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Posts posted by TavoxPeru

  1. Aha! you're seeing something that I didn't. I'll give that a look.

    Yes, that's it. THANKS!

    You are welcome, BTW, if you plan to include more boxes i think that a good option is to create a simple javascript function that receives the name of the input box or textarea as a parameter of it. This function will be very generic and could be used in any page that you need this functionality.

    Let me know if you want it and you don't know how to do code it to give you a hand.

    Best regards,

  2. Thanks everybody for your help, actually i remove the problematic left behind services simply by delete the related keys from the registry and from the HD, but i still have it in the other keys -ControlSet002,ControlSet003 and ControlSet004- that i assume that there are simply backups keys, am i right????? hope yes.MC, where can i find the sc tool that you mention in your post??? because i search it in my computer and i can't find it. Sorry, I don't mention earlier but i'm working with Win 2k Prof. SP4 maybe this tool don't exists in this version.Best regards,

  3. Open regedit and browse to the following key



    Locate the service and delete it. You'll have to restart the machine for the changes to take effect.


    Thanks, tell me something, i notice that there are more ControlSets -ControlSet002, ControlSet003 and ControlSet004- with the same Services key, do i need to delete these keys from the ControlSet002, ControlSet003 and ControlSet004 too???


    Best regards,

  4. What's your favorite thing to do all day? I like playing vedio games, all day on computer, and that's all.

    Notice from WeaponX:
    Do not post this kind of post in a totally unrelated section. This is probably more appropriate here or in the Life Talk section.

    I agree with WeapoX, this post is totally unrelated, answering the question well, i like to work, read my mail and of course play some games i have when i'm a bit bored or stressed.


  5. I have an HTML question.
    I have two boxes on a page and plan to add a few more.

    The first box contains a block of HTML code and a SELECT ALL button at the bottom, using this line of cide:

    <input name="button" type="button" onclick="document.form_code.code.select()" value="Select All" />

    It works fine.

    My second box has a similar line of code:
    <input name="button2" type="button" onclick="document.form_code.code.select()" value="Select All" />

    But when I click THAT one, it still selects the cide in my FIRST box. Can anyone help?


    Assuming that your first SELECT ALL button selects all the text inside an input box or textarea named code and that your second SELECT ALL button selects all the text inside an another input box or textarea named code2 simply change the name of the second box in your code like this:

    <input name="button2" type="button" onclick="document.form_code.code2.select()" value="Select All" />

    Best regards,

  6. Hi, i have an OBJECT tag -a swf file- that i want to be part of an A tag so when a user clicks on this it opens a new window, someone should think why i want to do this, well, the reason for this is because the swf file dont have an hyperlink in it and i dont work with flash so i cant edit it.


    I try the following:

    <a href="url_to_open"><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="some.swf" width="70" height="70" id="logo"><param name="movie" value="some.swf" /></object></a>
    And also i try this one:

    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="some.swf" width="70" height="70" id="logo" onclick="location='url_to_open'"><param name="movie" value="some.swf" /></object>
    But either case it does not work, does anybody knows how to do it???


    Another option that i think will work is to save this swf file as an animated gif, but as i said i don't work with flash, so if someone knows a tool to save swf files as an animated gif please let me know.


    Best regards,

  7. Well, you could add it to your form, but I would recommend just putting it on the page that processes the forms, as that would stop bots from altering the hidden fields.


    To add in form:
    <input type=hidden name=ip value="<?php echo @$REMOTE_ADDR; ?>">

    Like I said before, programs (and even users with a bit of work) can alter hidden fields. So instead of using
    $ip = $_POST['ip'];
    or whatever, a better solution might be
    without bothering with the field.
    If you can't get the correct value or no value use the $_SERVER variable instead, so, if its your case simply change it to:
    Best regards,

  8. Hi, i notice that you are using dreamweaver :)


    Well i see that you have 2 errors in the last part of your code:

    You forgot to close the if statement }, it is true only if you don't post the complete source code. :)

    You forgot to put a comma between the area code and the city fields in your variable $insertSQL.


    GetSQLValueString($area_code, "text") ,

    GetSQLValueString($city, "text"));

    And check the line before the line number given by the error message.


    Best regards,

  9. Hi


    Tipical request during a web design to make the page readable in a lot of languages.

    Let's say you want to create a web page accessibile with the following languages:








    Each page should look the same with different texts.


    What method would you use to create the pages?


    For software development there is a tool callaed Babylon which supports dictionaries... but what for html?


    There are dictionaries which translate whole sentences. Do you know some, which do good job during translation from English?


    Thanks for your replies!


    Well, you have some options to do that, for example if you have your web page finished in English you can use one of the following:

    Altavista Babel Fish

    Google Language Tools

    SDL International Free Translation Services

    Dictionary.com Translator

    WorldLingo Language Translation Services

    to translate your web page to the language of your choice, but the major problem are grammer related, I try all of them and the more accurate results that i get was when using the last one, so be careful and always review your results. Then you can use the tedious copy/paste method or you can save the resulting web page of each translated text.


    Once you have your text correctly translated to create the pages you can use PHP to show it dynamically according to the users language selection or you can use the W3C Standards for the correct method of doing this without any dynamic scripting involved.


    Check this topic Multilingual Site: Send The User To Page Of Choice for more information.


    Best regards,

  10. Apparently, in Toronto, it's illegal to launch fireworks except for days that are allowed.
    I don't know if New Year is on the list :s


    Well here in Lima, Peru, it's not illegal to launch fireworks, but it does not means that you can lauch it whenever you want, generally people launchs fireworks only in holidays like these days or in our national day (july 28).

    Best regards,

  11. Well a few months ago i develop an online quiz like the one you want as a request made by another user of the forum but without the use of flash, only using Php, MySql and Javascript, you can see it in action at Trivia Online.

    You can view the complete topic at How To Create An Online Timed Test With PHP?.

    BTW, I do it in my spare time so it is not finished yet but i plan to complete it someday :) and if you want some advice or need some help with it please feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

  12. To start off I recommend going to pixel2life.com most of the scripting you will need more or less comes from that site and how to set them up in the form of tutorials.

    Thanks for the share, this one is an excellent site with a lot of tutorials of differents types, i just try one related with MySql but i have some problem because it is specific to MySql 5 and i cant continue doing it at my Xisto account, so, i will try it again locally.

    Best regards,

  13. Well, you have a lot of options that this online commUnity must have, like:


    Profile Management

    Mail System

    Picture Gallery

    Chat System


    Search System

    Forum System

    All of this you can do with the use of PHP or ASP and a database storage system like MySql, Sql Server, Oracle, etc. It depends what you know, and also, you can use a CMS system like:




    PHP Nuke

    Best regards,

  14. When I use cuteFTP all my flash and mp3 get deleted form my website! But my html files stay. lucky i made back up, I have tried other FTP programs and they do the same. And I can't up load mp3 or flash. When I do it says "upload complete" but when I look it is not there. Also my web space stays the same so I no it is not hidden or something, is it meant to do that?

    If you have the copyrights for the MP3 files you want to upload first i think that you need to contact the admin/support team to request the proper permissions to do that, in the other case you cant upload any mp3 files because all the legal stuff involved, and i dont know if the same rules with the flash files, because i know that its very easy to import a mp3 file into a flash file and then export it as a swf file.

    BTW, all of this are related with Xisto dont know if it is the same for others servers.

    PS: i just upload a swf file to my account without any problem.

    Best regards,

  15. i am new here how much can I up load using a free account from this web site, I found that on other free website I could only upload 2 megs per file max, but I need at least 5 megs so I can upload flash programs and other things.
    Also what free subdomain do you get, is it the same as this site eg...

    When you have the enough credits to request a free subdomain you decide which name you want, mine is similar to the example you give.

    Best regards,
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