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Everything posted by solankyno1

  1. As other members have replied Vbulletin is very costly. I think it is near to impossible for adding this in their features for a free web host. It will affect Xisto very bad in financial aspect. I don't think that the Xisto managment will even think for doing so.
  2. There were days when I was using Winamp later I switched to JetAudio. But now I am using WMP 10. The quality of audio is best in it I think. Its taskbar skin is also very good. The space on harddisk and in RAM is also least in case of WMP. So my choice is Windows Media Player.
  3. I am going to college but my course is part time. weekends only. Masters in Computer Science. Doing software development job side by side also.
  4. My favourite brand is Sony Ericsson. I don't like Nokia phones. Sony gives a lot of features in less price compare to Nokia. Which features we find it very costly nokia phones are found cheap Sony phones.
  5. I already know that Opera is the fastest brower. But I will stick to firefox because speed is not the only crietiria for selecting a brwoser. Many websites are not viewed correctly in opera. Gmail and Yahoo Mail are examples of such websites. And the most liked thing is the Extensions feature in Firefox.
  6. I have voted for ASP because I am working in software company where MS technolgies are used. But I think that JSP is also a good alternative. But for small websites and if you want to host your websites for free PHP is the best choice. There are rare free ASP and JSP hosts. But you will find a lot good and quality free PHP hosts.
  7. By mistake I have posted the above message in this category I will request the moderators to delete it.
  8. I am member of Xisto since a long time. I was a regular poster here always having credits above 10. But since last month I am on a offical trip to a very interior place where it is not possible to access net very often. So now I have minus 13 credits (Offcourse my account have been suspended). But still I am not thinking of moving elsewhere because hosting is not the only thing I have found here. The community I have found here is the best of all the fourms I have found. I will try my best so that I can earn positive hosting credits and my site soon be again online.
  9. I am member of Xisto since a long time. I was a regular poster here always having credits above 10. But since last month I am on a offical trip to a very interior place where it is not possible to access net very often. So now I have minus 13 credits (Offcourse my account have been suspended). But still I am not thinking of moving elsewhere because hosting is not the only thing I have found here. The community I have found here is the best of all the fourms I have found. I will try my best so that I can earn positive hosting credits and my site soon be again online.
  10. I don't know how to do it in Frontpage because i never use that. But the thing which u want to done can easily be done with javascript. That is not very difficult to do. Just search on Google or find a simple javascript book if u don't know about javascript.
  11. I keep my backup on CD's only. And I think it is easy and safe option to backup my softwares and personal data.
  12. Hi Cragllo, Nice Layout. But I want to add one thing. The combo boxes on top of your pages in which there are links to your other sites are not working smoothly. I have to click two or three times them. They are slow also. So find what is the problem. And in your post make a link to your site ( at present it is only in your singnature) so that members can go to your website easily for reviewing it.Thanks.
  13. Useful Links, Best Websites - Solanky Web Directory http://www.webdirectory.co.nr/ Every member is welcome to add his site here for FREE.
  14. I am glad that admin and moderators have taken my post serioulsy. And it is very good to see them replying honestly. I am agree with them that the members should not leave everything on the moderators. But I will like to add one more thing- the members are supposed to make mistakes that's why moderators are made. The members should be learned for posting in a good manner. And it is the responsibility of moderators. Isn't it??Thanks Nils for pinning it.
  15. You are right this is alredy a nice place. But do you not want to make this place more nice.
  16. I am already moderator of two forums. You are right that we can't expect the moderators to do everything , but we expect the moderators to do something atleast. And it is no excuse that no one pays them so they could not do a better job. I have seen some very big forums where you post in some wrong place and your post will be moved within a minute and I am sure there also they not get paid. I also do the same thing on my forums.I don't want to see this good forum in bad condition that's why I have started this thread. I love Xisto forum. My effort should be seen in Positve direction rather negative.
  17. Hi, I have hold myself to not start this poll for at least one month but now I am forced. I have seen a lot of duplicate topics here. Some topics are not in their relevent forums or categories. But their is no action of moving or deleting the posts or threads. We have 2 Admins and 18 Moderators here. Are they so busy that they can't give a little time here?????May be I am wrong, So I would like to see what other members think.Thanks.
  18. Instead of giving answer to this thread the first thing which comes in my mind is what is this post doing in Gamers Arena.I have written many times that moderators(There are a lot of) are not doing their job here. But no effect so far.
  19. For last one year I was using Norton but now I know what a big mistake I have done. Now I have realise that it is a big big resource hog. Last week I have started to use Avast Pro and I am pretty happy with it. The new 4.6 version uses very few resoures.
  20. You can use MSN messenger with any mailed it is not necessary to use only hotmail.
  21. I am using Avast it is pretty good but It has built in firewall????????????? I don't think so.
  22. Gmail is definately better than Hotmail. Someone like GMail or not one thing is very clear - it is due to GMail only that our yahoo and hotmail inbox are now 250 MB.
  23. Thanks for your kind attention. I hope you will follow your words.
  24. At first I have started to make my webpages with Dreamweaver but when I have learn html I have started to use HTML-KIT ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/), I don't think there can be better plain text editor than this. It's built in FTP uploader saves a lot of time. There are a number of plugins which are very powerful. And above all it is FREE.
  25. I don't know which is the best anti-virus but I am sure that Norton is not the best. I was using it for 8 months but it was a resource hog. My system used to take a lot of time in booting. And when I scan a file I could not do any other task on my pc because lack of RAM. Last week I have replaced it with AVAST Home Edition and I am pretty happy. If I will feel some problem later than I will try AVG Free. I have searched a lot on internet before my decison and found that people are in favour of Avast than AVG so only I have choose AVAST over AVG. Anybody has good comparison of both of them them please shere here.
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