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Everything posted by TavoxPeru

  1. Hi, here you can find a lot of people that will help you, including myself, but first you have to post your files to see the source code, if you want send me by mail your files preferebly compressed either in zip or rar format to this account: gustavo_DOT_cruzortiz_AT_gmail_DOT_COM. regards,
  2. Hi, does anybody knows which is the equivalent tag in CSS of the HTML HR tag or how do i replace this. I need this because the HR tag is deprecated and i wanna validate a website. The code that i need to replace is this: best regards,
  3. Hi, yes they are nice scripts, but the problem is that it only works on internet explorer, If you open it in Firefox you dont look the Alpha Transparency effect because both scripts are using the CSS Alpha Transparency Filter and this is a non standard style, its internet explorer propietary.best regards
  4. I still use Windows 2k Pro SP4 Apache web server and IIS. Well, here i work with many -MySql, Access, MS SQL, XBase's- because it depends of the client, but basically i work with MySql. PHP. Dreamweaver and FrontPage. The Gimp.7. Code Editor: EditPlus. 8. Browsers: IE 6 and Firefox.
  5. For my last work I try some online translators and as the other members said earlier the major problem with the translations are grammer related, I tryed babelfish.altavista.com, freetranslation.com, google.com translation tools, dictionary.com, Worldlingo.com, etc. and the more accurate results that i get was using the last one, so be careful and always review your results. Worldlingo -im not sure- beside the common text and website translation services is the only that offers an email translation service. Try it here: http://www.worldlingo.com/ best regards
  6. Thanks, some time ago i used it but my hard disk dead so i loose a lot of files and software including this nice editor, so i gonna download it right now.best regards
  7. Hotmail does not offer Auto Forwarding mails to another email account, they only offer the option to move incoming emails in folders by using filters.I think you need GMail Best regards,
  8. 1> Are you ready to accept ads on your website ? No, because Ads are very nasty, distract the user, make a lot of troubles in the design of the webpage. 2> Are you ready to make a small payment for not posting? No definitely. 3> Do you feel that you are compelled to post? If yes, Suggest about other methods in which we can ask you to come up and support us. We are supported by advertising networks. No, i'm happy to share my knowledge and help, and i think that other members feel the same. 4> Do you feel that the facilities provided by this host is enough for you. If not, what do you require. Not yet been hosted, reviewing the options i think that is ok, maybe in a future i can complete this. 5> Do you require Cpanel. [ We provide the most advanced cpanel ] Yes, Cpanel is a good set of tools, i used it in other websites and helps a lot. 6> Can you comprise Cpanel with more hosting facilites like space and BW. No, i prefer to have it rather than get more space and BW Suggestions: Implement some templates Ready to Use. Telnet access. Regards,
  9. Another great website is this: http://www.javascriptsource.com/, you will find there a lot of excellent scripts, manuals, tutorials and a very active forum. best regards,
  10. thats correct, my work is practically finished in that way tell me something, are you sure about this????? because i test it many times and in many different orders and always work fine and show the correct information, maybe your browser is not configured correctly, please check that support of session variables is active, because the solution that i implement is based in this, ok??? thank you very mUch, this kind of help usually you dont find, so, i will email you right now. best regards and dont be shy, if you want some help in anything please let me know. PS: by the way, sorry for my english i do my best.
  11. also take it mind if you want to send the email in text or html mode, if its in the second mode you need some extra information set to the mail function to work properly, and dont forget to review the mail() function in the php site as suggested by minnieadkins, you would save a lot of time, believe me. :-)best regards,
  12. thanks mikk0 for your comments. Your first comment i just finished now works the way it be, your second comment i mentioned to my client bUt he dont understand even dont try to Understand :-( so i dont do anything, and about your last comment i agree with you, its very popular nowadays that sites have shortcut icons so i will try to make one later because it is not a priority. thanks a lot, and if you have some extra time can you please review this one refugio multilingual site is the new version of the same same site but is multilingual, right now only spanish-english version. best regards,
  13. Thanks for sharing with us this tool, its very helpful. BTW there is another tool that i think will be helpful for any webmaster, its name is Reciprocal Link Checker and is a beta version, yet doesn't follow links inside frames, javascript, flash or going through server script, but for an initial analisys is ok.best regards,
  14. You have some options, you can Use the title attribute of the anchor tag, or you can Use a javascript fUnction or you can use only css too. Try to do not use the alt atribute because it is for images basically and not work in some browsers. In the web exists a lot of examples of this. best regards
  15. Hi, take a look at this great page that have a lot of good scripts: dhtmlgoodies.com I think you will find what you are looking for in the menu section, see these demo: List based DHTML menu best regards,
  16. Hi, one of my clients need to translate his website to english -is in spanish- because he wants to capture more clients, so after investigating and testing different solutions i find that the simplest way to do this is by using a session variable that holds the default/user language, some files for each translation and the use of associative arrays. If someone wants to see this in action go to: Refugio de Santiago - New, is not finished yet and any comments or sugestions are welcome. BTW i dont try the W3C standards, i gonna see later. best regards,
  17. Hi, please review this site, all comments are welcome. Site address: Refugio de Santiago - Lunahuana Theme: Tourism, Hotel. This site is of a Peruvian lodge at Lunahuana, Lima, Peru. Active: YES Best regards,
  18. hi, after a few days waiting for google because of the heavy loads problem, they finally send me an invitation to create my account with page creator, so i just try it, and for me is a very nice tool, but have a lot of problems. For example, if you want to edit some page you create you can't do it directly because the link to perform this action dont work in the page manager, of course you can do it if you investigate and discovers the correct URL to do this, i do, but isnt the correct way.things i like about it are that is very easy to use, the 4 different layouts and the 40 looks that they offer, and things a dont like are that you cant modify the html, cant use forms, javascript or server side scripting.For beginers and to people who do not know anything about html and want a simple website i think it will be ideal.best regards,
  19. Thats all, you got it, im the webmaster of a page related to the best soccer team here in Peru: Club Universitario de Deportes and in the main page i do almost the same thing, please visit Trinchera Norte to see it in action, this show the 8 last news (4 complete and 4 only shows the title), all are linked to their respective detail page. Some others considerations that you can take are for example limit the number of news that you can show,, show the next game of your soccer team (date, stadium, opponent), place a link to the news index and a lot of other things. best regards,
  20. here in Peru there is a radiostation that plays some times this kind of mUsic, bUt its aUdience is very limited, there are not mUch people who really enjoy listening this, they prefer some more easy mUsic like house mUsic, if U ask me if i like it, well its obvious, no???? kinds of electronic mUsic i prefer:TRANCE, TRANCE, TRANCE and TRANCE (tiesto rUles)almost all kinds of progressive (digweed, sasha, sander,etc)break beats & d&b (adam freeland)electro clash (fischerspooner, misskitty)other mUsic:metal (Iron Maiden, Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica until the black one, etc)EBM (Front 242, Nitzer Ebb)80's (Cure, Joy Division, New Order, etc)a lot more....plUr
  21. correct me too, bUt i have to use it when talk with some kind of clients. Sometimes its absolutely necesary, dont you think? best regards.
  22. hi, thats a common problem with no english data, and for that reason a time ago i create this function no manage that problem: function SafeEscapeData($strData){ if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { return $strData; } else { return mysql_real_escape_string($strData); }} for php5 use this function mysqli_real_escape_string. hope it will help you. best regards,
  23. the disk space when you install it and if you activate the option to save your conversations too. best regards,
  24. its no always necesary to enclose a table name with qoutes or tics, if you use for example phpMyAdmin with the option to view generated php code, its Use it always, bUt if you create a SQL statement using the SQL Tab phpMyAdmin you can or cannot inclUde the tics. I usually dont use the tics caUse it is not necesary, i think that your problem is with the sql statement, or you use the variable in line 5 o use the statement in line 6, both are legal. I use the first form when the statements are too long and with a lot of variables i gonna use, and the second when they are short and simple sql queries. other thing i think is making problem is the way you show $result in line 7, i never use that kind of echo and i dont have the time in this moment to test it, please try this instead: $result=mysql_query("SELECT pass FROM login WHERE name='chris'") or die ("Bad query" . mysql_errno(). ": " . mysql_error() );if (mysql_num_rows($result)> 0) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); echo $row["pass"];} best regards,
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