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Posts posted by Plenoptic

  1. Yes, it is true. Students at North Carolina State University were able to or are in the process of creating a wooden sports car called the Splinter. No they are not planning on selling it and mass producing it, at least not yet. The initial plan was to just build it to see if it was possible but now that they have achieved success then they may start towards new plans. The car is made for the most part out of wood, even the tires. With a modified V8 engine the heat is reduced as to prevent fire hazards. It is quite amazing the idea let alone the success.



  2. Wow! That is quite something. I can barely make paper airplanes with paper let alone any paper cranes or anything. I bet it took a lot of practice and patience to start making that kind of stuff. Probably started small but got bigger with ambition. I'm kind of interested to see if he teaches or learned that from someone. I don't think I would be able to attempt that considering I would probably fail many times and become frustrated with it, I just don't have the patience.

  3. This is a rather unique question. After thinking about it for a while, I think it would be too uncomfortable to have changes everyday. Of course you would never be able to get too close to anyone but you will never have a sense of security in an unkown world everyday. I am a rather shy person when I first meet people so this would probably explain why I may be uneasy to try this. Of course if I ever wanted to start a new life I would just have to move somewhere else.

  4. The way I see it, astrology is basically just something to look forward to. It may warn you about struggles that you may encounter but you encounter struggles everyday, astrology just emphasizes this and makes you look for them more because it is on your mind sub-consciously and you become obsessed with it. As for fortune telling and what not, that is all also a joke in my opinion. Before they tell your future, they most likely ask you a few questions about how life is going and what you have been doing, this gives them information to base their foretelling of and they then make a general forecast that is most likely to occur. Then the same process for astrology in which people subconsciously look for it to happen.

  5. The thing is there are probably hundreds of people who made predictios like this and some predicted the same thing or were completely off but this seems to be a coincidental find that just so happened to be correct. Of course it is pretty cool to see they they were able to somewhat see where technology was going but the same is done by people today and at least some of the predictions we make now will become truth at one point.

  6. That my friend is why you can't try to cheat the system. Those who wish to connect to the internet using their phone as the modem should probably just invest another $60/month for a wireless card provided by your cell phone prividor. This is unlimited and in this case can save you thousands of dollars. Good luck to that person hoping to bring down their bill but I think they should pay a lot of that.

  7. All of the schools I have been to have security for those connected to the network whether school computers or personal computers brought to school. They use a program called WebSense which blocks out bad sites and more can be added tot he blocking list and they also control what users can do. Of course all of my schools have also had computer specialists who can fix the problems instead of having to call a repair man as well. Maybe your school has a low budget but if they take the time to call a repairman they mine as well hire someone.

  8. I've read quite a few articles pertaining to this article and have seen lots of names I've seen my whole life (a whole 16 years) and a few of them I liked a lot. No not the Yankee players, in my mind they are all cheaters even though I know it isn't true. Clemens of course denies that he ever took performance enhancing drugs but McNamee admitted to injecting them into him on a number of occasions when he was with the Blue Jays and in 2000 and 2001 with the Yankees. Gary Sheffield is a name that surprises me. Eric Gagne is another big name but he also took them in the past as far as the investigation shows, not with the Red Sox showing why he stunk up the field. It's quite surprising how many players came out in the report, but of course you have to be careful as to what conclusions are jumped to. Mine are all based off articles I've read on MLB.com but it doesn't mean they don't exaggerate the extent/seriousness of the situation for many.

  9. Well the difference between the security software and the anti-virus soft is somewhat simple to explain so bear with me :P. With anti-virus software they just go after worms, viruses, trojans ect etc. With security software your dealing with firewalls, cryptography, parental control, spyware, adware, stuff like that. Although they work within the same package they do different things and also netwrok security is a whole different then home security, and hopefully that might clear some things up on it.

    These appear to be great suggestions, a little more division helps keeps things organized however I don't think many view the difference between Anti-Virus and Security software large enough to tell the difference when they go to make a post. In general they both protect the computer from some sort of intruding object but of course I haven't really paid attention to many of the posts either and don't know whether there is such an abundance of posts referring to this.

  10. The problem with looking into space for the resources of mankind lies in the fact that it costs too much to get into space in the first place. Shuttles go up roughly once every month or two in the United States and each time they go up it costs billions of dollars. Space Shuttle Endeavor cost $1.7 billion alone to build and that does not count for labor cost and repairs which seem to be growing larger in number every time there is a launch. The current Space Shuttle Atlantis was just put off until January because of fuel tank issues. The cost for labor, construction, fuel, supplies, training, etc; costs a lot of money. Some new form of shuttle will have to be designed to carry a large amount of resources back but the cost will outweigh what is brought in by a large number. For this to be profitable, some form of mass production of space crafts that can carry large loads have to be built but they must be built efficiently, cheap, and with little labor. The automation of manufacturing can be helpful as it was for the automobile back when Henry Ford created the first parts line. As for life on a new planet, yes it's possible, same with a space station. The same problems apply to this situation though as well and the residents going to live in a new civilization will likely have to be taught how to adapt and at first will be specialists like those out in the International Space Station. As for the moment there are many plans for the advancement of exploration like the repairing of the Hubble Telescope and addition to new parts. The government is already having a hard time funding this, it may be a long time before we turn to the Earth's need from scientific discovery.

  11. Uhh... Great! A domain name! It took me about 1 hour to get just 30 credits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You know, I wish you could like give us a break and maybe make it like 150-200 for one year. That would be GREAT!

    Thirty credits in an hours really isn't that bad. Some people takes a week or even longer to build up that many credits as they don't have as much time or they spend more time putting thought into a post. If you work at that rate you could have a domain name in about 8 hours of work which is really rather nice rather than having to put in credit card information on an actual site. Just look at it this way, 250 is better than 365

  12. Yes this can be done as SM said but you must also be careful of the bandwidth and space limitations you have. Running two sites on one account means each site only has half the bandwidth and space capabilities unless they are both smaller site so keep that in mind and maybe limit the other person you are hosting to a certain amount. You can give them their own separate FTP capabilities also to limit them to only editing their site and not yours. If you find the limitations of space and bandwidth become too much you can go bigger with a resellers account or just a regular hosting account at https://xisto.com/

  13. It's true. Tomorrow, October 30, 2007, from 2:00 PM to 5:00PM, participating Taco Bells will be giving out free crunchy beef tacos to all who go through their doors and request one during that time period. Sorry for not mentioning this earlier but I forgot. After Ellsbury stole second base for the Red Sox in Game 2 of the World Series, Taco Bell celebrated with this award. They had planned for this already saying that if someone stole a base during the game, not off a wild pitch or anything, then free tacos will be given to all in America. Enjoy! I will. :rolleyes:

  14. Please note that it was the Florida Marlins who won in 2003 and the Red Sox won it last in 2004. Congratulations to the Red Sox, I was rooting for them, my other teams were out :rolleyes: I wouldn't have minded the Rockies winning though seeing as they haven't won one in their short life span yet. It was a lot of fun to watch them throughout the playoffs. They have a really good team, as do the Rockies. I think the Rockies weren't expecting such a strong team as they hadn't played the Red Sox that year and had made it through the early rounds of the playoffs rather easily until their long break and the Red Sox surprised them in my opinion.

  15. I am not really worried about death let alone fear it. When it comes and comes and I'll have to deal with it either way. Fearing about when it comes and how it'll happen won't do you any good. When the time comes and if it's a tough situation that you could maybe avoid, you deal with it then. You can't plan it unless you are on life support or if you want to commit suicide but if you want to die then you won't really fear it then.

  16. When the first Dell laptop exploded and they made the recall I thought our family was in trouble. There were at least five Dell laptops in our possession at the time and a lot of them were having overheating problems so I figured we were in trouble. Luckily none of ours had to be recalled, hopefully they won't have future problems. I would talk to Dell about that and see if you can get a new laptop free, or your friend. Those are some pretty funny pictures though, luckily you guys weren't hurt severely or anything. I would like to have seen the thing blow up.

  17. I've pretty much known wrestling is a sham but never really bothered to watch that much or to look much for proof. I think it's just sort of dumb to watch, although I guess it can be kind of funny. I haven't really watched it much though at all to be a good judge, only when my brother turns it on sometimes cause we didn't have cable in our room so there wasn't anything on. Boxing is probably a better sport but I'm not much of a fan for that either. The only fights I usually see are in a hockey fight or baseball when the benches are cleared because the guys are mad at each other for doing something.

  18. I haven't really thought about what the appendix ever was for. All I knew is that a lot of people had them taken out after it became inflamed. So now we have two conflicting stories, it's no longer in use because we don't need it anymore, and the other being it possibly produces good bacteria or does to help fight off sickness. I would believe either one with enough evidence. We have changed a lot and grown a lot since the early years of mankind and somethings have become more important than others.

  19. They seem to move pretty quickly for me. I've had my accounts I signed up for verified within minutes to get going and then before the prize I call in with my info and within 24 hours I have had myself approved for prizes. They have now divided sections putting offers that may or may not approve into a separate section and offers that definately will approve in the regular sections. They have more security measures than most places but they also are willing to custom order prizes for you. I don't know if I like Cash Crate better or not though.

  20. Generally when you upgrade your hosting account your credits are reset. So after you upgrade your hosting credits are reset but if you had enough to change your password that would have meant you had enough to have 30 credits after the change. Did you happen to change your password before hand? The only other explanation I can think of would be having a post that was deleted for some reason for breaking rules.

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