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Posts posted by Plenoptic

  1. Well, I still see stuff on the other side of the ice wall and I thought that was supposed to be the edge of the Earth, so wouldn't we see outer space or something? I thought the edge of the world was ice. Where exactly is this edge of the world? The government doesn't have anything to worry about, I'll keep the ice wall a secret.

  2. So you are telling me that Magellan really didn't sail around the world because he can't go around? He must have hit that big ice wall didn't he. Then how come you can't find a precise point on Earth without taking into consideration that it is a sphere? Why is it that planes have flown over every part of the Earth, many with passengers over the International Dateline and things and they made it to the other side of the world? I guess you'll tell me they flew up and turned around without passengers knowing and all the pilots are a part of the conspiracy. Good luck with your ideas, I say you start your own corporation like NASA to fly into space and then take pictures of your own. Of course then I'll start the Round Earth Society and do the same. Sorry if I sound rude, I'm just a big fan of space and NASA.

  3. Well this I find quite interesting and dumb at the same time. Ernie Chambers, Senator of Nebraska, says he is suing God because he has caused many catastrophes like hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, etc; that have caused many deaths and much damage in the world to innocent people. He is doing this because he is upset by all of the stupid cases he sees in the courtroom, like this lady suing because she wasn't allowed to say words like "rape" and "victim" in a trial which she said violates her freedom of speech.

    This is sort of funny but also a waste of time. It's not that people just like making big deals out of stupid problems, or harmless problems, but they just want to make money out of it. That's the drive out of most people. We hear pointless cases everyday but the accusers have valid arguments and make millions of dollars out of it. I think this case is just going to get people to question why they haven't done this before. Because really anyone could sue God I guess but I don't know who's going to defend him, and how they are going to get money out of him seeing that he made everything so all of the money in the world should go to this senator? I don't understand really how this trial is going to work. Good luck to the senator in proving his point though.

    Edit: Forgot the source, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  4. There isn't really anything special about these sites, they are like almost any other survey site. There are 100% free surveys, credit card required surveys, and the cell phone required surveys. I personally have already received prizes from one of the sites worth $10 so I know they are legitimate. They have many different sites some are just prize sites, some are cash sites, they all have the same offers.

    Gaming Lagoon Here you can earn free music downloads, CDs, etc;
    Cash Lagoon This is the money making site, all of the offers adding up to about $4000 I think.
    Video Game Lagoon Here you can earn free video games for any console and you can find on Amazon.com Sadly you can't actually earn free consoles themselves but only the games for them.

    These are not all of the sites, you can view them all here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ by looking at their support forum.

    There are some cons about this site. When you sign up you have to activate your email address and your phone number by calling in and entering a code. Which isn't a big deal but in order to receive your first prize you also have to call in and leave a message with the information you used to sign up for the account. After they confirm it you can then receive your prize, and you only have to do it once per site. You can't sort the offers by payout and stuff, only by whether it is cell phone required, credit card required, or free.

    Still not bad though as I know they work, and I earned $20 worth of stuff in about 15 minutes. There also is a 15% earning refferal program as well but can't bring that here. :P

  5. As earlier explained by Saint Michael, many guests are bots and also those who are looking to see whether this is where they would like to host their free website. As many don't want to contribute by posting and just want a quick and easy sign up but they don't see that right away. Others are directed here from hosted sites whether by linking back or if they are searching for a certain subject on a search engine, their search may lead to a topic here on the forums so when they click on it to read it they may not want to join but just read the topic. There are many guests that come thinking this place is a Runescape site. Some forums come with special accounts for Google bots but many come when they find your site as they roam around another. The more your link is passed around and posted on other sites, the better chance the search engines find you.

  6. As for the search for moderators, it's constant but searching through hundreds of posts on one thread isn't the best way to do it as just seeing that someone would like the opportunity doesn't mean they have the qualities to be one. The staff on Xisto being on a lot get to know the members and after a long relationship they can see how people act and take note of their activity. Not only this but they look for those who can be good examples and intereact well with others and being helpful and those who are active on a regular basis.Having being a moderator for about a month I found out that on such a complex and unique forum here with a mass user base it isn't as easy as running your own small forum. I found that when school started that i couldn't continue moderating for the time as I didn't have much time, there are many posts and that need to be looked through but there also is a lot of decision making involved.

  7. The views of outer space in the new Google Earth is quite amazing I think. It's not just planets and the moon but also stars and it has all their names and you can zoom in on close up pictures of them that were taken by telescopes. I wonder how long it took them to compile all of that information but some of the stuff that you see is really cool. At least it is for me because I like dreaming about what it's like in space.

  8. Video games may be a waste of time if you are supposed to be doing homework or some other kind of work and you are procrastinating instead. But if you have nothing to do or don't want to watch television it can be a good source of entertainment. You can't always be working or reading or working your mind to pieces you need to take a break every once in a while. Maybe I say that to justify why I play video games. I don't play them all that often unless I rent a new game from Blockbuster. I have noticed that they have tried to get adults into liking video games more by coming out with more educational games like sudoku on a hand held system an what not.

  9. If this tourism company is already established, have him give you a look at their financial records and see if they are known to be doing well and then sort of plunk out for something. Or if it's new, ask him about what he has done in the past and if this isn't his first business he is starting ask about the old ones and what happened to them and try to get as much physical proof as possible instead of taking his word. If you create a signed contract with a witness explaining that you are the Director of Information Technology and receive 15% of income or stock or whatever then you shouldn't have a problem unless the company goes bankrupt. Another thing would be they could fire you as Director of Information Technology, and find another site for cheaper as you already had started a base for them.Of course I have no experience in this whatsoever so that's just some 16 year old opinion. To tell you the truth I probably would take the money when he got it and tell him that I am not going to take the risk that my time goes to waste if the company goes down. If it is a long established company though I would in fact do it after I look into their background and see that they have been at least somewhat stable over the years.

  10. Man that guy must drink a lot of milk, probably three gallons a day. Of course you can't just say that the teeth did all the work. He must have one strong body to be able to get the train moving and also some deep rooted teeth. I can't imagine how much time of working out and stuff he did before hand. I wonder if he started small by like pulling toy cars, then real cars, then the engine of a train and then adding a car every few months. He's crazy despite the fact.

  11. Most places do have banners that you can use to link back to their site. Like for Xisto you can find some at http://forums.xisto.com/topic/125-user-contributions/ If you wanted you could make your own banner that could link to them if you are skilled in that area. I'm sure if they have like an affiliate system you can just copy their image and not bother giving them yours. I'm sure they will be happy just for the links from your site. If they don't have banners out in the open you could always contact them and ask.

  12. Well mine also is worth $5 and that's probably just because it's a website. :XD: Xisto is worth $998, not bad, I think it's worth more though. Especially since I am here. :D MSN is only worth $480 thousand? Something doesn't sound right there. I don't know how worthy this site is but really though, just because there are many back links doesn't mean that your site is worth a lot, just published in many places. I wouldn't recommend it if you want to sell your site. :) I would include also what is included with your site and what it's about. I guess just for popularity sake it's pretty cool.

  13. Well I personally haven't used it but I read somewhere that sometimes it over exaggerates problems or warnings to make you think your computer is in deep trouble. Or maybe that was just the pop ups from websites saying that you should download CCleaner. I don't know, but I haven't really had the need for it anyway. You could try another program and see if that makes a difference.

  14. Credit bank idea tweak. After reading the above it might be interesting to have a credit bank that is mostly used for users going on vocation. So say a user is going away for a while he can activate the vacation bank. So instead of a year it might be interesting to have two or three months with the vacation bank. On another note there might be a credit cost to use the vocation bank so say a month is 30 credits the bank will say be 20 or 30 credits to use and will automatically deduct 30 credits a month to say for two or three months. With the vocation banks still on it will deduct say another 20 credits for a two or three month bank and again take the 30 credits a month for the next three month vacation bank.
    Also the vocation bank may require a activation post.

    This might be a workable solution.

    There is a credits bank system you can use. If you go to the Xisto Process Page you can add credits to the bank. If you add a few credits there every week or so they will eventually add up. Then when you go on vacation, take them out of the bank and use them. That way you will keep your normal credits separate from your vacation credits.

  15. My first day of school was OK. I got to see all of my friends again which was nice, but I already received homework on the first day. I started Monday, and I also am a junior in high school in the International Baccalaureate program. I have four AP classes this year and two IB. It's going to be my hardest year of school but if I do well I hopefully will be starting college as a second semester sophomore or a junior. My teachers are nice for the most part though, my history teacher is pretty funny so that'll make that class fun.

  16. Well CONGRATULATIONS on the marriage and the baby. I'm guessing you named your baby Plenoptic(a), which I think is just great. :XD: Now what I want to know is why I wasn't invited to the mansion to have a party and what not, you know you could have had even more fun. :) Sounds like you had a great time, tell your step-father that I'm willing to buy the place for a whomping $200. :D

  17. Well astronomers and scientists have seen holes before, but not one like this. This "hole" is 1 billion light years across. Imagine the size of that in regular miles. There are no stars, no black holes, no galaxies, or planets. There is not much matter at all, if any. Scientists say it is probably due to great amounts of gravity pulling from larger areas which will pull structures ouf of the less dense area, but to be this big? Kind of wierd to be looking in space and then all of a sudden you see an area of nothingness. I thought it was pretty cool. I don't know what exactly they may be able to benefit out of this but it could help us better expand the universe we live in.


  18. The answer to this question is simply, No. We are all coincidences of evolution. Believing in a religion or life after death is so much more convenient to people than you have absolutely no meaning in life. There is only one life, so we have to make the most of it while we can. People want to think that the people who they love are still living somewhere after they die. Its just easier to think like that.

    The thing is though, after you die, what happens? You aren't going to be there sitting in your grave because then you'd be living if you can see that. It's kind of hard to imagine no life whatsoever. It would be nothing at all, no thought, no movement, no breathing, nothing and you won't b able to feel let alone know you are dead. So all of a sudden your thoughts disappear? Kind of odd to think that that's what happens because you become nothing.

    I also am a Catholic and believe in life after death, maybe not physically, but spiritually. It also is a hard concept to really imagine.

    The way I see it, the only way to find out is after you pass away, and then you'll know for sure and that's all that matters. You don't have to worry about death if you are too busy worrying about life as it may be your only chance.

  19. Well, being the humans that we are, we want to know about things, where they came from, what they are for, why they are there. Despite your religion or feeling, suppose there was a creator of everything. Why did he create it? How did he create it? Who created him? If not who, how was he created? You are never really going to have an answer to that if there is a creator because you can't really explain everything. There is always going to be an endless cycle. Lets talk about the "Big Bang", how is it possible to expand all that much, where did all this matter come from? What was it like before the big bang? Why did the "big bang" occur? There is a limitless possibilities of questions wondering what and how we came to be and me may not ever know the answer to that because it's an endless cycle. We assume everything must have come from something, it's rather mind blowing to think about such an endless cycle because if you go back far enough you are gonna be creating something out of nothing, but how?

  20. And you know what? My father spanked me. I turned out fine. IT'S NOT ABUSE!

    Well calling people white trash I wouldn't really call that fine, at least keep it to yourself or phrase it some other way.

    Anyway, I do think that a lot of people do need to discipline their children more. Of course spanking may do some good but it could lead to abuse but there are also other ways. There are many different things parents can do like giving rewards for being good instead or take away something when they are bad. Of course some parents shouldn't really be parents in the first place as sometimes they don't care what their children do as you said about the mother at the water park. A lot of these children are the same ones who's parents don't care how well or bad they do in school either which sort of ruins it for their children.

  21. I both agree and disagree. Your uses for the computers are different than others. You see some may choose to use the computer just for myspace or just for computer games and parents don't want them to waste their time playing games and turn into a lazy person. I can understand not wanting their kids on all the time but maybe if they have spare time their parents can moderate their use on the computer and have them go to some educational sites for a while and then let them do whatever the want. Or switch off and if they want to use the computer in their time when they have nothing to do they can read a book on one day and use the computer on the other. But I can sort of see where the parents are coming from because using the computer can become addicting.

  22. You sure seem to be exaggerating to me. :XD: Don't get me wrong, homework is not my favorite thing to do, but there isn't enough time to get everything done in school so homework is assigned and projects so you can learn some more on your own. Homework is implied when you go to school, there are breaks and weekends and summer time that you can use for extra activities and stuff but if you work out your schedule you should have plenty of time for other activities. If they are organized activities like team sports, I think they have to understand if you don't have time one night if you have too much homework. Of course if you put everything off like I tend to do that's kind of your own fault. If the activities you talk about are hanging out with friends, you can't really blame it on the teachers that you don't have time or anything but yourself instead, for your friends can wait until the weekend or until a night when you don't have as much homework.

  23. To add on a little bit about Invision Power Board, only the version 1.3 was free and I don't think it is available anymore. The newest versions must be paid for by purchasing a license by their main site. There is no maximum amount of users you are allowed to have on there as long as you don't go over your bandwidth, if you do then your account will be suspended until the next month of hosting. If this starts to occur I'd recommend moving up to cheap paid hosting at Xisto - Web Hosting. Also please take into account that any illegal versions of IPB will cause you to have your hosting account terminated immediately as it is illegal so I'd recommend installing a free forum like PHPBB or MyBB if you don't want to pay for IPB.

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