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Everything posted by solankyno1

  1. solankyno1

    Free Downloads

    Nothing can beat download.com, it is the best software download store.
  2. Dear friend, the problem is not this. I have said that only some sites are not opening. Others are working well.
  3. Thanks pbrugge for your help. But now I have installed Kerio Personal Firewall and I am satisfied with it. And it will be a problem for me if I uninstall Kerio and install Sygate for note down the error. I think you can understand.
  4. I can speak Hindi which is my national language and English very well.
  5. Today I have installed Sygate 5.6 on my Winows XP SP1. Just after installing I restart my computer as asked to do so. But after restart I have recievd error dialog. Its title was SMC.exe and in description it was something like"refernce memory cannot be accessed". I have uninstall and reinstall it several times but the same problem was there. Can anybody help????????
  6. One for vote for firefox. A lot of reasons are there which are told by other members.
  7. Today I have installed Zone Alarm Free Version on my Windows XP computer. I am on dial up connection. At first I was very impressed by its working. But after some time I have noticed that some sites are not opening like Google, Webshots. Anybody can tell why?????
  8. I am a firefox lover but it is true that Opera is also good browser. I have preferred FF over Opera because :- 1. Ads in Opera (I can't afford the ads free paid version) 2. Firefox extensions so that I can choose myself what to use 3. Firefox window looks better than Opera
  9. In the end I have tried to remove my speakers from the table. And i am surprised the trick it is working. Now the monitor is OK. I hope the problem will not come again.Thanks for all of you helping me.
  10. Yes it is true. Firefox and Opera are faster than the IE. If you don't believe than download firefox and check result yourself.
  11. Interesting!!!You are such a brave man????
  12. I have send mail to your given id in the PM. Enjoy it.
  13. The links provided here looks pretty good. I am just going to check all the information provided here. Let's hope my system can be faster. There is also a tool called Tweak UI that can improve some things also. Sorry i have forgotten the link for it . Please google it.
  14. Now I am also agree to your view. I have now starting to learn CSS for using it in my website.
  15. I donot think there is any mail client that can access free yahoo account without any thirdparty tool like yahoopops. Is any????
  16. Thanks friends for your quick replies. As you have suggested some magnetic material , there are only speakers on the table. Today I have put my UPS under the table as it was in the other room, but the problem is the same.I don't have a Deguas function in my Monitor.So now should I try to remove the speakers from the table??
  17. I have a problem regardinig my computer. My computer is just 8 months old. Recently I have shifted it from one room to the other in my home. After shifting it I have seen a problem in it. Sometime there are rainbow like colours in the four corners of Monitor. These are not permanent. Sometimes these are very light , sometimes very dark and sometimes they are not at all. What can be the problem?? In the previous room the UPS was under the computer table but now it is on the table. Can it be the problem??? Please help if anyone can. Thanks in advance.
  18. HCL EzeeBeeAMD Athlon XP 2.4 GhzWin XP SP1FirefoxOperaMaxthonIncredimailLeechgetAd-AwareSpybotNorton AV
  19. Many persons are giving preference to Webmail here. In my opinion webmail is good if your internet connection speed is very fast. But if you are on dial up than I think it is better to use email clients because attaching a file on webmail takes a lot of time.
  20. Thanks filipc for the information. Now after your post I think it will be better for us to use incredimail because now they have also included junk filter in the new verison.
  21. Most of the people are recommending Thunderbird here. So I have downloaded it. But I have not found any features for Multiple Identities like Incredimail and Outlook Express so that I and My brother can keep our mails private to each other. Any one know about this feature in thunderbird????
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