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Everything posted by magiccode9

  1. Hi,It means that you have to open system applet on control panel folder, as follow,Click the start menu -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Double click the System IconChoose the environment variables button, this will bring up another dialog,(Note: this dialog was capture from windows 2000, but the items basically the same)Double-click the path entry on the system variables list and check if php folder's path exists,if not, please add it to the text box. For instance, if you have installed php on c:\php. Then, type it in the text box.After complete the steps above. Go with next step mentioned above.Eric,
  2. One more suggestions when repairing your system. If you have a larger hard drive then it is best first backup you whole system with zip or rar compression. Or any others utitlity you wish to be. After done the backup. I recommended that you download a copy of outpost pro firewall trial out and protect you system from attact either by worm and DOD or the like. You have to configured it use block most option. At first, you will notice that most of connections won't work as normal. But you can fine turn it by press F2 to access the control menu. If you are a firefox fans. Given it raw access as follow, On the control menu, click the System tab then rawsockets button. A dialog appear that list all applications that allowed raw access without any restrictions Click the add button on top right corner of the dialog. A menu listing all running applications currently on the system and if firefox not listed here. You have to run firefox first then back here. If nothing wrong, then, you can surf the net with firefox and protected most attact now. Feel free to ask if you need help with outpost's configuation by PM me.
  3. This may be help a bit. <?php$file_ary = isset($_POST['rfile']) ? $_POST['rfile'] : array();/** * At first visit, show the file list */if (empty($file_ary)){ $image_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/images'; $dir_handle = null; if (!($dir_handle = opendir($image_path))) { //trigger_error('error, path not found'); return; } $html = '<html><form method="post">'; $file = readdir($dir_handle); while ($file) { $html .= "{$file}<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"rfile[]\" value=\"{$file}\" /><br />\r\n"; $file = readdir($dir_handle); } closedir($dir_handle); $html .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />'; $html .= "</form></html>"; echo $html;}/** * Now, we have list, display it or do anything you need to .. */if (!empty($file_ary)){ echo '<pre>'; print_r($file_ary); echo '</pre>';}?> You may also check out this svn repository for updates when available http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. Please try these steps to check the issues Before go with the following steps, you should aware that I'am not sure whether php will work with folder with space char. So, with a last method, you have to move all files in php folder up one level to a drive root. But, to better understand how php check and works with path, let's learn it from errors. 1.) Please turn on this setting in the php.ini file, display_errors = Ondisplay_startup_errors = On 2.) Check if php folder on the %path% enviroment variable C:> pathIf it did't, add it to path by press win-key + break button on your keyborad.Click the tab -> Environment on the appeared dialog. 3.) Change directory to apache 2.2 installation folder's bin directory and type in apache -t -f conf/httpd.conf C:\program files\apache2\bin> apache -t -f conf/httpd.confThis will check the syntax to see if it is correct. 4.) On a command prompt type, C:\program files\php\php -r "phpinfo();"This will check if php was correctly installed 5.) Restart apache server and test it If it did't go with next step. 6.) please attach your apache log file here. A final note: please restore setting 1 when all things get done. This will safer you server. Eric,
  5. If you have imported MP3 song into flash an wish devliering it as streaming.Be aware that flash has some mode that control how the audio send over a net.There are three mode one of it will give the abliity you need. I don't have flash here. It should call stream or the like.I will check it back when back to home.Eric,
  6. If you are really looking for a free version of delphi 7.I could send you a persional version to you. It is used free of charge.Send me a PM if you need it.
  7. Hi,I'am not sure the situation about your computer.But you may try this out.Start -> Run -> type in services.msc -> enterThen, look for an item call auto update.Right-click it -> choose property -> on the startup type -> if it is not auto then please click on it and select auto -> click ok to close the dialog.Try again now.
  8. Hi,It seems that you have to use a IMAP server to do developement.After that, you may be not longer need it.You may download a trial out of mdaemon.It is mail server that quite stable and support IMAP too.Newer version also supported Active Directory too.google `mdaemon` to got it.Eric,
  9. Hi, AllI just did notice something I have been sure that the issueswas not by the free hosting. It seems been my firefox extensionscasue the issues. Please close the threadThanksEric,
  10. Hi, truefusion,Yes, it did the job by use php script. Just as the post I mentioned above.It works on anywhere, but only on free hosting.Thanks,Eric,
  11. @Sica-GURU, did you installed it locally or on account that is hosted on qupis.com ?I make things a bit clear. The phpBB 3 forum default package is fine on any where except the hosting on qupis.com.Sorry for that if I made it confused.Anyway, thanks your help and tested it out.
  12. Hi, Sica-GURU,You haven't this issue with your firefox 2 ?What is the version of your FF ?Do you use phpBB 3 default's prosilver style ?I haven't changed it's default style.When I have it installed, that issue come here.Eric,
  13. Hi, KansukeKojimaUnfortunately, I tested it but, it does not do the job.Thanks your help ! ;)Eric,
  14. Based-on a security measure.It is really a good ideas and a need to wipe all bytes a file occupy on a disk.But I still worry that it will damage my hard drive.Would you mind give me some pointer about which options that must not selected. So I can test it out safey ?ThanksEric,
  15. Hi, jlhaslip and Sica-GURU, These are the screen prints for firefox and IE 6. Firefox: IE6: The following code was copied from {PHPBB-DIR}\style\prosilver\templates\overall_header.html. If I have replaced the template code with it's style path file, then, it works a bit but not all. ( Some icons not displayed at all ) <link href="{T_STYLESHEET_LINK}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" /> Thanks, Eric,
  16. HI, All I have installed phpBB 3.0.1 and when browse it the style not displayed correctly on firefox 2.0.12 but IE6. I have tested my browser ( firefox ) it is fine on other forums ( phpBB ). After checking all the settings, I found that the style on firefox not downloaded correctly. Is there any settings could get rid this issues ? Thanks P.S. I have also installed a bug tracker. It is work fine. Eric, phpBB 3: http://forums.xisto.com/qupis/ mantis: http://forums.xisto.com/qupis/
  17. It is best if you could provide more information about your net environment.Such as,Client OSServer OSBasically, that depends on if server already have some build-in feature then you may use it.For instance, server 2000 or server 2003 with / without actve directory can use VPN as an optionthat install an CA authority that issues certificates to both computer and client. When all done. Clients can connect to corporate net by dial-up or directly internet connection whena VPN connection was started.Eric,
  18. Or, as an alternate option. Go to http://www.mysql.com/ and download *.zip files. Place it on your hard drive and extract by a zip app such as winrar or winzip or windows build-in zip feature from windows xp. After that, please make a copy of my*.ini and place it to your windows xp system folder. That will be windows if you have not change it's name when you install it. A my-small.ini should enough on most situation if you use it for development only. Finally, change folder to {MYSQL-DIR}\bin\ and type in mysqld-nt and press enter. or run it as a windows service by execute this command: mysqld-nt --install and start it by use net start mysql Following are all steps: Let's say mysql will be installed on c:\mysql\ folder, then hereafter, when I use {MYSQL-DIR}, it will represent this directory. extract files metioned above, then, C:> cd {MYSQL-DIR}\bin C:\mysql\bin> dir03/18/2006 04:20p <DIR> .03/18/2006 04:20p <DIR> ..03/09/2006 11:10a 1,175,552 comp-err.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,302,528 libmySQL.dll03/09/2006 11:10a 1,413,120 myisamchk.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,318,912 myisamlog.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,335,296 myisampack.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,298,432 myisam_ftdump.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,359,872 mysql.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,269,760 mysqladmin.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,290,240 mysqlbinlog.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,261,568 mysqlcheck.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 6,283,264 mysqld-debug.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 4,472,832 mysqld-max-nt.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 4,468,736 mysqld-max.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 3,977,216 mysqld-nt.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 3,973,120 mysqld.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,298,432 mysqldump.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,265,664 mysqlimport.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,310,720 mysqlmanager.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,265,664 mysqlshow.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,363,968 mysqltest.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,601,536 mysql_client_test.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 40,960 myTest.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,171,456 my_print_defaults.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,150,976 perror.exe03/09/2006 11:10a 1,171,456 replace.exe 25 File(s) 47,841,280 bytes 2 Dir(s) 4,235,264 bytes free C:\mysql\bin> mysqld-nt --install C:\mysql\bin> net start mysql That's all steps. Eric,
  19. As I know that, windows server 2003 remote desktop that support two connection for admin use.If you wish for a limited time for users who could remote connect to you windows server 2003.Then, you should install terminal server. At the beginning, that support 60-90 ( the more precise value should be 60 days from installing it )This is a period that allowed you to setup all thing and if it works then,you should obtain lisence from microsoft.A final remind, terminal service was support on windows 2000 workgroup, windows 2000 domain,windows server 2003 workgroup, windows server 2003 domain.Eric,
  20. As I knew that, ICS does't support that much functionality you need.You need download an app that does route your incoming packet and out to a broadband connection.You may try one called wingate. That powerful enough.I use it on my old PC as gateway the share my internet connection so that my family do usesurf net concurrently,Please let know if you need help on configure it. ( by PM me )Eric
  21. The *.daa file was created by a program called poweriso.This is highly compressed file format that could help reduce no of bytes a files was used and based-on image style.Eric,
  22. Thanks for this useful tips.But I would instead use NTFS permissions to restrict computer sharing.Eric,
  23. Actually, most dial-up conneciton will assigned ip address dynamically.Such as ADSL.While cable modem, on the other hand, will got a static ip.I think ip could be release and renew when a adapter was bound with TCP/IP and DHCP is enabled.That cases would be useful for static ip address assignment.Eric,
  24. While windows vista late on release. Hope windows 7 will announce on time.But I haven't got news about it when will release.According to microsoft planned, may be will release it 2 years later.Eric,
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