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Everything posted by SilverFox1405241541

  1. Setting up a peer to peer network. From laying the wires to sharing the printers. Introduction This tutorial is to help you set up a wired Ethernet based peer to peer network, which is a type of Local Area Network (LAN for short). Here I will guide you through the steps from laying the wire to the very last thing (which for me is setting up print sharing). If you have any questions please PM me or post here. Explanation of Networking in short There are many types of networks in the world of computers, the internet itself is nothing but the linking of thousands...or maybe millions of LANs, Wide Area Networks (WANs); linked together via Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Within this collection of networks are many virtual networks, they all come together to be what we tend to think of as the "Internet", "Net", "Web" or a host of other names. The Internet is governed by Protocols, today we are going to use the most common protocol, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP for short). TCP/IP has served as the main protocol for well over decade now, and that is what we will use to set up your network. I won't go on as I'm getting off topic. Setting up the Physical Network Since a LAN is a physical network you need some things to link the different PCs. You will need (in addition to what is needed to set up your basic internet from your ISP): 1 Router or Hub (Router is better and is used in this example) 1 Ethernet Cat 5 Cable and one more for each PC An AC Adapter for the Router Routers range from $30 to $60 and are available at most retailers. You might also need clips to run it along the wall, these are available at most major retailers in different sizes with nails already. For starters run an Ethernet cable from your Cable/DSL Modem to your Router, plug it into the appropriate slot. Then run Ethernet wire from the Router to the Ethernet jack in the back of the PCs. If you need to run a cable along the wall and/or ceiling place the clips to hold the cable in every 3-5 feet, preferably with the nail on the bottom. Once all Ethernet cables are run then plug the AC Adapter into a 110 V (in US) AC Outlet and then into your router. If your router has client software please run it. Linking the PCs. Then go to My Computer and then "My Network Places". Click "Set up a home or small office network". How to access My Network Places The wizard will run. Then go to the other PCs and repeat the wizard adding them to the appropriate work group. The wizard be default chooses the generally correct choices, however in the following pictures I highlight the options which you should chose. After that step install the printer drivers on the other PCs. You are then setup with your own Peer to Peer LAN. Conclusion I plan to add upon this tutorial, I wanted to take pictures of the hardware mentioned but my camera wasn't working.
  2. I don't know if anyone else had/has this bug with Windows XP but I did. When I would login explorer would not run, there was no way to make it run either. Its a very frustrating bug. So here's how you work around it.Make a new user, to do that launch from the task manager nusrmgr.cpl and create a new user. Then press Win+L and login to the new user.The causes for this bug I do not know, I reinstalled windows a few months back and haven't had this bug since. I don't imagine its common but for those who it effects it can be rather fruastrating and confusing at first.
  3. Therefore it could be a dangerous scam, stay away! Where did you get the idea it was Microsoft? I do't see any link to them other than the word "Live" which I don't think is enough to say its Microsoft.
  4. No, its unrealistic enough to be playable thankfully.Yes its player v. player. At this time NPCs cannot do anything. Yes you can get stuff to protect you, firewalls they are called. Takes a waterwall of equal level or higher to pass it.Some would like a more realistic game, but I like SH as its playable. Some people will find it great and others will not. Its greatly influenced by the players, because until recently the admin hadn't updated it much so players kept it alive by hosting missions and having clan wars.SH is diffently unlike any other game, the oppertunity to betray other players in SH exists like in no other (trust me I'd know LOL).
  5. I'd like to add too our very own Chesso is a long time moderator of the Slavehack forums and a very fair minded one. Chesso is so unbiased that I'm trying to make him more biased.However Slavehack's only draw back are some of the utterly brainless morons. Ignore them.If someone from here joins please PM me, as I am banned from the Slavehack forums.
  6. 1337 5|>34|< is rly useful in games, confuse people and make them mad. Hehe...it "|>|/\||\|Z".
  7. Tips for Increasing the quality of performance of a 500 MHz PC Introduction This manual is to help you get the most of your PC. I work a lot with low level PCs, 500 Megahertz (MHz) or so. While you might not think a slower Central Processing Unit (CPU) can run successfully Windows XP but it can, however it takes some tweaking of the settings. Step 1: Cutting down on the Graphics Drain Windows XP comes with a sleek, brilliant and attractive graphical lay at, however beware, such a good graphical layout takes up a large part of your CPU resources. While its pretty and nice to look out you can go without it and in some cases you might not have much choice. Windows XP Normally Now to explain how to cut down on that drain. First go to the desktop and right click "My Computer". Move your cursor down to "Properties", then left click it. The follow picture then will guide you for the next few steps: Now I recommend you click the option of "Adjust for Best Performance". Now you see it looks like MS 2000 or 98, a lot older but a WHOLE lot faster. Step 2: Prioritizing tasks This step can make some short term problems so please follow directions carefully! Press "Ctrl", "Alt", and "Delete", simultaneously on your key board. The following image is to help you find them on your keyboard: You have just opened the Task Manager as it is called. Now go to the "Processes" tab. Right click a process to get a list of options. The effect of each option is shown below. End Process--Ends the Process and any programs running off it. End Process Tree--Kills the selected Process and any Processes directly or indirectly started by it, not recommended in most cases. Set Priority--This is used to manage the allocation of resources. This is useful if you are running a very important process and want to speed it up or want to slow another down. Another note, if your using dialup and downloading something placing the Process downloading the item (normally Firefox.exe or IExplorer.exe ) in Real Time Can increase the download speed. There are some processes which you absolutely shouldn’t kill, they are: scvhost.exe--Used to run other Processes. explorer.exe--The Graphic Interface of Windows Generally I recommend not messing with Processes started by "System". In Conclusion There are many other small things that you could do but these are the simplest and most effective. If you feel you need more optimization I recommend either contacting a professional, studying up a lot on it yourself or getting a new CPU and/or more Random Access Memory (RAM). All brand names and product names used in this book are trade names, service marks, or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The author (William Williams) is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this writing.
  8. Yordon only reason I say this is I've been there before...
  9. In my view its not possible, even for God to be 3 in one...why must they be one in body? Rather they are figurtivly one and one in purpose, mind and sprit.
  10. eMachines w3107 Desktop PCAMD Sempron 3100+ 1.80 Ghz, 1600 Mhz FSB, 256 KB L2 Cache512MB DDR SDRAM 100Gb ATA Hard Drivex24 CD/DVD-RWWindows XP HOME SERVICE PACK 217" MonitorRealtek Sound cardNVIDIA GeForce 6100 Video Card56kb/s ITU V.92 Modem5 USB PortsSD/MMC/SM/MS/MS-PRO/CF/Microdrive portsMy PC still runs good. I've had it for a year now and I hope to make it last at least 2 more years.My other PC:A collection lolzIntelPentium Processor III, 500 mhz512MB RAM30Gb Maxtor Hard Drivex24 CD/DVD-RWx24 CD/DVDWindows 98 (for now)17" MonitorSoundblast cardNot sure on video card56kb/s ITU V.92 Modem3 USB PortsMy other older one:Compaq Peasrio from '96.IntelPentium Processor, 133 mhz64MB RAM10Gb Hard Drivex4 CD/DVD-RWWindows 9515" MonitorSoundblast cardVGA Video Card56kb/s ITU V.92 ModemStill runs
  11. I'd say Maxtor hands down. I have a Maxtor from like 2001. Its still running and its even fallen a few times and been left out side for like months. Its really good and if the rest of maxtor is like that and my other Maxtor drives then I'd say maxtor is the best. However if only used maxtor really.
  12. Yeah. But you can back up before reinstalling. If all else fails what do you have to lose? 2 hours? That's not much. If not hire me to do it heh Firstly go to your desktop and right click "My Computer" (or alternatly the start menu), then go to the "Hardware" tab; from there click "Device Manager" or "Manage Hardware". Find the modem and check it out. Then post here with any other problems.
  13. I prefer desktops for 3 reasons:1. They are easier to repair, I absolutely hate working on laptops and sometimes refuse too.2. Almost all hardware works with them, you can tinker with them like a car.3. Desktops are muh cheaper and more for the money.I've only had one laptop however, so I'm not really one to talk hehDesktops are much cheaper and that's a huge advantage. Laptops have a whole host of problems that desktops don't (as often). Laptops are just to hard to repair...for me at least.
  14. A lot of things are Chesso.At least your not doing crack. IMO smoking ain't smart nor is drinking or other ****. But do as you please I am not you master
  15. demonyalic I mainly agree with you. It was this other person who called me a heretic...lolz
  16. If Jesus wasn't a man what was he? LolHe was born of a mortal mother. As for the trinity, God in three persons, I'd say that its not as important as believing in Jesus and following him. I personally believe in the God Head: Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Not literally one, but one in purpose, mind and spirit so to speak. But that dosn't make me a heretic...lolz gosh no need to come in saying. UR A HERETIC. I'm in ur churches burning your heretics! lolz take this last line in humor! lol
  17. For one mitchellmckain dont' call me a heretic. That is a insult and I don't like that.No Jesus did create the world...even though he was the Son of God. Do not imply that I said he did not create the earth.As for the rest of what you said...I can't really disagree. But Don't make implications off what I say. Jesus did create the world and I never said anything contray. Thanks and please refrain from labeling me a heretic.As for what Chesso said about Jesus being a wahck of smoething, I find that offensive. Chesso, your smarter than that!
  18. I don't have much of a problem over it at the moment. As long as the internet remeains as unrestricted as it is today that's okay. However back up servers in Europe wouldn't hurt.No, Corporate entitiy should control the internet, not good for public competition.
  19. It was a pleasure to do^^ O. 13 enjoyed shutting them down hehe Next we plan to knock out 6 of the root servers.
  20. Only problem with yahoo as its slow as hell.What happened to Alta Vista? Its dead ;)Google is still my fav but yahoo is better for music and video searches.
  21. Maybe...maybe not. I was going to give you some bible quotes but I don't know. Once Chesso comes back he'll revive it lol
  22. Only reason I don't use windows live is I can't...it dosn't work if it did I would.
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