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Everything posted by Mich

  1. I noticed this post the day you put it up. I don't know the answer, but nobody has posted one here for you. Did anybody ever answer you on this? I am curious.
  2. Glad I could be of help. Here is a template version of my tumbnail link page for your photos. You can edit it to suit your needs. Zip File Containing Template Be patient when you click on the link, it takes a few moments for the download window to appear. If I can help in any other way, please feel free to PM me.
  3. I give Trillian a thumbs up also. Have been using for 3 years now and it makes it so easy for me to keep track of all my friends. They don't all use the same messenger, but I can catch them all. I have had 3 or more windows of Trillian communications having conversations with as many people at the same time without having 3 or more different programs running. Eats up your resources really quick. Multi-tasking can lock up my puter sometimes. Ugh, I need a new one. This one is 5 years old now and I am still running on Windows 98 S.
  4. I use tumbnails on my site often. A sample can be seen athttp://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Try it out, if this is what you want, you can use my page as a template. Or I can make you one if you like. Actually here is a better example/template from my homepage site. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This would probably suit your purposes better. Of course, I would make the background color different. I am a purple and green freak. Notice from jlhaslip: Merged two posts.Please report them next time and the Mods will handle them. Edit to remove duplicate quote.
  5. So glad you asked this question. I am using the information to create my favicon.ico. Happen to have IrfanView already. Just ran it up and see that iE doesn't show it, but netscape does. Oh well, some people will see it anyway. Do you need to add the directive to any other pages than the index when you have a large number of pages on your site?
  6. I just love this one. If all your games are motion oriented like you say, then I would go with this one in a minute. As for the names of the games you put up, use your meta tags in your html to include all the names. Don't clutter up your url with too much. That is not how people will find you. Also using the names in text form on your page will be caught by search engines.
  7. And again you come up with something I hadn't thought of. How do you think of all these things? Guess I will have to get busy and add ttf files for each font to my zips. This will have to wait until I am back from my trip away from this cold here in Michigan. I will be getting back with you then on joining your banner account. I also have a banner exchange page of my own that I would be glad to place a graphic link to your site on. I will need a banner or button of some kind from your site; but we can discuss that when I get back. I am leaving maybe Wed afternoon or Thur morning. Keep sending me corrections and ideas, please.
  8. Got it, thanks! My husband was awake so I was able to print it off for future reference. I don't know about adding copies of this file to every folder, as I have so many. For now I am going to stick to using my cPanel hot link protection.
  9. I have amended the screenshot in Post #1 to better illustrate what I mean.
  10. 01/15/2006 I have put up a new desktop today. Will be gone for about 3 weeks so this one will have to be there until I get back.
  11. Well I am so glad my site grew on you. I have loved the combination of purple and green for a long time. I do realize that combination doesn't do anything for most people, but I just felt the need to run with it as it does indeed "sort of show" my personality. Suggestions greatfully accepted. Don't be shy. I am very open minded. After all, if I don't like your suggestions, all I have to do is ignore them. They certainly won't hurt my feelings. THANKS FOR THE COMPLIMENTS.Come visit my sites often.
  12. Great Avalon. I will print this out for reference. Have to do it tomorrow morning tho, since the printer wakes my husband up when I use it while he is sleeping. He was a machinest running CNC and the printer printing meant trouble. So, he is sensitive to the noise.THANKS!
  13. I am not making myself understood to you. I said in my last post that I had BLOCKED OUT the portion of the image that showed the http:// s. My access list has never been incomplete and has always been correct. From day 1 it has looked like this: If it hadn't, I couldn't have seen my own graphics with the protection activated. I fully understand the function of the "HotLink Protection" and how to configure it. As far as I know, everybody but tyssen has been able to see my graphics on my site all along. The problem with tyssen not being able to see my graphics when he went to my site had nothing to do with an incorrect configuration in the Access Box. On a wild guess, I went in and checked the "Allow direct requests" box to see if that would help, and this corrected it for him. I don't know why, any more than I and jlhaslip can understand why it was different for him. I just understand that it corrected the problem. And, checking this box does not negate the HotLink Protection. People still cannot hotlink from any site other than those listed in my access box when I check the direct request box. I have run a test of my own by taking my http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ out of the access box so I cannot link to it from that site. I ran up an htm there with a link to an image on my webset dot com; and No Image. Came back and put a check in the direct request box and the image still won't come up. So checking the box doesn't defeat the purpose of hotlink protection. Give it a try. I have left the changes in for now. And you will find that the hotlink is still in effect at your sample even with the direct request box checked. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Yes, maybe people can put the url of the image in the address box and pull up the image directly, but that is ok. I am giving the graphics away for free. I just want people like tyssen, whatever their problem is, to be able to view my graphics when the go to my site. And this is what I was trying to express and diagram in my #1 post in this forum. Some people cannot see your graphics when they are at your site unless that "direct request" box is checked if you are using "HotLink Protection". I don't know why. That is just the way it is.
  14. Very interesting responses people. Gives me much thought to ponder. Views I hadn't encountered before. But I still think our service people would be safer patrolling our borders than they are patrolling Iraq's borders? Ran across this story about an incident brought on by the Patriot Act. Seems they are making "random" body and carry-on checks of passengers at airports. To avoid any "descrimination" the people are selected by means of randomly placing a red check mark on their ticket. Well, some guy's 7 year old daughter's ticket got checked and she was taken off someplace for a search. What a waste of securities efforts. How many 7 year girl's have been terrorists. This being politically correct and making sure not to offend someone by descriminating against them is being carried too far. If I were a passenger, I would certainly have rather had the time and effort spent searching a male passenger who was acting suspiciously than bothering that poor little girl. Needless to say, her father was greatly offended.
  15. OK, so you say that I have defeated the purpose of activating my hot link protection by checking that box. Do I understand you? I should go back then and remove the check, right? I had visited the instructions and I do have my access set correctly, I just blanked it out on the screen shot. The instructions do not address a problem about which I have been having a lengthy exchange with tyssen and jlhaslip at this forum http://forums.xisto.com/topic/32203-xhtml-software-to-use-quotes-or-not/= Starting at #8 thru to #14. Please explain, if you can, why tyssen cannot see my graphics when I have my hot link protection activated. When I checked the box, tyssen said he can see my graphics.
  16. Just discovered something. I was having issues with my graphics not displaying for some people when they visited my site. After much consternation, I decided to investigate my cPanel settings. I had activated my "Hot Link Protection" but hadn't checked the box to "Allow direct requests". For some reason this affects the display in some cases. I don't know why, but since I have checked that box, the problem seems to have been solved. Hope this helps others. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Moving to Hosted Members Area.
  17. Hmm. Hadn't thought of that. Good idea. Will work on it after I get back from vacation. Need to take a rest from the cold weather here in Mich. Am just starting to toy with css. Be patient with me and I will coming into the 21st century here soon. Teaching myself simple html has been an adventure. Getting lots of help from people like you on here. Thank you for this kind offer. I didn't think my site was worthy. I may take you up on this. Do you charge for this? I don't have any trouble linking back to your site with a small graphic button. Do you require it be put in a specific place?BTW I love your site!!!!! Took a look the other day and was really impressed.
  18. Thanks Tyssen. The problem was evidently in my cPanel settings. Will post the solution in the What Is...? forum. Seems I goofed by putting both sites in my signature. Now I don't know which site you reviewed. I meant to have you review: Web Sets by Donna dot com Come back please? Oops. Sorry you don't like my personal homepage. Suggest a new color for me and I will consider it. I made the mistake of including 2 sites in my signature. The one I really want a review on is Web Sets by Donna dot com Please come back?
  19. Well, here goes. My site is not completely up yet. My previous host went down and I got approved here. I have a basic package and have applied for and been approved for an upgrade, but haven't had time to get everything in order to upload. Am revamping some of my pages, and that will take time. Give me an idea what you thing of what I do have up, will you please? I have taught myself html, so don't be too cruel on the negative comments. Suggestions will be appreciated. I have reduced the dpi to 72 on my graphics and have compressed what I could of my jpg files to decrease load time. However, some pages have a lot to load and will take extra time. I am having some issues with graphics on my site not linking for some people. This seems to happen Primarily for people who are outside the USA. If you experience this, PLEASE let me know. Web Sets by Donna dot com I am strictly an amatuer, but if you think I can help you with your personal homepage, please send me a PM.
  20. I don't understand what is meant by "the war against terrorism." Terrorism is not an army you can fight in any arena. It is calculated random acts of violence in the name of religious beliefs. The only way to fight it is to be prepared and defend yourself against it. Terrorism went on in the Holy lands long before written history and still is. If people who should be experts on the matter, by now, have not made any headway preventing it, what makes the United States think we can solve it for them? Sending our young men and women off to Iraq to fight and die seems the honorable thing to do, but seems also a waste. Offense is not the only way to win. Sometimes a good defense wins the game. Wouldn't it make more sense and be more effective use of their services to have our troops patrolling our borders here at home? It would be a more likely way to keep terrorist out of our country. It would most certainly be safer for them and not costs us all those precious lives. What do you think?
  21. Mich

    Gay Marriage

    Hmmm. Another question to ponder. If homosexuality only exists in humans what is the origin of the term "queer duck" come from? What does it really mean? Does anybody know? Just thought I would add a little levity to this weighty subject matter.
  22. I agree with BuffaloHELP's advice. This is the right thing to do in the safest manner for you.
  23. Tyssen I made an adjustment in my cpanel. Try my site again and see if the graphics are coming up for you now. Others have checked it out and they can see everything fine. I don't seem to have a clue as to why they aren't coming through for you. Web Sets by Donna THANKS!
  24. THANKS! Hey, I headed over to that site to try to join ConnectMe. I don't understand the process. I thought it was a "webring" but it is an affiliate program. A kind of I put your button on my page and you put mine on yours? Like a banner exchange thing. This is not what I had in mind. Has anybody formed a true webring for hosted members on here? I belong to several others and it really brings traffic in. People just cruise along through the webring using the common webring panel on everybodies site. I do have a banner exchange page on my site that only has one at this time, but I am confining that to the common subject matter of Graphic sites.
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