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Everything posted by TavoxPeru

  1. first of all, i just visit your forum and it doesn't work, it redirects you to other website and shows an error that you forgot to disable javascript posting in the forum. Now, tell me something, do you use MySql as your database backend??? if it is true, well, i recommend you to use the mysql_real_escape_string() function.Best regards,
  2. one way is by using the alt attribute as seec77 said, the other way is by using the title attribute, and the syntax is similar as the alt attribute: <img src="your_image_file" alt="your alternate text goes here" title="your title text goes here" ...>Now, i recommend that you use both attributes with the same text because with firefox only works one of them, i'm not sure which one is, sorry but in this moment i dont remember. Best regards,
  3. If its the case please admins sorry, its not my intention to do it, i only want to share this because i think it is a great site. Best regards,
  4. Nice and helpful site, but the only thing i dont like about it is that the name of my country Perú does not appears Best regards,
  5. sparx: No problem, and you are right not everyone gets immediately all the new features of gmail, and forgive me because the new features that you mention in your first post are correct. I confused it with the earlier features, the ones you mention are new, i just verified it. vhortex: I make a test to verify if the deleted spam goes to the trash and the result is no, it is deleted, and after 30 days the trash folder is empty. Now, one of the best things that gmail have is its spam filter, for me is the best one, hotmail and yahoo dont have its effectiveness. BTW, i still have my gmail space at 1% and as you, the first thing i do every time i login is to clear my spam folder. arbitrary: I think i'm a sort of a neat freak too, i exactly do the same thing Now, another two new features of gmail are its capacity to undo your last action and the display of web clips that appears between the page header and the mails counter. The first one is very helpful but the second its a bit disturber, but GMAIL ROCKS Best regards,
  6. Hi, browsing the web i found this really cool virtual desktop. The eyeOS.info, is a website where you can create and use your own eyeOS Virtual Desktop. With eyeOS.info all your data is available where ever you have Internet access and a standards compliant browser. The EyeOS is a system that simulates a virtual desktop, you can write and edit texts, make apointments with its calendar, use a calculator, even listen songs, etc. like you do with your computer but in the web. Your files are save encrypted in a free server. It's really amazing, so if you wanna test it visit: eyeOS.info Best regards,
  7. Hi, the ability to select multiple messages and perform actions on them is included some time ago, since i use gmail -more than 6 months- i use it every time, and the ability to empty the trash / spam folders in one click is included recently i think about two weeks ago. Best regards,
  8. Do you mean date_default_timezone_set() function??? well, if it is, you can't use this function with the Asta's server because this function only works with PHP 5+ and as you know the Asta's server works with PHP 4.4.2. Now, the parameter that this function use is a timezone identifier and for your case it is Australia/Sydney, you can find a complete list of timezone identifiers in the appendix H of the php manual. Best regards,
  9. Hi, i agree with you, the GIMP is a great software and i use it too, but because i'm not a graphic designer i think that i dont use it 100% and i wish that someday i will. Now, thanks to bnbrown that share PhotoFiltre i think that this software is perfect for my requirements because it offers a lot of tools to the non graphic designers like me and its really very easy to use, but again, i wish that someday i could use THE GIMP at its 100%. Best regards,
  10. Thanks for the share, i just install it and test it, and I think that there exists a lot of tools like this one, but in my opinion this cool software is very simple, come with all the basic tools founded in every graphic design software -and expensive- and the difference is that it is very easy to use even for the people who are not designers like me. Best regards,
  11. Hi, this little code is perfect for adding short instructions on a submit button, simply add your text to the mouseover event of the button, for example:<input type="submit" value="Click here" onmouseover="this.value='== Just click once! =='" onmouseout="this.value='Click here!'">regards,
  12. yeah, i just try it and my first impression is that its interface is more friendly than the gimp. regards,
  13. Excellent job vicky99, very concise and easy to understand, i think it would be very helpful for those people who work or will work with this kind of configuration.BTW, some time ago i work in a similar configuration and i spend a lot of time to make it work.Best regards,
  14. Thanks, i will use the second sentence because i think is more related with the work Best regards,
  15. Thanks Yordan for your feedback, about your first suggestion i just change the sentence and my client agree with this change and also i delete the powerwebtools. About the purpose of the website my client dont finish yet that text. Now, with the "actionnĂŠ" term i only want to express that i'm the author of the website, this term appears because i use the google translator and simply cut & paste the translation. Best regards,
  16. Vicky99: No, i dont turned on the safe mode in the php config file, so i turn it on to check if this solve the problem but this dont solve it. Hercco: I will try your suggestion, i think it would work. Quatrux: If the suggestion made by Hercco dont work my last chance is to use sessions with cookies as you suggest. Thanks a lot,
  17. Hi, here's a trick that will redirect a browser when JavaScript is turned off. Why not redirect the ones that have JavaScript? It's because less than 10% of browsers have JavaScript turned off; therefore, is better to redirect less than 10% of visitors than over 90%. Simply paste this code into the HEAD section of your HTML document. <script type="text/javascript"><!--/* Created by: Will Bontrager :: http://http://www.willmaster.com/index.php */<noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=http://http://ww1.yourdoman.com/;Best regards,
  18. Hi, first of all thanks for your feedback, well, i know that the main limitation of this site is that it is a biligual french/spanish site so i know that a lot of people can't understand the text content, but what can i do, the last decision is made by the client and he dont want an english version. Now, about the layout itself, i give 5 differents layouts to choose to my client, and he is very satisfied with this layout, but i agree with you, and will find a way to improve it a bit. Now, i'm just checking the thumbnails issue that you mention and i must make a new layout for all the photos, maybe by using a slideshow template or alike. (The thumbnails issue is solved by applying a uniform spacing 28/07/2006) Thanks for your feedback,
  19. Hi, i'm developing a web application which obviously requires a log in/log out script that i just implementing but i dont know why the log out script dont work fine.The problem is related with the server variable $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] which remains set even when in the log out script i unset it with the unset() function.Does someone knows how can i reset or clear the server variable $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']???Best regards,
  20. Hi, please review this new bilingual (french/spanish) site that i make for a new client, all comments are welcome so please check it out and let me know what do you think about it. Site address: Inti Voyages Theme: Tourism, Travel. Active: NO, hosted at the best free host, Xisto. Best regards, PS: I know that the main limitation of this site is that it is a biligual french/spanish site and because of this a lot of people can't understand the text content, but what can i do, the last decision is made by the client and he dont want an english version, so please take i mind this.
  21. Correct, as i said in a previous reply, i think that is absolutely necessary to learn HTML not only for those who get into designing websites. About Dreamweaver, one thing that i dont like of it is the excessive code it create, for example, sometime i develop a simple page with a few lines of code and the size of this was 1Kb, then i did the same page in Dreamweaver and my file size increments to 3Kb but by the other side, one thing i like of it is the great functionality that offers to work with dynamic sites, specially when you work with Databases. Best regards,
  22. Hi, this nice script highlight text inputs fields in your forms, so it will help your visitors to see where they are. Follow this steps to install it: Paste this code into the CSS section of your HTML document fieldset { width: 350px;}.textInput,textarea { width: 200px; font-family: arial; background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #000;}.inputHighlighted { width: 200px; background-color: #FFCE31; color: #000; border: 1px solid #000;} Paste this code into an external JavaScript file named: highlight-active-input.js.js /* Created by: Alf Magne Kalleland :: http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/ (C) http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/, November 2005 */var currentlyActiveInputRef = false;var currentlyActiveInputClassName = false;function highlightActiveInput() { if(currentlyActiveInputRef) { currentlyActiveInputRef.className = currentlyActiveInputClassName; } currentlyActiveInputClassName = this.className; this.className = 'inputHighlighted'; currentlyActiveInputRef = this;}function blurActiveInput() { this.className = currentlyActiveInputClassName;}function initInputHighlightScript() { var tags = ['INPUT','TEXTAREA']; for(tagCounter=0;tagCounter<tags.length;tagCounter++){ var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName(tags[tagCounter]); for(var no=0;no<inputs.length;no++){ if(inputs[no].className && inputs[no].className=='doNotHighlightThisInput')continue; if(inputs[no].tagName.toLowerCase()=='textarea' || (inputs[no].tagName.toLowerCase()=='input' && inputs[no].type.toLowerCase()=='text')){ inputs[no].onfocus = highlightActiveInput; inputs[no].onblur = blurActiveInput; } } }} Paste this code into the HEAD section of your HTML document <script type="text/javascript" src="highlight-active-input.js.js"></script> Paste this code into the BODY section of your HTML document <form method="post" action="#"><fieldset><legend>Highlight active input</legend><table> <tr> <td><label for="name">Name:</label></td> <td><input class="textInput" type="text" name="name" id="name"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label for="email">E-mail:</label></td> <td><input class="textInput" type="text" name="email" id="email"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label for="comment">Comments:</label></td> <td><textarea id="comment" name="comment" rows="3"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <input type="submit" onclick="return false" value="Submit"> </td> </tr></table></fieldset></form> Paste this code at the bottom of your HTML document <script type="text/javascript"><!-- initInputHighlightScript();//--></script> Best regards,
  23. Hi, this cool script created by: Manzi Olivier (http://www.imanzi.com/) verifies in real time that a input string is numeric, otherwise it deletes the non-numeric character. To configure it follow this steps: Paste this code into an external JavaScript file named: validNum.js // calculate the ASCII code of the given characterfunction CalcKeyCode(aChar) { var character = aChar.substring(0,1); var code = aChar.charCodeAt(0); return code;}function checkNumber(val) { var strPass = val.value; var strLength = strPass.length; var lchar = val.value.charAt((strLength) - 1); var cCode = CalcKeyCode(lchar); /* Check if the keyed in character is a number do you want alphabetic UPPERCASE only ? or lower case only just check their respective codes and replace the 48 and 57 */ if (cCode < 48 || cCode > 57 ) { var myNumber = val.value.substring(0, (strLength) - 1); val.value = myNumber; } return false;} Paste this code into the HEAD section of your HTML document. You may need to change the path of the file. <script type="text/javascript" src="validNum.js"></script> Paste this code into the BODY section of your HTML document <form name="myForm" method="post" action="#"> Enter an integer here: <input name="txtNumber" type="text" id="txtNumber" onKeyUp="java script:checkNumber(myForm.txtNumber);"></form> Of course, you need to add a submit or a button field and code its respective onclick or onsubmit event to really perform the submission of the data entered, but that is very easy to do, no?. Best regards,
  24. Hi, since i work with PHP i use MySql as my database backend and always with good results, basically because it is the most supported database in the web hosting environment. But i'm a curious person, and because of this i made some tests with others databases like access, dbase and ms sql server, basically to evaluate its performance and to know how much difficult is to use with PHP, and as a result of this, i wanna say that MySql is the better choice to work with PHP. BTW, i use phpMyAdmin as my primary tool to administer MySql's databases. Best regards,
  25. Hi, for this you can use the round or the number_format functions. The round function will round your number to a specific precision and return a float value, instead, the number_format function returns a string value with a defined format, in this format you define the number of decimals, a string for the decimal point separator and a string for the thousands separator to use with. So, the following are equivalents: <?php$number=12.34567890123;echo "Original Number=$number<br />round function=".round($number,4) . "<br />number_format function=" . number_format($number,4);Best regards,
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