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Everything posted by HannahI

  1. Sorry, typ-o. Happens a lot. I'll go fix. Why don't I ever read over my posts? Umm... I can't find the edit option.
  2. Okay then yordan. Hey, mastercomputers, can you help me.
  3. Yordan, can you help me or not?
  4. Yordan, the point of the game is that you fly around the level while fight people, it's a little bit off topic, I'm making a remake of my friends game but I a having some trouble with the movement script and all. Now do you understand me?
  5. Here is the code so far: <html><head> <title>Flying All Online</title><script type="text/javascript">var i=1function starttimerL(){document.getElementById('ship').style.position="relative";document.getElementById('ship').style.left=+i;i++;timer=setTimeout("starttimerL()",0.01);}function starttimerMi(){ document.getElementById('missle').style.position="relative"; document.getElementById('missle').style.right=+1; timer=setTimeout("starttimerL()",0.01);}function stoptimer(){clearTimeout(timer);}</script><style>body{background:#39F;}</style></head><noscript>Sorry, You need to have Javascript Enabled to play Flying All</noscript><body onLoad="showMon();"><p><a href="#" onClick="stoptimer();" style="background-color:#366; text-decoration:none; color:#F00">Stop</a><a href="#" onClick="starttimerL(); starttimerMi" style="background-color:#366; text-decoration: none; color:#F00">Go Left</a></p><p><span style="color:#30C; size:10px;">F</span> <span style="color:#0F0; size:10px;">l</span> <span style="color:#F00; size:10px;">y</span> <span style="color:#630; size:10px;">i</span> <span style="color:#396; size:10px;">n</span> <span style="color:#FF0; size:100px;">g</span> <span style="size:100px"> </span> <span style="color:#F00; size:100px;">A</span> <span style="color:#096; size:100px;">l</span> <span style="color:#330; size:100px; padding-right: 100px;">l</span></p><p> <img src="http://localhost/4.png" name="ship" width="58" height="=64" id="ship" /> <span style="position:absolute;"><img src="http://localhost/bonus.png" alt="missle" name="missle" id="missle" onDblClick="stoptimer(); alert('Thing'); "></span><div id="missle2" style="position:absolute;"></div><img src="http://localhost/b1.png" alt="Boss" width="252" height="180" id="boss" /> </p><p> </p></body></html>
  6. Thanks, yordan. I reallyy needed that to be explained because before I guess that Google Docs and Google Wave are the same exact thing. Now I guess that they really aren't the same thing. Glad you told me that before I make that mistake again.
  7. I have something like Ready[149.25] myCents. When I changed Xisto accounts, Asta Host and Xisto are not connected with each other anymore. I can't belive it. I really need some help right now so I can get my self out of this whole mess. HELP!!!!!
  8. I'm trying to make a flight simulator, but it isn't working correctly.
  9. Yeah, but Yordan, can't you just use Google Docs. The thing you just said is pretty much what Google Docs was actully designed for in the first place anyways, Google Wave still doesn't have much of a purpose anyways. I just can't find a use to use it for, can you? I think that who ever thought about the idea of Google Wave was a total jerk. I mean really, Google Wave does practilly nothing at all. Personnaly, I hate Google Wave and I think that the day about Google Wave was stupid. Looking on the bright side, it is over already.
  10. Hello and Welcome to this tutorial.Lets start off with the tag order.It goes the html tag goes at the base.The head tag goes in the html tag.The title, script, style, link, and meta tags go in the head.The body goes in the html tag.The content goes in the body.Here is what it looks like: <html><head> <title></title></head><body>Blah Blah Blah</body></html> -Hannah
  11. I know, wutske. It is Google's biggest mistake. When I said that I got it myself is because I went to Google IO. Also, I was trying to say that I have my own account, I have not used any invites, yet. So you can PM me to get invited into Google Wave if you really want to even knowing what me and wutske just said out loud.
  12. Ajpresto, for the computer that you use for a file server, I suggest you could use it as a web server. If you do, you could extend your Xisto account to do even more than it already does for you! Perhaps you should install Unix or Linux on that computer.
  13. God, I would of never thought of it, CopsNRobbers. Anyways, how would this be handy if you are on a mobile phone because the iPhone is the only phone that lets you copy and paste text. So how would you be able to do it on mobile phone's? Or am I closing my eyes, shutting my ears, and saying "La La La La" out loud. So what was it? I have about, hmm.... nah, yeah right; I have no idea what the answer is to that question. I don't know what the answer is to that. Please, I'm begging you for the answer CopsNRobbers. But you did bring up a good point when you said about the compression stuff. So anyways, I tried something simmilar to this, except it was worse. The service was called "Drop Box". Not Good Bringing up this topic about Skydrive, Dropbox is worthless, pointless and extremly bad. Dropbox is one cheap group. I mean really, to get more than 2 GB of storage, you have to pay. Good thing Microsoft stands in front of them making Skydrive, so I wouldn't be using Drop Box. Well, I got to say that this is pretty interesting talking about thing. Best Regards, -Hannah
  14. Thanks, Yordan. That is a big help for me, too!
  15. Now how would I get a new one because they closed it?
  16. I'm doing the same thing that yordan is doing, plus, I still don't understand what Google Wave's real purpose is supposed to be. Any ideas. I don't have a single idea myself here so I'm not sure.-Hannah
  17. It is a text-based game that we play here at asta host; it is an adventure game; do you understand?
  18. I am, but I wated to get my account myself. Also, You can contact me, too! Anyways, I found it a little bit strange! To me it just looks like one giant email system. I really don't get it. Does anyone here really know what it is suppose to do? I don't think I'll ever need that unless they make some great improvement. But really, this topic should be linked to the Google Chrome OS topic.
  19. It is simple The_Fury. I made the game If you want to join, just say "Yes". It is that simple.
  20. Hello, Moderators, is this allowed in Asta Host? Anyways, Lets Play a game. If you would like to play. Just say so and we can start. Please try it, don't worry if you don't trust. We play it right here in Asta Host and we don't have to worry. Since there is myCents, we get paid to play the game! So lets start. -Hannah
  21. Okay, starscream. Do you think my website looks good with the chitika ads on it? It is still at http://everythingnowtoday.blogspot.de/.
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