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Everything posted by HannahI

  1. That looks like a pretty bad scam.
  2. I have just set up mysql and phpMyAdmin. I tried to log in to phpMyAdmin with the correct login of root with no password. PhpMyAdmin didn't care, it just said "Please fill in the password field". Then I tried a couple of sql commands with PHP to change the root password, but none of them worked. Can someone please give me a PHP script to query the database to change the root password?
  3. I just found out that its also called Chromium.
  4. I'm not sure. It doen't say anything like that in the script, does it?
  5. I'm trying this on my new website. For some reason if I go to the Members page it says "Table 'databaseName.charecters' doesn't exist". How can I fix it?
  6. Your methods could support things like ¥,Ω,≈,ç,√,∫,˜,µ,¬,˚,˙,©,ƒ,∂,ß,å,∑,´,®,†,¥,¨!
  7. Are there any advertising programs that would still let me in.
  8. HannahI

    Is It Legal?

    Like I don't care if I loose my warranty, support, ect. I just don't want to loose in court.
  9. HannahI

    Is It Legal?

    If you look at it that way..... does it change?
  10. HannahI

    Is It Legal?

    I've been looking into jailbreaking my iPod touch, but according to Apple it is illegal. Not to mention everywhere elso on the net says that it is perectly legal. So does anyone have a final answer so I don't get into any trouble with it?
  11. I never even got in to Clicksor Well I guess that is due to me being to lazy to make my site a good one.
  12. Lot's of files. I'm sure there is a better way to do it, but great work anyways.
  13. Candy, let us start by saying that in the beginning where you declare the variable "output" you put a dot first.
  14. Takerraj is totally right. As we say, the only thing you can do is wait and add new content.
  15. Oh, that makes sense, starscream! But where the ads?
  16. How does Xisto afford to have myCents?
  17. I guess a charecter that has a fair chance of being a something like a regular person or perhaps a dare devil. I'll really accept most things, but no, I don't want to see this: -Hannah
  18. Perhaps, put a picture of what your charecter should look like, and a name.
  19. As we all said, if you trick Googe, Google will trick back. So just simply open something like a Blogger account and start blogger so you it is perfectly 'legal' to do this. As we would all agree, we don't need anything that is 'dirty'. Getting a career is easy enough. I have to say myself, it's not that hard to simply open a sucessful website and put adsense code on it, anyways, if you're reading this right now, you are probally a webmaster, so lets just say you could simply put some javascript on your website and boom, there is a click already. But you should really see this:http://forums.xisto.com/topic/96520-topic/?findpost=1064397576
  20. Fine, put it this way, you play the game, if you don't trust the readers' of Asta Host, say no. If you say yes, you can play the game, and get myCents. There is nothing else really to it I guess I could say now. I guess the rules would be "NO RULES". What, you only can get new rules when people break the current rules. And yes, I made the game, and if nobudy starts to play, other people won't be able to see what the game is in action. Got that, huh, huh, huh?
  21. But really, where is the edit option for the other post that I was talking about before this.
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