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Everything posted by skedad

  1. I am looking for flash drives for game consoles... I will just flip if they somehow already do it... I mean not just like doing memory cards, but flash drives could hold ANYTHING! Creating concepts should go from console to drive to the internet... update cool options, back to drive... back to concole, and back to game play... And then again... they still could do that.... I should probably see what gaming online is like from my PS2...Flash drives are going both ways on price, I guess... But like if you get a GIG drive for like 100, then your little brother gets one many months later for like 5.99.... wouldn't people just want to wait A LITTLE longe til the 64s go down to like 1000!!?? hahahaha maybe only I got the joke.Sell your used VW Beetle in for a flashdrive!Ok, I think I overdid the forums this evening... time to shutdown!Gone in a flash!- bob -
  2. Well now... I guess concerts have come a long way from giving out T-shirts! Ok, did I just like, show my age there or something!? But that is a sweet idea, nowadays... And as for like wiping out the existing content... why bother, when you can go to Target and buy 1Gig stick for like under 20.I was cleaning out around my PC desk and saw tons of my 5.5 disks... I was wondering what I could really do with them now!? Let my toddler play with them!? You can use the disks to balance the table... get rid of the dictionaries under the table!But I got off topic again, of course! But that is pretty sweet! Everything portable will work well with flashdrive transport... Most of the time people have the equip with them.... So they can enjoy the music experience while they are there, and then on the way home!Gotta love evolving... and the next question is... what will be next!? That and I feel like hitting up a concert sometime, soon...Rock on, people!- bob -
  3. I started using Myspace in college, so I could have all my pals on it. But as far as anything professional, I would not link a professional site to myspace, but I would put my professional site on myspace... I would probably make a community if I had the right networking... I would want my friends to be able to interact dealing with my site, but then again only enought UNTIL they would get to my site... my my it sounds like a lot of babble as I am typing!I thing used correctly, you could do some kind of advertising via myspace, but only like a banner or some blog for it... simply because it is such a popular media... I think there could be a lot that could be done to make myspace better, but then again, when 500 zillion people on this earth are already eating it up SOOOO much, why really sweat it trying to change or do a lot more to it. I played with myspace... and as a Designer, I had fun making the appearance and layout fun... now I just let it sit and add people... I don't really see myself making it all gaudy like 99% of the population did... I mean glitter here and there... man it can really turn your stomach somedays!Myspace = blog with really really really cool 'blingage'.... yes, a culture that makes blingage a style...But, really... what else could it be referred to? How crazy of a comment that you can send to mass friends. (Not trying to ruffle feathers by the blingage term... but when you go to a page that says pimpmyspace... I would think that's what it was... but you can correct me ANYTIME!)Have fun, and glitter it up people!- bob -
  4. I don't see Yahoo becoming a Monopoly, but it is eating up a lot of companies... It is about to launch Yahoo MusicMatch, er MusicBox... it was MusicMatch... So it can link it's radio with many more possibilities. It will be just looking around for more start-ups, and merge and continue on it's path.I have seen Adobe merge with many companies lately... They hit the pay dirt when they merged with Macromedia... and that is only one company. It probably has its' eyes on others, also.I think that if used properly, companies that merge, or companies that will take that chance and upgrade, upgrade... It can help many users and customers... Can't find the right thing you are looking for... you can always 'hop a ride' with one and then send all of your resources elsewhere...AT&T is taking all of the phone and net... it used to be Bell... but when the iron is hot, these companies are gonna strike.A bit off topic, but I was trying to similarities... many smaller groups, companies or what not have tried to compete, but this competition will still give the little guys business... because some people will wait for the day to strike it rich with what their company is supplying...
  5. Hmmm, I guess I gave it a 5... and I don't even know what Habbo IS... Of course, after googling it out of interest, and reading all of the other posts, I figured 5 is average... not good or bad. I think anything can be acceptable nowadays... it just depends on how it will be portrayed. My younger brother downloaded emulators for Nintendo and Super Nintendo... It is or was a fad and it is 8bit excitement! And avatars are whatever now, too. I guess they are called 'Sprites'... and that is about all the info I know there! As for interesting chat features... I guess Habbo is a younger version of The Palace... When my wife and I first got married, her mom would want us to try The Palace, because people and couples could hang out and just have fun while being yourself. You can place your avatar in a decorated room and then just mingle... Interesting concept, and easier to be yourself when you want to meet people. So even though I really never tried it, I figured I would at least try to compare... If I have any more ideas on it, I will post on it again... I guess haha So have fun, gang! - bob -
  6. Ok, so I see that there may be a need for Freelance!!?? That is up my alley... I could handle doing some contract for credit... Sounds quite fun, and ehem, sounds quite challenging... I mean it shouldn't be too bad; depending upon what type of project would be needed... A simple image or whatnot would be different then a web page, a web site... etc...But I like that idea... and why not... This is a web community, and why not barter and trade goods with other members. It helps to help one another along, so everyone can get by with what is needed... whether it be a supply or a demand. As long as there is a good balance between.I think that is a wise choice... Maybe a forum site for Site Trades... Some could help with forum, others HTML, hosting... well, it could go on and on...Kudos, for bringing up such a great trade template!- bob -
  7. I am hoping that I have made the right choice to choose Xisto... I believe in things happening for a reason... and so far I have liked what I have seen.I have been looking into 1&1, for that is what I used while in class. We had a local server that used 1&1 and that helped me learn a lot about hosting... I must say I liked it, but now that I am not a student, I am concerned with cost. And after beginning participation through Xisto, I am hoping it will fit me well... I began web design on Trelixweb, but only because it was installed on my computer at the time... haha... maybe a good beginners site, then moved onto geocities... It also was fine, but now that I am up and taking on new tasks, I need reliability. My plans are to revamp my personal site, and hopefully be able to begin a professional site... I have drafts, and drafts of what each will be...So, I really CAN'T jump onto the bandwagon JUST yet, but I am sure that I have come to the right hosting home! Thank you for giving me this opportunity!- bob -
  8. Ohhhhhh.... don't get me started!All I have to say about web development, and accessibility, and reliability...At first, I really was not sure about the merger, er maybe takeover...Adobe Dreamweaver.... Adobe Photoshop Suites... oh my goodness, it's FANTASTIC! I started out training on Photoshop many, many years ago... and I got so hooked... Frontpage is pretty straightforward, but it just lacks so much that can be done... I have used both for a long time, and I am still learning more and more every time I use them... and since they go together well... PRODUCTION PEOPLE!!! Man, it's so easy to just convert anything from one form to another... Ok, so I am getting ahead of myself....I think that it does not matter what is best, it is what works well for the user.... my incoherent ramblings... they are opinion only! I just wanted to give many props to my setup, that I know I am very grateful to have... it's not all that easy with the outrageous costs these days... So, fellow web designers, and digital gurus, good luck and stick with what you know and love...Thank you for letting me do a little praising! haha- bob -
  9. Talk about setting goals... I know that this has been old business by now, but man to someone just starting out, it's a really good goal to hit... and seems promising for future updates! I have worked as a prepress to graphic designer, and I understand that sometimes you just need to learn to work with what you have. I used to use images that were 100MB to begin with... and now that I am a freelance artist and web designer, it's nice to be able to know that "The Sky's the Limit!" ok, so I have dabbled into some Advertising, too!Being a part of something so grand and to be able to keep things, um, cheaper... haha I don't want to be the spammers saying FREE FREE FREE! But, to be able to have so much at your fingertips and for a VERY reasonable price, you learn to not take things for granted.I am excited about my web hosting future, and seeing that it continues to expand, well, that just makes me more and more psyched about using what resources I have.... of course, to use wisely, also!Keep up the good work!- bob -
  10. I am not a huge link spammer, but I used to use links as resourceful shortcuts. Only going to throw myspace here as a quick example... There are the areas for bulletins, and I try to throw in a link so that way the users don't have to go from one page, to another, and another and so on just to get to what was advertised... But that is probably one of many important ways, and it doesn't scroll through like the shoutout box.... So I too believe that keeping the shoutbox clean and presentable will not just block spammers or not, but also make it easier for new users to be able to get a good grasp, without the clutter. I am still new and haven't really overused the box... but things could change... and I don't really know if there is a certain cut-off point to how many messages can be listed, but if there were a lot of links and spam, then how could someone follow anything!!??It's like cleaning up your room, only with text... ok, I will stop now!
  11. I am liking what I am reading every time I continue absorbing all of the rules and such. Very smart and creative ways of keeping members active and well, quite stable. I have realized that at first, I would not be able to keep up with everything. Now, I realize that it is SOOO worth it! I have used free web space before, and it was very lacking.It will be interesting also, because it will help me be active all around the net... I used to always check my email and such, now it's like boosting my forum skills at the same time!(I will apologize ahead of time... I do tend to ramble a bit... but I do it because I have soo much thought that is difficult to contain!)I am really liking the process... I am not trying to spam that line, it's just a good feeling that I like to continually express! Thanks again... and I plan to still do my part and also try to work on one of my best websites!If it seems to work the way I would like... I am hoping to host a business site for my freelance... Will just have to see how that turns out! Ok, enough thought for now...See you all soon....-- bob --
  12. Well seeing that I have only been involved for a few hours, I have not been able to see the ads... I think that ads can be quite helpful when used correctly... I created many for many different reasons.... If not on my sites, I would try to incorporate some on my friends or clients spaces... It allows more viewing, or even easier access to what is being presented.I can see that I may even put my ads on my newer page... but probably where needed... and I will have to link the Xisto banners when and where I can... I can be weird about linking with banners... I just am about the Networking!
  13. Wow, very impressive... I am liking this community already and I haven't even really gotten my feet wet... a little damp. My wife is a Nurse, and she would be pleased to follow that site. I am the web designer or whatnot in the household, but I plan to revolve my family with my site and such... so seeing additions to such a vast site like Xisto would always be a positive.I hope that if and when I am able to get my 'revamped' webpage up and running, I would like to try to add my touch to the community how I may be able.Keep up the good work, which I am totally sure you are already!- bob (AKA skedad) -
  14. I would have to say that yes that would be a huge advantage. It has been a while since I have done a lot with computers, networks and servers. I would think the only thing to worry about would be traffic, but for a new(er) system setup, that data would be smooth sailing!Good luck with the addition, for it could free up a lot of bandwidth and image how much could be done in the future... I know I am new to the site, but I would like to be able to keep up with this issue, and many others at that.
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