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Posts posted by TavoxPeru

  1. I'm writing a web application for language learning and I'd like to use the Speech API from Microsoft for speech recognition. Therefore, I need to embed an ActiveX control to the web page (html file). The questions are:


    1. How to embed this ActiveX control to the web page, I don't know the class id of that control. For a RealPlayer, I would use

    <object classid="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA" width="32" height="32"></object>
    and in this case, i need the value for classid.


    2. In case the user (client) doesn't have that activeX control, how to have it downloaded automatically (with permission)?


    3. How to handle the events of the control.


    Link: http://www.bing.com/partners/developers

    Download: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download


    PS: I'm new to JS. Please answer with code.

    If i remember correctly the class id for the control depends on the object itself, for example if you develop that control with VB its class id is generated by VB when you compile and create it by using the Application Setup Wizard.


    In case the user doesn't have that ActiveX control installed, it can be downloaded automatically and installed in his machine by using a cab file, the location from where it can be downloaded is specified by a CODEBASE parameter of the object tag, this cab file must be created by you and stored in your webserver, as you guess, the value of the codebase is an URL relative to the location of your html page.


    To handle the events of the control you can do it as usual for example if your object is a button to handle the click event of it you can use something like this:

    <html><head><title>Title</title></head><body><p>some text</p><object classid="clsid:9999-99D5-00AA00AA00" id="BtnHello"></object><script language="VBScript">Sub BtnHello_OnClick()  MsgBox "BtnHello was clicked"End Sub</script></body></html>
    Please, forgive me if i'm wrong because i dont use visual basic for a long long time, so take this as a brief help.


    Best regards,

  2. Well, some way is to first download and install the server on your machine and then download the reference help file from the MySql Website, this file contains a very basic tutorial which is a good start point. After that you can also download some good example databases from the same site.

    Best regards,

  3. If you want to get the same value more than one time from the same table simply use the join twice and for one of them use AS to rename temporaly the table. Please try this query:

    $query = "SELECT sales_details.sales_id, sales_products.productname, sales_users.name as namefrom, s.name as nameto FROM sales_details left join sales_products as sales_products on (sales_products.product_id = sales_details.product_id) left join sales_users as sales_users on (sales_users.user_id = sales_details.FromUser) left join sales_users as s on (s.user_id = sales_details.ToUser) ORDER BY sales_id ASC";$result = mysql_query($query);  // running the queryecho "<strong>id - product - from - to</strong>";while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) { echo $row["sales_id"] . " - " . $row["productname"] . " - " . $row["namefrom"] . " - " . $row["nameto"] . "<br />";}
    I hope this works without modifications please take care on the case-sensitive of the script and let us know if it works fine.
    Also, customize the result set because it is a simply way to show the data. :ph34r:

    Best regards,

  4. TavoxPeru, thanks for the link to the database. I will be looking into it more. And I agree with you unimatrix, about altering already existing scripts. I have done it a few times with PHP. It helps me in two ways. 1 by giving me a quick solution, and 2 helping me learn more about the PHP as I'm trying to alter it. I have been to hotscripts for other things, but I didn't think of looking up databases.

    You are welcome, and i agree too, i think that it is a good method for learning new things but sometimes there are more problems than solutions following this aproach.
    Best regards,

  5. I looked into that site you mentioned, and you are correct. They did have the MySQL Cookbook there. Of course it's just my luck that it was a dead link. Some sort of error like 'Page not found'. But there does look like there could be some other stuff there I would like... If the pages work.

    Searching the MySql website i found a complete example of a database similar to the one you need, it's name is sakila and you can download it from here. Also, you can download more databases, examples and tutorials related to these examples by visiting the MySql Documentation page.
    Best regards,

  6. I looked into that site you mentioned, and you are correct. They did have the MySQL Cookbook there. Of course it's just my luck that it was a dead link. Some sort of error like 'Page not found'. But there does look like there could be some other stuff there I would like... If the pages work.

    My apologies, but, after all you are lucky. After a little research i found it as a torrent file, this is a 1.6GB torrent which includes a complete collection of O'Reilly Books. Right now i'm downloading only a few of them and if the download completes well i can share it later :ph34r:.


    Best regards,



    Well, only to say that the download completes correctly so if you want i can send you the book by mail, if someone else also wants this book please let me know to send it back.

  7. I was actually looking into getting a MySQL book, and was looking at the Cookbook by O'Reilly. I believe I've got some other programming books that are also O'Reilly. I'm glad to hear that someone is giving the thumbs up for that book. Now I think that will be the one I get.

    You can download free books for MySql from the Tutorials Downloads website, also you can find there a lot of different books related to databases, php, multimedia, os's, compilers, etc.
    I'm not pretty sure but i think that i view the Cookbook there.

    Best regards,

  8. I have a Java Applet for a chat room that is using the <applet> tag. It looks like it was from HTML 3.2 but I am using XHTML 1.1 (application/xhtml+xml), so I have to use the <object> element.


    For now I have forced that page to load as XHTML 1.0 Transitional in text/html MIME type because I don't know how to fix the problem. I have tried many suggestions from many sites but they don't work in Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera (some of them are IE-only but they still don't work in IE).


    Is there any way that the <object> element can be implemented with cross-browser compatibility? I thought it would be as easy as <object> for Flash, but I guess not.

    Well, take a look to the help section of the W3C Validator website, it has a lot of usefull tips, check How can I include flash in valid (X)HTML Web pages? and the Flash Satay technique, both of them are related to flash but i think that could help you.


    Best regards,

  9. It will fit in one database.
    All the stats that you need can be put in one database table.
    Then one database table for the players..

    You must plan accordingly ahead the data that you need to store, how long will you store them and how you will get the inputs and what dat must be stored from user inputs.

    First thing you must know is proper layouting of database columns since this will be the core of your program.

    Then also decide how you link each data together.

    That's correct, you must do it prior to any other task, even you do it you will tune it up on the road, i suggest to start with a logical and a physical model of your database and then start to code your application.

    Best regards,

  10. A collection of Websites that are very useful for the Web Designers. In this first part I've listed the available various validation sites and site checkers and analyzers more sites will be added in the forthcoming parts.


    Part -1 : Validators, Checkers & Site Preview

    HTML Validator - http://validator.w3.org/

    HTML Validator (Multiple Pages) - http://htmlhelp.com/tools/validator/

    Mobile Web Validator - http://validator.w3.org/mobile/

    CSS Validator - http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/

    Accessibility Validator - http://www.cast.org/our-work/learning-tools.html

    ATOM/RSS Validator - http://validator.w3.org/feed/

    Feed Validator - http://www.feedvalidator.org/

    XML Schema Validator- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    XML Validator - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    XSLT Validator - http://www.openmath.org/software/validate.html

    Robots.txt Validator - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Web Accessibility Test - http://www.tawdis.net/

    Link Checker - http://validator.w3.org/checklink/

    Dead Link Validator - http://www.dead-links.com/

    Page Size Checker - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Favicon Validator - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Colorblind Web Page Filter - http://colorfilter.wickline.org/

    Link popularity Checker - http://www.linkpopularity.com/

    META Tag Analyzer - http://www.scrubtheweb.com/tools/metatag-analyzer.html

    Screen captures of your website on any browser on any operating system - https://www.browsercam.com/


    Search Engine Simulator - http://www.delorie.com/web/ses.cgi

    HTTP Header Viewer - http://www.delorie.com/web/headers.html

    Web Page Backward Compatibility Viewer - http://www.delorie.com/web/wpbcv.html

    Lynx Viewer - http://www.delorie.com/web/lynxview.html

    Links compiled by,


    Great list, i gonna try the DeadLink validator. Thanks.


    The robots and the page size validators don't work, in both cases shows an 500 HTTP error.



    Best regards,


  11. In a game I'm working on, I would like to have a database of actors/actresses. I'm not sure exactly how to do this. I'm pretty sure with the hosting here, I can only have 99 databases. I'm a little lost as to how to make it. Can all the actors/actresses be put on one database with the specific things I want to include (i.e. how well the do in each genre)? I'm new to Mysql and just need some help as to where to start.

    Yes, all your actors/actresses can be pUt on only one database, also, in this database you can put other tables to store your categories, genres, etc.
    Bet regards,

  12. Well I have to say that this is a nice script...however it would definitely be better if it was a little faster at loading...


    Maybe Xisto should consider having some sort of official list? One that'll load instantly because it just gets the info out of a database?


    Because that would be really nice...


    Anyhow, great work on the script, it is very nice, and is a great start, as I am sure that you'll work on improving it more and more...

    Well, a year ago i had the chance to subscribe to the Hosted Member's Directory that Xisto publish, some time later it dissapears so i forget it, so i just check it now and surprise its seems to be back again, it is not operational right now only shows the files and folders so maybe in a future it will be republised.


    Best regards,


    Edit: Please do not try to access the Directory because it is infected by a virus, when i try to access the tips and trick folder my AVG installation founds the following thread: Virus identified Exploit.ANI on 123.htm and riff.htm

  13. Many sites have a ~780px layout because it fits well with a 800x600px resolution monitor. The problem is that I want the whole thing centered in the middle of the screen with equal margins at the sides. My CSS is at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and as you would probably guess, my site is at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    It is centered in Gecko (Firefox) browsers, but in Internet Explorer it isn't centered. No matter what I use, whether it is a container <div> or centering the <html> and <body> elements, it just doesn't work in Internet Explorer :ph34r:

    I use a table for layout (yes, I know it is a bad habit) and I serve my pages text/html to IE and application/xhtml+xml to Firefox and Opera. Maybe that might be the problem?

    NOTE: This problem was also posted in the W3Schools forum, but no one found a solution yet :)

    Hi, can you try to use the margin property setting to 0 auto, i use the following css code to center a page:
    html {height:100%;padding:0;margin:0;}body {height:100%;color:#000;font-family:Verdana,Georgia,sans-serif;font-size:100.1%;margin:0;text-align:center;padding:0;}#maincontent {width:780px; text-align:left; margin: 0 auto; }/* other stUff */
    Best regards,

  14. So what you call RvSkin is the theme/language manager for CPanel?
    I'm just curious as it would be nice to be able to change the default (aswell as the layout, not sure if that can be done?).

    Could it be a possible feature, or one that can be turned on?

    Well, i call it RvSkin because i saw that name in a previous post by Jimmy89, i also view it in the url. As you, I'm not sure if it is possible to change the layout, but i think that it would be a nice feature.

    Best regards,

  15. That's a bummer TavoxPeru, luckily for me I don't really need to touch the CPanel at all right this minute sort of thing (I didn't have any issues aside from missing icons though).
    So fantastico is still bugged eh?

    What is RvSkin? Is that what changes the theme/layout of CPanel? (I haven't heard of it before).

    Yes, fantastico dont work yet and i dont know if RvSkin is the correct name of the theme/language manager.

    Best regards,

  16. Well if i'm the person who wants to search for mortages i will take in account with which language i will do this, in my case i will try to search in english and spanish.



    cheap mortages


    borrow money

    Missouri cheap mortages



    hipotecas baratas


    prestamo de dinero

    hipotecas en Missouri baratas


    Hope this helps.


    Best regars,

  17. The RvSkin is back now! same as before! The only problem im still having, and its not that urgent, but fantastico isn't working! When i try to open it using the icon in CPanel i get a file not found error.

    Thanks to OpaQue and everyone who has solved all the problems so far!


    Yes, the RvSkin is back, and the fantastico issue still dont working i get the same error.


    Another problems that i found are relating the RvSkin and with the Language, when i try to change the skin or the language to other it shows a page saying something like:


    this The changes will take place in a minute, if your browser dont show you the new panel close this windows and open again the control panel


    but also it shows this error message:


    Error!! Missing WHM Remote Access Key.


    BTW, thanks to OpaQue and all the technical staff, as usual they do a great job.


    Best regards,

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