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Posts posted by Plenoptic

  1. I can't help but notice this nice part of his "friend's" quote...

    A lot of the good members also left since you got on the scene.

    I'm not surprised many good members left, he has been here with Xisto for more than two years. The thing is, I don't really think that they left because of him. In fact a lot of people have left since I joined the forums as well. Now let's see, I have seen many posts of people leaving but it's usually because they are too busy now or they moved up to paid hosting like Xisto - Web Hosting, but I can't recall a post about how Buffalo is a tyrant.
    I think it's hilarious how you point out dumb pictures probably edited in Photoshop but no pointing to a particular topic or post that proves any of your theorems. Buffalo enforces the rules because they are rules and that's why they are there. There isn't anything tyrant about what he does.

  2. Well, that's quite interesting. Some people send messages in a bottle, others put an eight foot tall Lego toy in the water with some words on it's shirt. Personally I have thought of hooking up balloons to a bottle and send the bottle off with a message in it. This is really quite interesting, I wonder how in the world they made that Lego man in the first place. When I first say that it was a "Lego" man I thought it was just a bunch of small Legos put together. This is even better, but sort of a waste of money. I would put it up in town square.

  3. I understand what you are saying. There are always going to be people that do that, they complain and tell you that what you are doing sucks yet they probably like it themselves. Back when I played America's Army, my clan owned our own servers. Time after time again people would come on and tell us this server sucks, and I would ask them why they were still on the server if there were plenty others they could be on. Of course to this they had no answer. Sometimes, I would kick them out just to get rid of them because they usually caused other problems. The same goes with websites and stuff as well, they just think it's fun when really they are wasting their own time. I think it's rather comical.

  4. Very interesting thoughts. I am not really sure what to believe. I mean I don't doubt that it could have an effect on us but I might need a bit of proof. I ought to see if I feel any different when the moon is full but I probably shouldn't study myself. It'd be interesting to see just how it affects you. I would also like to know how it affects you like does it play with your blood pressure and change the nerves in your brain?

  5. This is a pretty funny story. My guess is that on the first visit there that's what it sniffed out and when it found out how good the chocolate was it decided to stick with it and forget about trying other stuff. I wonder what it does with the toy, bury it? Throw it at other squirrels? Gives it to other squirrels to play with? I'm glad they didn't kill the animal for stealing the chocolate. I wonder if they got rid of it yet or if they are gonna let it keep getting the chocolate or experiment with it.

  6. This is some really amazing information. So really, if you don't know how to treat something, eat a banana. :P I like my apples though, I can't say that I really care for bananas that much but if they are that healthy for you then maybe I ought to eat them. I can tolerate them so maybe I'll be able to use them to my advantage. I like to workout when I can so that'll help right before a workout. Mosquito season is starting so I'll definitely try that and see if it helps because the bites can really get annoying. Seems like a really great source of nutrition.

  7. Welcome to Xisto netfa. It's pretty easy to earn hosting here as long as you read the rules and the ReadMe. Hopefully your stay here will become more than just for hosting as it has for a lot of us. If not of course that's OK. Most of us are friendly, minus a few to be named later... just kidding. Can't wait to see you around the forums and getting to know you better. Tell us a little more about yourself if you have the chance.

  8. Is there any minimum number of credits that I would have to maintain to be alive?

    The minimum amount needed to stay alive is 0.01 credits which means you will have 0.01 days worth of hosting. When your hosting credits reach -4 your account will be suspended, they are a little lenient. If you reach -30 hosting credits, all files are deleted and your account is terminated. You can go years without having to post if you can save up a lot of credits. At the moment I have 200 hosting credits so if I wanted I go could go inactive for 200 days and still have my hosting. It's that simple. Refer to the ReadMe in jlhaslip's post for future information regarding credits. That has the answer to just about everything about hosting credits, how to earn them, and what they do.

  9. VERY helpful information here Watermonkey. Until I read this article all I knew was that turbochargers help you go faster. My friend has a turbo charged diesel truck and the turbocharger definately makes a difference and helps with the power, it has lasted him 80,000 miles so far without a problem except for when he ran it dry out of diesel. This helped explain a lot though, I never really knew what they did and how they worked and I sort of wondered. It's just one more thing to push the engine to the limit though. My original dream of purchasing a turbo charged Mustang sort of went down the drain though :P but it will help when I do go to purchase a car or truck. It already helped in my racing game, it explains why I always have damaged cylinder heads.

    Very nice article dude...but shouldnt just copy and paste...the ideas comes off of ur mind not the internet...and where ever u ggot it from please put the link

    Unless you can find the source please don't accuse of copying and pasting. If you do find they did copy and paste, place a report with the link to the source so that the staff can take care of it. As far as you know until then though is that it is legitament because they may just know a lot about the subject.

  10. You have posted in that section already. It is in the Entertainment -> Music section. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/78-music/ You can post about music and stuff in there or you can post lyrics in the Music Lyrics section. There is a search bar as well that you can use. Just click the Search button in the navigation above or if you want to make a specific search just go to http://forums.xisto.com/topic/12-suggestions/ You can search specific sections or the whole forum. If you would like the Xisto Search plug in find it here http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?sho=Xisto++search It works in both Fire Fox and Internet Explorer.

  11. Pretty interesting. I think I will stick with using Firefox. I am so used to using it now that Internet Explorer has sort of picked up dust except for when I open my email through MSN messenger because that's what it opens up in. Internet Explorer 7 had some improvements but I think Fire Fox will remain top dog unless something amazing happens over at Microsoft.

  12. hey man i cant see these pics .. will u fix this prob??

    Take note that this tutorial was posted almost two years ago so I'm sure the images are probably gone or just were deleted from the internet.

    This is a great tutorial rejected. I tried creating one with a different tutorial I found a while back and it worked sort of. It got me to the web page I was looking for but things didn't work. I will try it sometime this week and post my results.

  13. I have learned quite a bit about global warming and the greenhouse effect over the years. Most of what I have read says that humans are the cause of global warming. Note that I said "the" cause. We are more of a cause. I think that yes we help it but it's still apart of the Earth's process and will continue to occur naturally. Carbon dioxide makes up 0.05% of the world's atmosphere, and we produce 1/10 of that CO2. That means we produce 0.005% of the world's CO2. Does that really make that much of a difference in a world so big? Ya maybe some difference, but CO2 isn't the main cause like I have heard many say. Carbon dioxide is really just an indicator of global warming. Car exhaust is a big problem with releasing harmful gases int he atmosphere but the burning of fossil fuels probably is the biggest. We are using the same technology for burning fossil fuels that we did in the beginning which is part of the problem. There is a lot that we can do, but like I said before, we are just a factor. It's a part of Earth's process and eventually we will start to cool down and go into another Ice Age and that will be blamed on us as well.

  14. Pretty interesting, I guess that'd make things a bit easier than going into the profile to see when they were last on and how many days since they were last on but the post count is seen every post anyway. I already have too much space taken up in my signature though. :P I'll try and think of some other features you can add in there to make it even more efficient.

  15. There are many free message boards out there you can use.

    http://phpbb.com  - PHPBBhttp://mybboard.net - MYBBhttp://simplemachines.org  - SMFhttp://http://www.yabbforum.com/ - YABB

    These are some message boards, they are all pretty easy to install. I know PHPBB has a lot of skins you can use as well as SMF. YABB can be installed directly from the Control Panel. On the main page and scroll down to "Add On Scripts" and under bulletin boards is YABB. Hopefully this helps.

    As for the symbol problem, I don't think it recognizes the symbol itself so if you want to put in the symbol, £ or £ Then when you save and view the site it'll see £ and replace it with the pound symbol itself. This site will show you more symbols... http://www.ascii.cl/htmlcodes.htm

  16. The way I see it, either way you are killing animals. If you hunt and kill the animals to eat, then there you go, you are killing animals. If you eat meat but don't actually kill the animals, you are still part of the demand to kill animals to feed you so they kill animals to supply the demand so you are still indirectly causing their death. Now as for not eating animals or killing them, this means you generally eat vegetation. Now what do animals eat if they don't eat other animals? Vegetation. So if everyone ate vegetation there would be a shortage of vegetation for the animals, so then the animals would die anyway. That is why I eat meat either way. I am not saying being a vegetarian is bad, I just don't see a point to it in my beliefs.

  17. I have never been to a fortune teller and don't ever plan to, palm reader or not. I think it's all just a waste of money. They usually just ask a bunch of questions about yourself to see what you are like and then as soon as they know enough about you they give a general description of the future and you keep that in your mind so of course it happens or is close to happening. For those who believe in it, I hope it works out for you but I think I'll stick with finding out about the future when the future becomes the present.

  18. Ha ha :P
    That was hilarious, Especially the gal who was the victim.Was it me or did she seem a bit too masculine :P But like haslip asked, are they really prisoners. I liked one of the prosoners, he looked seriously humiliated and confused. He was bald and tubby :P

    I'm pretty sure they were really prisoners. I remember seeing that on the news one day. That's pretty funny, I wonder what they do with those that don't participate.

  19. Well when there are little kids watching TV like Cartoon Network and stuff sometimes their parents will watch with them, so they aim the advertisements to the parents who might need a debt/loan or whatever. The stations take those who give them the most money, as long as they make money and it's appropriate, I don't think it'll matter much what the commercial is. People who do commercials spread them all over many stations and aim them toward who they think will be watching. They know kids might not like the stuff but their parents who may be forced to like it might remember it. Advertisements aren't supposed to entertain everyone, but to get customers from some people.

  20. Pretty interesting. Hopefully whoever looked to see when those letters appeared didn't write out every single number and realized that 1001 is just one thousand one and saw that it's the same as counting from one all over again. :P Too bad it doesn't say when c shows up, now I am intrigued to find out but I don't really feel like looking it up. My guess is it'd be at one octillion.

  21. My router has a security enabled network option which is what we use. I don't want people using the internet my family pays for anyway because otherwise they should pay me. :P Whenever I go somewhere with my computer I don't generally log into things that have my important information. I ought to start using the Random Password Generator I made with Visual Basic to change my password every two weeks but there are so many passwords I would have to change that it'd be pretty hard. My computer saves all my passwords anyway. I think though that hackers can still get into the routers even with the security enabled but it'd be a lot harder.

  22. This is a pretty interesting bug. I wonder if it's only MP3 files it infects that it causes problems with or if it will do other things later on down the road. Like the article says it probably is teenagers looking for trouble or someone learning about computers who is trying to figure out how to make viruses so started with something relatively "small" although to some it's a big deal. Luckily I usually just listen to the radio instead of wasting my money on music so I don't have too much to worry about. At least they already have a fix for it. I sort of wonder how these things start to get passed around in the first place but I guess they'd probably put it in music that people would generally download.

  23. Most all programming languages will work with the exception of ASP and ASP.NET. You can use JavaScript, HTML, JSP, TOMCAT, PHP, MySQL, TCL, and CSS. I'm not really sure what other programs are acceptable as I don't use that many and I don't know if other programs require special server needs. I don't think VBScript will work with the hosts here because they use Linux servers here and not Windows. Is there a specific language you are looking to see if it will work here?

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