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Everything posted by Becca

  1. hospitalized.. as in lived in the hospital ? I don't know if I have.. once I remmeber staying in the hospital for about a week... from bladder problems I think I still have it I'm not sure, no one tells me anything anymore. I was treated kind of badly I had a stick stuck up my.. um you know, the hole which isn't the butt.. and when I went to the toilets the cubicle walls were low and people use to stare at me peeing. I also wasn't given any hot food i think i had cold broccoli and my mum had to bring me it.The hospital was really horrible and dirty.Thats soo sweet your friends made a site for you.. most of mine don't even know proper html!
  2. Yeh like i said before. i like your original kinda scribbly style.. it's cool. Well done.. excellent as usual. lol!The sounds work fine.. they just annoyed me a bit because the speakers were on full blast..
  3. Well.. I don't have that problem, so I don't know what you are talking about.I don't think any one else has. Why can't you just NOT change the theme? Does it even matter anyways?
  4. Honestly.. i don't give a crap.. i respected the old pope because he was i dunno 'cool' lol. But i aint no catholic or religous person.. it's just a new pope. who cares if he was a nazi... people change.. he's not going to be a pope for very long either... i think. he's old enough already
  5. Actually my problem is probably my fault merged with the cpanel fault.
  6. na.. it's just cpanel problems... i haven't used that amount of mb space.. but it still shows that much and wont go down when i delete things..
  7. Looks cool. I like the color, bg and the font sort of suits it. Except it's like a nice background and then some kind of word just pasted on top of it. if you know what I mean. but I can't really complain, lol. Because it's a lot better than anything I can do.
  8. Some point in everyone's life they will think about Suicide. I don't really know many people who haven't thought about killing themselves. I guess it IS due to our emotions. When I feel down and I feel I have let down my mum, i think about killing myself and how to do it, but I know better than that. It's just a thought at the back of my mind that comes back up when I'm down,depressed or angry. My friends,most of them, have not been through what I have been through and so I put on a brave act at school. They all think i'm a happy happy, agressive person. When people commit suicide they mostly think that no one understands them, but somewhere in this world someone will. My friend slits her wrist and throat.. and all her friends say she does for attention seeking and that she doesn't have any problems, well how do they know. My friends are like that too and it's sometimes annoying. I say something and because my friends don't agree they straight away say to me YOU LYER... Suicide is just life. It's kind of a part of you, if you understand what I'm talking about. Thinking suicide somehow makes me a stronger person.
  9. uh.. yeh i know.. not being rude or anything but i meant that way.. EACH file was under... and only TWO were like over 10kb.. and all the rest were 0.1 etc...
  10. yes I probably have over 100.. but they are only about 15kb or less each..?
  11. tried that ages ago. thanks
  12. I've already waited for a day and a half.. And it probably IS my mysql... it currently says : SQL Disk usage 0.79 MBdon't know... Thanks for the help..
  13. Hello I recently created a new forum and then upgraded it to a newer version. But then I decided I didn't want them no more and deleted them.But when I deleted them the space it was taking up didn't go back down in the Disk Usage bit and then I had a look at the Disk Usage Viewer thing and the forums I had deleted werent there. I don't know whether it only deleted the forum files the scripts recognised or what?? Well my space is runing out I want to install new stuff with requires more space and well. Disk usage 101.46 / 150.00 MBopefully someone will understand what I am talking about.
  14. I bet she's just having a baby to have an excuse why she's gtting fatter.. haha. jokes
  15. Becca


    I like the Studio Ghibli anime. That;s the BEST.. My fav is the one called Whispers of the Heart.. I even know how to sing from there in japanese.. ahahha
  16. That's really cool, except why is the border blue? And I don't think the text matches the background, which is vital.I agree wid Florisjuh, lol.I reckon the army system needs something more better pixel graphics, because the ones atm are bummers.
  17. that's nice, isn't it...I think you need a border. I like the 'logo' thing m it's cool. I don't think the hardrives really fit with the kinda 'grunge'ISH look. But it's all cool.
  18. Microsft word is A LOT better than Word Processor in my opinion.. It's ugly!!! And does hardly anything!!! I don't even have Microsoft word, but it's good for homework essays etc.. because of the spelling and theasaurus[sp] thing... we have the new baby blue one.. pft.. at least it's something simple and efficient to use for all ages.
  19. don't try it, because it isn't happening
  20. haha. You loser, that's funny.... but that's mean to gay men, they don't all do that.. most of them are cool.
  21. 1337 is leet. but I think you know that.They 'THINK' they are superior no normal people and that they are the most talented, popular, and known of all. It's all crapness... so don't worry about it.Hey shotgun_sonata dude. I'm glad you've joined this community. Have fun, don't forget to visit the arcade and army or the kenka game.. it's good/From what I have experienced, the hosting here is great, but might not fit certain people.Hope to see more of you, and you can post some of your creations in the creative forum ,if you wish.Laters. xBecky
  22. You can explain your anger or whatever without profanity. It is not needed.Even if you are very angry there is no need to swear to prove you are really angry at something. Even though I do swear a lot, I still try to cut it down. You could at least replace it with words that mean the same.
  23. oh no!! where you going !?!? Although I never chatted to you before, i wish you all the best and whatever...xx Becca
  24. pft.. i knew that time ago.. first time i saw her fat wobbly friggin belly in a picture i knew she was pregnant.. but before that.. she was seriously on her way to becoming an obese litte princess
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