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Everything posted by JaVe

  1. Whoa very impressive! Continue to draw...how old are you?
  2. That's slighlty repulsive yet...nice but you used too much grunge...
  3. Everybody focus here as i will be adding more, i have tons of homework which is really killing me but in the holiday ill add tons!!! Happy (nearly) new year and hope you all have loads of fireworks (YEEEEHHH!!!)
  4. If it was by a respected writer, i'd say"copywright infringement" - but this adolf hitler who's defending his right?
  5. "...and drew..." - AndrewThe second: The man is contradicting himself, he's telling the truth...
  6. I want to make a radio tower with those soundwaves coming out from it! I'll post it soon!
  7. Crap? The only thing that's crap is your yuor attitude towards your pics! You always come up with neat pixels and drawings and graphics. You should go to some cambridge graphic school (if there is one) - everybody who thinks bexa is the best graphic designer say 'I'...I!
  8. That's a very slick intro page, just the 'enter' text with the red is a bit clashing...
  9. That's pretty creative, good and impressive! Where is that?
  10. I use Adobe, i draw pixel by pixel which is tiring but gives good results. OMG yours is making me dizzy...:)
  11. Well seeing as we're allowed to add as many as we like; here's a restaurant! Good luck! We still need a cinema and a supermarket, school etc.
  12. It's coming along nicely! Becca's looks more prof though (waah)...mine is too small. good luck everyone!
  13. Normally it would be good, but i need the registry gone because of some undeleteable errors. My usb stick is no longer making my pc crash; this was because i really do have to safe unplug it with that icon (bottom right).
  14. Here's mine, maybe not as nice as Bexa's, but hey...she's the master of pixel-art! Still, crticism accepted! I love the idea!!! SPONKINDUSTRIES YEH!!! Backache... YOUCH...leaning...too...far forward...eyes all...'groan'...red...i spent around 1/2 hour on this, longer actully!
  15. Wow! Everybody here's so kind, I love all the positive feedback! More to come soon!
  16. Thanks:), i am still looking at your pixel drawings - in your sig and admiring 'em.
  17. i could do that stuff too, but i have not yet harnessed the art of doing so...WAAAH! I always wanted too and i will soon. Bexa, are you a girl?
  18. I agree with Bexa...climax = orgasm. What is lmao anyway? I'm15 and i should be in on all this hip-talk but i tend to fall behind on things like these.
  19. Hmm, simple = good. I did this with a cartoon bunny before.
  20. "Xisto proves that 'it' really exists...""Freewebhosting's climax...Trap17""Zip-a-dee-doo-daah...zip-a-dee-Xisto - The final frontier..."
  21. The names in the filename actually mean nothing, it's just relating to what's in the picture, 'little dude' = he's not exactly big, 'blob' = he looks like a blob.
  22. I guess i'll try norton ghost, but how exactly does it work? Does it backup your registry, that's what I don't need...but i have all these other programs and drivers which i still want them to be registered like adobe...how will that work? How will a ghost image affaect them if i reformat? I have partitions.
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