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Posts posted by TavoxPeru

  1. I find that that's usually the reason people complain about losing credits. We should probably put up a warning somewhere about the loss of credits if you edit a post by deleting content. Should probably also find out if users removing content via edit has the same extra penalty to credits that a mod editing one has.

    Ok and thanks for all the information, it is very helpful, does this reason also applies if someone change other things like some configuration options, for example, what happens if i increase or decrease my post's signature????

    Best regards,

  2. ok now I started my own forum and it's new and everything so don't say anything about getting more members because it's only been up and running for 2 days now. so what do you thing?? give me any suggestions on it ok???

    I'm still working on it but I just wanted to know what it's missing or what I can change.

    Looks nice and xboxrulz is right, your logo is hard to read, but i think that it is not absolutely necessary to download other themes for your forum, simply start by changing your text colors directly in your administration control panel.

    Best regards,

  3. yes, yordan i'm able to correctly understand your explanations, thank you very much. Now, after some tests i made i discover that another reason for this issue happens is related with the browser and with which character set it uses, so, what i do to solve this, is by setting up the UTF-8 character set to my browser.


    SilverFox I'm almost pretty sure that you can't convert the char_set when exporting, also i never see this option available to set up on the configuration file of phpMyAdmin, where i see something similar is in the import page, in this page you are been able to set the character set of the sql file that you want to import.


    The import/export tools are for restore/backup purposes, i have the chance to use it a lot of times and i can say that it works very fine in almost all situations.


    Best regards,

  4. I have a very strange problem with the Exported sql file generated by phpMyAdmin that never happen to me before, the problem is that my data contains some strange characters but when i see them on screen it shows correctly, instead of showing the spanish characters ĂĄ, ĂŠ, Ă­, Ăł, Ăş and Ăą it shows others, for example instead of ĂĄ shows ĂÂĄ, instead of Ăł shows ĂÂł, etc.

    The other problem i have is that when i use Internet Explorer and want to download the generated sql file to my machine nothing happens, it seems that the export script works completely but it never shows the Save As... dialog box. This problem never occurs if i use Firefox.

    The following are some data of the phpMyAdmin welcome page:

    MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
    MySQL connection collation: utf8_unicode_ci
    phpMyAdmin -
    Server version: 4.1.21-standard
    Protocol version: 10
    MySQL client version: 4.1.21
    Used PHP extensions: mysql

    Best regards,

  5. really whats do u just need a database for? wot can u do with A database :Punless uve got hosting somewhere else and it doesnt have databases.

    Exactly, this is a good reason for it, and until yesterday i have one client that was in this situation, so yesterday i decide to create an account on the db4free project to resolve this for him, right now this client is happy, but as i view on the db4free page and told him this mysql server can be used as a temporal server only not as a production.

    Best regards,

  6. I hope this help you, it was taken from the O'Reilly Javascript and DHTML Cookbook:


    To determine the mouse event location in the coordinate plane of the entire document, the getPageEventCoords( ) function shown in the following example has two main branches. The first gets the simpler pageX and pageY properties of the Netscape event object. For IE, many more calculations need to be carried out to derive the coordinates to accurately position an element at the specified location. The clientX and clientY properties need additional factors for any scrolling of the body content and some small padding that IE automatically adds to the body (normally two pixels along both axes). In the case of IE 6 running in CSS-compatibility mode, the html element's small padding must also be factored out of the equation.


    function getPageEventCoords(evt) {

    var coords = {left:0, top:0};

    if (evt.pageX) {

    coords.left = evt.pageX;

    coords.top = evt.pageY;

    } else if (evt.clientX) {

    coords.left =

    evt.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft;

    coords.top =

    evt.clientY + document.body.scrollTop - document.body.clientTop;

    // include html element space, if applicable

    if (document.body.parentElement && document.body.parentElement.clientLeft) {

    var bodParent = document.body.parentElement;

    coords.left += bodParent.scrollLeft - bodParent.clientLeft;

    coords.top += bodParent.scrollTop - bodParent.clientTop;



    return coords;


    Deriving the event coordinates inside a positioned element is the job of the getPositionedEventCoords( ) function, shown in the following code listing. The IE branch, which supports the offsetX and offsetY properties of the event object, is the easy one here. Those values are relative to the coordinate plane of the positioned element target. On the Netscape side, the layerX and layerY properties need only an adjustment for the target element's borders. To prevent the event from propagating any further (and possibly conflicting with other onmousedown event targets), the event's cancelBubble property is set to true:


    function getPositionedEventCoords(evt) {

    var elem = (evt.target) ? evt.target : evt.srcElement;

    var coords = {left:0, top:0};

    if (evt.layerX) {

    var borders = {left:parseInt(getElementStyle("progressBar",

    "borderLeftWidth", "border-left-width")),


    "borderTopWidth", "border-top-width"))};

    coords.left = evt.layerX - borders.left;

    coords.top = evt.layerY - borders.top;

    } else if (evt.offsetX) {

    coords.left = evt.offsetX;

    coords.top = evt.offsetY;


    evt.cancelBubble = true;

    return coords;


    A compatibility complication must be accounted for, however. If the outer element has a CSS border assigned to it, Netscape and IE (in any mode) disagree whether the coordinate plane begins where the border starts or where the content rectangle starts. Netscape includes the border; IE does not. Therefore, along the way, the situation is equalized by factoring out the border in the Netscape calculations. This is done with the help of the getElementStyle( ) function from Recipe 11.12:


    function getElementStyle(elemID, IEStyleAttr, CSSStyleAttr) {

    var elem = document.getElementById(elemID);

    if (elem.currentStyle) {

    return elem.currentStyle[iEStyleAttr];

    } else if (window.getComputedStyle) {

    var compStyle = window.getComputedStyle(elem, "");

    return compStyle.getPropertyValue(CSSStyleAttr);


    return "";


    It may seem odd that deriving these kinds of event coordinates should be so laborious in one circumstance or the other. There is little justification for this, except perhaps that those who designed the event object and content-coordinate systems didn't envision how DHTML designers might utilize these features. The W3C DOM Level 2 event model is only partially helpful by defining two pairs of coordinate-related properties of the event object: clientX/clientY and screenX/screenY. But even then, the formal descriptions of the clientX and clientY properties—a coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the DOM implementation's client area—leave a lot to interpretation. Is the "client area" the page or just the visible portion of the page? Netscape interprets it as being the entire page, but IE's clientX and clientY properties (admittedly not based on the W3C DOM event model) are measures within the visible space of the document, thus requiring adjustments for document scrolling.


    The W3C DOM Level 2 is mum on event coordinates within a positioned element. Of course, with some more arithmetic and element inspection, you can figure out those values from the style properties of the element and the event's clientX and clientY properties. The proprietary properties for offsetX/offsetY in IE and layerX/layerY in Netscape (a convenience holdover from Navigator 4) partially pick up the slack, but as you've seen, they're not universally perfect.


    Even with the adjustments shown in the examples for this recipe, you may still encounter combinations of CSS borders, margins, and padding that throw off these careful calculations. If these CSS-style touches are part of the body element or the element you're positioning, you will probably have to experiment with adjustment values that work for the particular design situation of the page. In particular, inspect the offsetLeft, offsetTop, clientLeft, and clientTop properties of not only the direct elements you're working with, but also those within the containers that impact elements' offset measures (usually reachable through the offsetParent property, and further offsetParent chains outward to the html element). Also, don't overlook CSS border, margin, and padding thicknesses that might impact coordinate measures of the elements. Look for values that represent the number of pixels that your calculations miss. It's a tedious process, so be prepared to spend some time figuring it out. One size does not fit all.


    Best regards,

  7. So the theme that we are talking about (i think its referred to as 'x3') does not come with the installation of CPanel11 and WebHost Manager? You have to purchase it separately?
    I also found a website (from the creators that make the rv skins) that compares the rv skins to the x3 skin in CPanel 11. You can find it at http://www.rvskin.com/comparison.

    I look after a friends website, who's host uses CPanel 11 with the x3 theme. It really easy to use and even comes with Video Tutorials to work your way around. It uses AJAX all over the place and even has the option to change styles (different colours/images with the same theme). The layout of the actual CPanel page is not much different, but you can drag and drop the collection of links/icons (like the ones for mail, files, prefs etc) up and down the page as to get it in the order you like (or the most frequently used items at the top, lesser at the bottom!)

    And, for those who like the 'regular' file manager - CPanel 11 inlcudes the 'Legacy File Manager' which is the same as the file manager we use now, slightly redone!

    I know all the trouble that OpaQue and the admins went to too get the rv skin working again after the server hard drive change, but it would be great to use these new features of CPanel 11

    Thats right, the CPanel 11 comes with a lot of video tutorials, practically with all the options of it, tell me something do you view this video tutorials???

    Best regards,

  8. Well i just visit your site and some things i dont like are:

    The position where you put the chatbox.

    The color of your titles -Main, Forum, Post, The Rules, etc- i think that it would be nice if you use any lighter color for them for example white instead of black.

    The icons dont look well, they have a stange border.

    Hope it helps.


    Best regards,

  9. One thing i REALLY hate is hoe everything works in firefox but not internet explorer.its really annoying, especially on my site, i have about 10 tables inside eachother just to make it work in internet explorer.
    Firefox actually like knows what people want (well the rendering engine does anyway) but internet explorer... doesnt.

    It is because internet explorer do not support completely the W3C standards as the others browsers do, as far i know the browser that supports almost completely the standards is Opera following by the Gecko browsers like Firefox.

    Best regards,

  10. RV theme was specially purchased as Xisto (of course Xisto) cpanel theme. In the past many members have requested various themes but the same answer was said by the server admin--the purchased theme was especially designed to enhance your cPanel accessing ability. No other theme can provide easier and shorter steps with short learning curve. Perhaps in the future other themes may be considered, however RV is the default theme for now.
    Thank you.

    Thanks for the information, i have the chance to work with the new CPANEL 11 in other webhost and it is very cute and more easy than the previous version.

    Does Xisto plans to install it???

    BTW, when will be active again the great Fantastico???

    Best regards,

  11. I'm now rebuilding my website, and I have come against a problem of which I don't know how to fix it. I am using div tags (of course) but what I want to know is how to center the site, without having the text layout centered. Does anyone know how? I have not found any solutions yet. Thanks in advance.

    If you want to center horizontally your div or any other block element you can use achieve this with:
    <div style="width:10em;margin:0 auto">div content</div>

    Best regards,

  12. you l..l...LIKE the rv theme???
    ugh, if i made it id be embarassed.

    i think they should consider making everything fully functional though. theme changing, language changing (then again they only host english sites so yeah), fantastico and the new cpanel 11 theme.

    Yes, i like it basically because it is lightweight and works well and fast.

    Best regards,

  13. Thanks mate. Not Setup means that the default index page for the site has not been replaced, thus signifying that the site has not been setup. I'll put a legend explaining the status colors and messages once I am done with the Xisto version.

    Ok, thanks, only to say that i hope someday in the near future i finally get some time to upload my webpage :P


    Best regards,

  14. What i want to do is to first enabled a disabled text box, and then focus and select all the contents of this text box after the user clicks on a checkbox, i have it working with simple HTML and Javascript but how can i do to get the similar result using the DOM??? For simplicity i only include this code that works:

    <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function toggle(formname,checkname){var c="CantField"; if(checkname.checked==true) {	checkname.value="on";	document.f[c].disabled=false;	document.f[c].focus();	document.f[c].select();}else {	checkname.value="off";	document.f[c].value="0";	document.f[c].disabled=true;}return;}function init(){document.f.CantField.disabled = true;}// using DOMfunction initD(){document.getElementById('CantField').setAttribute("disabled",true);}function toggleD(formname,checkname){var c="CantField"; if(checkname.checked==true) {	document.getElementById(checkname).setAttribute("value","on");	document.getElementById(c).setAttribute("disabled",false);	document.getElementById(c).focus();	document.getElementById(c).select();}else {	document.getElementById(checkname).setAttribute("value","off");	document.getElementById(c).setAttribute("disabled","true");	document.getElementById(c).setAttribute("value","0");}}</script></head><body onload="init()"><form name="f" action="page.php" method="post" ><input type="checkbox" value="off" name="CheckField" id="CheckField" onclick="toggle('f',this)" /><input type="text" name="CantField" id="CantField" value="0" /><input type="submit" value="Check Out" name="submitCar" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" name="cancelCar" onclick="java script:this.form.reset();"></form></body></html>

    I know that this code must be optimizied but it is only for simplicity because it is a very heavy form.


    When I use the toggleD() function the select method dont work, why happens this??? Am I doing something wrong???


    Best regards,



    Well, i can't find a solution to the DOM problem so i decide to not use it basically because the select() doesn't work in any manner, if someone get the solution please post it.

  15. Info on the latest Version -> 4 of the script:-


    The new version sports a new look (well, atleast the progress bars and the buttons are new). Additional features include:-


    > Saving/Loading the list to/from the database

    > More accurate version of the site verifier. Now shows Suspended, Not Setup, Error or OK as the status.



    Congrats, excellent work, and the new look is very cute.


    BTW, what means the status Not Setup?


    Best regards,

  16. Hello every one,


    When using enterprise manager with MS SQL server, we get a very good interface to enter information at design time. i.e. Initial population of database. MySQL administrator does not have such a support. If any one knows an administration client that makes that easy, please tell me it will be of great help.


    I can design a small application for that my self but I want some professional kind of application with ever thing in. SQL server enterprise manager is a good example. Although i don't like its interface in general.



    Haris Mushtaq

    I also recommend the two programs that faulty.lee recommends you to use, which i use a lot everyday.


    Another software but it is not free is MySql Maestro and all the related tools that you can find at it's website.


    Best regards,

  17. just removing it isn't such a good idea. If it's possible (but since you can't make any changes I doubt it'll be possible), try to reinstall office.

    Yes, you are right, i know that removing my office installation by deleting completely from my HD isn't a good idea and also i know that it would generate a lot of other problems but it will be my last chance.
    I try to change, delete and reinstall it with the add or remove applet and with the office installation CD but when i do this the office installation program starts as usual and then the process stops automatically and nothing more happens.

    One thing i forgot to mention in my previous post is that i also delete the MSOCache folder.

    Do you know what will happen if i install a previous office version over my actual installation???

    Best regards and thanks for your time,

  18. A few months ago my system HD tender to reach it's limit so i decide to delete some files that i thought are no longer needed and occupied some big space under the WINNT\Installer folder of my Win2k Pro machine as a result of this action i can't be able to completely uninstall or make any change to my office 2003 installation.Does anybody know how to modify or uninstall this software? Does anybody know what can happen if i delete completely the office folder and all the related entries in the windows registry?Is there exists a tool or alike that can help me to solve this problem?thanks in advance.Best regards,

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