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Everything posted by magiccode9

  1. the simplest way is go http://www.mysql.com/, download odbc driver, and use ado to connect to mysql
  2. did you overclocking you computer? if so, unoverclocking you computer first, then, test to see if it work or not - hope this help
  3. may be you can go system applet, have a look if you external hd type is removal. if so, try change it type to fixed / internal, and re-assign drive letter. before go for the procedure, always backup you data first.- hope this help
  4. I think you should go use dreamweaver or some thing suite is best, coz in the past, the web just simple static content. but now, you can see a lot of technology that you can added to web content, and more, more complex site now be required. so that's will be a good choose.
  5. actually, if you go search engine a few minutes, you may got a illegal copy. that may an answer that why no trial is show and have no limit.
  6. hi, you can go here for a simple webservice sample. - hope this help
  7. that easy, you can upload the templates to you forum's template directory. then, go to administration panel, style, add, you will present a list of templates you have place in template directory, click on add for each one you like to added to database. finally, go to general setting to config default style or let user select his own. - hope this help
  8. in dreamweaver, you can add javascript and style sheet as following:in the windows menu, open the style sheet window, then in the bottom of the small window, you can see that have some icon, hover over the mouse on each icon, a tooltip will show up that tell you what they are function. let say add new style, a window will be promped you whether to to select make a internal or external one.about javascript, you can pop-down the menu called insert(that may be the menu on left or right, but no so far, coz i'am using it in work, not home, ), then, find an item call insert javascipt. also, a small window open that asked you to write vbscript or javsscript ( and version you use ). when you have finished it. a small achor icon will show up in you document. just like a layer.- hope this help
  9. actually, you have't give any information about you client, it may need more to make other help you. anyway, following is some suggest : - hope this help
  10. for simplest , ajax is made up of many exists web technology, like javascript + dhtml + css + dom + ... etc.that's a way for refresh web page(most is data page) without page reload. just like desktop apps do.
  11. at the beginning, i have use winzip, after winrar, I found that from file compress, files support, and the last one, it can build a .zip archive. and more important( if i'am not forget) it can open .tar.gz file. all is why i chooose RAR.
  12. hi,yes, this would be a problem. but i know that with torrent thing be have a booable cd with sp2 installed. every thing to go is just like orginal winxp do. while i have't this, instead, I have prepared a bootable dos cd, and winxp system with sp2 intergrated together. if I needs to re-install it, just boot the system with it, then, type a command, all thing would like boot from winxp cd. btw, the next version windows vista might not allow this method anymore, coz that will not longer exists text mode setup part, may be like macintosh, full graphics mode. so, no text mode setup command exists.- hope this help
  13. hi sandbox, I agree you opinions , and, besides that, you should lookup you windows and system32 directory too. that's the place most virus and worm are in. the files might be hidden also( and some directory you may not see in windows explorer but you do in command prompt). also note is before cleaning you computer, you should also try use task manager and process manager( it's a freeware that show you computer processes including the hidden, that you can't view in taskmgr) to check whether or not having invalid processes is running. coz they may be interfere your computer operations. process explorer - hop this help
  14. first computer?, that's a 286 machine, have a 16mb memory, about 512kb to 1mb display memory. harddrive space with 40mb. Running ibm dos 3.3, and windows 3.0, that not much things can do with it, just for learning what computer is.after that, be a amd k6 cpu 233, 96mb ram, 1mb display memory, 120mb harddrive with windows 98 running. it seen much better compared with the old one.-
  15. hi, kvarnerexpress i dont think that a function can within another function. but following the error displayed, it should be mean you have try to call an method but that method not included in a object ==> the HTML_QuickForm might not be a class. try search if it found HTML_QuickForm class or not.- hope this help
  16. hi kaoslegends, installing a self hosting phpbb forum as following: 1.) prepared a web server, php, and mysql 2.) config all above are 100% work 3.) go LOCALHOST/you/phpbb installation directory/install/install.php 4.) type in the required setting 5.) two things you must notes. a.) you must first create the database and have write permission to it. this can be checked if you have a phpmysqladmin. if database not created before install, an error will return and try create a table in it. b.) be sure setting correct script path. let say if you forum is located LOCALHOST/forum/, then, you should enter "/forum", otherwise, some functions of you forum will not work as expected. as you can see, you may not have write permission to the database, check if you can create table in it. - hope this help
  17. basically, I choose desktop computer, coz newer motherboard will support the cpu speed much more. may be range from 1.5G to 2G or even 3G. so, for saving cost, if you buy one cpu type let said 1.5G( I think this will do the jobs best already). hereafter, the high model cpu price down, you can have a upgrade, that cpu price might be same as your 1.5G cpu. other componment same as this. and yes, you have periodically check the price and model that you wanted and that will be fit you mother. in contrast, you no chance be upgrade you laptop computer that perform better. althrought same vendor provide upgrade services, but choose is less.P.S. more important, i dont need go mobile.
  18. I have installed vs.net 2003 and learning what winforms and asp.net is, and have some asp knowlege.
  19. hi, I'am bot sure what the name is, but it can confirmed that my computer infected before. you may download a trial of norman or norton anti-virus, both of it will fix it. another option would be cleanup it mannuallyl. this virus have 1 to 2 files within windows system32 folder, have a look if some file are ranging the date your problems occur. if it did, open the task manager and download the free process explorer here to check processes that are not microsoft specific. dont forget some would be hidden, so check it with process explorer also, and kill all that processes.when you kill the right processes, you system will not be restarted, here after you can rename the file you guess it be virus to a new name(dont worry, just rename, after all, if winxp can't start, you can use recovery console to get it back. (note: the virus files may be hidden or not, depends on it designer, due to this, use /a )more than that, I recommended that you dont use administrator right account to do daily task, yes, as you guess, use a normal user acount to that. when you want do something else, use runas or fast user switch or logout / login methodI use the first one, it runs fine, and last thing, enabled your default internet connection firewall or installed a third-pary.- hope this help
  20. hi, all php 5 is new to all people a long time( actually, I forget how long...). it introduced a more object-oriented design to developer. like, access type(public, private, protected), abstract type(classes that can't create objects), interface support, and more. althrought it is widerly available, someone still can't get it running with mysql. every time the php is starting up. a message prompted stated that some xtensions can not be found, and therefore, not loaded. so, I have written this to help other and newbie get it start quickly. note: this is php setup is based-on windows, coz linux based actually complier with source code, so should be no this problem occur 1.) go php web site download it package(a .zip file) and place in a folder on your harddrive 2.) go to the folder in step[1], create a folder on your harddrive, in this case, "c:\php" extract all the files contained in .zip files into the folder you just create(c:\php) 3.) now, if you look at the folder c:\php, you will see there have two files a) php.ini-dist and php.ini-recommended. this is php config file. rename the php.ini-recommended to php.ini and copy / move it to you window directory 4.) use any text editor(e.g. notepad) to open the file renamed above. try find a text string "extension_dir" and set the value of this parameter to the ext folder of your php installation path ( c:\php, c:\php\ext ), 5.) try again found some text ";extension=". you have a list of extensions you can use, but some of which might required addition library to function. always check php mannal for more information. please look at three items, a) php_mysql.dll, php_mysqli.dll, c) php_gd2.dll( for create graphics ). delete the left most colon(, save it and close you editor. 6.) on your keyboard, press "winkey+Pause/Break" key, the system properties dialog open. click on advanced tab, look for envionment variables, in system variables or user variables set an addition path to your php installation path and ext ( c:\php, c:\php\ext ), so click on either one(choose new or edit, depending on whether path variable exists), then click ok and ok to close all dialog.cheers, that it, the configuration of php is complete. of course, you have to config you web server too, about the setting, you can refer to php manuual click here to view online or here to download a copy of it. after php and web server are completed , try this code to test it work or not <?php phpinfo();?>if you see a lot of items, then you successfull.otherwise, pm me or send me a mail. attach:fig01.jpg attach:php.ini - hope this help - Eric
  21. hi, FearMonger13 I'am also looking for this and have a search the web, found few pages. post here, you can try this to see if fit you needs ajax - schwarz ajax - Jesse James Garrett - hop this help - Eric
  22. hi, sachavdk as microsoft document said, <!-- #include --> statement should outside of asp code tag as stated in style 1 of you previous post.actually, <!-- include --> statement have two styles:1.) file="path / relative path to file include"2.) virtual = "full path using web style"however, both style are not accept using variables, you must explicit say which and where the include file you want.if you really want it, you may try this:vbscript ==> execute or executeglobaljscript ==> eval- hope this help- Eric
  23. hi, hotboi_dee I agree what nilo said, end result you may wanted to google data recovery apps. however, you said that booting with cd is not found you hard drive, so, what about bios? access bios should be ok, I dont know why you can't access it. coz prompt you to go bios should before windows start up. anyway, try do the following: When you start your computer. there should and option to prompt you to press del key if go bios setting screen. if you do, you can have it automatically detect the hd. if it did found, you hd connected to computer is fine. if not, try to replace a hd cable first. new hd like the you have should need a new type of 80 pin cable to support it. after that, if you hd is fine, then you can preform the following procedure: BE SURE YOU ARE FOLLOWING THE STEP BELOW, OTHERWISE, YOU WILL LOST YOUR DATA FOREVER pre-requiremenet: a) you must have admin right(==>your current running system) if the filesystem type is ntfs & OS type are windows 2000 or later. 1.) of course, backup all stuff. 2.) go windows explorer ==> windows\system32\config ==> make a copy of it & move this data to a location ( dont need too far, coz you will be moved it back ) 3.) go windows\repair ==> copy all the things in this directory to previous directory 3.) restart you computer test it to see if crash again or not? if it works, then you can restore the files as above, just delete the new files and move the files back which orginal reside here(windows\system32\config) if it fails again, then some setting should be wrong in you registry then, you may try the recover console. this is a command-line based interface that provides you will some details control of what service and drivers/hardware should be activate during system starting up. you can google the command console on how to use it. - hope this help - Eric
  24. hi, all, I have go through all the code above, yes, that should be careful. If not, would produces a long time debug action. furthermore, I checked that the code have only use only single field of the table, but that select all fields of that, this should make the mysql server generate more data and activity, as many programmer experts said, avoid any unneeded data. That will make server service more client and lower the tco.- hope this help- Eric
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