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Posts posted by Mich

  1. Hello vaird Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Glad you found us and all the clan fans :D on board here. Just make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCENTs.


    Will you be looking for hosting or are you just participating in the forum? Whichever, look forward to seeing you around the boards. :D

  2. Hello nyktovios Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCENTs.


    You need to tell us a little more about yourself. If you are having trouble with your introduction, perhaps this will help.


    Use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17 and how things work around here. See you around the boards. :D

  3. Hello kittycatlover 763Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCENTs.


    Say, another kitty lover!. And from California as well. Where are you? I am originally from Sacramento.



  4. Hello jackjames Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Hey, the people here are friendly and helpful, so you shouldn't have any trouble getting answers. Someone will either answer you or point you toward the answer. Hope you enjoy your time with us. Look forward to seeing you around the boards.

  5. Hello Robert aka: b2sing4u Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich in Michigan, USA; the eldest member on Trap 17, I think. I have been on here for 3 years now and never had a problem with discrimination an any level.


    It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCENTs. But I guess you have that one all wrapped up. :D Great Intro. BTW great pic also (my daughter is your age). You appear to be a happy soul. You bring a cheerful attitude with you that is welcome here.


    I have a web design graphics site here at Trap/Xisto. My designs are mainly for beginning personal homepage builders. I have, :P brag brag, designed web sites for 3 church organizations of different religions.


    I truly hope you find our community interesting and stay for a long time. Look forward to seeing your posts. See you around the boards.

  6. I don't remember where I got this poem or who authored it, but it seems to inspire me to live life to the fullest.


    The Clock Of Life


    The clock of life is wound just once

    and no one has the power

    too tell just when the hands will stop;

    on which day or which hour.

    Now is the only time you have.

    So, live it with a will.

    Don't wait until tomorrow;

    the hands may then be still.

  7. Hello MSimple Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCENTs.


    You need to tell us a little more about yourself. If you are having trouble with your introduction, perhaps this will help.


    People around here are helpful. If you have any questions, just ask. Someone will point you toward the answer for sure.

  8. Hello tominich Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCENTs. People around here are friendly and helpful. If you have any questions, just ask. Someone will either answer you or point you to the answer.


    See you around the boards.

  9. Well Echo_of_thunder you must be self taught in the spelling department. :D


    All my computer learning I have done on my own. I have never taken a class on anything. I used to know about programming, but things have gotten too sophisitcated for me to keep up. I am still hacking a HTML and a little CSS. All my puter programs I have taught myself how to use. Including PSP 8, which I am still having trouble with.


    Anywhow, you can count me as one who is self taught.

  10. Well, everybody, thanks for the replies.


    We enjoyed our stay in Celebration, Florida. Our resort had a mini-golf tournament that I won the 1st week we were there. Parred the course. The scond week tournament I went 1 under par, as did my hubby. We tied for second. The guy that won was 4 under par. The weather was nice most of the time except for rain on one day during our visit. Couldn't ask for much better. Were joined by daughter and son-in-law the second week. We all went to the Mideival Times Dinner Show, 2 car shows at Old Town Kissimmee, wore out our feet up and down International Drive in Orlando and visiting several Flea Markets.


    I am back for a few days now. Then off for a couple of weeks to Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, Yosemite, Sacramento, Reno, and back to Chicago.

  11. How is your winter going? We have had so much snow that the drifts along the street are so high, we cannot see over them to get out of our driveway. Well, after this freezing cold and so much snow (2 feet on the ground right now after a good 8 feet has fallen), we are heading south for a couple of weeks relief. After that we will return home for a week or so and I am off to California with a lady friend for another 2 weeks.


    Everybody here, please keep the home fires burning and make the new members feel welcome. Warm fuzzies to everybody. For those of you having the same kind of winter as ours, I will try to send sunshine and warm air your way. :P


    Don't get too wild while I am gone. :P

  12. Hello Teina Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    What a hilarious intro and follow-up. You sound like someone with a fabulous sense of humor. :P Sorry I am so late welcoming you. You are a delightfully refreshing addition to our little community here at Trap. Keep up the good posting. BTW Where are you actually from? What will your web space be all about? Mine is a graphics site for people just starting out in their venture to build a web page.


    See you around the boards. :P

  13. Okay all with the problem that we have been having of the mycents. Yesterday after losing I sent in a ticket on this matter as requested by 2 of the admin here in Xisto. below is the letter, from Shree

    This should I hope clear of all conffuion of this.

    So do I understand right? What really matters is what you have on account at your Xisto Client Area (Xisto - Support Billing) and that will not be affected by what is going on with the myCent here on Trap 17.

  14. Thanks for all the congrats and encouragement folks. The Evil Maverick will be around for as long as she can see the puter screen. I guess the weather here has really gotten to me recently. We have had the coldest, snowiest December in a long while. We did have a White Christmas, hurrah. :P


    I do wish the sig of the Week/Month would get revived. I put up a couple last year, but I am not on line enough to run them in a timely manner. We travel a lot so I am gone and busy elsewhere frequently. As a matter of fact we are off to Florida (Celebration area) the middle of this month. When we get back, I will be taking off for California with a lady friend for a 2 week trip by train. We will travel to Oakland, San Francisco, Sacramento, with a side trip to Yosemite, and stop in Reno on the way back to Michigan. So much for the winter snow and cold, look out sunshine and warmer weather here we come.


    Hmm, I wonder if I can chase down Albus in North Highlands (Sacramento suburb)? :P

  15. Hello shaykins Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCENTs. You should come back and tell us a little more about yourself. If you are having trouble with your introduction, perhaps this will help.


    The people here a friendly and helpful. If you have questions, just ask. Someone will either answer you or point you to the answer.

  16. Well here it is 3 years since I joined Trap 17. A lot of things have changed around here, including the looks. I kind of miss the pretty blue shades. The shades of grey are a little boring to me. :P


    A lot of members have come and gone. The Sig of the Week seems to have disappeared as well. I miss the weekly graphics challenges. The old reliables are still here to answer my neverending questions, keep me updated on the site improvements and upgrades, and try to explain to me how the technical things work. Most of the tech stuff is way over my head, but I am learning to trust the support staff; albiet I get frustrated and confused easily. They seem to be able to keep my site up and running, which is no small accomplishment in my eyes.


    I find I am not as active lately as I have been in the past. I seem to be losing some steam as the hair gets greyer. Most people haven't even added me to their Evil Members Group.


    Thanks to all those who voted for me in the 2009 Trap 17 awards contest. I will try to be a little more attentive to the welcoming of new members.

  17. Hey, when I came on line Dec 12 I had 44.76 myCent with $36.00 credit deposited. I posted on that day:

    Posted on: Dec 12 2008, 09:11 PM

    Ah, yes, I have suffered with Meniere's Syndrome which causes ringing in the ears among other symptoms. I have gotten to a point where fans running or any constant low noise motor operating does mask the ringing. However, I have managed to ignore it as much as possible. As already mentioned, silence is the enemy. There never is any silence for those suffering from ear ringing. I have several tones at the same time. Now as I sit here composing, I can hardly hear anything besides the ringing in my ears.

    Meniere's Syndrome

    When I came on today Dec 16 I find that I have ZERO myCent and have been docked credit deposited that now is only $35.23.





  18. Ah, yes, I have suffered with Meniere's Syndrome which causes ringing in the ears among other symptoms. I have gotten to a point where fans running or any constant low noise motor operating does mask the ringing. However, I have managed to ignore it as much as possible. As already mentioned, silence is the enemy. There never is any silence for those suffering from ear ringing. I have several tones at the same time. Now as I sit here composing, I can hardly hear anything besides the ringing in my ears. :)


    Meniere's Syndrome

  19. Hello Daniel aka:maylxPosted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    You could tell us a little more about yourself. If you are having trouble with your introduction, perhaps this will help.


    Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCents. Participating in regularly here at the forum will get you enough myCents to have your hosting right away. The people here are helpful and friendly. If you need something, just ask. Someone will either answer you or point you in the right direction to find the answer.


    You can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17.

  20. Hello niklophiliac Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    I, like Bluebear, am late also. Guess our Turkey Day and Holiday Shopping here in USA got in the way. Just the same, I hope you are enjoying yourself here in our little community. The new points (myCENT) system seems to be working just fine. People are intrigued by this I believe. It seems unique to other site's systems. :)


    See you around the boards and happy $ earnings. :)

  21. Sounds like you had one h*** of a childhood. Having lived with an alcoholic father, I too did not have a pleasant childhood. Being the oldest child, I too understand the escape goat one may become in that status. I did, however, find that the only one hurt by living with all the hate was me. Nobody else felt it and thusly I was the only one burdened by the weight of it. You must push yourself to look to the future, ignore the past (as much as possible) and let go of the hatred. Notice I didn't say forgive, but, forgiveness may come with time. You are a valuable person. You have things to contribute in this life. Look, you sought out this forum and expressed your feelings. This in itself is an accomplishment. Think of all the wonderful things you can accomplish if you put your mind to it. If you busy yourself with positive thoughts for the future, thoughts of the past will not have room in your life. You can accomplish most anything, just give it a try. :)
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