DARPA, is supporting a team of scients at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Houston, Texas. The objective behind the IPN project is to build an architecture for a future inter-planetary internet by setting nodes across the solar system for connecting the Internet on Earth with the internet of other planets and spacecraft. IPN is to be used for deep-space data communications between earth, Mars and other planets. The basic components of IPN are NASA's Deep Space Network ( an international network of antennas to continuously track data and control navigation of spacecrafts), a six micro-satellite constellation around Mars, and the appropiate protocols. Challenges facing IPN include reducing delay in data transmission, figuring out the protocols, satellite maintenance, availability of domain names, and security from hackers. A link to Mars is planned by 2008.
  15. delivi


    Lua is a new, free scripting language that is gaining popularity with application and game developers.Lua was developed at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and has been under the care of the Computer Graphics Technology Group (tecgraf) at the university.Lua is a simple language to learn and write code in, but is still very effecient and fast. This is a rare combination found in a programming language. Lua integrates weel with C, C++ and Java. So it is very convenient for developers to use Lua to extend the features of their existing programs.Similar to Java, the Lua code is interpreted when needed, rather than compiled like a C or C++ program. Much like java, the code is translated into bye-code and runs on it's own virtual machine.Lua provides automatic memory management, thus it takes the load off programmers' minds, so they can focus more on important features. Lua can be used to create flexible applications, since it is also capable of modyfing itself.Is Lua a new language? no, not at all. Lua was developed way back in 1993, and has been undergoing major improvements since. But I wonder why this language is not so popular.An integral part of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom was written in Lua. It is also used for developing games. In the game "World of Warcraft" the Lua is used to allow users to customize the interface. The AI for the game "Company of Heroes" was written in Lua.I'm very much interested in this language and I'm planning to learn Lua. If any one of you already know about this language, please let us know more about Lua.
  16. I'm using the Opera USB stored on my Pendrive to browse from Public Internet Cafes. I usually copy it to the computer's harddisk before opening the Opera as this will reduce the total number of read and write requests made to the Pendrive, thus enhancing the drive's life and increases performance. After the browsing is complted I'll move the folder back to the pendrive. It is safer than the installed applications as nothing is stored in the computer. But keyloggers are another thing... You can protect your passwords by using the Opera's Wand to store passwords. So there would be no reason to worry about keyloggers.
  17. I hope that you'd have messed with the Email settings within your cPanel. Check that the email is you've changes the MX record for the subdomain you're using rightly.If u still face any issues post the MX Record you've used.
  18. I made this post based on what I read from the site and an article in a tech mag. It is in my own words
  19. A dangerous virus spreading life-threatening infections is killing more people in United States each year than AIDS virus. This was stated in an article by the Associated Press. According to the Associated Press nearly 90,000 Americans get affected each year from a drug-resistant staph germ. 46 out of 1000 US nursing home and hospital patients are affected. Most staph cases tend to be relatively mild skin infections, but invasive infections that enter the bloodstream can easily become deadly. The apparent use of antibiotics has greatly limited the effectiveness of the countermeasures. Hospital and nursing home patients, mostly senior citizens, are the main victims, but the deadly staph infections also affect the very young. This shows that there is a need for the better prevention measures curbing the overuse of antibiotics and improving the personal hygiene procedures among hospital workers. The hospitals should improve the standard hygiene to reduce the spread of the infections. Learn more about Staph Infections
  20. The year 2008 is going to make the gamers very happy as several new games and game sequels lineup for release later this year.Some of the prominent games for PC that are to be released this year are.Alan AwakeAlone in the DarkDevil May Cry 4 - Feb '08Fallout 3 -'08 4th QuarterFar Cry 2 - '08 2nd QuarterMercenaries 2: World in FlamesSporeSplinter Cell: Conviction - '08 1st QuarterTom Clancy's EndWar - Feb '08Turok - Feb '08there are a lots more to come. I'll update this list as i get to know
  21. Microsoft is improving its existing services like e-mail and IM to catch-up the competition. Apart from that Microsoft is working on a concept to unify all the services it offers onto one platform called the Windows Live Core, codenamed Cloud OS. Cloud OS will run web-based applications like Microsoft's Live Service to unify platforms from Windows on PC to the XBox platform to Windows Mobile. Users will be able to access their data from any platform as it will be stored online. If you take a photograph using your Windows Mobile powered phone, you'll be able to access it seamlessly on a PC, or save game related notes from your XBox and access them on the move from your mobile phone. Microsoft is solidifying its stance by launching two new Live services, one for storing and sharing photos online and another for storage of any kind of file. Still there is no confirmation regarding the exact nature of the end product but is the Microsofts way heading towards getting its place on the web as it does on the Desktop. Links to Learn More, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Live_Core http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  22. FileRights is a collaborative program devised to prevent copyright content from being distributed on the BitTorrent network. This system was developed by the team behind the popular torrent site TorrentSpy, which hosts torrent files of pirated content. This system was launched in July 2007. A database to which the original content developers can upload details of their movies, TV shows and songs will be hosted by the original content developers and BitTorrent website owners. FileRights then distributes these details to the participating BitTorrent sites so that copyrighted content can be removed from their search results. FileRights will use the file's digital signature or MD5 checksum known as hash values, to detect the content over their network. Currently, the only way for original content developers to remove their content from a BitTorrent site is to issue the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) affidavits for each and every torrent file on the site. FileRights will take much less time to implement. Drawback: Since the FileRights use hash values to detect content, even the smallest alteration to a file will make the file unique and untraceable by the FileRights database. The developers of FileRights hope to rope in more original content developers and BitTorrent sites. Learn more here http://imptestrm.com/rg-erdr.php?_dnm=www.filerights.com&_cfrg=1&_drid=as-drid-2300300503455222
  23. Universal Mobile Access or UMA in short is a technology that allows us to use our GSM phone on accessible WiFi, WiMax and Bluetooth networks. The network devices become like mini cell sites. It is a standard accepted by the members of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)The UMA enabled mobile has GSM and WiFi radios that can work simultaneously. When the phone moves into the range of a Wireless LAN which is connected to internet, the user connects to the UMA Network Controller (UNC). The UNC authenticates and authorizes the user and updates the IP and MAC address on the central network of the mobile service provider. Once this is done, all GSM services are routed through IP to the location of the user. The switching of network happens seamlessly and automatically, without the user's knowledge.UMA reduces the burden on cellular towers, and covers poor-coverage areas such as inside buildings, tunnels, and basements. It reduces the transmission costs of calls as well. Users will experience fewer call drops, better voice clarity and increased browsing speeds.UMA is implemented in US by T-Mobile with 8,500 WiFi hotspots. TeliaSonera, a telecom company, provides the service in Norway, Finland and Sweden. Nokia is planning to release UMA based mobiles by the first quarter of 2008.
  24. DirectX 10.1 is a revision of the DirectX 10 (DX10) graphics specification, due out soon with the Vista Service Pack 1. Only the Windows Vista systems with Service Pack 1 can use DirectX 10.1 and those without SP1 will use DirectX10.DirectX 10.1 adds specifications that were optional in DirectX 10, like 32-bit FP filtering.The next generation games based on DirectX10.1 will provide a new level of graphics quality. Currently, ATi has released graphics cards based on DirectX 10.1, but the games to utilize the features are yet to be built.Currently, the DirectX 10.1 is under Beta Testing along with Vista Service Pack 1 and it would be available in the early quarter of 2008. There are rumors that Microsoft is trying to make DirectX 10.1 compatible with XP.Gaming enthusiasts and freaks who've spent hundreds of dollars buying the top of the line graphics cards need not worry as the DirectX 10.1 games will function on DirectX 10 cards, but will not look as good as on a DirectX 10.1 card. None of the 8800s and 8600s that gamers have bought so far will DirectX 10.1 based games the way they should be run.Let?s wait and see until it is finally out!
  25. yep this is true the fonts are a great memeory and performance hog. If you remove all the extra fonts and keep only the system default fonts you can find a considerable increase in the system performance
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