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Posts posted by TavoxPeru

  1. I have used Comodo firewall before when I was looking for a replacement for Sygate Personal Firewall, back then I didn't realy like it (mainly because I was looking for something exactly like SPF, but something that didn't hung when I used Mercury Messenger). At the moment I use Comodo Firewall Pro Beta on my laptop (Vista Home Premium) and I must say that I'm moderatly happy with it :blink: , you'll have to take your time (a lot) to set it up exactly the way you want it.
    The built-in Defense+ system is a nice addition (it monitor application behaviour), tough it's annoying because by default it ask you everytime a program uses a DLL, access the registry, ... I've turned it down so I'd ask me a lot less -if it asks too much you don't read the messages anymore, rendering the defense+ system useless-.

    I'd say, give it a try, take your time and you'll be happy :D .

    ps. the defense+ system can solve a problem with WMP11 :o . Normaly, it'd take about 5-10 seconds before a track would load and then the song sometimes skipped. If you prevent WMP from loading MFPMP.exe, this problem is solved (the downside is that you can't play wmv or wma files anymore).

    Ok, thanks for the informationk, i will give it a try, because i just uninstall the SPF because cause some trouble to my online activity.

    Best regards,

  2. I use avg as well its the only antivirus i use i find it perfect for me as i dont get very many viruses and it doesnt use too many system rsources. i have benn using it for a long time.

    Me too, i use it for years and i'm not 100 percent sure but maybe since its first version.
    Relating the sygate firewall, only to say that i just uninstall it because it make some trouble, block some websites that i use to check every day, for example some pages that i develop and i'm sure they are secure or dont allow me to download my email and refuse to connect to the mail servers.

    Best regards,

  3. To determine the mouse event location in the coordinate plane of the entire document, you can use the pageX and pageY properties of the Netscape event object. For IE, you can use the clientX and clientY properties in conjunction with the scrollLeft, scrollTop, clientLeft and clientTop properties.

    Take a look to the following topic: Get Mouse Position to get some more information and check out the getPageEventCoords() and the getPositionedEventCoords() functions in my post that i think that can help you.

    getPageEventCoords function

    Best regards,

  4. Another good html editor is FreshHTML. This html editor is very complete and easy to use for beginners as for advanced users, comes with a WYSIWYG interface that will make very easy to edit HTML pages and if you need to fine-tune the HTML code you can do it with its built-in editor, also comes with a scheme color template for background, text and links.


    FreshHTML has very low system requirements:

    any x86 CPU.

    Windows ME/98 SE/98/95/NT 4.0/2000/XP/Vista

    IE 4.0 or higher

    Internet connection

    And also FreshHTML is free for personal use, i recommend to register it if you want to use it for more than 23 days, is also FREE.


    Visit its website for more information and downloading instructions at Freshwebmaster.com.


    About the other editors, well in the case of NVU, only to say that when i first install it a year ago or more it did not work well and hangs up almost every time i run it, maybe because the version i installed was a beta version so i uninstall it and never test it again. In the case of 1st Page 2000 and Evrsoft's 1st Page 2006 editor I agree with you, they are very good editors and good choices to take into account, and finally i never install PSPAD but i heard that it is another good general purpose editor.


    Best regards,

  5. Yeah but they dont work in internet explorer, i dont no if they will work in internet explorer seven or not since that has png transparency.

    Yes, it works in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, etc. As i know in Firefox you can use moz-opacity or opacity, in Opera you use opacity and in Internet Explorer you use the Alpha filter and i'm not sure if opacity works too.
    Best regards,

  6.     $diff = $row["TO_DAYS('CURDATE()') - TO_DAYS('$date')"];
    } linenums:0'>$sql = mysql_query("SELECT TO_DAYS('CURDATE()') - TO_DAYS('$date')");while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $diff = $row["TO_DAYS('CURDATE()') - TO_DAYS('$date')"];}
    I view that your problem is with your sql query, change your $sql variable to:
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT TO_DAYS(CURDATE())-TO_DAYS('$date')"); // or$sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT TO_DAYS(CURDATE())-TO_DAYS('$date') as diff");
    But now, why do you want this and then loop through your recordset???, the result of your query will return only one row with one column, so, instead simply use the mysql_fetch_array directly without the while.
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);$diff = $row["SELECT TO_DAYS(CURDATE())-TO_DAYS('$date')"]; // or$row1 = mysql_fetch_array($sql1);$diff1 = $row["diff"];
    Another way to get the difference between two dates is by using the DATEDIFF MySql Function. This function returns the number of days between start and end date, notice that the TO_DAYS function returns a daynumber (the number of days since year 0).

    So, i think that you can also use the following to get the same result:
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT DATEDIFF( CURDATE( ) , '$date') as diff");
    Best regards,

  7. I want everyone to try to access his website: http://dhseagles.kpdsb.on.ca/ and the sub-page http://dhseagles.kpdsb.on.ca/~rbeatty/.
    I am finding it extremely strange that I can access this site at school but not at home, where it is also intended to be accessed.

    I initially thought it was OpenDNS that caused the problem, although using my ISP DNS server didn't help either.

    Oh and please don't tell me that the Google Cache is working, I already verified that :blink:

    I just try to access both of them and both can't be accessed. I also pinging them with the same results.

    Best regards,

  8. Spybot - Search & Destroy detects and removes spyware, a relatively new kind of threat not yet covered by common anti-virus applications. Spyware silently tracks your surfing behaviour to create a marketing profile for you that is transmitted without your knowledge to the compilers and sold to advertising companies. If you see new toolbars in your Internet Explorer that you haven't intentionally installed, if your browser crashes inexplicably, or if your home page has been "hijacked" (or changed without your knowledge), your computer is most probably infected with spyware. Even if you don't see the symptoms, your computer may be infected, because more and more spyware is emerging. Spybot-S&D is free, so there's no harm giving it a try to see if something has invaded your computer.


    To see a list of threats Spybot-S&D can remove, in the navigation bar at the left click on Support --> Threats. For an introduction to Spybot-S&D, please read the tutorial. If you fear incompatibility with other software you are now using, although we can assure you that there is no danger you can review our compatibility overview which lists some software whose compatibility has been analyzed.


    Spybot-S&D can also clean usage tracks, an interesting function if you share your computer with other users and don't want them to see what you have been working on. And for professional users, Spybot-S&D allows you to fix some registry inconsistencies and extended reports. A list of all the apllication's features is also available.


    Supported operating systems


    Operating system Supported


    Windows 95

    Spybot-S&D 1.4 is not runnning on Windows 95. The next version will again be fully compatible. Please use Spybot-S&D 1.3; Winsock update necessary - details

    Windows 98

    Fully functional

    Windows ME

    Fully functional

    Windows NT

    Some functions need administrator rights

    Windows 2000

    Some functions need administrator rights

    Windows XP

    Some functions need administrator rights (XP accounts have those rights by default)

    Windows XP AMD64

    Some functions need administrator rights (XP accounts have those rights by default)

    Windows XP

    Some functions need administrator rights (XP accounts have those rights by default)

    Tablet PC Edition

    Some functions need administrator rights (XP accounts have those rights by default)

    Windows 2003

    Some functions need administrator rights

    Windows Vista

    Application needs administrator rights

    Windows PE

    Windows Preinstallation Environment is supported since 1.4 - details

    Mac OS

    Not supported

    Mac OS X

    Not supported


    Starting in Wine; full Wine support in 1.5


    Available for UIQ 2

    Windows Mobile

    Available for CE 3.0 to Mobile 5

    Data Above Was Collected From: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/[dot]safer-networking[dot]org


    Download Link Click Here!

    I use this excellente software for about 5 years, it is a must to have freeware, i also recommend to download the other freewares that are available at the safer networking website.


    Best regards,

  9. DPSERVER is a freeware that I just found and i think that it can be very useful for the development community.

    This freeware is a full WebBrowser that includes a WebServer with PHP support for testing HTML and PHP scripts, includes Secure Fileupload and authentication.

    According to its website any PHP version can be used with it.

    For more information visit the DPSERVER website.

    Download DPSERVER

    Best regards,

  10. @Tavox : have a look here :



    and also here : http://www.tucows.com/preview/213160


    More infos here : https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=frewall&meta=



    Thanks Yordan, i just downloaded it but i dont install it now because i just have some work to do :blink: . BTW, as i said in my previous post, i dont look well, and finally i found it, but, in other website that i dont remember it's name now, and also it was a german version and i don't understand anything of german.


    Best regards,

  11. Gmail to Googlemail... Now I will have to change all of my created ad buttons to Googlemail! I was so excited with Gmail came out, and I had an invite... So I created an animated gif for my website. I guess it I still keep the suffix, then I will still keep the gifs up.
    Sounds like when MSN had added accounts through passport. I still use hotmail, even though they've added like MSN and such. Now Hotmail is Windows Live! That would be me if I was in charge of MSN... everything would always be changing.

    Well as long as Gmail doesn't have problems with the product than the labeling... I would put googlemail in place of gmail... but I don't think I would redo a whole new account... I already have WAY too many email accounts from here to there anyways!

    And I think I am just floating with all of the features of Gmail. It was cool giving out invites, but now it just got old...

    It seems that nothing will happen with Gmail maybe in the future but until now everything works as usual, now, about hotmail -i use it for 10 years- and it's change to windows live hotmail, i'm very glad with this change, especially with the increase of its mail storage -a few days ago, i notice that now i have 5Gb- and with the new user interface that for me is a bit better than Gmail's user interface, but the antispam system of Gmail is the best one ever.

    Best regards,

  12. As I see he is using windows OS to copy/move the file, so chmod'ing isn't required, but if it would be a linux machine or similar, changing permissions could be needed, as I know it depends on the configuration. ;]

    Are you sure??? i think that he needs to set the correct permissions to do that -ok, not chmod because it isn't a *nix machine- in windows this is done by opening the security tab of the properties window of the folder. To open this you use the alt+enter keyboard combination or right click the folder, select properties and then click the security tab, after that you must give to the correct user the write and modify permissions apart of the read/execute and list permission, i'm not pretty sure but this is needed if the HD was formated with NTFS.
    Best regards,

  13. They got the theme selector working finally, but they didnt put in the normal cpanel theme.
    i have the rvgreen one. it doesnt annoy me as much as the blue one, lol

    That's right, i don't exactly when it occurs but it doesn't matters, it finally works, and also the language selector works again.

    Best regards,

  14. Looking through the Fantastico section of the cPanel, I realised that MediaWiki wasn't included in the Wiki section, and I wondered why. When the most famous wiki of the current time is WikiPedia (which uses MediaWiki), I figured that it would be the one that the majority of people know how to use (not to mention the one I'm personally most familiar with).


    It's free to use, and I believe that all of the requirements required to run it are met by the servers:

    Web Server such as Apache or IIS

    PHP version 5.0 or later (5.1.x recommended)

    Database Server

    MySQL 4.0 or later

    or PostgreSQL 8.1 or later (also requires plpgsql and tsearch2)

    or Ingres 2006 or later (SVN-Download)

    Some users find it helpful to install an additional software package such as phpMyAdmin (MySQL) or phpPgAdmin (Postgres) to help administer the database server.

    For image thumbnailing and TeX-support, additional programs are required.

    Assuming that it's not going to be on the Fantastico list for whatever reason, would it be possible to install it myself, or have I done what I normally do and missed some basic flaw in my cunning plan? :D


    Any help would be appreciated. :blink:

    Of course, it is possible to install whatever you want, just download the files and upload to your server, create a database if needed, installs or configure it, then make some tests to check if every thing works fine and finally make it public.


    Best regards,

  15. I must say that http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is the best free shopping cart around.I have tested the ones on fantastico and they are really nothing compared to this.Theres lots of different plugins you can install to display random products, featured products etc and also many different scripts to make the disaplying of shop images a lot better than other cart systems.
    The support on the forums is amazing, I had some tweaks I needed to do for a project and the guys on the board came to my resuce right away.They also have IRC meetings and helpers there can help you with any problems you are having with a cart.
    All in all I think its the best cart around;)

    Do you know another free shopping cart like this??? because it only can be used as a plugin for Joomla! (or Mambo) CMS, not as a stand-alone script.

    Best regards,
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