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Posts posted by TavoxPeru

  1. So if I browse to my site, http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=ethergeek&e=com it takes me to a download window which proceeds to download the PHP page from the server. If I type http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=ethergeek&e=com the page loads as expected. This happens in other folders too...it almost seems like if the server looks at DirectoryIndex parameter it doesn't pass the page through the php preprocessor...


    Any ideas?

    I just browse your site -both of your links- and everything is fine, it doesn't shows any download window, maybe it was a temporaly problem that the tech support guys just resolve.


    Best regards,

  2. Once again... very nifty stuff here.... jeez man... where you learn all of this stuff....Thanks ^^;

    You are welcome, and where do i learn all of this stuff???? well, honestly, i learn all of this stuff by investigating forced in some way by my clients and of course because i love my work, and other times because i dont have any thing better to do ;).

    BTW, this code is really good, i forgot it and a few days ago i have to do something similar, thanks to refresh my mind ;).

    Best regards,

  3. This is a very handy function, and there is another place where it is quite useful. In CSS, you can create buttons that change their background colour when the mouse pointer is above them. However, this can be achieved by using JavaScript and HTML.


    <td width="60" onmouseover="this.bgColor='#9db5c8';" onmouseout="this.bgColor='#c0d3e7';">

    The table cell will be #c0d3e7 until the mouse pointer comes to it. Then it will become #9db5c8.
    That's correct, you can achieve that with JavaScript and HTML but only to say that this can also be achieved with the CSS's :hover pseudo-class that everyone use with the HTML's A tag, but do you know that you can also use this pseudo-class with other elements not only with the A tag???? honestly i don't, and i just discover it a few days ago.


    I'm talking about the :hover, :active and :focus pseudo-classes, you can use these pseudo-classes with other HTML elements like forms, input boxes, legend, fieldsets, etc. to achieve awesome effects in your pages, and the nice thing is that when you validate your CSS you dont worry about it because are VALID, but as usual this doesn't work fine with IE.


    So, please visit the following page Contact Us first using Firefox and then with IE to see what i'm talking about.


    Best regards,

  4. I came across something while cleaning my other closet yesterday. It was what looked like an atari joystick. I forgot all about it. I got it for Christmas a few years back. You just plug it into your T.V. and bam.. there you go. Instant atari games. I cant remember them all, but it has Adventure, Asteroids, Pong, Breakout, Defender, and I think four more. I'm a little bummed that it doesn't have Space Invaders though. But still, it plays and looks just like the atari. It makes up for me not being able to find my controllers (at least for now)

    Well, well, do you said Defender??? that is my All Time Favorite Game, but i never played it with my Atari, i played it at a Pinball -a big place with lots of video games- here in Peru, and how can i forgot the lots of time i spend playing it, i remember that the Top 10 and the All Time points was mine ;)


    Another games i remember was Missile Command and Phoenix.


    Best regards,

  5. The new game systems are great and all, awsome graphics, smooth gameplay. But how many people here remember the good old days of the Atari 2600? Ahh, Adventure and Astroids were my favorite games. I would play them for hours. I recently had a descussion with a friend of mine about the atari while my kids were around, and they looked at us like we were crazy. We told them, "If it wasn't for the Atari, you wouldn't have any games like you do now!" It's funny really to see those old games. I pulled my old atari out of the closet last week. It still works good, but my controllers don't. Man was I bummed out. Went on ebay, but can't really afford the usually prices I find of $24 right now. But believe me, I will get them. I love game systems. I have all the nintendo's except the WII and the handhelds (i don't have any handhelds from any company). I have a genesis and a dreamcast, a PS1 and a PS2 and an XBOX. I still want those old Celeco's and Intellivisons, the 3DO, and the Jaguar. I want it all. O.K. I'm obsessed. But you have to admit, visiting to old games is fun, don't you agree?

    Yes, i completely agree with you, i also played a lot of hourssss with my atari video console -a brown one- when i was a child and then i start programming with a version of the BASIC language that i don't remember which version was in my Atari 800 XL -64K RAM, no HD, no monitor ;)-, my point is, if you want to play this old and good games and if you have a google account you can do it by simply personalize your google page and add this kind games, for example, in my personalized google page i have Space Invaders, Asteroids and the famous Pac-man.
    Also, a time ago thanks to a friend i install GALAGA in my PC, if someone wants it please PM to send it back.

    Best regards,

  6. Is mod_rewrite enabled? I'm getting 404's in the wordpress install that would indicate mod_rewrite is off since the "/year/month/day/title" link structure isn't working anymore...

    Reviewing the Apache info with the PHP Info link located in my control panel it shows that the mod_rewrite is enable, so it's strange that you receive that error, maybe it is a problem of the wordpress install script, remember that all the fantastico scripts are automated and you can't modify it, try to perform a manual install instead.

    Best regards,

  7. I've not come across any problems with the XHTML 1.1 with application/xhtml+xml MIM type, it works perfectly in my IE6, IE5.5, Opera 9x and FF2.x can you please provide a link to the article proving this please?


    The advanced selectors (also known as attribute selectors) are quite handy if you're willing to make styles that are solely based on a specific element (or elements). Thank you for pointing it out that you've never seen such, as I have now added to it.


    Thanks for all the feedback guys (and gals?).

    Yes please provide a link to the article proving this because i don't have also any problems with the application/xhtml+xml MIME type with IE6 and FF2.x.


    BTW, i read a couple of articles related with this but when i test it i don't have any problems as i say, in both ways i get the same result:

    Serving XHTML As HTML

    Serving XHTML As XML

    Now, i have a little problem when i use big images and try to load the webpage containing it more faster, so, I remember a technique that do it and works perfectly with HTML 4.x, it consists to split this big image into a group of several smaller images and then assembly this group of images with a table to show the big image, but when i try to use this technique with XHTML 1.1 i dont get the same result, does anybody knows how to do this????


    Best regards,

  8. If you use <div> or <span>, make sure you have a good use for them and that you probably use heavy CSS coding on them. <div> with an id attribute is not very useful because it is a one-time use thing, use it only if you are covering a large area.

    I love using <fieldset> as well as <legend>, not to forget <label>. They are part of the Section 508/Web Accessibility Initiative guidelines so that my audience is larger for disabled people and/or screen readers. I don't know how you can make the forms look "spectacular" though. ;)


    Those CSS tips are great! I have never even seen such an advanced selector ;) The part explaining browsers was really helpful.

    You can get "spectacular" results for your forms if you apply the advanced selectors :hover and :focus in your fieldset, input and textarea tags, but, as usual, you don't see it in IE -¿IE7+?- only in FF.


    I'm just redesigning a client's website -it's almost done ;) - in which i use these selectors with my forms, take a look to these pages:

    Contact Us Form

    Reccomend Us Form

    Stu Nicholls | CSSplay | CSS styling of forms

    BTW, from the last website is where i found the use of these selectors.


    Best regards,

  9. You can create three column layout using the two column template.<leftbar><content>
    <leftbar><content {middle, rightbar}>

    i guess you already got the idea. just put two additional divs(the main-content and the the rightbar) inside the content.

    sample code:
    <div id="#sidebar">left side</div>
    <div id="#content">
    <div id="#main-content">middle</div>
    <div id="#rightbar">right side</div>

    #sidebar {
    width: 20%;
    float: left;

    #content {
    width: 80%;
    float: right;

    #main-content {
    width: 70%; /* 70% of the 80%[width of the content] */
    float: left;

    #rightbar {
    width: 30%; /* rightbar + main-content should be 100% */
    float: right;

    note: the example was a fluid layout. extends from left to right. just a demo thought.

    Only to say that i test your code and it doesn't work at all, i dont know why, so i post my test page and hope that someone can tell us why it doesn't work.

    <html>	<head>	<title>test title</title>	<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">	<style type="text/css">		#sidebar { 			width: 20%; 			float: left; 			border:2px solid blue; 		}		#content { 			width: 80%; 			float: right; 			border:2px solid red; 		}				#main-content {			width: 70%; 	/* 70% of the 80%[width of the content] */			float: left; 			border:2px solid yellow; 		}				#rightbar {			width: 30%; /* rightbar + main-content should be 100% */			float: right; 			border:2px solid #cc0000;		}	</style>	</head>	<body>		<div id="#sidebar">left side</div>		<div id="#content">			<div id="#main-content">middle</div>			<div id="#rightbar">right side</div>		</div>	</body></html>
    BTW, i also add borders to test but it doesn't work too.

    Best regards,

  10. I am working on a web "application" thing that allows you to click a button to add text to a textarea.Similar to this forum when you click the BOLD button and it puts in {b}{/b} with the square brackets. I want a similar function like that. Also, I want it to add wherever the cursor is, not at the end. And after adding the thing, the cursor should be in between the tag or whatever that was added.

    All the extra stuff are extra priorities. For now I would like to get something that inserts text on click.
    The thing I came up with is:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function write() {document.form.textarea.value = "This is the stuff that goes into the textarea";}
    <body><textarea id="txt1">Hello world....This is a text area</textarea></body>

    I know that isn't right, so I need more help on this.

    I view this kind of script in many sites and it is not difficult to code, so try this:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function mywrite() {
      form.txt1.value = "This is the stuff that goes into the textarea";
    <form name="it">
    <input onclick="mywrite()" type="button" value="add text" title="add text to text area">
    <textarea id="txt1" name="txt1"></textarea>

    As you can see, it is a basic and very simple version, for a start is enough ;)

    Best regards,

  11. I think that all the new users who signup for GMail will be offered to select their choice of domain names for their mail ID's just like a few free email providers offers.

    That is not correct, when you signup GMail does not offers you the posibility to select your domain name for your mail ID.
    If you want to use your own domain name you have the posibility to sign up for the Google for Applications service, which allows you to use GMail, Google Calendar, GTalk and Google Page Creator for your own domain name and all alocated at Google's servers. I use it a while for a domain name and let me say that is very easy to use, administer, and configure, the only thing that i dont like about this is that you dont have complete control over it.

    Best regards,

  12. Wow, that is very interesting. Who would have thought that gmail was already owned by another company. It seems like everyone is trying to get a piece of google lately. But with that lawsuit going through it wouldnt hurt me so much because my gmail account is rarely used. Although I still would have to go to certain online areas to change my email address to the new extension address. I am hoping that somehow it would not go through and I wouldnt have to change anything because being as lazy as I am I dont want to go find the online resources that I used to replace the email extenson with the new one.

    In my case, it would be a bad situation because my gmail account is my default email and i'm subscribed in a lot of mail lists, forums, etc with it.


    BTW, Grafitti your right, you can set the return and sender address in your account configuration page.


    Best regards,

  13. How could they loos rights to it? Are they selling them or did someone have them first? I use Yahoo and haven't had any problems yet. I don't like how the website is getting to have larger programs but it gets the job done. Do you think you will loose your account? I thought Gmail was still only a beta? I have heard that AOL has a free your_name@your_name.com email account. Maby you could look into that if Gmail looses there rights? Googlemail.com isn't all that bad. Its just a little longer. If you like there mail set up you should stick with it ;) I was thinking about trying it but I never got invited and didn't really want to try too hard to get someone to invite me.Thanks,

    I think that is possible that gmail looses only the domain name and this would not affect in any manner to all the gmail users, maybe the only thing that will happen is that google change the domain name to whatever they choose.

    BTW, i think that gmail is still in beta phase but what i'm pretty sure is that right now it is open to any user so you dont need an invitation, simply enter the website and register yourself.

    Best regards,

  14. Thanks everybody, i will try your suggestions later because my brother wants to wait a while first because he is talking right now with his hosting to get a better service, but i think that nothing will happen and finally he will be change his hosting provider.I understand the dns problems that can be generated because of this action but one question, by doing this does he also will loose the access to the other tools that the provider offers, like cpanel and alike?????Best regards,

  15. According to an article that i just read at the WebProNews Newsletter is posible that the @gmail.com accounts could change to @googlemail.com because Google loose rights to GMail in the UK, i think that it will apply not only to UK and USA gmail accounts it also will apply to all gmail acounts over the world. For me it will be very bad because i have made my gmail account my EMAIL ACCOUNT and i'm very confortable with it.


    Here is the complete article: Google: The British Are Coming For GMail!


    Best regards,

  16. Thank you all for supporting Xisto through thick and thin. Xisto, a member of Xisto, is proud to announce that in show of your appreciation the following changes will occur very soon.


    150 MB --> 500 MB

    5 GB BW --> 10 GB Bandwidth


    This hosting upgrade only applies to those who started with 150 MB with 5 GB bandwidth plan. Keep supporting Xisto and spread Xisto - Web Hosting to the world! ;)


    --Xisto Management



    This change is only for Plan 2 hosting members. It does not apply to Plan 1 hosting members. Your hosting plan 2 will show these adjustments when WHM gives the command. All past and current plan 2 hosting members will see this change.

    Excellent news, thanks a lot to all the Xisto team, another reason to say that Xisto ROCKS and BTW i'm considering to move a domain that i administer to Xisto - Web Hosting in a few months i hope.


    Best regards,

  17. Where do I insert this?

    <input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="<?php echo session_id();?>" />

    My best guess is in the form thing but I'm not sure.

    Yes, you insert it inside your form, for example something like this will work fine:

    <form action="page.php" method="post"><p><label for="email">Your email:</label><input id="email" name="email" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /><input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="<?php echo session_id();?>" style="display:none" /></p></form>
    BTW, you can put the hidden input wherever you want in your form and with the display:none style applied to it you tell the browser that you don't allocate any space to the hidden input, remove it to see the diference. Also you can replace the p tag with a div tag if you want.

    Best regards,

  18. Could you please explain that in more simpler terms? I finally whipped up a login script and I am encountering that problem too. I have tried adding <div> to many places, but the <input type="hidden"> thing comes up RIGHT AFTER the <form> thing, therefore <div>s are kind of useless there.
    I need to have pages validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict. XHTML 1.1 requires the application/xhtml+xml MIME type which is difficult to configure for Internet Explorer ;).

    As i said in my previous post, there are 2 easy ways to solve this problem, i prefer the second option -using a htaccess file- because you do it only one time and forget, it will apply to all the webpages of your site.

    So your first step is to create a htaccess file and upload it to your root folder with the following:

    php_value arg_separator.output "&"php_value url_rewriter.tags "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src"
    Then, your next step is to add to every of your pages that uses forms a hidden input named PHPSESSID with the session_id php function as its value, you do it with the following:

    <input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="<?php echo session_id();?>" />
    If you need more help with this please let me know and i can send you a complete example.

    Best regards,

  19. Hi, i have a question that i dont know if it is already made, well the situation is this, my brother have its own domain for about 4 years ago but he is not happy with his host server because have a lot of troubles, downtimes, etc. and he wants to change this but not right now.


    Lets says that  xyz.com/

    is my brother's domain name that is hosted elsewhere and i want to host it temporarily in my hosting account under a folder named xyz or whatever so when a user looks for


    xyz.com/ he gets

    xyz.com/ and not 



    can it is possible to add and host this domain to my hosting account??? is permited to do this????


    Best regards

  20. Before I use the code into my page, could you please explain the \n part of the code that you put in after the table tags? The code looks really good ;) And I hope it works. I will try it soon. The only thing I don't understand is the \n parts.

    ***about 1 hour later***

    Great! It works! Now I need even more advanced coding. Read the stuff below:

    If the $row['type'] is offensive, I want the table cell background to be #f00.

    If the $row['type'] is defensive, I want the table cell background to be #48d1cc.


    I tried this:

    if($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){if($row['type'] = off)	{	$cbkgd="background-color:#f00";	}elseif($row['type'] = def)	{	$cbkgd="background-color:#48d1cc";	}else	{	$cbkgd="background-color:#fff";	}}

    It didn't work, the whole row went to 1 colour and only 1 record/row was displayed. Could someone please help me do this?
    The \n means a newline and is simply use to code formatting.


    Now to add the background color to the table cell you need to modify my code, because as you see it first echoes the TD tag and then echoes the data, also, check your type data, i assume that it is a string data, so, try this instead:

    <?php $nRows=mysql_num_rows($result)/4;$i=0;echo "<table summary='myTable summary'>\n";while($i<$nRows){	echo "<tr>\n";	for ($h = 0; $h < 4; $h++) {		$cbkgd="#fff;";		echo "<td style='width:25%;background-color:";		if($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {			if($row['type'] == 'off') {				$cbkgd="#f00;";			}			elseif($row['type'] == 'def')	{				$cbkgd="#48d1cc;";			}			echo $cbkgd . "'>";			echo "XKingdom Member:" . $row['user'] . "<br />Name of victim:" . $row['victim'] . "<br />Attack turns:" . $row['turns'] . "<br />Side of attack:" . $row['side'] . "<br />Gold stolen:" . $row['gold'] . "<br />Units lost:" . $row['lost'] . "<br />Units killed:" . $row['killed'] . "<br />MXP Gained:" . $row['mxp'] . "<br />Victim's points:" . $row['points_b'] . "<br />Your points:" . $row['points_a'] . "<br />Type of battle:" . $row['type'] . "<br />Battle power:" . $row['power'];		}		else echo $cbkgd . "'> ";		echo "</td>";	}	echo "</tr>\n";	$i++;}echo "</table>\n";?>
    Best regards,
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