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Everything posted by SolarX

  1. Brazil is out, beaten by France like 1998 It's a real surprise, no "favourite" like Brazil or Argentinia left, so I hope it will come to Germany - France in the finale
  2. Great tutorial thanks! I always asked myself how to put rain in a rendered image, because I couldn't see any way to out rain in the scene with the 3d modelling program.But like always, it's post processing with photoshop
  3. Yeah, all in all 8 yellow cards and 4 red cards, the match with the most cards ever in the world cup
  4. I've got an 30 GB iPod Video with the alternate firmware called Rockbox (linux based). The iPod combined with this firmware that fixed everything I had to complain about on my iPod, it's just the perfect MP3 Player for me
  5. Sorry but I don't think that AIM is the biggest messenger. I would count ICQ and MSN as the big ones, no one I know has AIM...
  6. I think it's just like modding an existing game like Half life 2. You have an editor too, which offers you many possibilieties to change the game or make new content. Nothing really new
  7. Can't wait for Germany - Argentinia this Friday like everyone in Germany, it's just a fantastic athmosphere here
  8. I mostly listen to electronic music, but only the calm style. Progressive Trance and much more My favourite artists are Armin van Buuren, Above & Beyond, ATB, Ferry Corsten, Markus Schulz, Oceanlab, Kuffdam & Plant and mayn more ...
  9. I'm mostly using the CSS Option a:hover to change the background-image, from a link. But I will try your way the next time. Thanks
  10. Thaks for your interesting post, but I think they earn even more than 120.000 a year, because they must have tons of visitors and therefore much clicks on their ads.
  11. That's nothing new, Google Sitemaps is running since months Did you know that Google has launched there own e-mail service, called Gmail
  12. I often thought about implementing something like this, but I always put it on the bottom of my list But thanks to your tutorial, I will implement it right now. thanks in advance
  13. Though I can't see your Working Examples it's an excellent tutorial. I alawys tought about implementing such dynamic images in my sites or the pictures linking to it, but I never had the time or tutorials to do it. Now that I've got a tutorial, I just need some time
  14. Ok, thanks for your reply. I think I will look out for a new BIOS version in the next time. Just taking a look what should br improved by a newer version...
  15. First of all I think it is cause for concern. Yes as of to date, only 205 people have been infected, BUT 113 have died. Thats an alarming statistic no matter how you look at that.Flu shots, washing hands, vitamins, the healthiest immune systems...it won't matter. This type of influenza virus kills the healthiest of the healthy. The 1918 flu killed people ages 20 to 35 FIRST.
  16. Can't wait for the match this evening Germany - Poland. I hope it will become such a 1:0 like match we often saw the last days...
  17. I'm a little bit confused to see that many people seem to have nearly every console from the last 10 years I dont't have even one, I have a PC, so I don't need a console at all ...
  18. Hi, I often heared that it's risky, but what could happen if something wents wrong? Hardware damage? I have never flashed my BIOS, but I want to know what could happen before I do it. But: "Never change a running system" - Maybe I shouldn't
  19. Uhm, I don't think it's awesome but i've got some free time to kill...
  20. Helicopter Game: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/ Everytime I'm sitting on the PC without anything to do I play this game. Be careful, it can be very addictive, like many of these "simple" games
  21. I'm from Germany so I think you can guess, which team I want to win :rolleyes:I really liked the opening match, the match with the most goals so far.Btw. last World Cup, the final match was the first time Brazil and Germany had ever met in a World Cup, maybe they will meet again in finale...
  22. I'm not sure if it was already mentioned in this thread, but there's second alternative firmware existing for the iPod. It's called rockbox and can be found here: http://www.rockbox.org/ It's main aim is the to deliver the best sound quality you MP3 Player can give you, but there are also other features, application, games and so on. You can even make your one "deskopt themes" I also like the GameBoy Emulator, that makes you able to play every game that was released for the GameBoy on the iPod. It's just beta for iPod by now, but I'm already using it since over 4 months and it worked very fine. There are also daily updates for it.
  23. I think it was Tunesia, but I'm not sure cause normally I don't care about weather forecast and temperatures
  24. At first thanks to you both!serverph you are right, this is exactly what I want to do. I already thougt of just redirecting my subdomain to the Xisto subdomain. But after redirecting, you will see the Xisto subdomain in the adress bar of the browser instead of the orginal subdomain.Is there any way to redirect to the Xisto Domain without showing the Xisto Subdomain?It's just because I want to have consistend Domain names.
  25. Hi, when I sign up for the free hosting service I can choose between a Xisto subdomain and my own domain. I already have a domain and I want to assign a subdomain from my domain to my Trap 17 account. Is that possible?
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