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Posts posted by Mich

  1. Hello Emily88 Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Most everything you will need to know about how things work around here is located HERE.


    Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCENTs.

  2. Years ago my mom found an articule that said eating at least 3 almonds a day helped prevent cancer. So it's possible it might help other things too. But since I actually like almonds, it sure wouldn't hurt to try right? I especially like those smoked, salted ones. But of course, the smoke and excess salt is probably bad for you so they will probably kill me. Oh well. You have to die from something. Imagine how dumb you would feel laying in a hospitial bed dying of nothing. :rolleyes:


    The advice about almonds is to eat "raw" almonds, not the roasted salted type. Posted Image

  3. Ughh, at my age who cares about a month or 9 months. When my birthday comes this year I will be another year older. Until that day I will remain the age I became last birthday. That is, unless my vanity allows me to start subtracting a year on each birthday. This way I can get younger by the year. :blush:


    I do know in this country, the good old USA, that the government does count by the month. It is especially noticable when you try to collect any kind of government benefits such as Social Security. Good old Ronald Regan fouled things up with his progessive retirement age calculation. The younger you are, the longer you will have to work to attain Social Security retirement age until it gets to age (I believe it is)70. And if you choose to retire before retirement age, you are penalized by every month before that retirement age that you file. The government is always looking for ways to keep your hard-earned money. :(

  4. and if he didn't, me and sheepdog can use or "evil side" :P (from the point of view of anwiii,each woman has an evil side) so we can use it and drag him back again :D and i assure you that i will have some women backups to represent the TRUE EVIL OF WOMEN :lol:.

    Ahem (cough), don't forget me. I am woman hear me roar! AKA Evil Maverick, I will join you and sheepdog whenever I can, but I do travel a lot so cannot contribute as often as I like. :huh:

  5. If you are using Windows XP with Intel Extreme Graphics you may check this out. Go into your Control Panel, find Display and click on it, then find the Settings Tab at top and click on it, and then click on the Advanced button lower right. A window will show next with 6 tabs (General, Adaptor, Monitor and Troubleshooting in front and Color Management and Intel Extreme Graphics to the rear). Click on the Extreme Graphics tab. A button there will say Graphics Properties, click on it. On the left side will be Display Settings, click on it. Here you will find on the right an option to "Enable Rotation" showing 0, 270, 180, & 90. Perhaps this control is checked and the 180 is chosen. Uncheck the Enable Rotation and this may solve your problem. I hope this helps. If it dosen't, you will have to wait until a real puter geek comes along. Good Luck.

  6. Yes how sad. I would say that the doctors should have been more informed on the medicine side effects. Not knowing what country you are in perhaps there is a lack of information available there. So sad for your friend. Things like this do happen since doctors "practice" medicine. Not all knowledge is available to everyone, and everybody has different ways of reacting to medicines. God Bless your friend, and may he find peace.

  7. Hello chinu Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Wow, you are certainly active on all the sites. You might check some of these links as a couple don't take me anywhere. Since you already have a site of your own, I guess you are here for the forum content. Most everything you will need to know about how things work around here is located HERE. Just make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCENTs, but then you may not be interested in earning these unless you plan to develope another site here for free.


    Look forward to seeing your future posts. ;)

  8. Hello 20qs Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA. Another puter geek. :lol:


    Most everything you will need to know about how things work around here is located HERE.


    I am among the more mature group of forum participants, but all the puter stuff usually goes over my head. My life experiences are not of the technical kind. I guess I enjoy more of the lighter things in life; like doing graphics in my programs and playing solitaire. If I have questions about the tech things, I know who to ask now. Don't I?


    Look forward to seeing you on the forums. ;)

  9. Hello Patrascu Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA. Hey, somebody as old as me. :lol:


    Most everything you will need to know about how things work around here is located HERE.


    I guess I needn't tell you about posting a lot of one-liners being considered spam. You seem to have a good grasp on forums. You must also know that it is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCENTs.


    Romania, another place I know nothing about. Hmmm. What a void we Americans have about other countries and their cultures. But then I get redundant.


    Hope you enjoy your stay with us. I look forward to reading your posts. ;)

  10. Hello Splendid Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Fantastic idea for a web site. Neither do I have know anything about Serbia. We seem to have a lack of education in the country about other countries histories and cultures. Isn't that sad?


    You have come to the right place for hosting. The packages here are great. The people fiendly and helpful. Just ask if you have a question. Someone will get you to the answer in one form or another. Most everything you will need to know about how things work around here is located HERE. Read all the pinned posts.


    Good Luck with your site. :P

  11. Hello Castles Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Tell us a little more about why you are here at Xisto. Are you looking for the hosting? or just participation on the forum?


    Just follow all the rules and you will have no trouble at all. People here are friendly and helpful, so if you have questions, just ask. Someone will answer you or point you to the answer. You will find most everything you need to know HERE. Read all the pinned posts.


    Good Luck and I look forward to reading your posts here at the forum. ;)

  12. I'm pretty sure that your wrong... what i think with my limited gfx skills is that its a picture in the background and a black foreground. Then the black background has been erased with a large PS brush and then added a gradient on it for the green effect. oh yea, there is a shadow on the brown paper thingy too. the thing i like the most about it is the border... which i stupidly forgot to add to my sig :)


    Its tied right now and im sure that the winner will win with like 1 or 2 more votes then the runner up so its gonna be a close one!

    Wrong deadman7. The kitten was repositioned to face the puppies. He originally was staring out toward the left. The picture was then masked and layered on a black background. The gradient was brushed with a low tolerance so it didn't flow too deep into the mask. The upper text was then placed with a Raster Layer floating to be positioned. The same for the lower text. All the layers were then merged to create the total effect. The border was created by adding a white and then a black border; this creates a clean and distinct finish. Good Luck and Thanx for the compliment on the border.

  13. Interesting political story. The loser's response doesn't surprise me at all. Most politicians are poor losers at best. I have heard of plenty of similar trivial result challenges. Maybe the lady shouild shorten her last name to Murk. :lol: That way she won't have future problems with write-in campaigns. But then again, how many ways are there to spell Lisa? :)

  14. There are several types of PayPal purchase transactions available. When you paid for your item, you should have been able to designate the type of payment you wished to use. 2 of the options are using cash from you account or charging the credit card you registered with them when you opened your account. These options are offered at purchase time. You may have missed it. If you are not satisfied with the results of the transaction, you might want to contact PayPal and explain what happened. They will be glad to help you out with how to use the cash in your PayPal account. Good Luck. ;)

  15. Weird. I have never seen google webmaster team sending any emails. How they found your address ? From your frontpage or about page ? is it there to begin with or is it some SEO company that sent you email ?


    In any case, check if any of your HTML or PHP pages are injected with some malicious scripts. I don't know where to check for security but most antivirus sites can give you alarm for such scripts. Check on other computers or ask for help on sites like phishtank. You did good thing by contacting Xisto - Support. Not sure in how many days they're going to reply you but in any case it may help.


    Yes this e-mail was from Google. I poked around in my files through my FTP, I found that the .htacess file had a recent date on it and I haven't updated it for quite a while. Then I couldn't update it getting an error message about a rewrite line; so I caught on to the problem. Looked into the .htacess file and found directives to rewrite my htmls. Removed it and redid it. Then I went hunting with my FTP putting the files and folders in date order and found several folders I hadn't uploaded with strange php in them. The php was replacing my images with text. Pretty tricky huh? Since I don't understand any of this stuff, it is a miracle that I stumbled on the answer. I will now resubmit my url to Google for reconsideration. Oh yes, I changed my cPanel password.

  16. I got this e-mail from Google.


    Dear site owner or webmaster of websetsbydonna.com,


    While we were indexing your webpages, we detected that some of your pages were using techniques that are outside our quality guidelines, which can be found here: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/35769?hl=en. This appears to be because your site has been modified by a third party. Typically, the offending party gains access to an insecure directory that has open permissions. Many times, they will upload files or modify existing ones, which then show up as spam in our index.


    The following are some example URLs from your site:






    In order to preserve the quality of our search engine, pages from websetsbydonna.com are scheduled to be removed temporarily from our search results for at least 30 days.


    We would prefer to keep your pages in Google's index. If you wish to be reconsidered, please correct or remove all pages (may not be limited to the examples provided) that are outside our quality guidelines. One potential remedy is to contact your web host technical support for assistance. For more information about security for webmasters, see https://webmasters.googleblog.com/2008/04/my-sites-been-hacked-now-what.html. When such changes have been made, please visit https://www.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2Freconsideration%3Fhl%3Den&followup=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2Freconsideration%3 to learn more and submit your site for reconsideration.


    Sincerely, Google Search Quality Team


    Note: if you have an account in Google's Webmaster Tools, you can verify the authenticity of this message by logging into https://www.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2Fsiteoverview%3Fhl%3Den&followup=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2Fsiteoverview%3Fhl%3D and going to the Message Center.

    I cannot see any-such files in my cPanel/File Manager or using my FTP. Has anybody else gotten such an e-mail? I have sent a copy to Xisto - Support for any assistance they can offer. I haven't got a clue what Google is talking about.
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