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Posts posted by Plenoptic

  1. That's pretty funny I think. Sort of stinks for the staff that had to count it all because I don't think he was trying to prove anything to them really. Street I hope you realize though that he probably didn't save all that up. If he had the $12000 in the bank he could have them take it out as $1 bills and coins or give him a lot of it and he could take it out at many banks and if they didn't have enough $1 bills or coins he could take them to a store and each store he goes to have them cash a bill for $1 bills although it probably did take a few weeks to accumulate it all.

  2. Ok, i'm just interested will my credits go to 0 couse now i have 150, if i get accepted for 30 credits application? :XD:

    Yes your credits will bet sent to between 1 and 4 credits. They are reset after you are accepted for hosting. The way you make credits before hosting is a little easier because Xisto wants you to be able to earn your credits so you can be hosted right away. Once you are accepted, they are reset and you'll have to start earning them again.

  3. This would probably be pretty hard to integrate anyway. I think if they were to do this they ought to make it so you lose all your credits and then are credited 365 hosting credits which will go down. That way if you still continue to post but you choose to break rules your credits can still be deducted for spam posts and what. The idea itself though seems sort of weird anyway. If you have 250 credits already anyway that should surely be enough time for you to come back on the forums once every 10 days of those days. They have the option to purchase credits like already stated so I sort of think that'd be enough. Otherwise people will come on post post post until they hit 250 and we won't see them for a year, then they'll come back and do the same again.

  4. I read this a few weeks ago. I thought it was pretty crazy. The reason why she didn't have it taken out 55 years ago was because back then she could have died in surgery because the technology was not so advanced as it is today. They didn't want to risk a srew up because the possibility of her death during surgery was greater than living or she may have come out not remembering anything or some other severe brain damage. This brings up the question to those who wonder why she didn't have it out earlier. Would you rather have headaches and nose bleeds or have severe damage done to you during surgery? It's quite amazing that she was able to go that long with a pencil in her head. I wonder if she got used to any problems caused by it. Can you get used to the feeling of having a pencil in your head? I sure would like to see the X-rays allowing you to see the pointy thing in her head. It isn't really a funny matter although it seems that way. I'm glad she was able to have the majority of it taken out without too much of a problem.

  5. It is pretty interesting to think of why the alphabet is in the order of which it is. Dictionaries put things in alphabetical order that way and in school you alphabetize stuff and names go in alphabetical order. I think it was just created that way to better organize things and the song was made to help you remember the order. Plus like the Greek alphabet it goes Alpha Beta and so on down the line so we probably sort of put it in an order like the past. Of course I don't know the whole Greek alphabet so it may not go in order that way but it's just a way of organization. I'm sure it could probably go any way you wanted as long as you learn them but we have grown to be used to that order for alphabetical order.

  6. Well I would try NS1.THEDOMAIN.COM and NS2.THEDOMAIN.COM substituting THEDOMAIN with the web host's name. I know that that is how Xisto - Web Hosting works and Xisto here as well. But make sure that you realize it could take 72 hours for it take effect so you may not see a difference right away if your DNS didn't update. That's why it's best to have a site with support to have help like this.

  7. I think one way of solving it would be setting yourself a goal and then having somekind of self-punishment (like no TV or no computer) if you didn't achieve the goal. You would still need will power though :P.

    That's the problem. If you had the will power to punish yourself for not doing your homework, you should have the will power to do your homework in the first place.

    I generally started to procrastinate when I became a freshman in High School. After 6 hours of school each day I come home and all I want to do is hang out and maybe do something with my friends or use the computer for a while. Then I eventually will do my homework. Last year I didn't start a poetry project until the night before it was due. 15 hours later of no sleep and plain out work though I got it done and got an A. I don't really ever want to do it again yet I must because now I'm doing summer assignments. I have a week to do them all because I took a summer program that lasted 6 weeks and the time before that I wasn't worrying about it.

    There really isn't much you can do except maybe turn off distractions and get in the habit of doing it right when you get home. Then once you finish you'll still have plenty of spare time to do other stuff and won't have to worry about homework. I guess you'll just have to think about that. Hopefully I can fix the problem on myself too. It's hard but if we don't start to we are gonna lose a lot of sleep and it already has hurt grades.

  8. I got an email about this yesterday from Apple but didn't have time to read it and forgot about it. This looks like a really nice computer. It's small and compact and won't take up much room at all considering all you need is the "monitor". I prefer using windows though sadly so I will be keeping what I have. I'm sure the price on those will go down anyway the longer they are available. There is always something better that comes out after or there is a better way they can produce it that's cheaper that lowers the prices. It's a nice clean look and can be built to be very powerful. I bet those will sell like the new gaming systems have.

  9. Well I never had heard what had happened to the ball that broke Hank Aaron's home run record. So I looked it up and found an interesting story. Matt Murphy, a college freshman, was the man who made the lucky catch. He was staying in San Francisco before flying out to Australia to watch a buddy's sister's movie shoot. They planned it out and bought the tickets 3 weeks before. He says he wants to half keep the ball but he will be charged taxes on the approximate value of the ball if he doesn't sell it, and will be charged more if he does sell it for more than the approximate value. I sort of think this isn't right because it's a college freshman who doesn't have a job, how is he supposed to pay over $200,000 in taxes for something he hasn't sold? I hope he keeps it though. If Bonds is busted for steroids he can get some money back because the value will go down but if it becomes worth more in time he'll have to pay more. I feel this is wrong but I guess that's the way it works.


  10. I am happy with the speed I have now so that is not a problem, but I think it would be hard to get used to opening another browser all over again. I don't use too much with my browsers except I have one add on which is installed in both Firefox and Internet Explorer and I don't have to worry about pop ups because the basic blockers work fine for the sites I go to. The tab feature is really the only new thing I need, looks doesn't really matter to me and being able to type in searches in the Firefox URL bar is nice. Other than that I'm set, so I'll probably just stick with what I have. I haven't had any security flaws recently either so no worries there either.

  11. This could be really useful especially if you travel a lot on business. Instead of alerts it would be even better if it would change your phone onto silent mode when you enter church or something. Then when you exit it will turn back off. Of course just the notification is helpful because it's just an extra few steps. It is amazing what you can do with your cell phone now. Although, depending on the cost of this feature, it may not be worth it. I have grown used to adding reminders in my phone or tasks and when it reminds me too early, I just hit the edit button and select a new time. Although if you have something over and over again that occurs but you don't want to have it remind you every time this would be handy.

  12. No they changed the file extension for a lot of their new products so that the new stuff won't be compatible with the old stuff. That way they make more money off of you because they want you to buy the new programs or upgrade so that you will be able to open those files. I would just make it easier on yourself and download the compatibility pack that way it'll save the people you are working with hassle. You can download it here. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download

  13. Looking at this topic http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shogle++Television that's the last I heard about it. I think it may take a while before they get into television because this idea was brought up last year. The closest they have gotten to television is having videos on YouTube and that's still on the internet. There have been many hoax's about betas for Google TV but this article I found talks about their plan for iTV. I am not sure how legit this is but it looks pretty interesting. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  14. Seems like an interesting site. I won't be able to try it though because they only pay via PayPal, that limits you to being 18 or someone over 18 with PayPal which I do not have. The one time bonus may be nice when you reach a certain number of referrals but all those that I refer are more active anyway so Cash Crate may be better. They increase the percentage you make off referrals so if you have a lot you can make even more than that bonus although they only have 2 levels. If I am ever able to get PayPal I will try it out.

  15. This seems to make sense. I like to play basketball and go swimming although my memory is still awful. But that's probably because I'm not 30 yet. I wonder if I study and stuff and then go for a jog or jog before then maybe I'll remember more for the test? I'm going to have to try this and see if it makes a difference. I'm not sure if it'll work but it's worth a shot. Of course I think exercising your heart out won't do much but cause you to hurt yourself. Maybe getting your mind active by exercise and then trying to study ought to help.

  16. I entered my phone # on one and I keep getting calls from them. I signed up last night and ive gotten like 6 calls today. But also I don't want to use a random phone number cause then some other poor soul will get the same thing happening. Anyone know how to make them stop calling me?

    I did that one and I haven't picked up any of them. If you are referring to the Dot Schools offer you are having colleges calling you to give you the requested information. They slowed down on the calling since I first did it but they still call once a day or every other day. Only other way is to tell them you are no longer interested or use a Payphone.

  17. That looks pretty cool, it's still easy to carry around and is really portable. I was gonna ask if it was able to transfer the files from the CD to the MP3 Player but I guess not. I guess it'd be OK if there is one CD that you can't copy at all because it's copyrighted. Or if you are really in a hurry and don't have time to copy the music files before you go so you can just grab the CD and go. I think though that I'll be able to wait one trip before I can add it to my MP3 player. I don't really like the idea that much unless it'll copy it for you, but of course if they did that it'd make it easier for people just to copy stuff from friends instead of buying it themselves causing companies to lose even more money in stolen music.

  18. Sounds good if you want to put up your search engine rank, out of those 1,000 visitors though maybe 10 will actually go to your site regularly after that. I sort of wonder though if for some reason you didn't get 1000 hits if you would get the $1000 or would they have some excuse for it. You would have to read any terms and conditions really carefully before doing that. I'll stick with an affiliate system.

  19. Take all the email addresses you have from all the barely used accounts, put them together in one email account, and you have 1 regularly used email account. Just stop using the others and any mail you have being sent to them over the next month change the address they send to to your new main account. I have 2 main email addresses I use. One for extended family and school stuff, and then another for everything else.

  20. I read somewhere that this only works in Windows XP Professional Edition but if you wanted to do it in Home Edition all you have to do is click Start > Run > Type in services.msc and then find the QOS service and disable it. I am not sure if this works, I read it and haven't tried it so be careful that you know how to bring it back. As for side effects to doing this, as far as I know mojoman there aren't any. http://www.dslreports.com/faq/3688 This link here says it only affects LAN traffic and not the internet itself. I would try it but I don't want to screw anything up plus I'm happy with what I have at the moment so I'll let the scheduler do it's job.

  21. Well there are generally two different categories I would put this topic into. Least Favorite Sport to Watch, and Least Favorite Sport to Play. I may like playing tennis from time to time but watching it I don't find to entertaining. I like to actually be out there and play the sport rather than watch it unless I'm live in attendance. My least favorite sport to watch is probably golf. It is just so slow going and you are just watching them hit the ball towards a hole trying to get it in. Sure it may take skill but I'd like to be the one attempting to learn/use the skills. I like really playing all sports, except cheer leading maybe if that's considered a sport.

  22. I never really thought about what that would do to help you in search engines. That's a pretty decent idea, but is basically cheating and I guess you'll get banned as they said. :P If you really want to have more keywords, make a forum that has a little bit of everything in it so then you really will have all those words on your website and put into use and search engines like Google won't ban you. Or have a website of articles ranging of subjects. Having a site with general content will probably get you more hits but you have to make sure that you really are putting effort into it instead of leaving forums empty just to have keywords.

  23. I tried one Traffic Generation program but it didn't really do all that much for me. It brought a few more people to the site but of course no one really stayed. The programs are really just meant to have more visitors to display and maybe raise your rank on search engines. Other than that they are worthless. I think a Top Site feature with people looking for similar sites is really the best way to go or an Affiliate system.

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