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Everything posted by HannahI

  1. I think you need to tell Google to search your page, but I'm not sure.
  2. I reccomend going on your serever.-Hannah
  3. Thanks, Yordan. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get hosting if I use my myCents to buy hosting.
  4. You don't get credit because it is in the "Life Talk" section.
  5. Publish it to a folder, then you can upload the folder to Xisto.
  6. Yes you can.-HannahResource: Google
  7. Hi Again, If you just started here, please go back and read my other tutorial at http://forums.xisto.com/topic/97338-topic/?findpost=1064404535. Today we are going to be learning about the if statement, the else statement, the else if statement, other things. Let's Begin. Chapter 2 - If, else, and else if The If statement compares 2 variable, a number and a variable, or a number and a number. The else statement is similar to the if statment. The difference between the if statement and the else if statement is that the if statement is in the beginning and the else statement is at the end. I'm guessing that you alraedy guessed that the else if statement goes in the middle, if you did, your correct! You can have as many else if statement as you want. On the other hand, if you don't have an else statement, the else if statement could be at the end! Example: <?php $b = 1; if($b < 0) { echo "Hi"; } else { echo "Hello"; } ?> Chapter 2 - 2 - Comments A comment is a "note to self" which are invisable to the computer. A comment is after //. Similar to comment, they're block comment which are multi-line comments. Block comment are /* and */. Example <?php echo 'Hello' // I'm a comment /* I'm a block comment blah blah Bye */ ?> Thanks for reading Chapter 2
  8. Starscream, I mean, will I still be able to purchase web hosting if I wait to long?
  9. Hello, In this tutorial, I'll be teaching PHP. Before we start, let's talk about the basics of PHP. You will need a server. If you're on a Mac, Google "Mamp"; if you're on a Linux, Google "Lamp"; if you're on a Windows, Google "Wamp". Your files will go in the Mamp, Wamp, or Lamp folder's htdocs. PHP stands for Php Hyper-Text Processing. PHP is a Server Language, which means that it runs on the server vs. the computer. Now let's Begin Chapter 1-1 - Beginning Every line in PHP ends in a semi-colon. 99.9% of the time is lower-case. Every thing is inside <?php and ?>. Chapter 1-2 - Beginning A simple, but heplful command is echo which prints HTML on the screen; if you don't understand this, go learn HTML. Example: <?phpecho "Hello!";?>If you do that, you should see the following.Preview: Hello! To create a variable, type $, then the the name (no space), type =, then type a number; if you want it to equal some text, put quotes/single quotes around it. To put a variable within a echo statement do it like this. Example: <?php$hello = "Hello";echo 'Hello is equal to';echo $hello?>or <?php$hello = "Hello";echo "Hello is equal to';echo $hello;?>or <?php$hello = "Hello";echo 'Hello is equal to' . $hello . ' ';?>Thanks For Reading Chapter 1! Written by HannahI
  10. That is funny, but strange. I bet it's double funny in Russian.
  11. Oh, takerraj, I mean deleting strange PHP code the randomly appears in your website.
  12. I took a peek at the code just now, it looks like it is trying to change the content if the site! Good thing we found it and deleted it fast enough before anything bad will happen (thank god we did).-Hannah
  13. Are you saying that if I don't purchase my hosting, I won't be able to (I haven't yet).
  14. I had some experience with Google Sites and I HATED IT!
  15. Spencer, I'm tring to say that I'm confused if I should get it or not. Starscream, I'm on Macintosh Version 10.6.2, 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM.
  16. In that case, I think I am going to get it, starscream!
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