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Posts posted by Mich

  1. Well I haven't had the problems that anwiii has had. I found the support very helpful and prompt. Maybe it is because I only use the "disk space" for my graphics site. All the other stuff in my package is Greek to me; I have the lowest level package. When I don't understand things, I submit a ticket and have had an answer within 24 hours or less. As I have stated elsewhere, I can add needed funds to my Account Credit Balance at any time using PayPal. This helps me, as I travel a lot and am away from my computer and the forum. Participation is a problem for me lately because of some health problems. Being able to supplement my Account Credit Balance has been an asset to me this year. As for the actual hosting, I have found it quite satisfactory for my purposes.

  2. Say anwiii, I tend to agree with you. One of the reasons I have not been very active is the lack of other's participation. I have been a member since January of 06. Trap was active all the time. Now when I log on I find that I am the only member signed in with all others on board "guests". This myCent thing is kind of a laugh. I can go to the Client Area, log in and add funds to my Account Credit Balance. When I have a credit balance, my invoices are automatically paid. I had to do it this year because I didn't have enough myCent to pay for my site. So, without participating very much on the forum, I can pay for my invoices with PayPal monies. Therefore I don't have much incentive to participate. I just hope the hosting doesn't colapse. My past host disappeared from the internet without warning and that was why I went looking and found Trap 17. Don't give up hope.

  3. Good going. Most of us don't have such luck, but you seemed to have the right software and knowledge to stop the virus dead in its tracks. Smart move on your part. My virus detection software has saved my behind 3 times here lately when I got infected e-mails; all were from mailboxes of friends that I recognized or I wouldn't have opened them to begin with. Unfortunately, that means my friends have the viruss on their computers. Posted Image

  4. Hello 3echelon Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    You have come to the right place for your web site. The packages here are awesome. It doesn't take long to earn myCent and have your site up and running. Just follow all the rules, don't spam (one line posts are considered spam), post interesting subject matter, and mind your manners in general. :lol:


    Look forward to seeing your posts. ;)

  5. Hello Vistz Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    So you came over here from Asta Host. So did I. Things are more graphics oriented here and felt better for me. You don't say what your purpose in participating on this forum are. Are you here for the hosting, or do you already have a site over at Asta Host?


    You seem to have an eclectic assortment of interests. Look forward to reading more posts from you in the future.

  6. Sounds to me like this guy is playing with any girl he can get his hands on. :unsure: He comes on too strong and then backs off, maybe with the idea that absences makes the heart grow fonder. You don't need a guy that "can't keep his hands off you". Watch yourself, I think he is just playing you for whatever he can get from you. You don't mention your ages, but his drunkeness is a strike against him and any age.

  7. So far some good advice. Since you are having connection problems, I would try to get together with her instead of using the texting thing. Call and talk to her. Believe what she says about work. If she gave you her number, she was expressing some interest in you. Perhaps you came on too strong and scared her. As the previous advice suggests, calm down and relax. Things will happen naturally if they are going to happen.

  8. This is an interesting topic but I'm wondering how to tell if you are lusting, infatuating, of loving someone. All of them show levels of attractiveness to some degree. The thing about infatuation and love is that both have strong feelings of affection for the other person.

    Knowing the difference does require some self-introspect or self-knowledge and understanding of ones own intentions. If one is only interested in how the relationship makes them feel without caring about the interests, advantages, and pleasures of the partner it is affection known as infatuation. On the other hand, if the affection includeds sympathetic feelings for the partner, showing true passion for the interests, advantages and pleasures of both, then you have love.

  9. My problem at this point is what to do about my site. I have been participating on this forum to get the free hosting, but I don't use anything in the "basic package" except the disk space for my domain and sub-domains. All the other stuff is beyond my comprehension. I don't even use the mailboxes. I have been trying to comprehend what the Xisto Network Sites are all about and am confused. I am currently only using a total of 133.59 mb of disk space for all my domains. Does anybody have any better solution than paying for all the stuff I don't even use?

  10. When I was working in the office at a hospital in our small community near Bear Lake, Michigan I came to know one of the doctors there, Dr. Graham. He made a trip out to Las Vegas, Nevada, to visit his son. When he returned, he looked me up to ask me, ?Guess who I met in Las Vegas?? Having no idea I just shrugged my shoulders. I mean, we didn?t know each other on a personal level, so who could he have seen there that was someone we knew in common. I almost fell over when he said, ?Your father.? My father lived in Sacramento, California and unbeknown to me he had evidently been visiting Las Vegas at the same time. How did they meet? Well, out of all the casinos in Las Vegas they had happened to pick the same one. Not only that, they sat down at slot machines right next to each other. They struck up a conversation which eventually led to where they were from and when the Dr. Graham told him Michigan, that led to my father telling him he had a daughter living in Michigan, then the town, which of course Dr. Graham recognized. It is a small enough community that Dr. Graham ventured to ask my name, which bowled him over since he knew me from the hospital. Now I ask you folks, is this a small world? What were the odds of my father and Dr. Graham, having no idea who one another were, living 2500 miles apart, sitting down at adjacent slot machines in a town the size of Las Vegas?

  11. Yes, unfortunately you can get fired for poor spelling. Since we don't know exactly what your job involves, if the e-mail is a very important aspect of your work, this can be a serious situation. Poor spelling reflects on the company you represent and your boss. If he has mentioned it to you, then if must be important to him. Perhaps you need to slow down and take the time to use spell check every time. Multi-tasking is not for everybody. It can't harm anything, and may save your job.

  12. I wasn't really looking for sympathy, but thanx sheepdog.


    My real problem at this point is what to do about my site. I am participating on this forum to get the free hosting, but I don't use anything in the "basic package" except the disk space for my domain and sub-domains. All the other stuff is beyond my comprehension. I don't even use the mailboxes. I have been trying to comprehend what the Xisto Network Sites are all about and am confused. I am currently only using a total of 133.59 mb of disk space for all my domains. Does anybody have any better solution than paying for all the stuff I don't even use?

  13. I have a far better and quicker solution then the MSconfig option, download and installl Soluto, restart your computer and let the program run. Once it tells you how long it takes for your computer to boot up, open up the program and it will lists all the processes that are run during boot. I would go through the list carefully but it should be fairly easy to see which processes you will pause and which ones to delay. Best way to use this is see what is being recommend for each program and by the time your done going through the process you should see a faster boot.

    Thanx for the input. I have downloaded Soluto and will try it out. Will this program start automatically on reboot?

  14. .....You should also add in the word "lust," because that is one of the most common feelings today. Lust is the "desire" (generally sexually) for another person. It is another feeling that is commonly mistaken for "love."

    Awe yes, Lust. I didn't mention lust since I was comparing Infatuation to Love. Lust is purely a physical attraction driven by hormones. There is no emotional involvement with the partner and no relationship, as in the case of infatuation and love. There is no caring for or about the partner. The only thing important to a lustful person is his or her own satisfaction. Although, admittedly, infatuation may grow out of lust. The relationship developed in this manner will inevitably meet its end in time.

  15. Love and Infatuation


    It seems to be generally accepted that infatuation is wholly physical attraction for one of the opposite sex and that love transcends infatuation in that it involves mental and spiritual affinity as well.



    Let us take a fellow of college age whose attention is drawn to an attractive girl singer. He meets her backstage and is engulfed in a powerful physical attraction to her -- partly by her beauty, partly by her perfume, and partly by the fact that she is an object of public admiration. To be seen with such a prize would doubtlessly make him quite the fair-haired boy among his college pals. She responds delightedly to his gushing admiration for her an flatters him with her company. She give him her undivided attention when they are together and sets him at ease. For a while, it pleases him to have this beauty whom he is squiring bask in the light of public admiration, but as she deigns to smile on others in the crowd, he begins to lose face a little. And when rehearsals begin to take away some of her time with him, he feels the pinch even more. Finally, he confronts her with his discomfiture at her dividing her time between him and her career. In the argument which arises out of his admonitions, she becomes aware that his feelings toward her are rather selfish, and he discovers she'll love him only if she need not curtail her ambitions as a singer. Thus an impasse arises; he doesn't wish to share her with her career and she'll not give up a part of her career for the sake of retaining him as her lover. It becomes evident that what was mistaken for love is merely selfish attraction -- infatuation. If this relationship were built on love, the fellow would be delighted to see her succeed as a singer and she would see to it that her demands for his time were not to the detriment of his education. Since each of them is looking upon the other so selfishly, their relationship will terminate before having a chance to grow. One thing about infatuation, if the people involved don't rush things the true nature of the relationship will generally reveal itself in time.



    Love has been defined as unselfish, lasting, involving a genuine mutual respect and real friendship, and as resulting in a productive relationship. Mutual understanding is a must for love to exist and one must study the other as well as himself to accomplish this. Does the feeling that is there honor the other party? Does it exalt and respect the other? If it is true love, it will. True love never degrades, never despises, never treats with disrespect, never leads one to do anything that would injure the other or lower them in the estimation and respect of other people. Is this feeling unselfish, seeking the good of the other and not one's own good or pleasure? Love results in a productive relationship because two people in love set common goals and push in that direction. Two people working toward the same goals will be more successful in attaining the desired ends than will two people constantly working at cross-purposes. This brings us up to the necessity of talking over goals together. If two people are to work in the same direction, they must fully understand and agree upon what they are working towards. Any problems between two people in love, who can communicate, seem to solve themselves.

  16. I have been gone for quite a while and need to do catch-up with myCent. My renewal is coming up soon and I don't have enough myCent to pay for it. Maybe if I vent here I can earn enough to make my payment.


    This year has been and up and down year. I feel lucky to be alive and in practically good health. My friend out in California lost her granddaughter in a one car accident. She hydroplaned on a rain covered road and hit a tree. Then I found out another friend of mine from south of us lost her fight with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) and died way too young. Then my best friend was diagnosed with uterine cancer. She is doing well with her chemotherapy, but what a horrid treatment to have to go through. She lost all her hair and feels like crap 3-4 days after each treatment; she will have six in all. Thank heaven she doesn't have the nausea usually associated with it.


    I took the advice of Dr. Oz, of TV popularity, and dosed myself with cinnamon tablets for my hypoglycemia. Well that brought on a condition known as Burning Mouth Syndrome (look it up). It is nasty and not curable. This means I am stuck with the condition for the rest of my life. It is a form of neuropathy that affects the lips and mouth. Mayo Clinic suggests a RX plan that kind of gets it under control, and so far it is mostly affective. But, when I have a break-through the meds, it is very uncomfortable.


    So I have not been a happy camper this year with all the negative things happening around me and to me. This has taken its toll on my psyche and I am quite depressed at times. Then I have come to the conclusion that my web set graphics are no longer relevant in today's market. With all the blogging, twittering, and my spacing going on, people are no longer building their own web sites. People are not visiting my site like they used to and I have not received comments like I used to. Sooo, I am thinking maybe I might dismantle the graphics and just leave up my personal site so people can still find me on the net. I don't do the blogging or twittering thing. I do belong to Facebook, but really don't understand how it works. Most of this stuff has gone over my head and makes me feel even older.


    Well, now that I have vented, I feel a little better, but my whole site may go down unless I find a way to keep it up. Perhaps I can switch over to a pay plan instead of this forum thing. Any suggestions would be welcomed.

  17. Hello windy138 Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    You need to tell us a little more about yourself. If you are having trouble with your introduction, perhaps this will help. What are you here for? The exchange of ideas and oppinions in the forum or for web hosting? The people here are friendly and helpful, do if you need help, just ask. Someone will either answer you or point you to an answer.


    Look for your posts in the future. ;)

  18. What is it about human nature that makes us want what we can't have more than the things we can have? You need to get over this one. It's screwing up your life, interfering with your schooling and generally wrecking hell and havoc on your life. She has already told you that she is in a relationship with someone else. Your chances with her are between slim and non existant. Give it up and move on. It's not worth it.


    Yes, this is true human nature. It seems we all want what we cannot have. However, I think these feelings manifested before you knew about the relationship she already had. This makes it difficult to deal with in the long run. Watching and hoping all the while just made the feelings grow that much stronger. Unfortunately, you must get over these feelings. sheepdog is right. I wish I could tell you how and make things easier for you.

  19. Hello ysNoi Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you myCENTs.


    You need to tell us a little more about yourself. If you are having trouble with your introduction, perhaps this will help. What are your interests, hobbies, claims to fame :lol: , and etc?


    If you are looking for hosting, this is the place. The packages are the best on the web.

  20. great, i can't see any voting again. so DEADMAD, start working for me again and keep me informed please :D. good luck for everyone.


    I cannot see voting either. Why is this so for some and not others? I still get this message:


    An Error Occurred

    Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

    [#10355] You must cast your vote in each question of the poll

    How about you web_designer? Do you get this message when you try to vote or view the votes?

  21. Hello God-Of-Earth Posted Image and welcome back from Mich in Michigan, USA.


    I have been gone for quite a while as well. Looks like you need to update your sig. There are new specifications in that regard. I had to change lots of things when I returned. Was myCent in force when you last were here? Trap is now Xisto as well. The forums are still just as lively. Only the name and credit system has changed. Look forward to reading posts from you in the future. ;)

  22. Sorry to hear you are having trouble with your PayPal account. I have had one for several years now. PayPal came to my rescue when someone hacked into my account and then my bank account that was attached. I kept very little money in the bank account and the hacker tried to transfer $250 into PayPal so they could get the money. PayPal locked my account with them immediately and contacted me. All I had to do was show my bank the email from PayPal to get back the overdraft fee. It took some real live personal contact with PayPal to get my account reopened, but everything came out just fine. Thanks to PayPal I didn't lose a dime. So my experience with PayPal has been positive. Hope you can get things straightened out. Get in contact with them through email and/or telephone. I don't think you are "banned". You are locked out of your account. Any money that is in there is yours so they cannot keep it. Try working with them and I believe it will all be resolved. Good Luck!
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