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Everything posted by delivi

  1. Google has made the GMail available for public in a few countries like US and United Kingdom.So no more Gmail Invites or Mobile registrations.Soon before the GMail birthday on April 1st, Gmail will be made public for all nations. This is not fake I've read in several blogs about it.
  2. Google has created a Guide that helps new users switching from Yahoo , Hotmail or any other Email service to Gmail. This guide helps you how to import contacts, keep the existing ID etc. You can access the Switching to GMail Guide Here
  3. yep, this is becoming an issue now. lot of mobile hackers with bluetooth enabled PCs are trying to hack the Mobile that have their Bluetooth enabled. They can use the mobile the've hacked as they wish.I is really versy safe to turnoff Bluetooth, if you've blutooth in it.
  4. I love black, blue, red, sugarcane(light shade of yellow),....I'ts a big list
  5. I like pepsi, especially diet pepsi.I dont like Coke that much but I do drink it regularly. Recently after the pesticide content in Coke and Pepsi issue gained more public importance. Now the new stocks of Pepsi and Coke are no appearing in the retail shops in India.Only a few people are going for Soft drinks.Let anything happen, nothing in this world can seperate me from Pepsi. I once was a pepsi addict, I used to drink atleast 5 bottles of pepsi in a single serve. ;)But now things have changes. i dronk only a few times a week.
  6. I meant that when he was young he was a great programming genius. He is really a great technologist. The News letters from Billgates are writeen by Bill gates himself. It usually describes Microsoft's present and furure ventures. This will be useful for technologists and other Microsoft users.
  7. I'm not gonna use it keeping myself safe from all dangers. But I'm currently testing IPB 2.2.0 on my computer, just to gain knowlede and understand how things work.I cannot use it anywhere because it is nulled script, so I'll keep it only in my computer. No Hosting.
  8. hi admin, I should have done this before, but here it is. In the Xisto - Web Hosting home page, an image listing the Fantastico features, has Invision Board listed in it, whereas the current Fantastico dosen't have IPB 1.3 in it. So correct the image in the home page. This is the reason for such queries. here is my question, can I use IPB 1.3 in Xisto, if i get it from some source.
  9. i've optmised the image for small size, so there would be no trouble loading it. It will load in 2 to 3 secs in dialup.I designed in Photoshop CS2 and optimised in Image Ready.I've just used the fading effect. Is there any other effect I can added using photoshop. Any good tutorial links will be most welcome.
  10. this banner took me 2 hours and 79 frames to complete.
  11. I love phpBB for its price, features, themes, and the new exciting phpBB 3I like IPB for its professional look, but its price makes me sick. I'm sure that phpBB3 will be a great competetor for IPB and vB
  12. cant you see the big blue banner with animating text.
  13. I'm not new to photoshop, but this is the first Animating banner i've created using Photoshop CS2. I've created this banner for using in my website. Please provide me suggestion to improve and you opinion about this banner.
  14. hi MusicOnly your banner is very nice, it is neat and professional, i'd suggest that you'd customise your wordpress theme.
  15. bill gate dosne send letters very frequently, i signed up nearly 5 months before and this is the first letter I'm receving.Sounds a bit interesing, BillGates is one of the world's most renowned Technologist, he is a great programmer.
  16. This is the letter I recevied from Bill Gates, I've subscribed for his New letter and I received this letter. NOT SPAM
  17. i've found the method to be used, the method to redirect as i need can be done by mod_rewriteI searched and found a few resources about mod_rewrite, but i couldnt understand that, could someone help me.
  18. hi guys this is really a fake, all the google future project or that are in testing are announced in the official google blog, so that you can make sure that any hoax is real or fake. There is no announce ment about Google TV in the official bog, so this is definitely a fake.
  19. Google Code Search another very useful search service by Google. The Google Code Search is the unique search that searches only for codings and reults only codings. The Google Code Search can be used to search code snippets, or regular expressions, file types. If you are working in a project and dont know or cannot understnad how to code a particular section in the project, you can use the Google Code Search to look for anyother projects that 've implemented your ideas in codes, you can learn form them or even use those codings. This is a very very useful service for developers. the Google Code search can be accessed here, https://www.google.com/codesearch
  20. Yes you've read it right, it is Google Microsoft search. The Google Microsoft searches in the numeral Microsoft websites for our queries. Since nearly 75% of the Computer users use Microsoft Products, Google has a great number of users in this category. So they've added this service just to keep the users from leaving Google to search in Microsoft website. The Google search engines seperately index microsoft websites at regular intervals and keep us updated. You can access Google Microsoft Search here, https://www.google.com/microsoft
  21. Google's MentalPlex uses your mind to produce the search results, Check the Google's MentalPlex Search here, https://www.google.com/mentalplex/ You are supposed to look into a spiraling image in the page and then click on it to ge the results.This search provides some funny results. Actually this page was designed for 2000 April Fool's Day.
  22. Google has a extra search feature called Google Bare-bones Search, they've named it. This search is quite fast and clutter free, it retuns the only the page titles of the results and no other infor mation is displayed. Hence this is fast. Even there are no text ads, just the plain bare-bone interface. Try this search at the Google Bare-Bones Search Interface - https://www.google.com/toolbar/ie8/sidebar.html
  23. Google claims of inventing a new technology to map our DNA and get the complete details of our nature and even even change us by this product. Google Gulp - https://www.google.com/googlegulp/ They've announced in this site as, Google Gulp (BETA)™ with Auto-Drink™ (LIMITED RELEASE) a drink that will maximize our surfing efficiency. It looks crazy and unbelivable, I think this may be just an April fool trick or they might be planning for the future. Read more about the Google Gulp from this site and try toe understand what they really mean, https://www.google.com/googlegulp/ Notice from serverph: this plus 2 other posts, merged with a much older thread of same topic...
  24. Google is offering free Project Hosting for the developers to Release their Open Source projects for free just like SourceForge. It provides a complete project mangement platform. Its interface is simple and easier to navigate. The developers can easiely manage their codes and the various releases. The Google Project Hosting can be accessed from, http://code.google.com/hosting/ The non-developers looking for new tools can also search and download from the hosted projects. All the projects are neatly categorized under various categories and programming languages used. This is a good knowledge source for developers.
  25. The entire NFS series is not a Simulation Game, it comes under the Sports Action Genre. So you cannot expect reality in this game, because the other simulation games like Project Gotham, GTR, TOCA etc are pure racing games, these game happen in racing tracks. But whereas the NFS series is based on Street Racing. So if the game is so reliastic and the damage control is real, then you'd take nearly triple time you take normally to complete the game.I love the entire NFS series, I've got many. But I dont like the latest NFS Carbon, it has good graphics that is the best I can say about it. Still on my top list is NFS Most wanted this is the most coolest and thrilling game I've come across in this genre. I've completed the game nearly 7 times and still playing
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