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Everything posted by SilverFox1405241541

  1. I use 7.5 or trillian (mainly trillian). Old msn is too yucky.
  2. He is not 3 in 1. They are one in purpose, unity and sprit but not in body. Even for God that's not possible. That line gives no proof of God in 3 persons."God reveals himself in three forms."That does make more sense...however honestly wether or not you believe they are one in body or not they, you still believe in Chirst Jesus and if you follow him your be saved.
  3. Demonylc that's not an important piece of doctrine. lolSo you believe that God could send approval of his Son's (who is him) baptisim and the holy ghost show forth in a dove? All one person doing 3 thing at once. No where in the Bible does it state the holy trinity. But that's another arguement.God cannot be in 3 persons. Not sensible.
  4. All I can say to that's lol...can't say how something 230 yrs ago would've effected the world. Guess you ingrates have no reconlection of us helping you in WWI, what a shame.
  5. According to chirstianity he was not good chesso until he had fufilled the atonement. Before that he was the Son of God, and really God is the Father and Jesus (the Lord) the son. I don't believe in the holy trnitiy btw hence my statement.
  6. Wait will the existing e-mail ends still work? On what legal ground did they lose it? Why will a ruling in the UK effect the US? The US is soverign forever from the UK we lost our blood for it. Why we getting pushed around? lolThat's a pain. @googlemail.com is way to long...grrr thanks a lot big rich company for not appealing.
  7. "Great points, I wont be countering anything really I am completely on your side. Conservative propaganda is so good that to even mention it would be 'liberal propaganda'"That's a good one!"he fact of the matter in smaller communities this type of thing happens all the time. Families will get together to support a sick relative, donations are taken for grieving parents. Perhaps its the voluntary basis that makes it easier to stomach."Yes. However most of the Us lives in big cities. Here where I live (town of 23k) that only happens for prominiet familes sadly...at least i know it didn't in my family (my mom's disabled)."You are very right that the critics who have never been in that position have no right to judge."Yay someone with a similer views! Your post made my day...lolz I live in the super-conservative state of texas! To hear someone with sense like me is gladdening. I think that if our elected "representatives" managed expenses better they could cut taxes but not welfare...I wish this was a perfect world, sadly (or maybe glady) it ain't. lolChesso:"But the problem is the people who abuse and exploit it on purpose, most of them don't even need it. I think perhaps that is what they are targetting, there just going the wrong way about it."Yes I agree. Just well, I don't know...I don't see many abusers TODAY. But like a decade ago it was more common. Maybe if they staffed better and **** it'd help...or they cared and didn't just want to save a buck (or 20 thousand).
  8. *sigh* I could write a book on the corruption and the fake government. Save it for later
  9. 1. Invest---SOLID! 2. Become a political Figure---Sadly that's true ;)3. Run a rich company---GREAT!!!4. Work with the Mafia---Haha I've known to many people who tried that and got killed.5.Capture a robber/cirminal Mastermind---Yeah get killed before you do.6. collect fruad donations for doing charity things---Chances are your get busted sooner or later.7. Work for a famous buisnessman.---Yeah, I guess,8. Rob a bank---Short lasting.9. Steal Jewlery---Easier said than done. It'll only last you so long, need a good continual cash flow.10. Lead Information to Osuma Bin Laden's Location ( Information gets u 25 million WOOT WOOT)or some other terrorist leader---Good luck.
  10. I had similar problems with a lucent Winmodem on my eMachines. You might want to look at the hardware manager (Right click my computer>Properties>Hardare>Device manage), unless you already have which I bet you did.Once I had a problem with my ethernet card, getting new drivers messed it up more. Finally what I had to do was reinstall windows. Might try and get a dialup number from a friend and test it out (I use my sister's work dialup). You need to find out if the problem is with the 3rd party AOL software or windows.If EVERYTHING fails then I recommend reinstalling windows (back up if you wish).
  11. Neither had a leg to stand on. Good thing they reliazed that and had the good sense to settle.
  12. I wrote a long writing about my opionions on some issuses. I've changed some already lol but here's an excerpt. I'm just curious what people think of some of my writings."You my think that you know the US welfare system. Many people who have never been there go on and on about how they think it should be fixed; yet how could they fix it? In plain terms many of the opponent's of government welfare don't know what the hell they are talking about; many have never been there & many are well to do middle class or richer. I'll tell you this now: I've been there, done that and suffered at the hands of the welfare system. Chances are I know many times more about the welfare system. So get read to learn about the Welfare System from one who knows what he's talking about. The myth of "Free" Government "Handouts"The biggest accusastion and deception of the opponent's of government welfare is that its "Free Handouts" of the "Majorities Money" to the "Minority". This statement is simply put a total and absolute lie. There are very few or no "free handouts" anymore; the government is a much a miser as [the banker who put ppl on railroad]. The opponent's of government welfare have stated the following false accusastions:• The Government welfare is free;• The vast Majority of welfare users are there by thier own chosing;• The users of welfare come to expect everything from the government;• The users of welfare "leech" the taxpayers of thier funds.The truth is:• The Government Welfare takes hours of telephone work and negotiating;• The vast Majority of welfare recipents are victims trapper by the upper class;• The users of welfare expect basic necesities of human life from the government in exchange for thier loyalty and patriotic support of the government;• The users of welfare get the dregs and left overs of the taxpayers funds, the upper class "fat cats" get the vast majority of it.Here are several quotes from Burgeoise opponents of welfare with my response to them:• "People expected the government to provide everything"(Br. No. 101; Oct. 8th, 2006)--Wrong, people expect to get thier own living, however, if one can't provide for his own housing, healthcare and food (the 3 basic neciesties of human life) then it is the duty of the government, with its vast monies to provide for human life.• "These People chose not to get a living cuase its the easy road to leech the government"(Parap. Br. No. 101; Sep. or Oct. 2006 as well as many occuancies)--Wrong sir, there is a minority of people with that mentality; however you'll more likely to find that mentality in the circles of those on Capitol Hill than those in Padera.• "People's dependance on welfare gives the government control of them"(Br. No. 101; Oct. 8th, 2006 & m.ot.)--True, however the fact is the government gains control of them by forcing them into dependance on the welfare.• "The needs of the majority or the needs of the few" (Br. No. 101)--Point. However you've got it the wrong way. A large percent of Americans, more and more each year are impoverished or slipping into poverty. Let's get more specific, according to the US Census, 18 percent of the Texas population was in poverty in 2005 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2005 American Community Survey). We must understand that the US Census Bearu can't collect info from transient populance and people who simply don't reply to the Census and therefore we come up with an estimate of 29%; accounting 5% to the Censuses inability to collect data from everyone in Texas and the other 6% to changinge condidtions and the influx of Katrina refugees. The Census Beura its self sets large error margins. While both figures (18% and 29%) are very conservative, they are good guesses. Obviously the needs of the minority is an understatement when we look at the benefits given to the upper 10% of the populance in the form of tax breaks, government contracts and economic development; those who profit from such things are the true minority.• "The Government Can't afford it!"--It can't? Truly it can't? Why then can it afford 8 trillion dollars of debt and afford to spend billions of dollars on fire works, parades and other "cultural events". Why can it afford trillions of dollars to "economic development" and why millions in Seguin alone to "historical preservation", as important as "historical preservation" and "cultural events" are we must face the hard reality: Which is more important? Parties or people's quality of living? Let your consicnce me your guide. • "It'll make us lazy like the European Countires"--So what if it does? Is production more important than quality of living? Let your consicne be your guide. Also might I note that "lazy" nations like France, Germany and the UK are among the top economic, military, diplomatic and social powers of the world; as opposed to welfareless nations like Mexico, Suadi Arabia, and other nations."
  13. I don't know where the burden of proof falls...it falls on the person trying to change someone elses mind in this case I guess.
  14. Like I said Chesso...you can't DISPROVE God nor PROVE him.
  15. I've done guitar for like 5 yrs. Learned from my Grandfather who did it professionally for like 60 yrs or so. So i've not checked into Ultimate Guitar, however I was told too. I might check into it.Guitar is rather simple to learn on rythmn, even if you learn the Bar Chords. Lead is hard to learn well.My recommendation is learn to read music, that really helps. But if you don't want to learn tabs. There so simple to make and read. But the best way is to memorize and read music (I mainly memorize after figuring it out from the music). I think I'll look into it for some tabs...nice site!
  16. Until Chesso gets back ;)Sadly this good thread ends on my note. Not bad I must say myself...however 5 pages was pretty good.
  17. I haven't noticed much difference. Google is lacking on some of its specialty search features agianst others and I think its about big as it can go. But Yahoo search engine lags and the others all own each other so there isn't much choice regardless...sadly.
  18. I think the universe is so vast how the hell could it expand? LolWe're in the centre of it, so of course its going to look like its expanding.However any of our assumptions about the universe are nothing more than that, espically considering there's many things about our own planet we don't know yet.Its not really important nor even valid IMO but its fun to think about sometimes.
  19. I'd have to agree with demolaynyc. Its a mircle. God's hand is evidence in hundreds of mircles. Things that we make no logicial sense. To deny God, Jesus or not, is denial. The fact many people today consider it foolish, immature, and outdated to follow a God is proof of a Devil, which in turn is proof of a God.People linking religion to wars and deaths are being tricked by the adversary, pure religion is simple; its you and God. The devil is the one that infiltrates churches and leads people astray.
  20. I'm a student, therefore I don't work much but I do make house calls on people's computers, makes fair cash.My other job is taking care of my mother and cleaning the house.
  21. NOTE: Deleated my last post...I was so stupid...didn't notice it was 4 pages long...damn that was dumb...nice debate going.
  22. I like that idea. I'm glad Texas one of the forerunners.But HiddenKinshin had a point about interferance.One major thing is should the City of Houston be spenind money like this on the internet? If they have lack of housing like my town (also in texas) or a crime rate like San Antonio, then they should spend it on addressing those issues I think.
  23. @Hellfire: It is? Oops, I didn't read the TOS lol I'll take a look ;)As for it being the best I can't say that for sure. But it is addictive once you start playing it. It's a good one for sure though!
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