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Posts posted by Mich

  1. Sounds to me as if you let her walk all over you and she lost respect for you. There has to be a mutual respect here in addition to love. You were young when you got together in Hschool and now you have grown apart. This is something that happens all the time while going through your maturing years. It doesn't make you feel any better to hear this from somebody, but it is the truth. I sympathize with you being so torn. Breakups always hurt a lot. Try throwing yourself into a hobby, sport, or somekind of other project to take you mind off the hurt. Volunteer at a nonprofit organization, maybe. I wish you peace and harmony in your life. You CAN pull through this. Good Luck. ;)

  2. Hello SeekReadWrite Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Most everything you will need to know about how things work around here is located HERE.


    Sounds like you will be an asset to the site. Hope you stick around for a while. I, too, am a jack of all trades and master of none. Been around the block a few times and have the age spots to show it. Graphics, photography, accounting, coding are all in my bag of tricks. Welcome again. See you around. ;)

  3. Hi Velma

    I have been away for a while and HOPE to do more frequent posting. Between travel and health issues I have found it difficult to participate. I guess things are falling apart the older I get having just hit 70 this year. And my font has to get bigger so I can read what I typed. :lol:


    I did submit a ticket through my Client Area and got a rapid reply:


    Thank you for contacting Xisto - Web Hosting Support. I apologize for the delay in my response and for any inconvenience you might have been caused.


    There was indeed an issue with PayPal where they were verifying Indian PayPal accounts which is why we had to temporarily disable PayPal as a payment gateway, PayPal has been reactivated and your invoice is due next month so you should be able to use PayPal for the payment :)


    Coming to the 2 due invoices, the ADD FUNDS is a feature for clients who wish to add a bulk amount in their credit panel for purchases or renewals, it creates an invoice where you "pay" an amount of your choice and this is added to your credit panel. The problem lies in the fact that you didn't complete the payment which is why you got those "payment due" reminders. I have deleted those invoices and would like to let you know that your site wasn't suspended at all and is still active. I am terribly sorry for any confusion this has caused you and hope we can consider this issue resolved.

    So you can see this issue has been dealt with effectively. I have now heaved a sigh of relief. :D I am still not too old to learn. I just have a more difficult time doing it. :(


    Thanks also to others who replied to this post.

  4. I have a Credit Balance of $8.66 in my account Client Area. My site package renewal comes up in November. Velmas post said PayPal was OK to use, so I went to my client area to add funds so I can pay for my renewal next month. I clicked on the Add Funds and somehow generated Invoices for $16.00, and no PayPal transfer is available. I am now being told I owe Xisto $16.00 in invoices that are overdue and my site will be suspended if I don't pay up. I don't owe my renewal until next month. What the H**** is this all about?


  5. Hello gudence Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Most everything you will need to know about how things work around here is located HERE.


    I don't see many people posting welcomes to newcomers. Sorry it took so long for someone to find you. Tell us some more about yourself and your location. We here in the USA seem to be pretty ignorant of other cultures, at least I am. :P Why are you here? Do you want the forum or are you looking for web site hosting? ;)

  6. It has been almost 2 weeks since you posted this, but I will answer anyway.


    Sounds as if you were letting your heart overrule your brain and that is why you let things last as long as you did. Why do we always do this is the question? Yes you will get over this guy and probably miss the boy more than him in the long run. It will be difficult after investing that length of time in the relationship. We are women and strong, so we will survive. I hope putting this up on the forum where you could read it to yourself helped some. It ususally does. Good Luck! :rolleyes:

  7. Hello AeternusLibertas Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Most everything you will need to know about how things work around here is located HERE.


    Dropping out of college to start a business sounds like a high stakes gamble to me. It is a cruel world out there, especially in the computer business. I wish you much luck in your endeavor. Looking forward to reading lots of your posts. ;)

  8. Hello derval Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Most everything you will need to know about how things work around here is located HERE.


    Come back a tell us a little more about yourself. Like, why you are here? For the forum and/or for the web hosting. fermin25 has already filled you in on all the special things about this site, so I won't be redundant.

  9. Hello Assistant Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Most everything you will need to know about how things work around here is located HERE.


    Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCENTs.


    You will find lots of friendly helpful people here. You are not limited at all in the things you can learn here. Just ask. Someone will answer you or point you to the answer.


  10. Hello loremar Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Most everything you will need to know about how things work around here is located HERE.


    Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCENTs.


    Good Luck in your endeavors and I look forward to reading your posts.

  11. You are kidding!!!!!! :D The young'ns are soooo cute. And look at the green grass. Wish we had some here in Michigan. Our daffodils are just peeking through. We had one extra warm system come through that bumped into a cold front and waalaa, we had tornado weather. Lots of wind damage. Now we are back with the cold weather and predicted snow. When will have green grass like yours? :huh:

  12. If you were around back when the army system was installed on the Trap 17 forums then you probably know me.

    Hmm. I guess that was before my time as I don't recall the army system installation. I signed on January of 2006.


    Oh and I live in Windsor Ontario, just across the Detroit River. I can see Michigan from my front window. :)

    Aw yes, but I bet you can't see my house. I live on the north-west coast of lower Michigan. :P

  13. Hello ChopStix Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA. Yet another graphics hound. :lol:


    Most everything you will need to know about how things work around here is located HERE. Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCENTs.


    Look forward to seeing your sigs. ;) But do tell us a little more about yourself. Nothing too personal tho. :P

  14. hello and welcome to Xisto :) hopefully no offense but spamming a link which probably makes you money is not the best way to get a hello ;) anyways have fun and even get a free domain\hosting just by posting :lol: sorry i'm a little late but oh well regards ~calebFTW

    Ditto to the above!!


    Hello Melpip Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Most everything you will need to know about how things work around here is located HERE.


    Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCENTs.

  15. Woot! Woot! Used to have all the same problems when we had a horse farm. I can relate to all the frozen pipes, hoses and (in our case) buckets of water for the horses. We used sturdy plastic 10 gallon buckets and created huge ice cubes all over that didn't melt til well into spring. LOL Eventually we did have the advantage of a heat element in the water trough. That kept the surface of the water open so the horses could drink. What a wonderful invention. I had to use snow shoes to get out to the barn to feed, tho.

  16. Update on the so called Quality Assurance Survey. We spent about 5 mins answering a few vague questions about how things were going for us at the resort and then it turned into a sales pitch for a vacation club of some kind. There were these great savings benefits, which didn't sound half bad since we do travel a lot and can use all the discounts available. We took a pause at the annual membership dues of $299/yr. Still finding the pitch somewhat interesting, we continued to listen. Then the bomb. :ph34r: To get into the club you must purchase your way in at a cost of $11,000 :o which eventually was reduced to $6,400 just for us. Wasn't that precious? I looked at the sales rep and said 'You have got to be kidding.' Which was countered with, 'You didn't think you would get all these benefits for $299/yr?' Needless to say we said 'No Sale' and exited promptly to collect out $50 cash gift. ;)

    What really upset us is the misrepresentation of this 'sales pitch' as a Quality Assurance Survey. We will be taking this issue up with the resort management.

  17. Here I am in Kissimmee, Florida. B) We bought a weeks stay at a resort here for $300. The offered us $100 :) cash to take a tour of the resort and listen to their 'Buy our Timeshare' offer. We took the tour and the $100, but not the offer. Tomorrow they will pay us $50 more :o cash to give them feedback in the form of a Quality Assurance Survey. We get to tell them how we feel about their resort. :P This made our whole weeks stay cost a net of $150. :D For a place that charges a usual $120 a night, this isn't so bad, is it? Sometimes it pays to be a snowbird. :lol:

  18. @wd and mich - lol. I think for regular users its 300x300 and for others (like gfx mods(me) and mods) its 500x200. It says its 500x200 for me and all my sigs are 400x150 or below (without the border)..... another thing to be complained about to opaque :D

    :huh: , then why don't you make tags using the 300 width so people like us can use them? :D Then we wouldn't have to complain. :P

  19. @mich Lol... now i feel guilty. Here is your winner tag... its the new version :D

    Posted Image

    Thanx deadmad7. Keep it up til I get back as I have no way to download it right now. Perhaps you could send it to me in a PM.


    seems i will have another image to add to my signature :).

    Uh, web_designer, this tag is more than 300 px wide. When I tried to add it to my sig it was rejected as being too wide. Whats up? Other's, including yours and deadmad7's are much larger than 300x300 px. BTW,where in CA are you? I was born and raised in Sacramento.
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