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Everything posted by JaVe

  1. JaVe


    Thanks, for the help, for those who know e107, e107 link, where am i meant to put that code.
  2. In e107, i need the gd_lib.dll or something or imagemagick. I need these to convert pictures into thumbnails. I think the gd plugin is already installed in a php installation on a webserver but i don't know the path to it. Can anyone help?
  3. Okay, while everyone's having trouble with phpnuke and what not, i'm having a little trouble of my own. 1.In e107, the pictures aren't resizing when i upload em to my forum. 2.When i make a news post via admin, i do everything correct but then it seems as if i've posted double. This is how it looks like: HERE
  4. I live in holland and before july they were still showing season one. Dutch people are slow... So i somehow 'get' my smallvlle eps off the internet. Everyone has a different opinion and i am okay with that. But using gay as a word to describe your dislike of smallville isn't exactly approopiate.
  5. The story is starting to unravel towards the old superman series. I like it. To tell the truth, the story is great, but if kristin kreuk wasn't in it then i wouldn't watch it.
  6. Haha, nice site, nice idea, pretty good layout. I just hope google doesn't sue you. Well, a search engine, i don't think it's illegal. What the heck, nice site!
  7. Don't sign up yet, i still have a lot of working to do. When it's done, and i'll say so, feel free to post tutorials in the adobe photoshop section but if it's not yours then give credit to the owner. Also, don't forget to submit into the creative submissions part. But don't go to my site yet. Still updating.
  8. Damnit that's an excellent looking design. Content 0/10, i guess you need to update but looks i'd give a 9/10. Job well done
  9. Very nice site xerox. I'd become i member but im doing a load of homework. Anyway, i title wouldn't hurt.
  10. I didn't make the php scripts, it's from e107, now that i've fully learnt how to use it, i'm happy. Click here to go to it. I don't regard this post as spamming, i'm just showing people my daily progress. I'm still gonna update the site, i don't like the title. I'm gonna put tutorials in the forums and stuff. Don't expect too much, i'm not a professional phper, i hardly know anything. Oh well, wish me luck.
  11. I am now faced with another problem. I wanted the mysql server adress for this site, someone told me localhost, that's only when running a mysql server on my pc. I need one for this site. I had a freesql account, the host was ' freesql.org ' so what is this one?
  12. The problem is i don't have that mysql dump facility, and on freesql.org theres no link going to it. But then, now, i saw an option, 'show structure and data', so i clicked it, and it showed the 'insert values', i guess that's how the old phpmyadmin is. I'm ready to try it now. I appreciate all your help. Thanks. EDIT Aaah, it just took a bit of snooping around. It was right under my nose...mouse arrow...thanks for all the effort you took replying to my crazy posts but i think i figured it. The main reason why i wanted my database hosted on Xisto's servers was so that it would be faster. And it is, approx 5x faster.
  13. Amazingly enough i don't have a backup. The freesql.org php myadmin is running on version 2.2.0, i executed the query: # mysqldump -u username -ppassword database_name > FILE.sql where username is my username of the database, password etc... It says query exectued successfully but where did the .sql file go? And ps, in their phpmyadmin prog there's no 'export' button. Funny isn't it?
  14. I doubt it's Xisto, i think it's the software, btw, i want to transfer a mysql database completely, not just empty tables. So that the data is already input. Does anyone know how to do that?
  15. e107 version 0.617 from http://www.e107.org/
  16. Okay thanks, it's abit weird, i'm not using a webserver. I had freesql.org and freesql.org was the host.-------------------------Anyway, i want to transfer a mysql database with only the prefix e107_, anyone know how to do this?
  17. Most likely it's just that i'd need a specific color scheme to work with. I mean, putting a black button with green letters isn't exactly matching.
  18. I am going to edit my mysql settings. Before i had freesql.org but that's slow. So now i created one here. What is the host? What must i put in the server.
  19. Ah wait, i just found out myself it was not your servers but the portal system. You see, whenever i try to update a custom menu, it doesn't work, but when i create a completely new one, it does work. It's strange. Maybe anyone with experience of this program can tell me.
  20. okay so i chamodded the folder they told me to. /e107_plugins/customNow i still cant edit anythhing via the site, eg custom menus, it keeps telling me to chmod my /e107_plugins/custom/ folder. I did it, but i still cannot do anything. Can an admin check if there's something wrong.
  21. No id didn't make it with that site. But thanks for the site anyway, i heard of it once, itt's a good site. The story behind my sig is that i was experimenting, and then i did two layers. Then i erased holes/lines out of the top layer so that the bottom layer would comeup. I've heard of tutorials like it but no i didn't use th tutorial site, puerly an accident actually.
  22. Sorry, wait, cancel that request, it was a minor folder error i made. Thanks for the hostingt, all the features are excellent.
  23. I appears that i logged on to my ftp, i deleted some folders/ all folders, and uploaded my files, now everythings messed and i cant find my site. I want to upload a bunch of folders and an index.php file, can anyone walk me through on how to upload the right way? Also, can someone restore the default folders?
  24. Since i suck at programming, and flash, i just stick to free portals. I'm free to say that i use e107, it's easy. Anyway, i want to learn flash. I'm pretty good at graphics if i can say that myself and so i usually design titles and stuff.
  25. When my site is up i'll definately put a Xisto button on it. The only problem is, is that, i don't have a Xisto button. Can anyone provide me with one? Make it small.
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