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Everything posted by delivi

  1. Here is the simple bit of code that will help you to create or restore the Show Desktop Shortcut in Windows XP. Open Notepad or any simple text editor and type the following code, [Shell]Command=2IconFile=explorer.exe,3[Taskbar]Command=ToggleDesktop Save the file as 'Show Desktop.scf' and make sure theat 'All Files' is selected in the File Type list. Save this file in desktop and then drag it ove to the Quick Launch bar. If you want to customize the icon and use your own Icon instead of using the Windows Default, put the path of the icon next to 'IconFile=' as follows, IconFile='PATH_TO_ICON',0
  2. I've my Domains hosted in Xisto. My Account is suspended due to lack of enough points, but I was able to use the Google Apps for Domains for checking out my mail. But recently I'm not able to send or receive any mail, I think the problem is in the MX Record which I've set in Xisto cPanel. When I access my domain http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I get the Account suspended page which is the usual page, but I'm not getting that page when I access my Addon Domains xatre.info, it is pointing to ComputingHostst name servers. Is there anything I need to do to make my addon domains work?
  3. The best browser to begin web designing is Firefox.I my practice, I begin my HTML & CSS coding for my new designs for Firefox, then once the coding is done I'll make some changes to the code, usually CSS to fix the things in IE 7. I then refer how the page looks in IE 7, Firefox 2, Firefox 3 and Safari. As for IE 6 I usually add a seperate CSS file that contains all the IE 6 specific CSS hacks and fixes for the bugs and include this CSS stylesheet with conditional comments.Opera is also a great browser, but it is really pain when your web applications become more dependent on Javascript.
  4. I see the graphics contests more like the way for getting fresh ideas. I've found many new techniques when working on the design contests. It also inspires a lot gives idea of how people think and how creative they are. It helps us to learn a lot more and show our skills to others.and I don't think that people who are participating in the Graphics contests are for points or credits they are here because they love what they are doing
  5. I don't expect this to happen with phpBB 3, which is more professionalistic than its previous versions. So the problems might be because of some older phpBB versions.As mentioned in the report the attacks have affected only IIS, that is windows servers. So nowadays people who host projects or sites in OpenSource languages especially PHP, Java, Python or Ruby host only on Linux Servers, so this threat will have no impact on them.But still it is always advisable that you keep your softwares updated and patched.
  6. I checked out the Fantastico site here, it seems that they've upgraded Wordpress to version 2.5.1 which is the latest stable version. So when are we gonna see the updated Fantastico in Xisto's cPanel?
  7. I'm also worried about the lesser activity in the Graphics Forum.We've got great designers like Saint Michael, Mich, truefusion, avalon, kubi, Snlildude87, Sylenzednuke but still there is lesser involvement in the Graphics forum and the participation in the SOTW is really bad. Comeon guys freshen up, lets make this section of Xisto buzz with activity and lets get the SOTW, SOTM and Tournaments back
  8. Come on guys share the game are you playing now, and a few points on what you found interesting in the game.Right now I'm playing NFS Pro Street, this game has excellent graphics and for the first time in the NFS series comes with damage effects. I'm still missing the adrenalin rush from NFS Most Wanted.Next I'm planning to play Gears of War, Call of Duty 4 and Time Shift
  9. Variables Javascript assigns every variable a type which changes as we assign different values to the variable. We can get the type of a variable using the 'typeof' operator. For eg., var hello = "Welcome to Xisto";var year = 2008;alert(typeof hello );alert(typeof year ); The above lines will output the type of the first variable 'hello' as String and the second variable 'year' as Number. The types of Javascript variables are Boolean, Function, Number, Object and String. A variable with no explicitly assigned value has a value 'undefined'. '===' Operator The === Operator (with three equals signs), always returns 'false ' if two operands are of different types and performs the operation of '==' operator if they are of same type. So the '===' is used to strictly compare two operands that are of same type. var a = 123; //Numbervar b = "123"; //Stringalert( a == b );alert( a === b ); the first output returns true as it just compares the value and ignores the tpe of the variables, whereas the second expression outputs 'false' as the two variables are of different types. for-in Javascript has a for similar to the one found in other programming languages. It also has a variant of the 'for' that can be used to iterate over the properties of an object or to iterate over arrays. var rainbow = [ "Violet" , "Indigo" , "Blue" , "Green" , "Yellow" , "Orange" , "Red" ];for ( var color in rainbow ) alert(colors[color]);
  10. Genetic Programming is a machine learning technique inspired by the theory of biological evolution. It is usually started with a huge number of programs, which are randomly generated, hand-coded or known solutions. These programs are then made to compete against each other to see which program performs better. Once the competetion is complete, we'll get a ranked list of the programs sorted in the order of best to worst programs. Next comes the evolution, the best peroforming programs are replicated and modified further in two ways, Mutation and Crossover. Mutation is the simplest way in which certain parts of the program are altered very slightly randomly in hope that it will make it even better. Crossover is the way of taking a portion of the best programs and replacing it with a portion if one of the other best programs. These replications and modifications create mansy new programs that asre based on, but different from the best programs. At each stage the fitness of the programs are evaluated by competeign against each other. the number of the programs in each stage is kept constant. So the worst ones are eliminated leaving space for newer better programs. each stage is termed as a Generation and the whole procedure is repeated in each stage. Since only the best programs are being kept and modified, it is expected that with each generation the programs will get better and better. The new generations keep on coming until a termination occurs when a perfect solution is found or a good enough solution is obtained or there is no progress through generations or the generation limits are exceeded. Genetic programming has been around since 1980s. The genetic progams are computationally very intensive so in early days they were used only for simple functions. As computers got more powerful the progroblems got bigger. Genetic programming is extensively used by NASA and in photonics, optics and other scientific inventions. Genetic programming has been used to create programs for playing games like Chess and backgammon. Learn More on Genetic Programming,
  11. Adobe Acrobat Reader is free whereas Adobe Acrobat, the software that is used for creating PDF documents is a Commercial software. I don't think that all corporates are using pirated softwares. Usually the businesses that use pirated softwares are the new Startups and medium sized non-IT companies.
  12. People have started upgrading their browsers to IE 7 (especially after Microsoft removed the piracy check for IE7), Firefox, Opera and Safari. IE 6 is now used by less than 10% of the Internet users. Usually they are non-technology persons or people who still use outdated Windows 98. Recently I was surprised that the AVG LinkScanner a new feature in AVG Anti-Virus application is identifying it self as IE6, so the actual IE 6 traffic might be even lesser.
  13. Nice tutorial, great for learning PHP. but for serious use I'd suggest using a News Management System like * CutePHP * EBA-News * Fusion News * PhpCow (Paid) * Absolute Engine or you can use Wordpress for publishing news like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. Femtocells are small devices that boost cellular networks around areas in the interior of buildings that might have low signal strength. A femtocell is no different from a wireless router and are about the size of a paperback. Femtocells route the signals from up to 5 mobile phones through a broadband connection and pass them to the service provider thereby bypassing the conventional phone to tower path. Femtocells are currently supported by GSM, CDMA and UTMS networks. Femtocells benefit both the customer as well as the operator. Customers benefit by improved coverage, lower costs per call, longer battery life and usage of multiple phones and lines on a single connection. Operators get more customers by minimal infrastructure investment and reduced congestion in the network. Femtocells are already in use in a limited basis across some Major cities in US. Major players like Motorola, NetGear and Google are involved in the Femtocells. With the phasing out of 2G networks, phones using 3G networks and technologies like HSDPA becoming mainstream, extending a network by conventional means , installing more towers hence result being more expensive. The advancements in the embedded technologies has lowered the price of base stations to affordable levels. Thus the emphasis on Femtocells increases and adaptation to new technologies will be hassle-free. Learn more here , * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Femtocell * https://www.thinksmallcell.com/ * http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/6916125.stm
  15. here are some sites that might help you choose this phone. These sites provide features, reviews of N95 8GB. Hop this will be useful * Wikipedia : N95 8GB * YouTube : N95 / N95 8GB Comparison * GSM Arena * Gizmodo's Long-*bottom* Nokia N95 Review: Why it Rocks, Why it Sucks * Brighthand review * Nokia N95 8GB Specs
  16. I downloaded SP3 from the Windows Site on 29th April, got the link from an external site As I used to update Windows regulary via the Windows Update, there was some issues when I installed SP3. I was not even able to boot in Safe Mode.It happened because I got a version of a particular DLL that is newer than the one packed with SP3, I had to boot with Ubuntu Live CD and replace the DLL to boot in.I didn't notice any specific improvements in XP. I read the SP3 Overview that SP3 fixes many security issues and bugs. There are no UI enhancements or new features added.
  17. Indian defence research organisation DRDO successfully test-fired its 3000 km range surface-to-surface nuclear capable Agni-III missile today.Agni III gives India the capability to hit targets as far as deep inside China like Beijing and Shanghai. India now joins a select group of nations having intermediate range ballistic missiles (IRBMs) with ranges upto 3000 kms. The success of Agni-III paves the way for India to build its truly intercontinental range missiles Agni-IV with a range of 5000 kms in the near future. A miniaturised submarine-launched version of the Agni-III called Agni-III SL is also being developed.
  18. I'd recommend the Eclipse PHP editor also known as Eclipse PDT (PHP Development Tools) It is based on the Eclipse IDE and the official PHP Editor with support from Zend, the company promoting PHP. Official Eclipse PDT (PHP Development Tools) download site Download the All-in-one package contianing all the required components to run Eclipse PHP Editor from Zend.
  19. Grisoft released the latest version of AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition on 24th April. Read More... The AVG Anti-virus Free Edition 8.0 has a many enhanced features and a new interface. some of the new features are, * Enhanced & Updated Antivirus * Anti-Spyware * Safe Search * Link Checker, it checks the links in the google results for their security. The reason why I love AVG is that it doesn't hog too much system resources. It requires a modest configuration of, * Intel Pentium 300 MHz * 30 MB free HD space * 256 MB RAM What it actually lacks is technical support, multilingual support , Anti-rootkit, Anti-spam, Firewall, Safe downloads, Safe Surf and Safe IM, but we get all the basic features necessary to keep our system free from virus Download AVG Anti-virus 8.0 Free Edition
  20. I use GTalk a lot for Instant messaging, previously I was using Yahoo! Messenger and Live Messenger.Now I use Pidgin to use all the IM services from a single client
  21. here are a few sites that will let you check your site across multiple browsers, * http://browsershots.org/ - Free * https://www.browsercam.com/ - Paid * https://litmus.com/ - Paid * https://litmus.com/ - Paid
  22. you can try installing the Windows XP SP3 RC2 from here, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or wait till the final is released.
  23. StarDock Bootskin will do the job, lot more safe and no need to tinker with the system files.We can get a load of BootSkin themes that will change the Windows Loading Splash Screen.
  24. I'm using GMail extensively for all my Personal Mails. I also have my professional mail setup on Google Apps. Other than GMail I use Live Mail occasionally and Yahoo! Mail very rarely
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