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Posts posted by TavoxPeru

  1. The script has now been updated with the following changes:-
    > Added new technique to search for hosted members.
    > Validates link address and only shows the links if the link appears valid.
    > Patched Non Internet Explorer browser bug - Non IE Browser will show site status as text instead of the Green and Red images.
    > Improved Overall Speed of operation.

    View Script

    Your improvements are very good, again congrats.

    BTW, i have a PHP/Javascript Progress bar that i modify that works very fine, if you wish send me a PM to send you back.

    I forgot, i download your Photodownloader and MD5 applications and i found them very helpful, the only thing that i dont like about the MD5 application is that it doesnt have a option to verify for only one fine, for example, for situations like downloading files for pages that show a MD5 signature, or maybe i dont use it correctly.

    Best regards,

  2. Today Oracle is pushing the idea that if you have an Oracle 10grunning in your company then you could survice without a DBA in
    your payroll

    Now I want your opinion on this thing

    I don't beleive that, in my opinnion I think that is always necesary to count with a DBA in any company, not only for companies running Oracle also this applies to all the others rdbms that exists -MySql, SQL Server, etc-, because of all the technical stuff and database knowledge these people have.

    Best regards,

  3. Nice code,
    Where do you guys achually learn all these codes? Websites? Books? come on, give me ur hints

    As i said in my previous post, by investigating, web searching, in websites like dynamic drive, javascript.com, etc. Books???? may be you dont beleive me but practically i dont read any technical book for a long time.

    best regards,

  4. I wanted to grab a look at how the other members' sites looked. Searching through the forums is good enough to retrieve the address of their websites. However, quite a few of the links are dead.


    So, I decided to make a script to do this job for me. Here's a screenshot of the directory listing process.

    Nice job my friend, congrats.


    I have two questions:

    When you are not logged to the forum the script seems to not work, is it is a bug or the script only works when you are logged in for security reasons???

    Tell me the progress bar that you implement is made with ajax or in pure php???

    I have one suggestion: Add some text to the status image by using the ALT or TITLE attribute, better if you choose both of them.


    Best regards,

  5. Hehe, it's a like Compiling a source code, except it's readable. Hm... how much space does it compress though? does it make drastic changes? Anyway I prefer having it organized and codes documented just so that it's readable to programmers and myself.

    More than a compiler it is a white space remover as i said before, it only removes extra spaces from your source code, the benefits of this is that your code loads faster to the client side and your page loads faster, i notice that it does not make drastic changes.
    Best regards,

  6. Well the first line of code is not correct thats why it doesnt work.A lot of WSYWIG editors clutter code with faults like that one, to me its just lazy code, you could have for instance done it this way.

    <title>Organization 13: Enter />
    A lot of editors just end every statement with a "/>" which is fundamentaly wrong!

    I check every line of html and css with the W3C.org validation tools so that I know that my code shouldwork cross platform.

    I suggest to anyone making any kind of webpage to check out the W3C pages not only for validation but also to learn more about strict and correct coding.Also look into HTML Tidy which can clean up mistakes in the code and Clean CSS to make your CSS code validate better and in a lot of cases smaller in file size.

    Good Luck!


    Relating the editors ending statement issue thats correct, a lot of them do that, but it is more relating in how we configure the editor, you can enable or disable it, it's your choice, i personally prefer to enable it because it is related with the XHTML standard and right now i'm working with it.


    Relating the W3C.org pages, i agree with you again, i also learn a lot about strict and correct coding and the validator is a must page, helps a lot and the related info that shows every time you validate your code helps a lot too.


    BTW, thanks for the Clean CSS page, i will try it right now to check some CSS's issues i have relating the use of the color and the background-color properties.


    Best regards,

  7. Hi,

    Recently the host server of one of my clients change its PHP installation from the Apache mode to the CGI mode so because of this change i got some problems. For example, whatever page i view it shows these warnings at the top of the page:

    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp/sess_b05e459fe625d81a303b59982be3da39, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in /home/client_username/public_html/functions.php on line 9

    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/client_username/public_html/functions.php:9) in /home/client_username/public_html/functions.php on line 9

    And these ones at the bottom:

    Warning: Unknown(): open(/tmp/sess_b05e459fe625d81a303b59982be3da39, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0

    Warning: Unknown(): Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on line 0

    Another problem occurs when i try to validate the php page -includes forms and links that use sessions- as a strict xhtml 1.1 page with the W3C XHTML VALIDATOR, it consists that everytime i send it to the validator it creates a hidden input with the PHP PHPSESSID in the form and also adds to the href attribute of every link this PHPSESSID, for this problem i got the solution a time ago as stated in this topic: Problem With Xhtml Validation but because of the change of the PHP mode as i say before the page dont validate.

    After some tests and research at the PHP site i finally solve this problems by using the ini_set php function to set the url_rewriter.tags, the arg_separator.output and the session.save_path in every php page that you want to be valid xhtml1.1 as the following code:
    <?phpini_set("session.save_path","/home/client_username/tmp/");ini_set ("arg_separator.output", "&");ini_set("url_rewriter.tags","a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src");if (session_id() == "")  session_start();?>
    Because PHP is in CGI mode i notice that i can not use a .htaccess file so i add the previous code in a general php file and include it to my pages with the include() php function, and also, i change the permissions of the folder that i set in the session.save_path to be writable -chmod 750- and now every thing works perfectly and the page is a valid XHTML 1.1 file.

    Hope that this helps someone.

    Best regards,

  8. I'm trying to set up some tools for a number of developers to use in the creation of a text-based MMORPG. I'd like to be able to show directory structure and allow them to easily see which files are where - then to be able to edit the pages from their browser. It would also be a neat feature that they could upload some files from their computer.


    Last time I needed this I built it myself, but it was restricted to 2 directories only and I ended up storing the file structure in text files.


    Anyways I'm debating rebuilding the entire thing but I can't help wondering if someone somewhere has already built something to this extent and has code available for free somewhere. However, I can't find anything on Google. Maybe someone knows of such a thing?

    There exists a lot of Browser based editors, take a look to the following ones:

    FCKEditor:This HTML text editor brings to the web many of the powerful functionalities of desktop editors like MS Word. It's lightweight and doesn't require any kind of installation on the client computer.

    XStandard:XStandard is the leading standards-compliant plug-in WYSIWYG editor for desktop applications and browser-based content management systems (IE/Firefox/Safari/Opera).

    RTE:The Cross-Browser Rich Text Editor (RTE).

    Best regards,

  9. There is no chance involved if you ask me. Grisoft bought out the company that makes the anti-spyware program. You might have heard of Ewido Anti-Spyware. I always recommend my users to run that spyware scan since it does a fantastic job. Since AVG acquired it, I have taken a test run using it and it looks just as good as before. So they have my recommendation ;) The program is free for personal use, so download and install it. I'm sure you'll find it easy to use and hopefully keep it.

    Following your recommendation i download and install the software, and you are right, it does a good job, it's very easy to install, configure and use, the trial version with all the functionallity that offers will work only for 30 days then unfortunately will turn into a basic version ;) that seems to be enough, so i will keep it to see what happen after that.
    One thing i dislike is that it slow down my computer a bit.

    Best regards,

  10. Hi,

    Please review this bilingual (spanish/english) website that i redesign for my client, all comments are welcome so please check it out and let me know what do you think about it.

    Site Name : Wall Appointment Calendar I Remember You Peru
    Active: Yes

    I know that the main limitation of this site is that it is a biligual english/spanish site and because of this a lot of people can't understand the text content written in Spanish, so, meanwhile i set it to open the english version of the site by default.

    Best regards,

  11. Oh gods! So that's why. Thank you! =] No wonder the numbers were turning out to be so big.

    You got that big number because you are not adding your substrings, instead of this what you are doing is to concatenate these substrings. The correct way was posted by bluefish.


    Best regards,

  12. I assume that by a Password Gate you refer to a Login Screen where you input your username and password and if all data are correct you can enter your application right???? Well, as the other members post before you can do it in various ways:

    With a MS Access Form directly in your database.

    With any MS programming language.

    With PHP running on a webserver like Apache or IIS.

    With ASP, ASP.net running on IIS webserver.

    With a Java application, i'm not pretty sure of this option because i don't use it.

    In either way you want to do it, please give us more information to help you.


    Best regards,

  13. Grisoft is the official distributor of AVG, but they have other lines of products now. They also offer the Anti-Spyware and Firewall protection programs now. The Anti-Spyware software is also free, but if you want the Firewall you will have to pay. AVG Professional Edition comes with this I think.

    Ok, thanks for the info, tell me something, do you take the chance to use the Anti-Spyware software???? if yes, what is your opinnion about it??? is it good enough to try it????


    BTW, yordan, you are correct man, Grisoft is the only official distributor of avg, silverdown refers to other antivirus software.


    Best regards,

  14. There exists a lot of free pdfs creators/editors, some good ones are:

    PDF995: A PDF creator software, if you want to edit your pdf files you can use PdfEdit995

    PDFTK: A handy tool for manipulating PDF files.

    Foxit Reader: A PDF Reader with editor capabilities.

    BTW, if you want that your web application -using PHP- creates PDF files on the fly you can use FPDF Library.


    Best regards,

  15. I use AVG Antivirus, and frankly, I like it. I'm okay with the slower updates (even though, to me, it's not that slow), as it is free and I also use other programs to keep my computer safe.
    I also like avast! Antivirus. It has an On-Access scanner, has quite a lot of updates, and can be skinned. ^^


    I also use AVG Antivirus since 1998, in my opinion is one of the best antivirus software, free, easy to install and use, with a clean interface and updated every day or two.

    BTW, i notice that now Grisoft offers the same antivirus but with the adition of a Firewall or Antispyware to extend the protection of computers, anybody try it???????

    Best regards,

  16. Thanks. I tested it out anyway just to see how it is. Great forum and sleek interface ;)
    @TavoxPeru: What browser are you using for this form? I tested out the width size like you mentioned earlier and found that this "bug" occurs in Internet Explorer, but it works perfectly in Mozilla Firefox (which we all should use over IE ;)).

    Yes you are right, i just test it with Firefox and works perfectly, i first test it with IE because in that moment i have IE opened ;), why IE always bother?????

    For your second question regarding the color scheme, there might not be any way around it. You have to edit the images themselves from what I can see there. Look in the images folder and you should see all the blue color images in there. They will be creating a guide on how to create your own theme soon if you don't know how to:

    Thanks for the article, i'm reading it just now.

    Best regards,

  17. I remember back in the early 1990's that there was a program used for creating images based on graphing points (x, y axis I assume). I have searched high and low for this old program and was told it was called LOGO. I tried looking for it and found many varieties of it and none of them seem to be the one I recognized and used back then. I think the coding is similar to something like:


    30 circle (10,20)


    or something like that. I might have some old scrap paper of it in my closet. I will try to dig some up if I can find them.


    Does anyone remember using this program before and is there a version that will work in Windows?



    Maybe it is not LOGO, it looks more as GW BASIC and alikes, why i think this??? well, because i assume that in your post the 30 is the line number and circle(10,20) is a function that draws exactly that CIRCLES. Tell me something, do you remember that you can also draw lines, squares, etc using something like this:

    10 CLS15 'draw a circle20 circle (10,20)25 'draw a line30 LINE(50,10)-(50,100)35 'draw a square40 LINE(100,30)-(120,100)50 END
    Best regards,

  18. I like this form and would like to recommend to all of you.


    This form use css style and js to control the effect of the form. It looks very cool. Anyone has any questions concerning how to install it, pls contact me. It can be used with .php or .asp for dynamic feedback form too.


    It goes with a .zip file including the following:


    - niceforms.html

    - niceforms-default.css

    - niceforms.js

    - /images/ (folder)


    Good luck for your work. ;)




    Posted Image

    I just download and test it and i think it is a very nice work. Some of the tecniques used i already know and apply to my work, especially the one that selects the corresponding field when you click over any label that i think is an excellent help to any user. Congrats.


    I have a couple of questions, first, when you expand any select box and starts hovering over any of the options it doesn't SELECT THE OPTION YOU WANT TO SELECT until you exactly hover over it's text, is this is the correct behavior or it is a bug???? and second, -is more a inquiry than a quesiton- as i'm not a graphic designer i always have some troubles when is time to manipulate images ;) , can you tell me please an easy way to change the color scheme you use to adjust to my color scheme, for example, change all the blues scheme to a red scheme.


    Best regards,

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