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Everything posted by TavoxPeru

  1. Thanks a lot, i will try the second option because it is more simple and i dont have much experience dealing with .htaccess files, so then i will post the results. Well, almost everything works fine with the exception that initially the images dont show, i need to access every one and then go back to see it correctly at the page and all of my links dont work because i use absolute paths so i need only to change this in my source files. Best regards,
  2. Well for me phpMyAdmin works fine, no errors. Best regards
  3. I dont know if the hosting package matters but the package i have supports both databases Postgress and MySql so i check my cpanel to verify and it works fine, i can create databases, users, etc. Then i check the phpinfo() function and sorprise, Postgress support isnt installed, so i try to load it dynamically with the dl() function and this function is disabled for security reasons, so there are two problems here: Php support for Postgress databases is not installed. The order of the parameters are incorrect, check the function pg_connect: int pg_connect ( string host, string port, string options, string tty, string dbname ) The solution, simply use MySql or if its absolutely necessary request the Postgress support of php. Best regards,
  4. Quatrux sorry for dont understand my post, what Niran says is correct, i want to do that, simply add my files for my newly subdomain and vujsa thanks for your reply. Now, i will explain better what im trying to do following the example given by vujsa. Create a Subdomain (done and is easy as simple insert the name and submit). subdomain name: intivoyage subdomain folder: /home/username/public_html/intivoyage/ Add files to the subdomain. What im trying to do is to assign the folder /home/username/public_html/alex/ to be the default folder of this subdomain. But as vujsa said it is not possible because of the server. So, does the only thing that i can do is moving all the files in /home/username/public_html/alex/ to /home/username/public_html/intivoyage/????Or, can I use some kind of redirection either with an .htaccess file or with the cPanel???? Best regards,
  5. Thanks opaque, i just test it and everything works fine.Best regards,
  6. I just add for the first time a new subdomain to my account with the cPanel and it is very easy as simple insert the name and submit, how can i setup the default folder of this new subdomain??? because I want to assign this to a different folder or i just copy all the files to this default folder.Best regards,
  7. I just test if this problem is fixed but the problem still happen, and it is very strange that the Xisto's technical staff dont repair this issue yet.Best regards,
  8. Nope, it still doesn't work but i'm sure that soon it will be corrected because i think that the Xisto people know this problem. Best regards,
  9. Dont worry gin, as you say is all part of the learning curve and i'm sure that everybody still making errors including myself, for example, yesterday i spend 1 hour to debug a simple error that i made in an sql select -i forgot to put a single quoute- and my php script dont show anything. I think that we still learn everyday. Best regards,
  10. Hi, you are right, i just check if i can send mail using php and i confirm that it dont works. Best regards,
  11. Can you please tell us what is the problem and how you solution it? BTW, i receive your PM bUt i think the file was too long because it dont shows completely, can you please send it again or put an hyperlink to the source to download it complete. Best regards,
  12. Nice pics, i noticed that you modify some of them like changing its colors, does you do it with some software or you do it directly with your camera?BTW, please send a big kiss to your beautiful sister Aninha Best regards,
  13. Well this error happens when you have a parse error in your sql statement like an extra space, when you use a reserved word, when you use quotes.Which MySql version you have??? Can you PM me the source file to take a look at???Best regards,
  14. I just read this article and think that it is very useful and simple and that it will help all of us that work in this area, take a loot at The 10 commandments of Web Design Best regards
  15. thanks a lot for this post, i just view it and i'm completely agree with you, it is really amazing. BTW, i see that there are some more videos from the same X10 seminar, so, i know what i'm gonna do these coming days in my spare time Best regards,
  16. Another sites with good content are WeberDev that includes a lot of code examples and tutorials of php, mysql, javascript among others, and the php classes repository, this one is a repository of php classes with more than 3000 packages, its a must. Best regards,
  17. thanks to the admin's to fixing the CPanel, i'm 100% sure that everything is ok and no data lost, i just test if its works and everything is ok with the exception of the phpMyChat, it shows that the installation is complete and sucessfull but when i try to access it shows a 404 error page and also it only creates the database without any table.Best regards,
  18. i agree with you absolutely. Yeah, you are right again, is incredible how many computers try to access a computer, i know it very well, what i dont really know is how to configure the microsoft firewall that comes with XP because i dont work with XP but i dont think it would be complicated, i hope that it compared with zone alarm -i work with sometime ago- will be more easy. Thats it, thanks a lot for your advices and i think that for others it will be helpful as well. Best regards,
  19. This topic i think was posted in another forum but dont remember exactly where but what i remember is the way you do it here is it: open the regedit tool, go to: start menu\run\regedit.exe and hit enter or click ok. Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\currentcontrolset\control\Session Manager\Memory management On the right hand side right click on the value ClearPageFileAtShutDown if there exists, if you dont see it then right click in the open section and add a DWORD value and name it ClearPageFileAtShutdown. Change value to 1. Finally to take effect simply Reboot your machine. Now, first of all i recommend you that backup your registry first, because if you do something wrong while editing the registry you can damage your system, and second notice that the shutdown process may be higher for slower computers. Best regards,
  20. i dont know if for others but for me it would be great, especially because right now i just finish a web application with both of them plus apache 2.0.59 and i for my future developments i still use these development combo.Best regards,
  21. Thanks, yesterday i went into my clients office and test it to see what happens and happilly it works without any problem, but know comes other questions all related with the security, because this company access internet through its network and this machine acts as a webserver does i need something else to check and configure to avoid any kind of trouble like a hacker, virus, dos attacks, etc????? BTW, i know that XP comes with a firewall but i read in another forum that is better to disable it to work with apache, so when i install the apache i disabled it -the firewall- do you know if i need to reconfigure it to work with my application because of the security as i say before. Best regards,
  22. Last year i have the oportunity to test the abyss server but please tell me something, does the abyss webserver is good enough to install as a production server or as only a development server? best regards,
  23. Thanks, and what you say is something that i think after i solve this problem, so tomorrow when i visit my client i will try this solution to see what happens. Tell me something, the file that you mention is this one??? SYSTEMDRIVE:\SYSTEMROOT\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts and if i'm right, in this file i only need to put the ip number and the name of the machine, something like this??? xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx name_of_the_pc_that_acts_as_webserver Best regards,
  24. Hi, thanks for your interest, well, i dont touch them in any manner, neither in my development systmen or at my client machine that acts as the webserver. Today i go to my clients office and i found the solution, i simply change the direct access properties by modifiying its URL, instead of /name i only put /machine and now everything works fine. Never wonder that the solution of this topic was so easy and simple. Best regards,
  25. Hi, i develop a web application that runs perfectly on my development machine -Win 2kPro- where i have Apache, Php and MySql installed. A few days ago i went to my client to install it in a Win XP machine that will act as the webserver, so i proceed to install the Apache 2.0.59 webserver, Php 5.1.x and MySql 5.x and my web application and everything installs and works fine without a problem. Then, i proceed to run my web application to test it and also to know if something gone bad, happily everything is fine and works perfectly As you thought this web application will run in a network environment so then i proceed to install in every machine -remote machines- that will access this machine -the webserver- a simple direct access, but as usual nothing is perfect and problems starts to show. When i access my web application via this direct access nothing happens, these remotes machines don't connect to the webserver and only shows a 404 error page, first i try with the URL LOCALHOST/my_web_application_name/ because this works at the webserver, and.... logically it doesn't gonna work at the remote machines because localhost refers only to the webserver so then i change the URL to name and it shows up my web application login screen so i proceed to login but nothing happens and everytime i try to login it always show me again the login page. does someone knows how to configure this direct access to get connected to the webserver or knows an URL that shows how to do this????? Best regards,
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